By Robert Alvarez
Republicans are less likely to win elections when voter turnout is high.
It’s true: Four of the five states with the highest voter turnout voted blue in the last presidential and midterm elections. All are crucial swing states.
In 2016, the one that didn’t — Wisconsin — instituted a strict voter ID law that suppressed around 200,000 voters. Trump won the state by only 22,000 ballots.
Even Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell agrees. He called the notion of making Election Day a federal holiday, which would make it easier for working people to vote, a “power grab” by Democrats.
Unfortunately for Trump, McConnell, and the Republican Party, 2020 voter turnout is expected to reach record levels.
This leaves the party with two options. They can broaden their message to appeal to an increasingly diverse electorate… or suppress the voters that don’t share their values.
Sadly, their attacks on voting rights across the country make it clear which path they chose. Republican-led state legislatures have been rolling back voting rights in virtually every state they control in recent years.
The flood gates opened a few years ago, when the Supreme Court gutted the “pre-clearance rule” of the Voting Rights Act, a capstone achievement of the civil rights movement. That rule required states with histories of racist voter suppression to seek federal approval prior to altering their electoral rules.
The results have been ghastly.
Texas ended temporary voting locations, reducing access for rural voters and college students. Arizona restricted the use of emergency voting centers and passed a more rigid voter ID law targeting Native Americans.
Less than two years ago, Georgia removed over half a million voters from its rolls. Right now it’s in the process of purging an additional 330,000 voters, mostly in Democratic-leaning districts.
In recent years, nine Republican-controlled states have closed 1,688 polling places. All nine were previously beholden to the pre-clearance rule, and all nine have significant minority populations.
Plainly, these rollbacks and closures disproportionately harm voters of color.
And it may get worse. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals will soon determine whether districts that dilute minority votes through racial gerrymandering can be compelled to redraw their maps to ensure that minorities have an equal opportunity to choose their representatives.
The issue at hand is a section of the Voting Rights Act called the “results test,” which forbids any law that has the purpose or effect of curtailing the minority vote. It’s just a matter of time before the results test makes its way to the GOP-controlled Supreme Court, which could well strike it down.
Ever since the 2016 elections, politicians have agonized over foreign interference in our elections. But the truth is, it’s vote-suppressing Republicans, not Russians, who are the greatest threat to American democracy.
But hope is not lost.
Communities are taking things into their own hands, advocating for and winning automatic voter registration and same-day registration, upending proposed voter roll purges, and requesting absentee ballots.
Then there’s the For the People Act, which promises to restore the Voting Rights Act to full strength. It easily passed the House and is now sitting on McConnell’s desk itching for a chance to be taken up for a vote in the Senate.
It should get one. I’m not asking for much — just for my right, and the rights of other people of color, to have our votes counted. Political parties aside, our fundamental right to vote must be respected.
Robert P. Alvarez works in communications at the Institute for Policy Studies. He writes about criminal justice reform and voting.
Sam Adams says
Instituted a strict voting ID law….Yes, they had to show a valid picture ID, Just like one would have to do to buy alcohol. Apparently democrats feel ID checks for alcohol has a higher priority than to ID for voting purposes. Wonder why that would be??
Fredrick says
With the crap storm that is going to begin to trickle out about the BS that went on with the 2016 election and has been going on since hopefully even the author of this tripe will understand how desperate the left has become and how they have made themselves insignificant.
Jim says
All this article does is confirm there is a large amount of illegal voting. We need a national voting card just like a passport. In the 2016 Presidential election,they actually had a voting place in a bodega in the state of Nevada . I am not so sure things were on the up and up if you can vote in the same place that sells cigarettes,chips and beer
Gary R says
Why is the article one sided aka bias? How Democrats Suppress The Vote https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-democrats-suppress-the-vote/
Democrats Benefit From Illegal Immigrant Voting https://www.huffpost.com/entry/democrats-benefit-from-illegal-immigrants-voting_b_1418523
American says
What a political race card piece of crap article!
