It could have ended far worse than it did: moments after midnight Sunday morning, Connor Patrick Anderson, a patron at Smiles, the Palm Coast bar, got angry with his girlfriend, allegedly pulled a gun at another patron, threatened her and started shooting inside the pub even as other patrons and the bartender attempted to subdue him. Anderson ran out after firing off a half dozen rounds.
Somehow, no one was hit.
Anderson, a 30-year-old resident of 22 Clearview Court in palm Coast, was arrested and faces a dozen charges, including numerous felony charges of aggravated assault and shooting inside a dwelling.
Anderson’s anger was traced back to a moment earlier that night when he and his girlfriend were at the bowling alley, where he got into a fight with another patron there. His girlfriend convinced him to leave, and both went to Smiles Nite Club, on Palm Harbor Way. But Anderson’s anger persisted. Once at the bar, he demanded to have the keys to his truck.
In another account, after his girlfriend went to the bathroom, Anderson went outside and back in with a gun and held a woman at gunpoint and in a chokehold. The woman was able to maneuver herself out of his grip as David Ghiloni, the bartender, jumped over the bar and tackled Anderson to the ground with other patrons helping, saving the woman.
Surveillance footage from Smiles, released today, shows the violence of the incident–Anderson attacking a woman at the bar, apparently unprovoked, then the bartender and patrons coming to her defense, and ensuing struggles:
Anderson managed to free himself, got up, waved the gun around–a 9mm Glock–and fired it before running out. He was hiding in woods nearby as Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies searched for him, having established a perimeter in the area. Deputies found him in a ditch along Old Kings Road, the gun near him. John’s Towing took possession of the Ford F-150 truck.
Six 9mm casings were found inside the bar, which was shut down for the rest of that night as detectives investigated.
“It is amazing this dirtbag did not kill or seriously injure anyone during his moment of rage over something as small as his car keys. Violence is never the answer and alcohol and guns never mix well,” Sheriff Rick Staly was quoted as saying in a release. “I also commend the patrons that intervened and immediately called us. Putting themselves in danger in this case saved many lives.”
Anderson is being held on $542,000 bond at the county jail.
The incident was reminiscent of a similar incident at a European Village bar in march 2014, when a patron, Daniel Noble, got into an argument with other patrons, went home, changed into fatigues, retrieved an Uzi-stile assault weapon and and a pair of knives, and returned, brandishing the firearm at the people he’d argued with before they subdued him. He managed to fire two shots, not hitting anyone. Noble, a veteran, had faced 35 years in prison. He was sentenced to seven years on probation. His probation was terminated on Feb. 2, 2021.
All the more reason and proof to have sensible gun laws to keep them out of the hands of maniacs like that who when they get drunk or angry at people the first thing they do is take out their guns, wave them at people, shoot into peoples homes, shoot at police officers or just shoot guns vicariously out their car windows or when being stopped for driving carelessly. Some of these nuts down here still think they are living in the days of the Wild West, people like this should never be allowed anywhere near a firearm!
Dave says
This is a perfect example of a person that has some anger issues that needs to time in jail to see if this is the path he wants to take. He’s lucky there wasn’t CWP carriers in the bar that could have very well taken him out. This guy could have killed a few people.
Jimbo99 says
Conner Patrick Anderson starring in a Palm Coast drama, leading role as himself, the tragic “village idiot”.
Jonathan says
He obviously needs to take anger management classes and he sure doesn’t need to be drinking liquor because he can’t handle it. Lock him up.
Deborah Coffey says
“Noble, a veteran, had faced 35 years in prison. He was sentenced to seven years on probation. His probation was terminated on Feb. 2, 2021.” Isn’t this the problem? Nobody around here serves any time for their crimes! At least, White people don’t.
AnotherLooneyToonWithAGun says
Mental case. Seriously. Should not own a gun. A knife. Even a spoon. Could cut your heart out with it. And don’t blame video games and rock music either. I’ve played violent games, listened to rock and scream-o metal, and watch the most violent films and not once have I ever thought, “Man, I should wave my gun like a noodle and see what happens when I’m ticked off.” There’s a difference between sane (me) and crazy (people that fire guns like this and those that kill). And yeah, I said crazy, I’m not PC.
Jane says
It’s miraculous that no one way hurt. Especially when trying to subdue the attacker. Glad to see heroism.
