Florida will cease distributing $300 per week in supplementary federal unemployment assistance next month, the official who supervises the state unemployment system announced on Monday, leaving jobless workers to scrape by on $275 per week.
Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Secretary Dane Eagle said in a press release that the extra benefit will end on June 26 in the interests of “returning more Floridians to work.” He cited an uptick in private sector employment and “online job postings available throughout the state for job seekers.”
The Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) supplement had been scheduled to last until Sept. 6. Lawmakers rejected efforts to boost Florida’s weekly benefit during the 2021 legislative session.
Gov. Ron DeSantis explained the withdrawal of the federal aid during a news conference in Miami: “The reason is simple: We’ve got almost a half-a-million job openings in the state of Florida.”
The administration suspended a job-search requirement for unemployment assistance last year because of massive workplace closures, DeSantis added.
“Now, we’re just in a much different situation. No matter where I go in the state of Florida, people will tell me, ‘Florida’s great, thanks for what you’re doing, governor, we just need to find more people to want to work.’” he said.
“So, the jobs are there. We’re proud of the fact that we’ve got a lot of economic momentum.”
State Sen. Linda Stewart, an Orlando Democrat, told the Phoenix it is too early to suspend the federal unemployment benefits. Many of the new jobs, she said, pay low wages that make it hard for people to make ends meet.
“This is not the time to pull the rug out from under unemployed Floridians, many of whom are still attempting to navigate a broken system to receive benefits. While Florida has been adding jobs, even more Floridians have been re-entering the workforce — that’s why the state’s unemployment rate actually went up last month,” Stewart said in an email.
“This is just another example of the governor turning his back on Florida’s workers. He’s trying to force people into low-wage jobs by slashing their unemployment benefits. Floridians want to work — they just want to work at jobs that pay them a living wage,” she added.
To Rep. Anna Eskamani, who has been helping constituents navigate the unemployment system, the governor’s move would “strip away critical federal support that hundreds of thousands of people rely on,” she said.
“It’s been made clear time and time again that Florida’s governor does not care about our state’s workers,” Eskamani, an Orlando Democrat, said in a written statement.
“It’s shameful that Florida’s political leaders would choose ideological talking points and call workers lazy versus listen to the obstacles workers have faced in finding suitable work in our still recovering economy. Our office continues to be flooded with phone calls and emails from folks missing weeks if not months of unemployment benefits.”
Florida has the stingiest unemployment benefits in the nation, based on a combination of a 12-weeks limit and the maximum weekly amount, according to an analysis by States Newsroom, the Florida Phoenix’s parent company.
Meanwhile, after the DEO posted the announcement on Twitter, the agency received a flood of criticism from people via the social media platform. One user on Twitter called the decision, “cruelty at its worst.”
Some business organizations supported the decision.
Carol Dover, Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association President and CEO, said in a written statement:
“Florida’s hospitality industry was one of the hardest hit industries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even though our industry is open for business, we are facing a dire labor shortage. Strong demand, coupled with this staffing shortage, has left many businesses forced to limit operating days and hours in addition to reducing capacity in both food service and lodging. Ending the supplemental $300 FPUC payment will help the industry regain pre-COVID levels.”
Mark Wilson, Florida Chamber of Commerce president and CEO, said in his own written statement:
“The decision to end Florida’s participation in the FPUC program is essential to keeping Florida’s economic momentum going that Gov. DeSantis has had such a big role in creating. Florida currently has more than 450,000 jobs available throughout the state. This single action will help fill thousands of these vacancies and aid in ending the worker shortage throughout the state.”
–Isaac Morgan, Florida Phoenix
Ken Dodge says
Go back to work and ditch the scraper.
Fredrick says
Finally….. watch how fast job openings are filled.
Richard says
I agree! There is currently a GLUT of jobs available at all different pay levels. But why work if the socialists want to continue to hand out FREE money. Hell, if money was growing on trees in my backyard I wouldn’t be working either.