In the real world we all know if you want to vote you can there is plenty of time and ways. You must make the effort no matter what your color. And as far as felons getting voting right back there has always been that opportunity after you are out an show you really care enough to stay out of trouble and want to be good citizen, I believe it’s 4 or 5 years, actions have consequences.
If you think that taking dead people off the voter rolls is bad then maybe you need to wake up, voter fraud is real, or maybe that’s ok with you.
The pc culture is getting old, playing the race card is getting old, we are all Americans and we must put some effort into life and our country, Mr. Alvarez be honest cause this is getting old.
Not Buying It says
What you said is just not true. We are fortunate in Florida to have early voting at many different locations. Not every state has that. I previously lived in another state (only 5 years, thank God) and we could only vote on Election Day, and you better not have to work during the hours of 7:30-6:30, or need to be on the road those hours. The suburban county where I lived, most people needed about an hour to get to and from their job in the city – leaving no time to wait in line or take a minute to fill out your ballot. So saying that everybody has plenty of time and opportunity to vote just isn’t true. Election Day should be a Federal holiday.
Also felons in some states get their voting rights back after meeting certain conditions. Not all states. Even though we just approved this in Florida, implementing it has been a bit of a mess due to the fact that many of the fees due and/or paid have not been tracked anywhere.
Speaking Truth says
Absolutely not true. When tens of thousands are removed from voting rolls (Indiana, Wisconsin, et al.), when busloads of seniors are turned away from the polls (Georgia), when vote-by-mail return envelopes are printed with a non-existent post office box (also Georgia), when draconian voter ID laws are selectively enforced (multiple states), when a state legislature purposely and deliberately subverts the will of the people by adding new restrictions to restoring voting rights to ex-felons (Florida), we have a serious problem in this country. Add to that problem, people who refuse to recognize the problem.
By the way, the only documented voter fraud in the 2016 election was woman in Iowa who voted for Trump — twice.
erobot says
Republicans want to restrict voting by making sure only citizens vote.
John says
Very disappointed in seeing this article posted. You talk about creating division in the community……… what about voter fraud being rampant in multiple states. Please when are they going to pass voter id is required, its only common sense.
MR .G says
this is your usual anti trump/republican Psycho Babble Bull as always! But ” WE THE PEOPLE” KNOW THE REAL TRUTH ..
Franklin Clair says
This is the biggest pile of fecal matter I’ve seen yet. High voter turnout can also help the Republican party since many people don’t vote because they think they don’t need to vote in order to win the elections. It is my belief that this is just another scare tactic used by the liberal democrats to sway voters away from the truth.
joe says
Voter suppression by Republicans in one way or another has been a goal and practice for many decades – decades, not just the last few years. The increasingly gerrymandered districts also help. Notice the number of states where Democratic state candidates win greatly more votes, but still end up with Republican control of the state legislature. The moving and closing of early voting places, the dirty tricks in fake election notices being sent – all of it, designed to keep the “wrong kind” of people from voting. See the recent cases where a Democratic governor wins, but the Republican-dominated legislature uses the interval between election and inauguration to suddenly pass laws to neuter his power and add to theirs.
The basic and clear strategy for a long time has been to cheat to win, lie and claim fraud when you lose. The fact that Republicans from the fraud-in-chief on down are doing NOTHING to secure our elections should alarm us all.
Instigator says
How about we require a State issued ID card to vote? You need it for everything else.
Or is it something nefarious, like cheating?
Franklin Clair says
We have to show I.D. already so I don’t see why a state I.D. would prohibit anyone from voting.
Traveling Rep says
Just another article that makes the choice for 2020 very clear! Trump 2020 MAGA!!!
David Boccabello says
Robert Alvarez is a proud Anti American Liberal Socialist Democrat. His hatred Conservatives, Republicans, Trump is what drives him to choose that lifestyle and way of life. He is a really good writer…but his assumptions presented like facts are pathetically wrong. What a waste of talent to the dark side.
