Note: Golf Travel LLC filed a motion for voluntary dismissal on Oct. 17, 2023, and the court dismissed the case with prejudice on Oct. 23, 2023.
Joe Mullins, the Flagler County Commissioner and business owner, faces a $2.5 million federal lawsuit over allegations he defrauded a golf vacation-package company by delivering either invalid tickets to the 2018 Augusta National Masters tournament or failing to deliver tickets in 2018 and 2019, costing the company hundreds of thousands of dollars and lost customers and ruining the company.
The company, Arizona-based Golf Travel, claims its reputation was “destroyed” and forced to close after it contracted for tickets and badges to the Masters golf tournament on Augusta with Mullins Sports and Entertainment, LLC, only to be defrauded. The counts allege fraud, racketeering and breach of contract.
The lawsuit was filed on April 9 in the Augusta division of Georgia’s Southern District by attorney John Sparks. It also cites 10 unnamed individuals and 20 unnamed “corporate entities” associated with Mullins and who participated in the “tortuous” conduct, receiving money wrongfully taken from Golf Travel. But the lawsuit claims the additional corporate defendants are not independent of Mullins per se: He is “the owner and operator of Defendant Mullins Sports and the other corporate Defendants,” and allegedly uses them “as an alter ego, agent, and instrumentality by keeping said corporations under Defendant Mullins’ domination and control and by perpetuating its existence only to serve his personal purposes.” The lawsuit claims the court should see no distinction between Mullins and the corporate entities but rather should hold him “personally liable for all amounts due.” (May 10 Update: Mullins was served on the fifth try at his home at the Aliki in Flagler Beach on April 30, and the Notice of Service entered into the record on May 10.)
Golf Travel was spun off from a 40-year-old company called SGH Inc. that sold golf tours and tournament packages, including tickets and tournament admission badges to professional golf tournaments and related amenities, among them the Masters tournament in Augusta, Ga. Golf Travel was offering a vacation package that included tickets and/or four-day badges to the tournament.
Around late April 2017, Mullins, according to the lawsuit, told Golf Travel that he “had access to and could legally sell tickets to the practice rounds of the 2018
Masters as well as daily tickets and four-day Badges to the 2018 Masters tournament.” Golf Travel paid $606,150 for 183 practice round and 95 four-day badges for the 2018 Masters. The 95 tickets cost $448,250.00.
Many of those 95 tickets turned out to be invalid, according to the lawsuit.
Four badge-holders were stopped at the gate by tournament officials and security and told their badges had been “flagged” as invalid. “After the customers were removed to a security area and interrogated by Masters’ security, the Badges were confiscated,” the lawsuit states. The individuals were escorted off. Nineteen more such badge holders showed up, were stopped, interrogated and escorted off. The customers were angry. Nineteen of them had bought their badges from Mullins. Four had them from someone else, and were accompanying people with Mullins badges. (In all, 22 such non-Mullins badge holders were turned away during the tournament. Golf Travel believes it was because the clients were in the company of people holding Mullins badges.)
In response to Golf Travel, Mullins “offered no explanation for the invalid Badges except to represent that security was more intense that year and the [Golf Travel’s] customers must have gotten unlucky with random secondary inspections,” the lawsuit states. He would continue to insist that the badges were not invalid, just that the clients were unlucky. At the time, Golf Travel states, the company had no way to determine the veracity of Mullins’s statement. It later learned “that the statements made by Defendant Mullins were false, Defendant Mullins knew that they were false when made, and that Defendant Mullins intended to deceive Plaintiff by these false statements.”
Golf Travel then worried about other badges it had bought from Mullins that could potentially end up being flagged, humiliating their holders. Mullins gave the company assurances that other badges were not “tainted.” But on the second day of the tournament, 20 more clients were stopped, interrogated and escorted off, and by the end of the weekend, 57 badges had been confiscated, 35 of them provided by Mullins.