Jimmy059 says
I don’t understand it. People making an absurd amount of money telling those who are at the bottom they can’t have what the federal government wants to provide them. Why not just let the program play out until the end instead of hurting those who need it. Yes, some are holding off getting a job but most aren’t and need that extra money. What right does Florida have saying no more for a federal program? These Desantis crazies won’t be happy until they take everything from you. Your right to vote, right to protest, oh yeah you can run over someone though. If Desantis ever had a thought of his own it would be a miracle. All these “follower” politicians. What happened to politicians that can come up with great ideas that help all citizens. We need leaders, not followers. Just don’t understand kicking the little guy all the time just because a few take advantage.
Florida is a Republican state. Where have all the Republicans gone?
Fredrick says
“federal government wants to provide them”… you do realize that what they are providing them is OUR money. I am all for giving a hand up, but continued hand outs are irresponsible for the giver and receiver.
Jimmy059 says
Obviously, you have a job and are working or retired. For those released because of covid and still can’t find a job that fits their experience, training, etc., not in a convenience store or burger joint, still need this help. But our lovely Governor doesn’t care even if it doesn’t cost him any additional money.
Amy says
Why don’t you complain about them giving OUR money to other countries who hate our guts and stop having endless wars over power instead of taking from Americans who cant make ends meet even with working 3 jobs down here in Florida? Ask that question. Why should people not be able to get help during a virus that the Chinese started. THE CCP? How about the govt stops taking trips with 200 or their family members on a private plane during Holidays and getting 500 haircuts with OUR MONEY? Telling RON to stop helping people in need who worked paycheck to paycheck and had no savings for an emergency that blindsided them all? HOW IS THAT THEIR FAULT? Just when people started to get things straight, RON PULLS THE RUG RIGHT OUT. Nice going, now you can all sit back and watch what happens. It will not be good, You all live in some fairy tail world of make believe. SO CLUELESS!!!!
Steve says
“Lead Follow or get out of the Way”. Wheres Iacocca when you need him. Its a Cult there not Politicians there Takers, Messengers from the Masters
Anonymous says
Steve says
Can someone explain to me how someone that gets a $10 an hour job and works a whopping 30 hours a week is not enough money but a free $300 is plenty
Amy says
It is not just 300, it 300 plus state unemployment. which is 125 to 250 and 300 on top of it per week, so there goes your 10 per hour for 30 hours. you don’t even know how it all works but you sure like to run your big arrogant mouth about how everyone needs to work for shit wages, when they are trying to upskill and thought they had til September. That is mean trick Ron just pulled and it wont be forgotten. with the 300 makes it 1700 per month total, not 1200, and don’t forget they take tax out the 300 you make at the low paying slave crap jobs. Many are not even situated and many are, and more are going homeless. You sound like a total jerk. Florida has 2 bedroom apt renting at 2500 per month and these low paying jobs pay 9.00 per hour. there is plenty of low paying jobs in florida as usual but do not pay shit or match the cost of living down here at all. It is not enough to pay even one months rent, never mind food and gas. People are in the middle of online classes to upskill and Ron just pulled the rug out to force people to work low paying jobs instead of honoring to people of what he said. Bait and switch and major power trips is what these men and women in power like to do to people. People paid for the classes, thinking they had til September until boohoo crybaby pizza joints cried to him about being only 1 short, she said i only have 5 guys and i need 6 and boo hoo poor me and my pizza. So pathetic and so selfish of here sick boohoo crap about her damn pizza. What about peoples lives??? and children going hungry??? screw your damn pizza lady, I hope someone throws a pizza right in your face. Ron just felt so bad for them. poor little pizza lady could only find 5 guys and not 6 to work. He does not care about the workers who were all displaced and kicked out of their apartments. This is unreal and inhumane. At this point i could care less if these slave driven low paying jobs all go out of business. It serves them right for being so cheap with employees all these years. Either pay 14.00 and up per hour down here or make your own damn pizza… you all think it is ok to charge 2,500 for a 2 bedroom and pay 9.00 per hour or 10.00? that is crazy, soon all the hospitality workers will be living on the street and in cars. They are the bread and butter for florida and you all do not care