In a day of stunning developments, Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin capped a City Council meeting this evening by asking for a 365 percent pay raise for council members–from $9,600 to $44,670 a year–and for a similarly hefty raise for the mayor, to $46,470. The council went along, voting 3-1 to move forward with the proposal.
It’s not a done deal: the motion today, which Alfin made after passing the gavel to Eddie Branquinho, the vice mayor, only directs the city attorney to draft the ordinance that would enact the pay raise. The ordinance would have to be heard by council, with public input. Branquinho voted against.
“I realize that it is a dubious proposition for elected officials to talk about pay raises, but I hope you’ll give me a moment to convey my rationale for this conversation,” Alfin said, reading from a prepared statement at the very end of the meeting, and to a nearly empty chamber. “People often think that serving on a city council is a hobby or a part time job. This is most certainly a misjudgment.” (He was wrong about the “hobby” part, but right about the part-time aspect: that’s how the original council had envisaged it.) Alfin outlined a few of the council’s central responsibilities, then made his pitch.
He said Flagler County commissioners are paid $54,746., and Flagler County school board members are paid $34,594 (in fact, county commissioners are paid $59,637 and school board members $35,949). ” How much are our city council members worth to us? Where do we want to be on this issue?” he asked. “We need to attract candidates who can share a smart and managed growth mentality and we should appeal to people who can afford to give us their time and talent.”
Branquinho asked: “Question is, would we do a better job here if we get paid more? Would we get a bigger pool of people applying for a job? I don’t know.” The answer is more apparent: the governments Alfin cited–the county commission and the school board–have the substantially higher salaries, but the last few years have illustrated how pay does not translate into quality as each of those boards have degenerated into dysfunction, incompetence or public embarrassment.
Council member Ed Danko said he did not become a councilman for the money (no council member ever has), but said he was supportive of the proposal as long as it doesn’t raise taxes–then added another rationale for the raise: it would help with election campaigns: “The bottom line is you reach into your own pocket, and you spend a lot of your own money to get elected to this office,” Danko said, “not to mention just the time that it takes, and I’ve spoken to potential candidates in the last couple of years, and once they discover what it costs what it costs to send out a mailing, what it costs to do Facebook boost for advertising, what it costs to just, you know, flyers and signs–you guys know the whole nine yards. A lot of people say well, it’s not worth it, and they’re good people, but they’re just not going to throw their money at it.” (Danko was perhaps clouding the issue with his own experience: candidates generally fund-raise for their elections, unless they prove incapable at it.) He added, of higher salaries: “I see that as being another reason to attract better people.”
Council member Nick Klufas said the public would understand the amount of work necessary to do the job, and pointed to the council’s more frequent meetings than the county commission has. “It’s very clear that we definitely put in the hard work, but I think not for the money but more for attracting the correct candidate to fill our seats as we move through this process is really important,” Klufas said.
In his brief, six-month tenure as Palm Coast mayor, Alfin has displayed uncanny political skills, sensing the public pulse as skillfully as he’s steered the council toward consensus. Depending on the public’s reaction, today’s proposal may either be his most daring move yet or his most colossal miscalculation in a year of economic instability and still-recurring political instability on the council: hours earlier, Victor Barbosa had announced his resignation from the council, upending the council’s make-up and requiring an appointment to the seat within 30 days.
Alfin also all but handed a campaign issue to candidates, who will now line up for and against the raise–or potentially for a promise to rollback the raise, should they get elected: for all of Alfin’s prestidigitation in making a rising Phoenix of what had become a shabby council only months ago, the council still hasn’t necessarily built back the capital it needs for its reputation to weather what could be another shock to its institutional image–a shock that would jeopardize not just council members, but reverberate across City Hall.
The issue also risks displacing the council’s focus from far more central matters of concern, from budgeting to taxation to navigating whatever economic fallout may result from the war in Ukraine, while also raising the inevitable question: what about staffers’ pay? Only on Monday, the Bunnell City Commission gave its administrator the go ahead to implement an across-the-board $1-an-hour pay raise for all employees as a first step to raising salaries more substantially, as a means of keeping the city’s hiring competitive and to combat turnover that now exceeds 30 percent in the city.
Palm Coast and other local governments are sure to follow close behind. But when politicians vote themselves enormous raises, they can make it more difficult, politically, to secure raises for their staff at the same time or soon after, especially in a city of retirees who love to peddle two words before elected officials no matter what the issue might be: “Fixed income.”