Golf Travel paid $200,000 to buy new tickets and badges and another $103,000 to refund customers who’d been turned away, and lost a large, different supplier of tickets and badges it had done business with over many years “because of the fiasco,” the lawsuit states. Golf Travel also lost three long-time corporate accounts and all revenue they generated.
“After [Golf Travel] purchased tickets and Badges from the Defendants for the 2019 Masters but prior to the start of the 2019 Masters Tournament, [Golf Travel] learned what had occurred with respect to the confiscated Badges for the 2018 Masters tournament that [Golf Travel] had purchased from Defendants,” the lawsuit states. “[Golf Travel] also learned that Defendant Mullins was well-aware of what had occurred with respect to the 2018 tickets and Badges before or during the 2018 Masters. Defendant Mullins failed to disclose to the Plaintiff the truth with respect to the void Badges and continued to maintain his false representations that Plaintiff’s customers were just unlucky.”
The lawsuit refers to a “former, disgruntled employee” of Mullins’s who had sent Augusta National a list of tickets and badge numbers that Mullins Sports had sold to Golf Travel, prompting Augusta National to void them. Mullins, Golf Travel claims, knew that Augusta National would void the tickets but didn’t disclose that, damaging Golf Travel’s reputation. The reason for Augusta National’s decision is not disclosed, or known by Golf Travel.
The same thing happened with tickets and badges Golf Travel had already bought for the 2019 tournament–145 practice round tickets and 84 four-day badges, for a total of $840,900 paid Mullins Sports. That March, a Golf Travel official went to Augusta to meet with Mullins and collect the purchased tickets and badges. Mullins “refused” to meet with him or give him the badges, the lawsuit claims. Mullins said he’d been “called away to Florida.”
“Mullins’ representation that ‘he had been called away to Florida’ was false, Defendant Mullins knew that it was false when said,” the lawsuit alleges. The statement was made, it continues, to keep Golf Travel from suing.
Four days before the 2019 practice rounds were to begin, Mullins asked for a meeting with Golf Travel’s president. They met. Mullins told him he’d not be able to provide all the badges and tickets pledged, according to the lawsuit. Mullins assured the president that he’d refund the money and help the company find replacement tickets–two promises Golf Travel says Mullins had no intention of fulfilling. And in fact he did not deliver the tickets or provide refunds, the lawsuit states. Rather, he provided 39 practice-round tickets and 92 one-day tickets. Mullins eventually refunded $295,000 over four checks or wire transfers, though by then Golf Travel had had to buy substitute tickets “at a much higher price or to cancel … customers’ packages.”
Golf Travel’s notifications to customers “who had already purchased golf vacation packages and already made plans to travel to Augusta were not well received by the customers. Many of them had already booked flights, some international flights, arranged other transportation to Augusta, and booked hotels and other accommodations, all of which had to be cancelled at the last minute.” Golf Travel refunded customers $700,000.
By the time the lawsuit was filed, actual money still owed Golf Travel was $114,094. But the company argues in its filing that it suffered damages over $800,000 from “wrongful conduct” between the two tournaments, including lost profits, and pegged its future losses at “no less than $1.5 million,” and is seeking punitive damages of more than $250,000. Defendants’ conduct, it states, “was willful and showed malice.”
Mullins was elected to the Flagler County Commission in 2018 and is running for re-election in 2022, maintains a homesteaded home in Bunnell, another (non-homesteaded) in Flagler Beach, and another in Augusta. In a meeting at the county commission this evening he was touting the importance of standing by the U.S. Constitution. He has long stopped responding to interview requests from FlaglerLive. Regarding the lawsuit, he told the Augusta Press, which first reported the filing, that he had not yet been served. He said he would be ready “if it is anything, but we’ve honored, you know, when we were doing business a few years ago. We don’t do it anymore, but when we did, we honored all agreements.”
flatsflyer says
Why hasen’t Mullins been arrested, last time I looked fraud was a criminal offense,.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
WHY is this guy still in office, making side deals and enriching himself at the expense of taxpayers who bankroll his overly generous salary?? He’s worse than an embarrassment. He’s worse than an incompetent. He’s a carpetbagger who appears to have left behind a questionable “past” in Georgia. Flagler County can do MUCH better. He should be ousted and replaced by the runner-up from the last election. And where is the oversight? Someone at the County has a fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers who are stuck footing the bill for this guy. Let’s start with some action from the other commissioners. Get rid of him!