about the little guys who are in a bad situation and have not recovered from this pandemic. Come election time and this will not be forgotten.. this was a LOW BLOW big time…So pay higher wages or LOWER THE RENT in south florida. Charge more for the food and pay the workers a livable wage. “STOP BEING CHEAP” These people who live in the million dollar can afford the price of higher cost of food. Stop taking everything out on the working poor. You rich people have zero clue of what the fact are. You all live in a damn bubble. DeSantis just wants to look like a big shot to all the business owners who pay shit wages. At this point people in florida don’t even have enough to rent a room, THAT IS HOW BAD THE PAY IS DOWN HERE…..We will not forget this come election time, and Ron DeSantis will not win because of him sucker punching us all in our heads with this VERY LOW BLOW he just pulled. I am finished with him and Trump. I regret voting for them and I wont again, that is for damn sure. This was the last straw with me and many who he just stabbed right in the peoples back will not vote for him after this shit. People want jobs that pay livable wages. It is out of hand down here in south florida for anyone who works in hospitality to make ends meet. He will have many homeless working class people on the street soon. People are not situated yet. due to all the changes they have done on and on all year, and his broken connect DEO system. This state is a complete joke. He is no damn good, and this is about the sickest shit i have ever seen anyone do TO HUMAN’S . YES HUMANS, NOT WILD ANIMALS. He will lose the election in 2022. He just screwed himself big time. Mark my words, he is not going to get elected again.
Amy says
can someone explain to me how anyone in hospitality can live on 10 bucks per hour and they were getting more then 300 a week on unemployment. it was 125-250 and plus 300 ok so that is 1700 per month instead of 1200 per month minus taxes and is not even enough to rent a damn room in South Florida. Why should people be forced into working for a wage that is not livable down here is Florida paying 2500 for a place to live? LOWER THE RENT OR PAY THEM MORE MONEY PER HOUR! ENOUGH WITH THE GAMES WITH HUMAN LIFE.
Don Appignani says
It sounds like plantation mentality. The more fortunate telling the less fortunate to work for less than subsistence wages so the rest of us can be taken care of. Many of the people who worked in the hospitality industry have changed careers and are not going back. What are we going to do in 5-6 months when there is still a labor shortage in the hospitality industry? I can only imagine.
Amy says
I cant wait for them all to cry. They didn’t care about the paycheck to paycheck people who were left with nothing when the doors closed last march. Now they got all their loans and now ready to open the doors, but the hospitality people had to leave the state or get better jobs. Them not having workers wont change when end of June hits like they all think. nope, because the hospitality people wont even have a place to shower. They were forced to move in with their parents or relatives. They do not trust you to go back and work for you people, and why should they? Ron, is a heartless man and does not give a crap about the working class of people in this state. He could have just let it go as planned for September, to allow people to get on their feet. All these republicans in power think they are something big. They are not big, they are all small, very small minded and careless with peoples lives. This is going to turn into a horror show. VERY VERY SAD he fell for the boohoo pizza lady story. “HOSPITALITY” people need to go on strike NOW!!!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH WITH LOW FLORIDA WAGES AND GREEDY BUSINESS OWNERS AND HIGH INFLATED RENT.
Sad Times says
I just wish DeSantis would try to live on $275 for a mont! Although I doubt he’d have the nerve to do it. Nor, would he last.
The Geode says
Why should he have to do that when HE made better decisions and choices that enabled him to NOT have to depend on welfare? YOU could have done the same thing…
Amy says
The people who worked in hospitality are not welfare people. How can you be so ignorant? Those people were forced to leave where they worked because of a PANDEMIC, they were not on welfare. Many kids were in college and working and got thrown our on their ass. How in the world can you sit there and say oh, they are all on welfare. This is not WELFARE this was EMERGENCY MONEY, being paid because of CHINA letting out a virus. NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN. They did not have savings because the wages are so low and rent is so high that people working those jobs cant save anything ever. Who cares about pizza lady that only has her 5 guys working instead of her 6 guys working when we have people messed up from this pandemic who has no notice of it, just like they have no notice of the crap RON DESANTIS JUST PULLED out of nowhere. SUCKER PUNCH and a LOW BLOW.