It will become readily apparent to council members whether their gambit hews along any kind of mainstream among constituents, as seems doubtful, or whether it will be their next Green-Lion-180: last month, the council within a week was forced to turn tail on its decision to sever its lease with the Green Lion restaurant at Palm Harbor as the decision provoked a popular rebellion on behalf of the business and against the city. Alfin alone had read the situation correctly then and held back support for the lease-severing.
This evening, Alfin and council members, with Branquinho’s exception, spoke with self-assurance that their constituents would follow along and be supportive of the raise.
The mayor is paid $11,400 a year. Like the four council members, the mayor also gets a $1,200 car allowance and a $910 communication allowance each year, so in sum the mayor’s total pay is $13,510. The raise would nearly quintuple council members’ salaries. It would also result in a substantial new burden on the budget–from $50,000 a year now, to cover base salaries alone, to $225,000 a year.
The last time the council considered raising its pay was in 2016, when then-Council member Steven Nobile proposed raising salaries close to what Alfin asked for tonight: to around $41,000 a year (Nobile’s rationale was to make council salaries be the equivalent of 80 percent of county commissioners’ salary at the time, which was $50,000. That salary is set by state law.) Fellow-Council member Heidi Shipley proposed a raise to $22,856, or half the median household income at the time. The council discussed the issue at a morning workshop, not at the tail end of a night meeting, and directed the city manager to draw up some numbers. But the public reaction was overwhelmingly negative, and the matter fizzled. (See: “Steven Nobile, Professed Conservative, Wants a 324% Pay Increase for Palm Coast Council.“)
jnlocal says
Concerning the items on agenda at today’s City Council meeting, I liked City council member Branquinho’s sentiments that the council positions are intended to be served by a concerned individuals’ gift to the community, but get real; these members put in an extraordinary amount of time, energy and care into their efforts, as he pointed out. A salary of $9.6K/year is ridiculous for their compensation in the current marketplace. I would agree to an upgrade in their salaries to meet current equivalent positions in the state.
Denali says
Please tell us that any raises proposed for the council and mayor will not be effective until the incumbents are out of office. Every government legislative branch that I have dealt with was constrained by such a provision in their charter or constitution. If these buffoons are allowed to pass this ordinance and then reap the benefits, well, why stop at a measly 365%. Why not 1,000% ? ? ? ?
Pray for Ukraine
JC says
They have to be kidding!!!!!l. Is this a full time job or something they chose to do to serve the public on a part time basis? Many people who work a 40 hour week don’t make that amount of money. This is absurd…if this proposal moves forward the citizen of Palm Coast should be the ones to vote …not the mayor and council.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Wow! In Miami Dade County ,a home rule charter county, the voters decide on elected officials pay ! I never heard of local officials being allowed to vote on any issue which might enrich them personally.
Hey folks its time to goggle and do some knock down legal research to find out if such a self serving vote is legal !
Morgan Monaco says
NO WAY It’s only a part time job you knew it before coming in. About 4 hours a week for 2 sessions what else ?
tulip says
I agree that the city councilmen’s salary should be increased, but certainly no where near 365%!! It basically is a part time job and, not only that, the council people either have regular jobs or get pensions and other sources of income so they are far from being poor. The same goes for the exorbitant salaries of the BOCC, but their salary is determined by the state, and it depends on how large the population of their county is. The more the population grows, the more their salaries grow.
I do fear that if the council’s salaries were too high it would definitely attract people who are in it for the money and not because they give a sincere thought for their communities needs in order to have a good lifestyle. Keep the salary decent, but not so high that it attracts the wrong kind of people.
The city employees are what keeps Palm Coast running and they should get higher wages because without them working full time, Palm Coast would be a mess. It’s sort of like a restaurant—you can have a nice restaurant but if the cook isn’t any good the restaurant fails.
NotSurprised says
Where is my veto?
T says
I vote no they can get a second job like most people have to do # go Ukraine real problems
Dennis says
This is a total joke. Palm Coast is more corrupt than I thought! You all will be voted out next election.
Donald J Trump says
Maybe not a bad idea if increased pay would stop the under the table payoffs and finincial favors given to elected officals.
Dennis says
How much does a state representative make in Florida?
Authority Article III, Constitution of Florida
Salary $29,697/year + per diem (Subsistence & Travel)
Last election November 3, 2020 (120 seats)
I guess city council is worth much more? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 total joke.