Percy's mother says
There are Florida laws and statutes which govern removing someone from office.
You can’t just “get rid” of an elected “official”.
Wow says
I agree!
Mike Cocchiola says
The Feds!! This time he’s really in deep sh*t. We knew he was a con man and maybe even an unidentified insurrectionist. Time – and the F.B.I investigation – will tell on that. But at least for now, his mug shot will be plastered all over Flagler and Florida associated with a scam. Let’s see him talk his way out of this one. He’s a friend of Sheriff Staly, you know.
We need to ride this embarrassment out of Flagler on a rail.
Steve says
Come to find out this is his 3rd case of selling fraudulent Masters Tournament badges. The other two prior cases were settled privately 2015, 2012.
Christopher says
There were tax accessors also given tickets by crooked Joe!
Disgusted says
We continue to see bottom feeders elected by republicans simply because they have a R next to their name. No other thought apparently goes into their choices made in the voting booth. One must presume then that these republicans know and just don’t care there is zero moral character in that candidate
Andy Montgomery says
As citizens we must elect people of character if we expect justice, fairness and a Dudley Do Right attitude toward life.
Racists, bigots, and self-serving bullies in leadership?
Our vote reflects who we are as a community.
VOTE for the right people not for a party.
Bill Mullins says
Ask Trump for help.. Trump knows a lot about fraud.
Whathehck? says
It will make this proud “patriot” an even better candidate for 2022. Is this what transition to greatness is all about or is it fake news with a twist of covfefe? The saga is to be continued…………..
Cee N. Redd says
Well, how do you like them apples?!!!
Mickey and Minnie says
You know one can’t make this S**T up! Is this only happening to us in Flagler County? When are people going to stop voting for these Looney Tune cartoon characters! As Bugs Bunny says, “And that’s all folks”
Tim Mcauliffe says
Check out current events in Seminole County over the last few years.
Steve says
I agree it was a mess. Greenberg etc…Heres the difference Seminole will clean the situation up quick and move on. FPC not so much
Concerned Citizen says
I’m curious as to why this is only a civil suit. With the amount of money involved and crossing state lines there should be a criminal investigation on both the state and Federal level. Stop giving elected officials passes. And start holding them accountable for what they do.
What say you Joe Mullins.
How do you explain the repetitive fake passes?
I spent more than 12 years of my life in Law Enforcement both as a Deputy working the road and as an Investigator. And I call Bull Shit on the unlucky stance.
Maybe Flagler Live will be able to uncover more juicy tid bits. And turn it over to the proper authorities.
Ray W. says
Fraud as a crime at common law required strict proof of certain elements. Prior to Florida adopting the Anti-Theft statute in the late ’70’s, which updated prior codified common law crimes, there were two types of fraud, each with differing elements. Fraud in the inducement to sign a contract could be considered a crime. Fraud in the performance of the terms of the contract was more commonly handled in civil courts. Many decades ago, Florida courts introduced a rationale into the mix that when a person accepted money from a homeowner to repair a roof pursuant to a contract, it was not fraud in the inducement unless the homeowner could show the person misled the homeowner into signing the contract. The contractor showed up the next day with a helper and minimal supplies, stating he would be back later with the rest of the needed materials. The homeowner called authorities and the man was interviewed. He admitted that he had used some of the money to buy groceries for his family and he needed money to buy the rest of the supplies. He was arrested, prosecuted and convicted. The appellate court overturned his conviction, stating that the issue did not rise to the level of fraudulently inducing the homeowner to provide money in return for future services; it was an issue of performing the agreed upon future service. At issue was the fact that once someone gives someone else money pursuant to a contract to perform future services, the money no longer belongs to the victim; it belongs to the contractor. One cannot steal property that no longer belongs to the victim.