Amy says
the pandemic money is not welfare people on welfare didn’t have to worry they are always getting their checked these are working citizens in Florida that got the door slammed in their face when the pandemic hit. This is people who work and pay taxes. this is the same people that serve you dinner at your restaurant when you go and eat out these are not welfare people this is not their fault that China unleash some sick virus on the whole planet. Many of them were college kids working two jobs. An overnight college closed down no more work. What should they all do? A virus attack and close it all down and slam the door in their face. You people are sick for the things you all say on here. One day you all will face Jesus Christ to explain why you judge people that you know nothing about. These were all working people getting this money. Not welfare people did not qualify to get this money. You are very ignorant the way you spew hate.
Amy says
This isn’t welfare this is an emergency pandemic money Ron DeSantis has a system that doesn’t even work for most people they haven’t gotten any money at all the welfare recipients they didn’t qualify to get this this is working people in South Florida that have served you when you go out to dinner that have given you drinks when you go to the bar that cater to you on cruise ships these are working class people in Florida this isn’t welfare people you are an ignorant person to say what you say and you will be judged one day.
Rich Harnage says
Great news! Simple solution…Go get a job. Work…Works!
Art Bowles says
It’s about TIME!!
Just drive around Flagler and look at all the help wanted signs. Free ride is over, get back to work!!!
Jimmy059 says
Yeah, all the signs at all those $10.00 an hour jobs. Hope you or your kids don’t lose their jobs and are forced to provide for their families at that wage. Maybe they already do and already moved back in with you.
Family man says
Republicans say they’re for families but what about the parents who had to stay home with children during the pandemic? Those children are not vaccinated yet and child care will be difficult to arrange once they are.
If these “businesses” were viable they would be able to pay a living wage which includes health care and retirement.
The Geode says
If you are poor and can’t feed yourself – don’t have children. Simple.
Amy says
This is not welfare people, this is people who worked in restaurants and bars and inhospitality , like on cruise ships. why cant they have kids? are you some kind of nut case? what the is wrong with you? welfare section 8 food stamp people have it good right now, and so do the rich. the welfare people don’t get pandemic funds, ok they already have it from welfare. This is working people who lost their job, so what does any of this have to do with having kids? you are ignorant so ignorant. WELFARE FOOD STAMP PEOPLE ARE NOT GETTING PUA OR FPUA. THEY DONT WORK. THIS IS FOR WORKING PEOPLE WHO LOST THEIR JOB FROM THIS CHINESE VIRUS WORLDWIDE PANDEMIC… OMG WAKE UP DUDE.
Amy says
Yes, so true, The people should not run a business down here in SF if they cant even pay a livable wage. They want to live some rich life off the backs of slaves working for 9.00 per hour or 10.00 and same people have condos they rent for 2500 per month. Pure greed and yes there is a income inequality. This is the reason young people are losing their minds. They cant support themselves and the boys cant even take a girl out to dinner so he can feel like a real man. These kids are so broke and cant even live on their own now. Then you people sit up there acting like oh, they are all lazy. No they are not lazy, they just want to be paid what is fair so they can support themselves.
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
If they’re forcing you back to work and not willing to give you a living wage then make sure you steal as much as you can
Amy says
I am starting a better job out of this state. I am not staying here, every person i knew from the restaurant left florida. So good fucken luck finding good people to work. You wont any time soon. You all will suffer now, and i am laughing. my new job out of florida is starting me at 22 per hour. plus full benefits. but based on what the jack ass said that we were set til September with putting things in place. So he lied, ok so now i need to redo the moving stuff but I am getting out of here. All my friends left FLORIDA. It is too hot here anyways and too many RUDE ASSHOLES live down here now.
Bernie 2020 says
This is a great economic lesson proving the wages are in fact too low.
When a business has to complete with unemployment insurance and the state has to step in to try and get employees back into the workforce you know the wages and benefits are poor.
