ElderSource, the Area Agency on Aging & Aging and Disability Resource Center for Northeast Florida is seeking input from the community to better understand the needs of older adults, persons with disabilities and their caregivers. Working with the Health Planning Council of Northeast Florida, the data will be used to identify what is important to older adults living Baker, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Nassau, St Johns and Volusia counties in order to live and age well in their communities.
According to America’s Health Ranking, 20.3 percent of Florida’s population was over the age of 65 in 2020, ranking it in the top three in the United States. In 2021 profile of older Floridians, 26 percent of the population is over the age of 60.
As an Area Agency on Aging and Aging and Disability Resource Center, ElderSource is required to submit an Area Plan to the Florida Department of Elder Affairs every three years that outlines and targets the needs and services to help people live and age with dignity in their homes and communities.
The 10-minute survey is open to every adult over the age of 55 and their caregivers living in the seven-county region. It can be accessed online by visiting the ElderSource website at www.MyElderSource.org. Deadline of participate is March 31, 2022
“We are committed to the health and well-being of older adults and their caregivers as ElderSource is the main resource where older adults, their caregivers and the general public can turn for information, referral and assistance relating to aging issues in Northeast Florida,” explains Linda Levin, ElderSource CEO. “Engaging the community in this collection of important data will give us valuable perspectives on how to better serve our communities,” she said.
For more information about the survey and how to participate, please contact 904-391-6692.
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