Florida’s Constitution contains two controlling sections. Article 1, which is our version of the Bill of Rights, contains Section 10, addressing “[p]rohibited laws”: “No bill of attainder, ex post facto law or law impairing obligations of contract shall be passed.” Florida carved out a limitation on the legislature’s power to enact criminal statutes where individuals engage in contractual business relations. Florida simply cannot declare all contractual behaviors that harm one party to the contract criminal. Section 11, addressing “[i]mprisonment for debt” reads “No person shall be imprisoned for debt, except in cases of fraud.” In the 1920’s, Florida’s Supreme Court defined this section as applying only to cases of fraud in the inducement into the contract, not fraud in the performance of a contractual obligation. Last time I researched the issue, the FSC had not changed that opinion.
In the 1980’s, Florida’s Supreme Court crafted an exception applicable to civil tort law (the civil equivalent to criminal conduct), writing that a person could not be subjected to civil tort actions for fraud unless the fraud was in the inducement, not in the performance. Fraud in the performance is to be addressed using contract law principles, not tort principles
I cannot speak to federal law, as I never researched the federal criminal statutes pertaining to fraud, but I have to think the ideas are similar, if not identical, as our federal Constitution has similar clauses.
Who knows whether Mullins understood the finer points of limitations on criminal prosecution when he allegedly insisted to his business partners that he could perform the terms of the contract and that the people who were turned away from the tournament were simply unlucky, but it sure seems like he knew enough to know that he could never admit that he never could perform the terms of the contract. As my paternal grandmother used to say, if there are fingerling trout in the milk pail, it is mighty suspicious that the farmer just might be watering down the milk by scooping water from the creek, but if he says he doesn’t know how the fingerlings got there, it is, after all, just a mystery to him, he just might avoid criminal prosecution.
While I cannot speak for law enforcement officers, all prosecutors quickly learn that businesses would rather use the State Attorney’s Office to handle their business loss cases, particularly rental car and rent to own companies. Years ago, a fellow Assistant Public Defender represented a woman who rented a couch on a rent to own plan. When the couch arrived, an errant swipe with a box knife by the deliveryman cut the fabric behind the couch. The woman complained to the company that she wanted her couch fixed or replaced. The company put her off with promises, but never did anything. She made several payments, but stopped when it became clear that she would never get a whole couch. She was arrested and the SAO began a prosecution for grand theft, a felony. I had already done the research and shared it with my friend. He came up with the idea of reading the contractual terms for the approved method of dispute resolution. The rent to own company listed arbitration as the method by which disputes were to be resolved. My friend send a registered letter to the local company and another to the national headquarters, notifying them both that his client had elected arbitration and selected a national arbitration company to settle the dispute. Since interpretation of the terms of a contract are settled against the party actually writing those terms, he argued that the company could not select criminal prosecution whenever it wanted to. My friend filed a motion to dismiss, using the two sections of Florida’s Constitution cited above, and the trial court dismissed the criminal case. The State elected to forego any appeal. I have to wonder whether the State wanted to open that Pandora’s Box with a ruling against the rental companies and the political bloodbath that would follow, once the rental company lobbies got involved with a business favorable legislature.
john stove says
Another Republican and rabid Trump supporter caught in a financial scam?…..no, It cant be!!
The Republican/Trump party of “law and Order” and “Fiscal Responsibility” is the biggest Ponzi scheme/scam in the history of the US. From Trump and his “family” scamming taxpayers for their use of their own resorts, to Mike Pompeo using federal funds for lavish parties, etc etc etc
Joe Mullins is not only a TOOL he is a cheat….go figure
Greg says
Seemingly as corrupt as the US government.
Heidi Becker says
Slime, slime and more slime!
Rich Santomassino says
Looks like Mullins has taken a chapter from “The art of the steal” written by his #1 hero, Donald Drumpf. This county commissioner is a crook just like the OrangeMan. I hope he ends up being “unlucky” and not only lose the lawsuit but indicted for criminal charges as well.