Mike Cocchiola says
The Trump Party will cheat if they can. And lie… always. Their unscrupulous methods to stop all the voters they can, and hide all the votes they can’t are well known. They are a serious threat in every election in Florida and in America. Democratic parties in all 67 Florida counties are being encouraged to establish voter protection programs. As much as we trust our Flagler SOE, we cannot trust Trumpers. We will have a robust voter protection program here.
Richard says
And you most likely believe that the Obama administration had never LIED or CHEATED the American people during the 8 years they were destroying this country. Yes, I agree with you that Florida should have a robust voter protection program by instituting verified VOTER ID’s. That’s the ONLY voter protection needed anywhere in this country. Everything else is only bullshit.
Pogo says
@Just because trumpholes say so
Typical trumphole tantrums and non-sequitur rambling do not an argument make. Neither do 2 links (1 from 2012, 1 from 2015 – at least I read them) that don’t respond to any of Alvarez’s points. Moreover, not one specific point made by Mr. Alvarez (who supplied numerous links to backup his statements) is refuted in any way.
Well there is plenty of more bad news, aka the truth, on its way for trumpholes and all Republicans:
Redistricting Guru’s Documents Can Be Released, Judge Says
The files could show partisan efforts to redraw districts to benefit Republicans.
By Gary D. Robertson | 11/05/2019 12:11 pm ET
“RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina judge ruled on Monday that more than 100,000 computer documents generated by a recently deceased Republican redistricting guru that address political work in several states are no longer under the court’s confidentiality order…”
“”…“The limited release of Dr. Hofeller’s files has already proven critical in exposing secret efforts to manipulate the census and redistricting,” said Kathay Feng, national redistricting director for Common Cause. “Now the truth can come out about all of Hofeller’s shocking efforts to rig elections in almost every state.”…”
AP Report republished on Huffpost
And don’t forget to ACTUALLY read this
deb says
Well here is what I don’t get. In Mexico “” Mexican citizens are indeed required to have government-issued photo ID cards in order to vote in federal elections.””. So why are not people in the US required to have Voter ID cards or some sort of real ID. WHY, because the Democrats don’t want it.
Alphonse Abonte says
Too bad about the 2016 election.WHEN Pres. DJT wins his 2nd term and we take back the Congress there will be more howling at the moon by the insane libbies.
A lot can happen over the next twelve months. But as it stands today, Trump is the odd-on favorite. And that’s especially true given the awful candidates running for the Dem nomination.
Hillary Clinton could beat President Trump “again” if she decides to run for president in 2020, the former secretary of state said Tuesday in an interview.
Bill says
LOL on this. How does or more likely WHO does voter ID keep from voting?? It stops those who for whatever reason should not be voting that may be because they are not registered there or possibly in more then one place, they may not be the person they claim to be im sure there are many reasons. Adding another federal “holiday” for election day is BS its just another day off for Federal workers for the most part. Why not just make voting “DAY” not one day but a continuous 36 HRS all across the Nation. have them open at 6 am eastern and close at 6 pm the following day. that way everyone across the nation votes in the same time frame. that way when poles close they’re closed everywhere.
Cary says
The Demorats cheating will turn Florida blue. Make all voters show a valid id. No dead voters should be allowed to vote.
The voice of reason says
A voter ID would be fine. At the same time require all gun owners to get an ID to buy and own a gun. A picture ID.
The truth will set you free. Unless you’re republican and especially if your name is trump.
CARY says
Gary R says
How many criminals and thugs used ID to purchase their guns on the streets or black market? LOL
Bill says
You already DO need to show a valid ID to buy a firearm from a store.
The voice of reason says
Thank heavens for those gun shows every 2 months in Daytona, St Augustine and Jacksonville. Ids are easily sidestepped at these venues of republicanism. Praise the lord says the hypocritical evangelicals.
Getting back to the point, voter suppression is documented, voter fraud is a vastly over rated problem, a figment of gullible imaginations common to the trump voter. Also, when god thinks of trump, he vomits.
cary says
You Demorats want the government to provide people with all their needs. Problem is when you start to do that you end up rationing everyone. Then you have no innovation because your competing against the government and the government starts taking over business’s to try make up difference. Then you have full socialism and next up is communism once the government takes over property. Good luck trying but the dems will lose the next revolution. Most dems are lazy and vote for a politician that will give them free stuff.