Dive Bar patron says
Always a good time at that bar been there 3 times and trouble is always A’Brewin…
Denali says
Yep, just like the almost 400 cops who stood around with their thumbs up their whatever while kids were being killed. They were trained and armed to charge the bad guy without regard to their own safety; sounds good until the rubber meets the road. The vast majority of people with a CWP need to file the front sight off so it will not hurt as bad when inserted where those cops had their thumbs.
Dano says
The article make reference to the 2014 case. However, even before that back in 91, 92 we had a deranged guy charge into the bowling alley, drag his girlfriend across the ground by one leg, shooting his 38 revolver at her as he did this. An off duty fire fighter ran to her aid was shot and killed culminating with a road deputy emptying his department issued 9mm into the guys torso, who by the way did not fall until the final bullet struck him in the head. True Palm Coast story. Look it up. Sad but nothing new.
Dap says
Unfortunately, it’s illegal to carry in a bar.
Aj says
Could not say it any better than that. Will add people keep voting Repubs. Did you know the Repubs are talking about cutting social security and welfare. Great comment Miss Coffey. Whitey get away with a lot of doing wrong, and Blacks do too. Have a great Thanksgiving.
Ozymandias says
Time for the Sherriff to put his foot down on the drunks spewed out by both these businesses at the end of the night
The Geode says
GUN LAWS??? Do you think a criminal gives two shits about “laws” in general – gun laws included? That is why they are called “criminals”. Sure the government can stop YOU from getting a gun or anything else they want. A criminal can get a gun just by “letting the streets know they are looking to buy one” …just like they do with anything else illegal. “Gun laws” won’t save you from a person willing to shoot you with an illegally obtained gun, the best you can hope for is to have one so you could give yourself a fighting chance. Everybody else is selling you dreams – I am telling you what’s real and if you haven’t figured it out yet, you will because it’s getting crazier by the day
marty barrett says
We know nothing about the circumstances leading up to this or how mental health could be implicated. But yet our windbag Sheriff is of course already bloviating about how this guy is a ‘dirtbag’. Does he ever just shut the hell up and pass on an opportunity to grandstand?
The dude says
He seems nice…
The dude says
Askflagler has a better photo of the dude laying on the ground, in cuffs, decked out in his NRA shirt.
Looks like they got a new poster boy.
Irony is alive and well here in central Florida.
palmcoaster says
Too many guns in the wrong hands! Too many beardo’s, bully armed criminals let go with a tap in their wrist while innocent children and adults being massacred courtesy of the NRA and their lobbyist in congress and senate! Oh yeah very macho man with a firearm only! We need realistically restrictive gun laws to stop these carnages!
EatMe says
it’s already illegal to carry a gun into a bar (primarily drinking establishment).
Mischa Gee says
Who said that gun was an illegally obtained firearm? And, recent history, think Columbine HS in Colorado, the Sandy Hook in Connecticut, Pulse Night Club, Orlando, FL, Parkland HS, FL. Plus many others.
What do they have in common, LEGALLY OBTAINED FIREARMS. So your obviously politicized remark about criminals being the only people we need to worry about carrying firearms is totally bogus bull crap.
We need sensible gun laws, including universal background checks, a three day minimum waiting period and a ban on semi-automatic rifles now.
My brother was a hunter, along with many if his friends. He agreed and so did his level headed friends.
If you are a law abiding citizen, then these sensible measures should Not be a problem for you.
The Geode: It has been known that proper background checks are not being done, people are not doing their jobs. I’m not saying that no one should have a gun, there is much more that can be done to see that guns do not get into the wrong hands and also parents and guardians of troubled young people should be more active in locking up their weapons and seeking help for those who they see mentally unstable as well as SO’s. You can’t tell me that a person who is living with their SO does not know that the person they are with does not act like a lunatic from time to time and is a loose cannon. These are the ones who make it bad for others who are sane enough to have a power weapon. Every little bit helps if one life is saved.
Roy Longo says
He was a volunteer firefighter and a bouncer at the bowling ally bar. Very tragic.
JD says
Calling a spade a spade isn’t grandstanding.
Di says
So true the judges need to put them away the laws are are not doing their job maybe if they get jail time they will think twice about doing some of these crimes
Dano says
Yes, Roy you are correct.