Ray W. says
I have long wondered whether Trump understood the difference between fraud in the inducement and fraud in the performance, given the multi-million dollar settlement in the civil suit involving Trump University.
tulip says
Mullins should be removed immediately and have his salary and perks discontinued. If convicted, take away his pension. If this deed isn’t enough to convince the rest of the BOCC that Mullins is a nasty crook, and do something about it, then they are almost as horrid as Mullins is, and don’t deserve to be commissioners or have any other “leadership position and power.”
Mythoughts says
Sounds like Trump University, two con artists flock together. Should this surprise any of us Flagler County taxpayers absolutely not. Should it surprise the Flagler County Commissioners that have ignored our request to remove him from the Commission of our County of course. They continue to do nothing and have enabled him for doing nothing and he will continue.
It sure is not making our Flagler County Commissioners look like they are on the up and up and honestly few have much faith in any of them for allowing Mullin to continue.
So, now we will hear that Mullin has his right in courts, more excuses as usual. We will all remember all of them when they are up re-election because it is time they all need to be voted out of office.
GovKemp says
It’s those dang activist liberal judges in Georgia. They’re out to get him.
Sherry says
Is anyone really surprised by this? Look at Joe Mullins’ name plate. The word “Vice” seems appropriate. Call DeSantis today and demand that Joe Mullins be removed from our county commission! (850) 717-9337
Palm Coast Forever! says
Oh my goodness, don’t call DeSantis, he’s a member of the Trump crime team, like Joe Mullins.
Linda says
The Governor just happens to be the only person who can remove an elected official under Florida law.
BillyBatts says
Ridiculous. Joe Mullins is a creep, but DeSantis is a fantastic governor.
Steve says
The only UNLucky ticket holders are the Constituents of FPC that are stuck with this Fraud for a while longer. Lil Joe is only a Patriot to himself and those too gullible to listen for the Truth. At least the layers are being pulled back on this phony being exposed for what he truly is a Scheister. I cant imagine that this will be the last of his wrong doings brought to the forefront. In the end a checkered past will reveal itself on its own. What an orange Clown
Dedicated American says
Like what is and has happened to our country has trickled down into our county. Joe Mullins should have been removed from the board a year ago. He should have been censured and replaced but the commissioners (Donald O’Brien and David Sullivan) stick by him like glue. Mullins deserves what he is Hopefully going to get.
Snoopy says
Keep Flagler Beautiful, what you wrote is spot on BUT…”he should be replaced by the runner up” if he is replaced now, the runner up is also a bigger mistake.
Mary Fusco says
So, what we have here is someone with NO morals beating the bible and preaching morals and claiming to be instrumental in saving residents of Flagler County from those with no morals. Imagine that. You just can’t make this stuff up.
carol says
Let’s see what the BOCC will do.
Willy James says
Nothing. They don’t have the balls.
David Blackburn says
Couldn’t happen to a better crook!
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Dear Readers and ( I hope) Voters,
Mullins past was well published on the internet before he ‘ran’ here ( and away from Georgia) about his previous Master Lawsuits, his holding multiple driver’s licenses in several states at the same time , falsifying homestead to get an exemption ( no, not the current one). ” Mullins carries more baggage than the Kardashians on a long vacation” was probably read by the voters who did really did their homework..
The one time as a candidate I handed out a flyer at First Friday raising these issues his worshipers nearly took my head off!
If God keeps me alive I am going to try again and do what I can to make Flagler the proudest, most honorable , most honest, fairest and most happy county in Florida.
Until a wall to wall group of citizens line Commission chambers ( on a meeting date) to demand the commissioners themselves issue a formal reprimand my opinion is that N O T H I N G will be done to stop him.
The Governor is well aware and does nothing; the elections commission is sitting on a valid complaint of Joe’s phony $61,000 + reported as campaign expenses in 2018 to an ‘expired’ then non-legal entity and then have done nothing for over 10 months. You can’t write a check or charge an expense to a non-existent entity.. unless of course you are Joe Mullins. You can stalk, threaten, insult anyone you want if you are Joe Mullins.