Alphonse Abonte says
The Democratic debates are millionaires arguing with other millionaires about how evil millionaires are.
Richard says
With over 22 million ILLEGAL immigrants living in this country who have NO right to vote in any election I see NOTHING wrong or ILLEGAL about having STRICT voter ID laws and enforcing them. Plus, this should be a Bi-partisan endeavor not just an issue that the GOP is attempting to move forward. However, it’s the left not the Russians who are corrupt as they come. They promote OPEN borders and no voter ID laws as that’s the only way they can get their POWER back to control this country and its people. Do NOT let this happen EVER! People know exactly what the real truth is and articles like this one are as wrong as the Fake News media leads you to believe every hour and every second of the every day. Don’t be spoon-fed the crap and lies they want you to believe and trust. They are no longer news people and journalists. That disappeared with the Walter Cronkite’s, David Brinkley’s, Tom Brokaw’s, Peter Jenning’s and Ted Koppel’s of this country. News today is a JOKE! They are more like commentators and comedy show hosts versus REAL journalists.
Gym Jordynns Combover says
Tom Brokaw is still alive, and he thinks Trump is awful and a plague on this country.
Lashandra Wilson is Woke says
You can afford a fancy phone but you can’t get a valid ID? Total bs. Voter ID should be required, period. Dumbocrats want open borders and criminals who came into the country illegally to vote to keep them in office. And keep them on welfare. Wake up already. This former dem is no longer drinking the koolaid. Time for all people of color to wake up and realize what’s been done to us. Correction…what we allowed them to do to us! No more!
Concerned Citizen says
The hostility towards one another in the comments is saddening. We talk about division in this country when it is us creating it. I have to wonder why we cannot discuss opposing political views without insulting one another or getting hostile.
In regards to voters rights.
I keep seeing the issue of felons rights and the debate being caused by terms of reinstatement. It seems pretty clear to me. ALL terms of sentencing INCLUDING financial obligations must be met then on completion rights can be restored. Speaking as a victim of a crime who never recieved compensation. Why should you get your rights restored automatically when you comitted a felony that affected someone else’s life? Victims don’t get a do over do they? Complete the sentencing required that you agreed to. Then apply to have your rights restored. If you didn’t want those rights infringed on then maybe you shouldn’t have committed the felony in the first place.
Alphonse Abonte says
“The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”
― Malcolm X
James Madison's cousin says
The destruction of our country began back in 1995 when republicans took over the Congress. Back then we had a democratic President who had amazingly brought us into a 280 billion dollar surplus. When republicans took over – doing what they do best by cheating and lying to get G.W. Bush when it should have been Gore – they happily spent all that money as they usually do, showing they couldn’t care less about us taxpayers. The spend, spend, spend party is truly the republicans. Now our country is in danger of being ruined, destroyed, by that nefarious party’s utter corruption. We have become a weaker nation around the world and to the world, thanks to Trump and his republican excusers, who are happy to make us a part of Russia. I worked the polls, and ID is already being used in order to vote. So all the whining going on by ‘conservatives’ (who don’t even know what the word means and act against it every way they can) about showing id to vote proves to me that they haven’t been voting in Florida elections recently.
Democrats ARE the party of the United States of America, and they prove it every day. Republicans are filled with perverts, liars, corruption, lawlessness, and predators. And the party is HAPPY to accept those types. Everything they do is anti-American, anti-Christ, Anti-God. Pay attention to what is going on and see the truth! Vote out ALL republicans and SAVE OUR COUNTRY FROM UTTER RUIN!
Cary says
Are you one of those Liberals from the north that ran south after voting in a bunch of high tax government programs?
Joseph Stua says
You go cuz.
A.J. says
Vote Dems, Vote Dems, the Repubs are giving this country to the Russians and the cheating rich. Democrats please vote next year, get Trump out of office.