David Schaefer says
I say B.S these people are working part time and already getting a salary . Police and fire make a lot less than that. What do these clowns think we are living in Orlando or Miami……
The dude says
Maybe Barbosa won’t have steal things from Walmart now.
Also, now we know why the little lawn troll Danko was so concerned that the Green Lion be more profitable.
Celia M Pugliese says
In this issue I totally agree with the Palm Coast council and mayor request. I have been asking it myself since we incorporated and thru the years. Is not fair that we fund in our ad valorem (annual home) taxes the handsome almost 60,000 a year pay for the county commissioners and over 35,000 a year for school board members, but we do not pay those in our city council and mayor a living wage. Is not an easy work (even when we do not agree with their vote or decisions) is still hard work to read those council and workshop agendas of hundreds of pages for their public and other meetings vote. Not only the agendas that have to be read within 4 days before the meetings and undesrtand it, researched and digested …because if the five want to make educated decisions they have to do their personal individual and get very in depth and informed research about the issues to be voted. The five need to really learn and know about what are to vote on. I totally understand Councilman Branquinho on his opposition but I felt also since we incorporated that we put our City of Palm Coast elected officials at total compensation disadvantage versus the other elected ones in county and school…Why? are we the city taxpayers telling our Palm Coast elected ones up front that they are worth less to us than the others, when we put on their hands our very destiny, safety, quality of life and pursue of happiness in Palm Coast? Please lets look at the reality that voluntarism is very laudable, highly recognized and appreciated even when barely reflects in less than 10,000 compensation a year. But also lets see the reality that does not addresses that our city Mayor and Council are the five representives we elect to vote on the investment of a 205 million city budget a year and they have to do it over less than 10,000 compensation each,,? Lets be fair to our city elected one’s and be proud as Palmcoasters to give them one more reason to represent us better! Now you can kill the messenger…
Unknown says
Amen. Hell I would like to propose a raise to my SS from the government to pay the taxes that went up, even though more people are moving in; plus the increase of waste removal, water increase and electric. How do these people propose we pay without going back to work at 80 years young? Reduce utilities and get the raise for yourself from that!!!
The dude says
46 large ain’t gonna stop that.
E, ROBOT says
At the polls.
Dennis C Rathsam says
April Fools Again!!!!!! The people that raise our taxes,killing every green space left in town with roof tops, pot holes on every street in town, they give the garbage man, an incredibull raise, and the traffic continues to ravage the city! Gentlemen YOU!!!! owe the the people of Palm Coast money.You get a raise when you do a GOOD job. The job you all do sucks! Your fighting, and shouting at meetings is a show of stupitiy, and a lack of comunication skills. Our garbage pick up is the worst in Fl. Missed cans, missed yard waste, crap all over the streets. Complaints by the hundreds, And you egotistical morons give them more money. Some times I wonder if any of you have a brain? Vote theses bums out once and for all and save our city.Look back folks to the past councils in Palm Coast say 6 or 7 years Everyone there skrewed the people of our city, they always got what the wanted, and we the people have to pay for thier mistakes. Lets make the the APRIL FOOLS…April,s comming, and we know they are FOOLS!
SWMBO (Ret) says
Does anyone else find it interesting that they propose an insane pay increase on the heels of a completely fumbled sanitation contract? Here, let me give you a rock so you can try to squeeze more blood out of it!”
For seven years I was part of a local government, so I know the inner workings, the time and outside-meeting preparation, and all the other factors that go into it. No, it is NOT (as Morgan stated) 4 hours a week for two sessions. Council members typically receive volumes of documentation in advance related to Agenda items that must be carefully reviewed to ensure accurate and adequate discussion and debate before voting.
That said, MOST of these “public servants” do not run for office for the money and know that it is a low paying position. I would support a moderate increase for cost of inflation, but in no way do I support a “365%” increase! My social security income increased by less than $100 at the start of the year. My expenses have increased more than that. Net result – worse off.
And I am supposed to be okay with this current impotent Council giving themselves a fat raise? No! I urge all of you to remember that we are going to the polls in November, and we will remember this.
Mark1 says
What a joke, they serve the public , they are lucky to get gas money, vote these corrupt clowns put immediately. They don’t deserve to be paid anything
Duane says
First we all must understand that the compensation of a county commissioners is established from Florida Statutes, the law. This also includes other County elected positions. F.S.S. 145. The same goes for School Board Members. F.S.S. 1001.395.