Any one of us would be in jail by now doing what he does in my opinion.
This man is the biggest disgrace in the history of Flagler County and the reality is he loves the attention he gets so until he is stopped we can expect even more ( in my opinion). How do you all see it?
BillyBatts says
Perhaps the Governor has been busy handling all of the difficulties over the past year and hasn’t had time for such tiny matters. After all, he did much better than Cuomo!
Denali says
Lordy, I never thought I would find myself in this position – but – – –
Our boy Joey is in the process of being sued by a former business associate. For the time being, this is a civil matter. While a savvy investigator would surely find enough to satisfy a grand jury, that has not yet happened so no criminal charges, yet. I repeat, this suit has just started, it sounds like Joey has not even been served as of this date. As such, he is entitled, as are we all, to a presumption of innocence. Many here are jumping to the conclusion that he is guilty and should be drawn and quartered. Not a punishment that I would disagree with but I would base it on differing infractions of human decency. So for now, we must live by and support our basic beliefs that we are all entitled to our day in court. Personally I will be pulling for the Golf Travel folks.
Lastly Pierre, I must ask that you refrain from publishing pictures of Joey that make him look the fool. No man wears a hat indoors (every Marine knows to remove his cover when entering a building), and who taught Joey to tie a tie? My seven year old nephew does a better job that this. My parents did teach me not to shame people like this but sometimes I cannot help myself.
NPA Voter says
IMO it’s too easy to post a picture of him looking like a fool. And if you look at the picture, it is clear that he is indoors, Marine or not. I come from a family of Marines so I know the drill, too, so to speak. But he disregards rules and regulations at his own convenience on a daily basis. Just saying …
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Sorry Denali. I was there – saw hat on Joe’s ( huge overblown head). Photo was taken Monday night – Joe had this hat on –
Disrespectful, void of manners, Joe always wears hats at commission meetings and is never told to take it off by anyone other than my husband who told him to ‘get that hat off your head” . Joe chews bubble gum, texts ( he even texted WRDW TV Georgia newsroom during Monday’s meeting – watch it! ). He wants to renew the US constitution ( to allow him to cut off liberal’s heads and escort them via trains from their homes?)
He must be paying off lots of people to get away with his continual non stop vile disgusting actions in my opinion. How much further will the Governor allow him to go ? Anyone have a clue? I sure dont.
Concerned Citizen says
And to think this is the same BOCC that refused to agree to an ethics settlement with Kimberly Weeks.
If the rest of the BOCC refuses to take action against Mullins this time they are just as corrupt. They are enabling and are equally responsible for his behavior. I do not understand why this BOCC and county is afraid of this man.
We rant and rave on Flagler Live about how we are tired of it. But little is done. So politicians like Mullins and Barbosa go around ruling Flagler County like little mob bosses.
Actions speak louder than words. Time to light up those phones and send emails.
Tim McAuliffe says
So what we have is a self described addict who claims to be in recovery and who has just been hit with a huge Federal suit for debts over 4 years old. He is also a serious gun advocate with kids in his house. Isn’t this the type of person that shouldn’t have access to Assault weapons?
Been There says
Don’t forget exploiter of women; ex wives and uber drivers.
mark101 says
This alone should be grounds to remove him from office. What an embarrassment to all of Flagler County yet AGAIN ! But in this county, there is the lack of balls by the other county commissioners, so this matter will hang until the courts decide if he is guilty or not, heck I hope not.
JimB says
Hahahaha. I laugh at the people of Flagler county, have been for years! I lived there several years and realized what an asinine place it is and I got the hell out. Flagler countians elect the worst public officials one can imagine (although no one will admit their vote) and then bitch, gripe and complain. The people of Flagler county have been doing it for YEARS! The history of Flagler leaders prove my point. Face it Flagler county – YOU put them in! I am so glad to be out of that corrupt county but I visit FlaglerLive often. I can always use the laugh. Hahahaha
Ben Hogarth says
My sentiments precisely. But… it is terribly tragic for the youth that still live in Flagler and have these “role models” with no real opportunity for growth or happiness beyond the endless sidewalks and drug filled neighborhoods. But couple the sort of catastrophically bad leadership Flagler County has had for 2 decades with insane spending on police and “security” – what you have is nothing more than a glorified police state. In political science we typically refer to them as “failed states” for a reason.
