For the second time in two days, a student in a Palm Coast school was arrested on a felony charge of related to threats against the school. On Tuesday, an 18-year-old student at Matanzas High School was arrested for posting a song making explicit death threats against a dean at Matanzas. On Wednesday, a student at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School off Belle Terre Parkway in Palm Coast, was arrested for threatening to shoot up and blow up the school. That student is 11 years old.
During lunch period Tuesday at the private parochial school off Belle Terre Parkway in Palm Coast, an 11-year-old student approached another and told her that he had made, which he showed her, had a gun, which he didn’t show her, and that he planned to shoot up the school and plant bombs around the school on Wednesday.
The girl, who told deputies she was not a friend of the boy’s, didn’t know whether he would make good on his threat, but she felt afraid. She told her mother, and was afraid to go to school the next day. Her mother wrote an email to school principal Barbara Kavanagh, summarizing what her daughter had said and hoping that something would be done.
Kavanaugh informed the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. A deputy interviewed three students–the boy who’d allegedly made the threats, the girl, and one other boy who told the deputy that the 11 year old had also told him what he’d told the girl. That boy thought the 11 year old might have been joking, but was no less afraid of what might happen.
When deputies interviewed the student in his father’s presence, the student “immediately stated he was joking with his friends and fell into a somber appearance,” according to the arrest report. He characterized the alleged threats as jokes, and said he had neither bombs nor a gun. The deputy searched his backpack, found the mace and also found a small, 2.5-inch knife, both of which were turned over to the boy’s father.
The student was placed under arrest and taken to the Flagler County jail for processing, though not for holding. The Department of Juvenile Justice will be contacted to inquire if they will accept the child or release him to his father.
“This is the second arrest this week for making threats and then claiming they were just joking,” Sheriff Rick Staly said in a release. “Parents please talk to your kids about wrong and right and keep track of what they’re bringing to school in their backpacks. Do not be surprised when we come knocking on your door after hearing about a bomb threat your child has made. Saying you were just joking is not going to make deputies turn around and leave. We take all threats very seriously and your child will be arrested. Be the Sheriff in your home before we have to be the Sheriff for your child. We do not like making these arrests so help us prevent it by talking to your child.”
Mythoughts says
What child would think threatening to bomb their own school and bring a weapon to school is “just a joke”. I am glad that child was arrested and once he is released he needs to be punished by his parents big time.
Do parents these days just expect the schools they attend to discipline their children? Sheriff Staly is correct you parents need to watch what your children are doing and especially bringing to school with them.
Mace and a knife, this child is already on the road of destruction.
Jimmy059 says
Well, the old saying “practice what you preach” is coming true. If they turned on the news and watched these politicians talk about killing another politician or those inciting an insurrection or continue conspiracy theories that rage flames between people. They see these people get away with these things and are probably saying “hey, I guess it’s ok. If they can do it, so can I”.
What do you expect from young people who see this happening in real life.
Another One Lost says
The child is obviously a white supremacist influenced by the Capital insurrection. He just needs to be deprogrammed.
James M. Mejuto says
Now, one has to ask: How does an 11yr.old get a hold of mace and a 2.5″ knife ? Also, what exactly was his intention?
There is a more pressing problem: An 18yr.old singing the song of the Proud Boys !
And . . . this is the greatest country? ? ?
Steve says
And a Proud Boys Leader being a rat turning in others. Precious. Not saying its ok but this really is a kid not an 18 year old with anger respect authority issues.
Mythoughts says
Jimmy059 I totally agree with what you wrote. Yes, the adults in our government in Washington are putting out a horrible example to the children of this country not to mention their own children and grandchildren.
To have Senators in our government threatening to kill and harm other members is an absolutely disgrace to our country and it needs to stop before someone gets killed.
What took place at our Capitol on January 6th was encouraged by the then-radical racists president of our country, and the now Republican party wants what happened swept under the carpet. What is wrong with these people that are supposed to uphold our constitution and the laws of our land?
The now Republicans are going to want everyone to vote for them when they are up for re-election but guess what their acts of supporting violence and promoting it is not going to get anyone in their right mind to vote for them and that is exactly what happened in our last election. People have out enough and went in the numbers and said no more.
The Republican party needs to wake up and accept the reality how they are destroying our country and our democracy because right now it appears they don’t care.
Our youth is going to pay the real price for all this incompetence in our government.
B. from PC says
What do you think the kids think after they hear the real words from our previous president and say they didn’t hear a call to violence. The Trump haters will twist his words to meet the narrative they are pushing. Get real, the violence was planned ahead of time and the kids can read through your bull. Quit blaming Trump and his supporters for Pete’s sake
Concerned Citizen says
All these kids getting in trouble..
I’m still waiting on Joe Mullins to be held accountable for his remarks on the radio. That was a documented threat as well. Or does our Sheriff intend to ignore it and protect him. While only going after children.