The is no Florida State Statute that governs compensation for municipal elected officials. That’s because cities are municipal corporations. City elected officials were always thought to donate their time and talent as municipal elected officials. When small cost were coming from their pockets for things like paper and a phone, most cities offered their elected official an “Honorarium” a payment given for professional services that are rendered nominally without charge. There was no account for the small amount of this pay but a token of appreciation. Let’s NOT let this elected group give themselves a raise for volunteering. The position is what they make of it. The only requirement is meeting twice a month. Yes the job has gotten hard but the intention remains the same. If you want a job, apply for a job. Don’t stick it to the people so you can stroke your ego!
Duane says
On another note, if all it took was a visit to Walmart to oust Barbosa, I would like to invite all the other City Council members to a shopping spree at Walmart. Feel free to use the self check out line.
Robert says
Who in the world in this day and age gets a 365 per cent raise increase? This is what you get when you vote in Trump people. They only care about benefitting themselves. What about our trash collections and we want recycle to continue, so take part of your raise to pay for that and while your add it install lighting on the streets of Palm Coast so citizens can be safe walking at night.
Take care of the taxpayers of Palm Coast before you go giving yourselves outrageous raises.
Kitty Sepe says
I agree with you 100%!!!
Jane Gentile-Youd says
According to Palm Coast City Charter salaries can be increased y Ordinance to take effect no earlier than the next election ( unless I don’t understand how to read)
Deborah D Kenny says
Please consider redirecting raises for our law enforcement and firefighters along with all our other city employees that take the brunt of any catastrophes.
Mark says
“This evening, Alfin and council members, with Branquinho’s exception, spoke with self-assurance that their constituents would follow along and be supportive of the raise.” Nope, not me. 365% is way out of line for anyone on this dysfunctional board. I’ll agree that the current pay is a bit low but based on the Floridas minimum wage it’s in line. With that said I could see a bump in the current pay (say $5,000) with maybe a cost of living review yearly but no 365%. I would expect that if they get more money they should act more like a Council and not a Clown Show.
Shark says
This is what happens when you elect a republicrumb !!!!~!
Skibum says
I think the question deserves to be asked, and I would suggest more discussion on this issue, then scheduling it for a future date to allow for public comments. I’m not completely against the idea of a raise in theory but I don’t think right now is the right time, nor am I convinced that a 365% raise right away would be something that could be supported by the majority of taxpayers.
Palm Coast Resident says
The ARROGANCE of these city council members. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! This is a PART TIME JOB. You are not making life saving decisions. You’re sitting around arguing mostly with each other, and voting on what business are allowed to set up shop in Palm Coast. Not a difficult job at all. There are thousands of residence that would gladly jump at the chance to have some input on the matter. If you think a better quality of people would be attracted to this city job by raising the pay than your don’t belong in politics. Sure more people would apply, but that’s not the group of people you want in our city. They would be in it for the money not the love. We don’t want people that think like that in Palm Coast. We want people that want the job for what it stands for, not what they can make from it. Some of the hardest working people I know are minimum wage people. Get your head out of the clouds. Why can’t the citizens of Palm Coast vote on the pay raise decision. It’s our town, you just work in it. I think its time for you to get VOTED OUT!
Aunt Edna says
@ Tulip,
Agree with you 100%. I seriously question what this man was thinking in bringing this up when families are struggling. Certainly the growth in the population would warrant higher salaries, but I am vehemently opposed to any elected official having the authority to raise their own salaries. It just looks bad. How are we supposed to pay for this?
This Council is doing a very poor job here. They cannot even work together. They very nearly cost us a very successful business because of ignorance and laziness in not even bothering to read their own meeting preparation.
NO on a raise this high. Put it on the ballot. You have already forgotten who you work for. Disappointed in you, Mayor Alfin.
Vincent A. Liguori says
One of the basic provisions in creating the city of Palm Coast was the premise that the mayor and council would ideally be comprised of semi-retired and retired individuals or employed individuals whose employment status allowed them time for civic positions. Since incorporation, the city of Palm Coast has successfully functioned utilizing the scenario cited above. The salary proposal by Mayor Alfin and council members cites among other things the amount of time necessary to do the job. My question to all members of the council is: did you know this when you decided to run for elected office? You had twenty years of council documentation to reference. Apparently you did not do your due diligence.Mayor Alfin compared current council salaries to county commissioners and school board members. He asks, “ how much are our city council members worth to us?” This is not a question of worth, it is a question of candidate qualifications and civic involement. The citizens will determine by vote the fate of candidates. Let’s examine current salaries of Palm Coast sister cities: Deltona-Mayor $15000 annually, Council $11,100, Ormond Beach-Mayor $18751 annually, Council $14494. Apparently, Deltona and Ormond Beach are not having difficulties in attracting excellent candidates. Candidates for office should be committed to the demands of the position. Finally,Mayor Alfin and council members who find the constraints of their positions too demanding-you have the option to resign and clear the field for candidates who truly are civic minded and capable of performing the required tasks at current salary levels. I am not against modest cost of living increases. I urge all Palm Coast citizens to reject the current salary increase proposal. Respectfully-Vincent A. Liguori
James says
And I thought Disney World was in Orlando!!! I guess these folks won’t be worried about THEIR garbage/water bill going up!