Business owners will still have issues for months because it takes time to train and hire. But lets not forget, these low wage workers were the 1st laid off because of Covid. Some lost their homes, now have medical issues because of no health insurance (or Covid) , lost their cars and had to move home or with a friend because they had no money for rent. They had to fend for themselves for months and had to deal with all the political theater to just get benefits or even file for it.
I believe the United States will have a labor issue for a few years because many industries will still struggle because no one wants to work for them and their are so many other online options that pay more.
It does make me laugh that now all of a sudden after saying “sorry because of Covid we have to let you go and it’s all business” , Now that employees have options and don’t want to return and go into “business” for themselves all of a sudden they are being lazy and have to be cut off.
Amy says
you are so right in all you say Bernie. I am done with Florida now. This was the last straw for me. Been here for 30 years and I have never seen things this bad for the working class of people. It is HORRIBLE. Sky high rents and low low wages.
Mark says
What a disgusting display of oppression of the already disenfranchised. SHAME SHAME SHAME on anyone who would support such horrendous act.
The Voice Of Reason says
Working hospitality jobs in Florida is like picking crops in California’s central valley or fighting for pennies over tomatos in Homestead. It’s a greedy industry that pays the absolute minimum. They should have held a job fair for those caught sneaking over or under trumps joke of a wall. That said, I have enjoyed watching owners rolling up their sleeves and actually working all the while whining about nobody wants their crappy jobs. Florida is a ghetto state. Worst unemployment benefits in the nation and a pittance spent on education. It shows Florida man Ron D.
Amy says
Thank you for your great words. I have no idea how people can sit here and attack these people who work for such low wages. Many of the rich who eat out downtown Fort Lauderdale don’t even leave a tip. Knowing that the person is making a few dollars per hour. These rich people are CHEAP and RUDE too. who needs it. We will not go back to it. I will NOT.
Concerned Citizen says
Lot’s of judgemental folks thru this whole Pandemic. And it’s shameful.
I hope you who have been judging never find yourself unemployed and in dire need of assistance. Yes I am sure there are some who took advantage. And shame on them as well. But
For the average person it might have meant having Covid and being unable to return to work. Or finding an employer that would accept them after having Covid. It might have meant having a loved one with Covid and being a primary care giver. Or even more devestating loosing a loved one from Covid. And then finding themselves the primary care taker of their family.
The point is it’s none of your concern unless you are trying to lift them up and help people get back on their feet.
You all won’t raise a fuss about million dollar arms deals going to other countries. And you turn a blind eye to aid for mental health and homeless care. Or making sure our Veterans have what they need. But you’ve wasted all this energy hating on folks who are probably one step away from loosing it all.
I was greatful to stay employed thru the whole thing. But with reduced hours the stimulus checks were a big help. And you know I have people who won’t talk to me becuase I accepted them while working. I wonder how many of you who bitched about stimulus took your check back to the IRS and said no thanks. I don’t need it. Come on I”ll wait…
I said it before and will say it again. This pandemic has shown that their is no more solidarity in our nation. We are quick to judge and throw folks under the bus. You all want to worry about how tall your neighbors grass is. Or if the plumbing van that just fixed your plumbing is in your neighbors driveway because they worked a 16 hour day. And didn’t feel like a 45 minute drive to swap vehicles.
I don’t know what happened to the unified efforts we used to put in to overcome major obsticles. But we need to think on that. And figure out how to fix things.
Amy says
You said it all so perfect. I cant believe how judgmental people are and how they all sit there and call people lazy because a worldwide pandemic hit. All because RON brags about Florida being opened and trying to force us all to go work for slave low wages. I am so sick inside right now. I needed this money to get me through and I had a good plan. The plan is ruined now. I based my plan of action on what I was told about having this til September, but the plan is all ruined. I really don’t know what i will do now, but i am not going back to hospitality to put up with rude rich people who don’t tip and owners of the business don’t pay good.. I had plans to move, but now I cant because of what RON did. Where i was moving to pays double and the rent is lower then here. I don’t care about all the sunshine, I care about having a livable wage and Florida is terrible and If i don’t leave, I wont make it here. We all found out what happens during a bad emergency living paycheck to paycheck. It is fun at all. It is funny, the same people putting us all down are the same people who love to eat out. Well, I really don’t care if all the places go out of business. They did not care when they closed the door in all our faces. We had to fend for our selves and go with no money for 3 months. unreal, how Ron says time to go back and be a slave working for what? It is not worth it. I am not staying here. Let the rich serve themselves at a buffet.
