If you stood on the rim of the parking lot of Community Baptist Church on Old Dixie Highway for much of this afternoon, you’d have heard sounds disturbingly familiar to early 21st century America: the gunshots, the screams, more gunshots at random intervals or rapid-fire bursts. Thankfully, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office had propped up a few signs at the entrance to the church: “Training in Progress.”
But those signs and those sounds–the sound of blanks fired by a deputies rushing someone posing as a mass shooter in a school–were no less the signs and sounds of a nation that must now routinely incorporate that sort of training for its law enforcement ranks, and variations of it for school staff and students at every level down to kindergarten, for office workers in most professions, for retailers whose venues have also become favorite shooting galleries for mass killers.
Today, again and again and again, every Flagler County Sheriff’s School Resource Deputy–there’s at least one of them in every public and charter school in the county–and every one of the department’s new recruits took turns going through the scenario, gun drawn, with more than a dozen volunteers playing the roles of dead, wounded or fearful victims.
Each deputy would rush into the building the moment he or she would hear gunshots (there was at least one woman among the 26) then have to navigate a small, unlit lobby with an intrusive wall that turns into a long, narrow hallway with small classrooms on either side, navigating bodies, backpacks and the unexpected surge of students appearing out of nowhere and looking for a way out–without getting shot, all while gunshots are ringing somewhere at the end of the cavernous hallway.
It doesn’t always go as planned. The odd student is shot by mistake. The occasional deputy will overlook the best way to secure a room, or ensure his own safety. They’re immediately reminded, their supervisor going through the exact motions to be followed.
Sheriff Rick Staly and the supervisors running the scenarios gave reporters today unusual and complete access to the training sessions, without restrictions but with the understanding that tactical details would not be revealed: the agency, understandably, doesn’t want to give pointers to would-be shooters (not just here, but anywhere there’s online access to this type of accounts).
“It takes a lot to put on this kind of training, but it’s absolutely worth it,” the sheriff said.
“We certainly want to thank the church,” said Chief Paul Bovino, who oversaw the training with Sgts. Ryan Emery, Chris Ragazzo (who oversees SRDs), Phil Reynolds and Cpls. John Landi and Paul DeSousa, among others. “Anyone who helps us train and prepare, we’re very thankful.”
Senior Pastor Cliff Smith was observing some of the training. He explained why he was providing the church for the third time for sheriff’s training. “Number one our name is Community Church,” Smith said, “and to be a part of the community means you’re reaching out into the community and allowing people to use our church. These guys put their lives on the line every day, and if our church can help them train and save one of their lives and do their job better, then this building is theirs any time they need it.”
A big, plushy elephant had been positioned in the room where the shooter was stationed. A supervisor asked the more than two dozen deputies who among them had noticed what, literally, turned out to be the elephant in the room (the shooter aside). None had. Actually, Observer reporter Paola Rodriguez told the sheriff she’d noticed it when he quizzed reporters about seeing anything unusual in the room. FlaglerLive’s reporter, of course, missed it entirely. Rodriguez would later take up the offer to run through the scenario herself, gun in hand, firing at the target–and discovering that she wasn’t immune from the rapid heartbeat and the visible shakes afterward.
The routine of mass shootings is reshaping the psychology and methods of police, schools and workplaces, but it’s not an entirely new phenomenon. “We’ve been doing this since 1999, we’ve been doing this since Columbine,” Bovino said, referring to the Columbine High School massacre in April 1999 that left 12 students and a teacher dead before the two assailants, seniors at the school, turned the gun on themselves. The police had been slow to respond to that shooting, or to enter the building. “We’ve just been doing it in different format. This is not by any means the first time the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office has trained that.” He said it’s being done differently, “different tactics have been taught, different mindsets have been put in pl;ace. It’s been more aggressive over the years. It’s morphed, the tactics have morphed, but we have been doing it for a very long time.” And now, he said, “the frequency of these things happening has been stepped up. I mean, it was never this frequent that these things have been occurring across the country. It’s horrible–”
The training is mandated in police academies. It’s not clear whether it’s mandated among individual agencies, but that’s a moot point, the sheriff said, because he’s mandating it for all deputies.
“We’ve done active assailant training but this will be the first time that we’ve done this kind of training with this much scenario, real-life–trying to put them in a scene they might encounter,” Staly said. The agency has ordered Stop the Bleed kits for all school resource deputies and road deputies–kits designed to stop significant bleeding in a victim.