Goodbye Palm Joke… I mean Ghost… eh, Coast.
Deborah Coffey says
Well said.
C.J. says
You have sealed your fate; revealed your graft; do us all a favor and resign now.
Donald says
You think the Green Lion was a fiasco, this will turn into a real live shit show! Even I was not this corrupted or self serving.
Mark says
Totally agree!!
Linda Morgan says
What immediately comes to my mind are two things. One, does this mean that Palm Coast will quit rubber stamping new developments and changing land use, because they won’t need the kick-back money as much? Two, are you implying that residents are scrapping the bottom of the barrel when you are elected? Also, can anyone cite an example of civil and/or public servants setting their own salary. If they can, may I suggest that the member of the current board, who changed lanes last month from stepping down and running for County Commissioner had a motive to staying put for now. Does he have esp or is a little bird talking in his ear telling him the future? Hmmmm…..
Bob J says
Well stated
Eric-ji says
If you don’t like the pay don’t run for office.
David S. says
The biggest damn joke I ever heard of they only deserve a truck load of HORSE MANURE that’s it…
Anna says
This is absolutely the most absurd thing I’ve heard. 365% increase? For what? How can they even justify this kind of increase. I’d be embarrassed to even ask for such a ridiculous thing. These are elected officials, its not meant to be a full time job. My cousin works in the customer service for the City and she doesn’t even earn that. In fact, she hasn’t had a raise in 2 years and they keep promoting unworthy people to make double their salary, lessening the amount of employees in the customer service department. They don’t replace the ones that are promoted, leaving the rest short handed. with large increases and leaving the customer service with more jobs and less employees. This city is growing exponentially. I think if anyone deserves the raises, its the employees. In fact, since the costs of waste pro are increasing and the city council are wanting full time salaries, then perhaps they can all help out the employees. Until that happens, they don’t deserve it!!! REDICULOUS
Anna says
Its supposed to be a stipend, not a full time job. Most of the employees don’t make that much. Perhaps they should work 40 hrs a week if they want that kind of pay. I think our loyal employees deserve more than the city council on a mere few hours a week. Just discussing that this was even brought up.
Big D says
Hilarious. But yeah, I’m on board with that idea. Let’s have them shop somewhere with higher prices so they qualify to be Mirandized.
Jim says
In the last two meetings, the council has voted to make the temporary city manager permanent and now wants to institute a huge pay increase for themselves. And they are also looking into increasing the pay of the new city manager. In that same time span, the citizens of this city are told there will be a huge price increase for sanitation services coupled with a decrease in actual service. The now-permanent city manager and most of this council have been in these positions during the time period this occurred. Rarely have I seen a combination of failed leadership coupled with increased pay. It takes a level of hubris that I cannot fathom to ask Palm Coast to up their pay while they stumble and fumble a key basic function that should have been a top priority of this group and should have been managed to avoid this impact to taxpayers. Also, if you need more pay to do these jobs, you really don’t need to be in them anyway. Council members should understand that their jobs are a public service to the community. The current pay should keep them from dipping into their own pockets for expenses that occur due to their position. As far as reimbursing them for running for the position, you’ve got to be kidding. The whole tone of this money grab is disgusting.
Alonzo says
Wow, the government want a huge pay raise in P.C. If I ask for a pay raise that size my company would laugh at me. But o.k. the war, gas prices increasing, food prices increasing, and don’t forget about the sanitation increase. Guess what, taxes will increase, don’t forget about the interest rate increase. Just saying.
Steve says
While i will admit probably Underpaid up to this point It is quite alarge amount in one move and wont go over well with Constituents . Besides you all have not done anything worthy of a raise yet ballsy though
Only in FPC
Vincent Lyon says
As a former city council member let me tell you it is far more than 4 hours a week. I had budget meetings that lasted more than 8 hours. That’s the meeting. A good rule of thumb is if you want to get it right, you spend twice as much time preparing. So your 4 hour meeting is 12 hours of work, minimum. An 8 hour budget meeting is 24 hours of work. Still part time, but deserving way more than 9k.