So the Sheriff is a quintessential “Caesar” of the County and the only check and balance on his takeover is… Mullins and company.
How could one blame the residents of Flagler for jumping ship at the first sign of land or port? Flagler has become a “failed state” because of its wanton disregard for public trust. And we have to look to those public voters as the first line of failure. They have only themselves to blame. If you entrust power to the exclusive control of one political faction, this is the result.
Wow says
SO not shocked.
The Voice Of Reason says
trump and mullins are symbolic of the current republican party. A corrupt, cancer on the USA filled with spineless, morally bankrupt, racist, sub-human reptiles. republican voters are gullibly stupid cult members. Win at any and all cost. God vomits when he looks down at republicans. Obnoxiously proud of their stupidity. If I carried on like republican voters, I’d take one of my precious firearms and blow my brains out. Enjoy hell!
A Real Voice of Reason says
Ahh yes. Another Democrat, one hand full of their horrible soft bigotry of low expectations, and the other pointing and calling Republicans who freed the slaves racist. Did you know that it wasn’t that long ago when the Democrats not only voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, they actually launched a filibuster to prevent its passage? And today they claim black people can’t take care of themselves, or even get an ID or use the internet, but Republicans are racist? God vomits when he looks at some of us, that’s for sure. The more you know.
Steve says
YOU didnt read it. HE said current GQP Party. Thats Ancient History with little context to compare. Did YOU know very few GQP Legislatures did not Vote for the Electoral College Votes in the largest most secure Election in history. Did you know not one voted for the stimulus package. Did you know few voted to Impeach etc etc etc Theres many Voices of Reason as to why a landslide Election result outed your Orange Liar
ASF says
More Trump than Trump. What a shock…Not.
Is there a codicil somewhere that states that public officials in Palm Coast can be removed from office under these kinds of circumstances? Can we at least hold a vote of “no confidence”?
Percy's mother says
What would a vote of “no confidence” do? Nothing.
NPA Voter says
ASF – he is a Flagler COUNTY Commissioner, not the City of Palm Coast. That aside, he’s a slime ball who should never have been voted in.
John the Baptist says
One commentator put it correctly. This is a civil suit, not a criminal act. Joe will get his day in court and judgment will find him guilty or not guilty as appropriate. The one area that stands out loud and clear is the comment about the suit. The lawsuit apparently alleges fraud, racketeering, and breach of contract. If I were Joe, I would be worried about that racketeering allegation as it will probably become a federal criminal charge under the RICO Act. The Federal Government uses this tool to get a tool convicted. Bye Joe!
Of course, many of the folks posting would like to see Joe removed from the County Commission. It won’t happen because this is a civil action and non of the commissioners except for Greg Hansen have the intestinal fortitude to censor Joe. Commissioner’s Obrien and Sullivan lack the backbone to put Joe in his place. Could it be because Joe contributed to their reelection campaigns? Next time you see Sullivan and Mullins having dinner together in the back dining room at Salsa’s Mexican restaurant, ask them.
Charlie Ericksen Jr says
Those common meetings are also violations of the SUNSHINE LAW…As Commissioners, we had to attend an annual ,mandatory 6 hour session, on NO< NO meetings unless, in session, with all commissioners present , and residents in attendence..
Percy's mother says
How NOT TO VOTE in 2022 . . .
April 20, 2021
Palm Coast, Fl – Today the Lowe Campaign is announcing that The Flagler Trump Club has endorsed his candidacy for Palm Coast City Council District 2.
“I am proud and honored to accept the endorsement from my fellow members of The Flagler Trump Club. I believe in the conservative policies of President Trump and once I am elected, those policies will guide my decisions on city council,” Lowe said after accepting the club’s endorsement, adding “I am a conservative voice for conservative folks like you.”