one of the worst times to hire is in the Florida summer heat. Has anyone noticed the Democratic states have not stopped the fed supplement? There is a law called equal protection in the constitution. There needs to be a class-action lawsuit for those legit out of work, you cannot give to one state aN STOP THE OTHER
Amy says
YES, we need to sue RON, he is playing with our lives. He is doing something very evil. He does not understand what we are dealing with, constant panic is what it is. I have not slept in 3 days because I found out he was stopping it. I had my plans set and now it is gone. I will not work down here, I am leaving Florida ASAP! I hate it here now and I don’t like this Governor anymore. He is mean and heartless.
Amy says
The state provides a maximum of $275 a week in unemployment assistance. State and business officials have contended that the combination of $275 a week in state aid and $300 a week in federal aid is competitive with weekly pay at many restaurants and other businesses, providing a disincentive for people to return to jobs.
But Templin said “the math doesn’t make sense” as many people receiving state assistance don’t get the $275 a week maximum, while about 120,000 people receiving federal relief don’t qualify for state assistance as they are self-employed and work gig jobs.
“That’s an hourly wage using a 40-hour work week of $7.50 per hour, far less than the minimum wage,” Templin said. “So, we’re being told that workers are not seeking employment, because they want to sit at home eating bonbons for less than the minimum wage. This is a completely false, mean-spirited narrative, not based in reality, and certainly not based on any sound policy consideration.”
Gina Weiss says
Amy, thank you for bringing the proper attention to this effed up situation, you are so right , has nothing to do with those collecting welfare, has all to do with the working poor, poor hourly wages and that’s spot on since Florida is a service state gov needs to take a good look at that. Disgusting also to those throw stones at people who want to go back to work but just cannot live on those shameful wages. As I said before we the NPA voters are the most inscrutable voters and can turn an election around and there are many of us. Thank you for bringing the real truth to this situation and I wish you find employers who has the decency and respect to pay you as well as others a decent deserving salary for an honest living earned.
Republican that needs the federal aid says
Ironically, two months ago, I lost my 27 year professional State job with a State of Florida agency due to DeSantis COVID budget cuts 3 years short of retirement. Now DeSantis is going to block federal aid ($300) that I desperately need and should get. This money is coming from the feds so what gives him the moral right to block it from me. There are absolutely no state or county jobs in my field to even apply for right now (computers). None whatsoever! I shouldn’t be denied this aid just because there are a bunch of buss boy jobs available right now – what is DeSantis thinking?
DeSantis has basically cut my State job, immorally blocked federal aid I truly deserve and disparately need, and is forcing me to get a bus boy job since that is all there really is. Try to wrap your head around that one. He wouldn’t block the money if it was coming from Trump- not a chance.
down so says
with 27 years working for the state of FL you should be receiving a nice severance — fyi you cannot collect unemployment while collecting severance, The second part of this is that the CARES unemployment benefit is due to expire nationally the first week of Sept 2021 so no more Fed funding unless another round is voted in (unlikely). Third point is why must you apply for another state or county job in your chosen field and not apply to private sector jobs?
Republican who needs the federal aid says
1)No such thing as a severance pay if you work for State of Fl. Agencies.
2)DeSantis is blocking the federal aid prematurely in June even though it was supposed to be available to US unemployed workers until September. I desperately need that federal aid right now and he is going to just block it as political measure- this isn’t his money or the state’s money- its my money. I just lost the job and have only received a few weeks of the federal aid. Not morally right to do this to me or others in my situation.
3) I need to get a State or County job to complete my 30 years pension/retirement I will be screwed in retirement if I don’t get those last 3 years of work. Before you complain about me having a pension please note that I have been paying monthly, out of my own pay check, to build up my pension (the state made us pay for our own pensions many years ago).