Vincent Lyon says
The average fire fighter salary in Palm Coast is less, but deputies make more.
Vincent Lyon says
That’s kind of the point.
We’ve been getting a clown show because we are paying the going rate for clowns.
Gerald L. Guy says
This is absurd. I think the mayor and city council should be paid more, but let’s raise salaries in increments. This massive increase, in light of a post-Covid economy and soaring inflation, reeks of political indulgence and indifference. I consider it ethically corrupt for any elected official to vote themselves a pay raise. Such increases should be applied to subsequent legislative terms of office. This would remove the ethical breach and bolster public confidence.
HJC says
Social security gave a raise of 5.9 percent which has already been wiped out by greed. I do not believe this amount of a raise is justified at this time. Get your childish behavior on this council, county council and the school board and bring it up later.
Been There says
David Alfin is wealthy!!! This is disgusting.
David Gee says
This is ridiculous. I had high hopes for Mayor Alfin but I am very disappointed. These people compete for these positions, accept them THEN are unhappy with pay,so they vote themselves a pay raise. Nice work if you can get it, huh??? Enough of this. Garbage rates double, real estate tax rise, FPL gets rate increase, and council also trying to raise our utilities. When will this stop? Most Palm Coasters live on fixed income. Do they care? They’ve answered again…they don’t care!!!!
Unknown says
Guess so he is a realtor. Who is greedy
MITCH says
My opinion – NO ONE deserves a raise until we see actual plans submitted and passed to PROTECT “Quality of Life” in residential neighborhoods. I predicted that Slow Way would lose out to the drivers. Safety and Health of Slow Way residents are not even on the radar of City Council Members. As more developments are built there will be more “DEATH” of “Quality of Life” in more residential neighborhoods. Builders will get their money and flee and our residential neighborhoods “Quality of Life” will be poisoned with Traffic Fumes, Traffic Dust, and Traffic Noise. The City Council knows what harm it will cause (Health Harm of Traffic in Close Proximity to Homes – Harm to Health by Prolonged Exposure to Traffic Fumes, Traffic Dust, Traffic Noise); but in 4 or 8 years they will not have to listen to complaints and THEY HAVE PURPOSELY LEFT RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS DESTROYED and RESIDENT’S HEALTH HARMED. ***Why, THEY DON’T CARE.*** See what kind of harm traffic causes neighborhoods – scientific reports here – http://flpkdr.com/
Barbara says
We are a retired disabled couple and had to sell our home because taxes and our Palm Coast utilities were so expensive we no longer could afford to live. Our escrow was more than our principle and interest. Now we have our council asking for 365% raise. Why not 5% like we revived on social security. Why not 10% but I’d be embarrassed to ask a town which houses so many elderly for 365% raise.
Land of no turn signals says says
Build a house on an airport runway then complain about plane noise.Don’t like what the job pay’s don’t take the job dumb ass.
¨Citizen says
If that Job isn’t paying enough then I suggest you look for another job!
¨Citizen says
¨Citizen says
FlaglerLive says
Palm coast’s general fund and government operations have no debt. The utility, which has substantial debt, is a separate operation paid for through utility rates.
Unknown says
The Mayor and Council voted this for themselves. No different than our state or federal officials – this is a root cause of our problems in this growing town.
FlaglerLive says
The vote was to draft an ordinance to that effect, which would then have to have its own public hearing before the council votes on it at two separate readings.
Unknown says
I agree I am so against this raise. I am in to vote NO
Richard Lewis says
What an outstanding idea. I agree wholeheartedly. Current council members you definitely need to go ahead and vote those pay increases in. Then, all of you need to immediately resign so as to “attract candidates who can share a smart and managed growth mentality” and “appeal to people who can afford to give us their time and talent.” Then, those new and highly qualified candidates once elected can vote to return the council salaries to the current amount, and Palm Coast will the have the council that it should have had, obviously unlike what it has now.
Jamie says
How many meetings do you attend in year?
FlaglerLive says
Mr. Lyon served an appointed term on the city council and was among the council’s most effective and reasoned members in 20 years.
Vincent T Lyon says
I watch most of the meetings on the internet. I have been avoiding personal attendance at any public meetings for the last two years because of family with compromised health issues.