Mr. Lowe is the first candidate to be endorsed by the Flagler Trump Club for the 2022 local election.
“Alan Lowe is the just the first of many more local political candidates that will soon be endorsed by the Flagler Trump Club for the 2022 election,” said Trump Club President Mike McElroy.
The primary election will be held on August 23, 2022, with early voting from August 13 through August 20, 2022.
Flagler Trump Club VP and Palm Coast City Councilman Ed Danko said, “Our club is focused on a grass-roots effort to find and endorse local candidates who believe and follow the conservative values of President Donald J. Trump to Keep America Great,” adding, “We need more candidates like Alan Lowe in Palm Coast and Flagler County.”
The Lowe Campaign adds, “In order to bring a true majority of conservative thought to the city council we need your help. Please visit Alan Lowe’s website to learn more about his platform and consider donating to the campaign.
Delphine E Meyers says
Are You kidding this guy NEVER voted until he wanted to be Mayor
Ron says
This Republican did not vote for Joe Mullins. This Republican did not vote for Sheriff Staly. I have no problem voting across party line. I hear a lot about our past President who I voted for. But what has Biden done? Biden and Harris are destroying our country. They are both weak. I agree that President Trump could have tone down his outburst. But his policies where in the best interest of our country. So stop comparing Joe Mullins to our past President. His past actions and present speak volumes. It is amazing how People can complain about voting for their party line and then complain about the same actions they are guilty of. You are all hypocrites. I vote for people I believe will do the best for this country. We should put America first!
Steve says
And you are BLIND. Remember C19 that the Liar in Chief ignored and withheld the Truth about. He did nothing but run his mouth and completed nothing. From Healthcare Immigration Education on and on a failure thats why hes gone
Me says
Palm Coast Forever’s reply is so correct, contacting Gov. DeSantis to remove Mullin will go no where they are all a member of Trump’s Crime Family. I am starting to believe Florida has a bunch of Republican Officials that are all criminals, they sure don’t have a good track record. If it isn’t Gaetz in the news it’s Trump or Mullin or DeSantis all doing something crooked. Sure there are more of them out there but these are the regulars of crime for sure.
Trailer Bob says
Unbelievable, or should I say “believable”?
I live Flagler County, and do not agree with some blinded commenters that Flagler County is a terrible place to live.
Mullins is Mullins, which is a disease.
Our commissioners should attempt to remove this man from office.
If they do not, then they should all go after the next election.
Flagler is a beautiful County and has to be taken back my us sane people.
As the next election comes, vote for sane people. If you do not know anything about the candidates, please do not vote.
Trailer Bob says
Flagler is a beautiful County and has to be taken back BY us sane people.
The Voice Of Reason says
As is the case a lot of the time, you’re right Trailer Bob. I agree about voters being informed from researching candidates. If you didn’t do your homework, don’t vote. Or leave blank the ones you don’t know about. Don’t assume an (R) or (D) makes them a good choice. Around here, it’s obviously not the case. I’m not a fan of the Republican Party but it’s refreshing to see one who’s not brainwashed.
Linda says
THE ONLY PERSON under Florida law who can remove an elected official is the Governor. Commissioner Hansen attempted to censure him and was voted down. KNOW YOUR CANDIDATES, their backgrounds and what you’re voting for.
Linda says
The only person under Florida law who may remove an elected official is the Governor. Commissioner Hansen attempted to have him censured and was voted down.
Sigmund Kirk, Esq. says
In the case of Joe Mullins everybody that wrote to Flagler Live is just wasting time. Nothing against Flagler Live its just that nothing will ever transpire to remove Joe Mullins. And the best part is yet to come when that a–hole becomes County Commission Chairman in December 2021. Yeah!!! Don’t think for one moment that the current County Commissioners will stop him you’re as crazy as he is.
Linda says
As an attorney, you should already know that the only person in this state who has the authority to do that is the Governor.