There’s a pine box at the entrance to the church with a printed sign taped to its front: “Please place prayer requests here.” The mostly unspoken, but occasionally verbalized prayer all afternoon was that the day’s training would, for supervisors, deputies and fake-blood soaked volunteers, remain just that–training. It is the sort of training that can do without validation.

OIF Vet says
ban assault kids
firefighter says
While the number of deaths in the Las Vegas was excessive, it could have been much worse. The Las Vegas Fire Department trained with the the local police departments in active shooters. The firefighter/paramedics and police went in as teams, under fire from the gunman and saved lives.
It would be nice to see something like that here. We already have firefighter/paramedics on the swat team. Active shooter teams should be the next step.
GrandPa Hooray says
Oh Boy, can’t wait to send my grandkids back to school. Perhaps I should give them some “tactical terrorist takedown training” before sending the little darlings off . Oh, sweeties, don’t forget your bullet proof vest and Bear Mace canisters .
CB from PC says
Truly a sad state.
Kids used to settle a dispute with a couple of punches and a bloody nose.
The only time the police showed up at a school was to talk about bicycle riding safety in traffic.
We did not have electronic devices, violent video games (Unless you substitute WWII movies and Toy guns) or Facebook.
We did have Sunday School and Church.
We had two parent families.
We had very few people on welfare or government handouts.
Too much pride for that.
We had respect of adults…Mr. Mrs. Sir Ma’am.
We had sports, and learned to play as a team.
We had homework and schools which taught Math, Science
History…and where America started and what it represented.
The town where I lived had white kids of many nationalities, black kids and Asians.
We all went to school classes together, went to school dances together, and played sports together.
No, it was not perfect, but
the Coaches and Teachers were non-discriminatory.
You could fail or succeed depending on your effort and ability without regard to color or national origin.
And a parent was never afraid of calling another parent if a kid was out of control at their house.
Michael Cocchiola says
Unfortunately, we need this. But I know one thing – it takes only seconds for a shooter with an AR-15 or an AK-47 to mow down dozens of people. No one, not trained deputies or armed private citizens, can stop a shooter with an assault-type weapon and a 100-round magazine.
We need to think rationally like the rest of the civilized world and ban these weapons, register the owners of all guns, and extend the waiting period to give authorities time to complete background checks.
Are Republican Senators going to think about our citizens or run in fear of the NRA? That’s the big question.
Andy says
Hey, we need more guns, right? More assault rifles, more suppressors, more bump-stocks, more high-capacity magazines – we need every mother, nun, veteran, student, bike-rider, beach comber, librarian and grocery clerk armed with an assault rifle
Join me, 2nd amendment gun nuts! Let’s arm everyone!!!! The only path to safety is unlimited warfare weaponry for everyone with a pulse! YEAH AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, so that was snarky; I’m an Army vet who understands that some tools should not be commercially available. Let the flame war begin?
flagler1 says
We are getting the society that we deserve.
Grandpa Hooray says
You start another worthless assault rifle ban in America, you will start another Civil War . .. ….Just WHO is going to run around to 365 million homes and try and take rifles away from citizens ? Nope, ain’t going to work ! Better try another way to protect schools and stores, malls, churches, picnics, etc.. How you ask, try using metal detectors, armed guards, and private citizens carrying concealed .. ITS THE ONLY WAY TO PROTECT PEOPLE
Sherry says
Good morning and thanks Michael and Andy!
Although Andy was being sarcastic. . . “some” leaders/members of the NRA and those filled with fear and loathing of “them”/ “the government”/”themselves” actually believe that the best way to combat gun violence is to do just that “arm every man woman and child to the teeth”!!!
ENOUGH! Our RIGHTS to a SAFE and PEACEFUL life are being taken away!!!
We need the Senate and this administration to enact “federal” gun safety laws that require stringent background checks for all those desiring ANY kind of firearm purchased through ANY process.
We also need to ban ALL automatic and semi-automatic weapons, and ANY tools used to create them.
We need a national database that tracks all gun and ammo sales. . . in order to determine where they may be being stockpiled.
We need to implement a gun “buy back” program like they have done successfully in other countries.
Guns should be confiscated from anyone who uses them to commit a crime OR to threaten others.
When someone calls the police with concern about ANY gun possibly being owned by an irresponsible/dangerous/mentally unhealthy person, that situation needs to be taken very seriously to determine if the gun(s) needs to be confiscated.