In what they dubbed “Operation Script Club,” The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Tri-County Narcotics Task Force concluded a four-month investigation into the unlawful trafficking of prescription drugs early Thursday morning, rounding up 15 local suspects in connection with the illegal sales.
All the suspects arrested are from Palm Coast. Most have a criminal history. Three suspects (one of them from Bunnell, one from Jacksonville, one from Palm Coast) are still at large.
The main focus of the investigation was on the drug “Roxicodone,” also known as Oxycodone or Oxycontin, which has become the drug of choice for prescription drug traffickers.
The main source of supply for the drug comes from pain clinics throughout the South Florida area as well as Orlando and Jacksonville. Traffickers can enter a pain clinic and pay cash for an office visit. Most receive a prescription for pain and a prescription for anxiety which includes a prescription for Roxicodone, which contains the drug Oxycodone, the same as Oxycontin. In recent years the focus has been on the brand Oxycontin because of the high milligram content of Oxycodone per dosage. Recently Roxicodone has replaced Oxycontin as the brand of choice because of its availability and high milligram content.
The prescriptions that are obtained range anywhere from 180 to 210 thirty milligram Roxicodone pills, and 90 Xanax (Alprazolam) pills. The price for a 30 mg Roxicodone pill on the street ranges anywhere from $12 to $20. The price changes based on the time of the month and availability on the street.
This investigation developed a drug trafficking organization that is not typical of most organizations. Most drug organizations form a chain which begins with a source of supply then branches out to other members that distribute the drugs. The trafficking organization identified in this investigation resembles a web rather than a chain with multiple sources of supply. The main source of supply changes daily and reflects who was able to get their prescription filled that particular day. Once a member of the organization was able to fill a prescription the other members were notified and made purchases from that member to redistribute.
Eleven members of the drug trafficking organization were identified during this investigation, as well as seven others engaged in the illegal distribution of prescription drugs.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Enforcement Team, along with the FDLE task force, worked closely with the North Florida High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) and their Tri-County initiative, a drug task force in St. Augustine. The Tri-County task force is made up of federal, state, and local agencies from this area and assists Flagler, St. Johns and Putnam Counties and their municipalities with larger drug investigations. The Unites States Marshals Service Florida Regional Fugitive Task Force assisted the Sheriff’s Office in locating and apprehending the traffickers involved in this investigation.
“This was an intense investigation which enabled us to identify those who are important players in the local drug trafficking scheme that centers on prescription drugs. This is not a problem that is unique to Flagler County, but it is a problem that needed to be addressed. We have done so,” Flagler County Sheriff Don Fleming said.
Abuse of prescription drugs now claims more lives in Florida (and Flagler County) than auto accidents. Prescription drugs make up more than two-thirds of the drug purchases made by the Sheriff’s Narcotics Enforcement Team.
For years, Florida was the largest state in the nation without a prescription-drug monitoring system. The Florida Legislature finally drafted such a law in 2009. The law passed. It’s designed to stop so-called “doctor shopping” and “pill mills.”The system was to go in effect in December 2010. But it’s being held up.
The Florida Tribune reports that “a bid dispute by rival companies seeking to run the database has put the project on hold for now. And one of the companies in the dispute contends that the winning bidder is unlikely to get the database up and running by the deadline of December 1. Susan Smith, a spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Health, said last week that the department could not discuss the bid protest but she acknowledged the program is on hold until the dispute is resolved. She said that the plan was to activate the database ‘as soon as possible after the conclusion of the bid protest.’ The protest is currently scheduled to go before an administrative law judge later this month.”
The Legislature refused to fund the database system with state dollars. Rather, the state is raising private donations to run it. As of last week, $500,000 had been raised.
By lagging behind so many other states, Florida has become a favorite destination for illicit prescription drug buyers, both addicts and dealers, who routinely “shop” for opioid painkillers such as oxycodone, methadone, and hydrocodone, at as many as 150 storefront pain clinics operating in South Florida, according to Novus, a prescription-drug detox center. Officials say 89 of those clinics are in Broward County, many more just south in Miami-Dade County, and the rest sprinkled around other southern counties.
In Flagler County, three suspects in the “Script Club” operation were still at large: Diante Holmes, Sandra Golden and Brandon Henderson. Anyone with knowledge of their whereabouts is asked to contact the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office at (386) 313-4911 or Crimestoppers at 1-888-277-8477.
Those arrested include:
- Erin Bracken, 26, of 45 Boxwood Drive in Palm Coast, held on $60,000 bond on charges of trafficking and selling Oxycodone. She’s been arrested before, for habitually driving on a suspended license (a felony) and for being a fugitive.
- Sherri Le, 25, of 9 Pinelynn Lane, held on $50,000 bond on a charge of trafficking Oxycodone.
- Diante Holmes, 19, of 162 Plainview Drive in Palm Coast, charged with trafficking Oxycodone and two charges of selling cocaine.
- Jose Fonseca Jr., 43, of 171 Plainview Drive in Palm Coast, held on $55,000 bond on a charge of trafficking Oxycodone and possession of a controlled substance.Fonseca has a long criminal history, including theft, burglary, drug dealing, battery, fraud and contempt of court.
- Dennis Kraemer, 44, of 4 Bolling Lane in Palm Coast, held on $50,000 bond on a charge of trafficking Oxycodone. Kraemer has a history of arrests for theft, marijuana possession and conspiracy to distribute, several larcenies, fraud, forgery, trespassing and altering odometers, among others.
- Theria Shenton, 27, of 48 Raintree Place in Palm Coast, held on $55,000 bond on a charge of trafficking Oxycodone and possession of a controlled substance. Shenton has no prior criminal history.
- Michael Cundall, 28, of 6 Rymm Place in Palm Coast, held on $50,000 bond on one charge of trafficking Oxycodone.
- Denise Rauchbach, 31, held on $5,000 bond on a charge of being principal in the first degree in the sale of Oxycodone. Her history includes distributing heroin and cocaine and possessing a controlled substance on school property.
- Joey Bourke Jr., 23, of 131 Breeze Hill Lane in Palm Coast, held on $25,000 bond on a charge of selling a controlled substance. He previous charges include cocaine possession, disorderly conduct, battery, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and a history in the juvenile justice system.
- Justin McCalligan, 26, of 45 Boxwood Lane, held on $60,000 bond on charges of dealing in stolen property and possession of a controlled substance. His criminal history includes larcenies, grand theft auto, burglary and forgery.
- Andrew Forkner, 25, of 48A Raintree Place in Palm Coast, charged with selling Oxycodone. His history includes a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
The operation in Flagler County mirrors a similar operation that took place at the same time, dubbed “Operation Pill Poppers,” in the Tampa Bay area. The following video details that operation:
starfyre says
rot away ray fey
rot away
starfyre says
mr pierre i humbly request you add the face of RAYMOND FEY to this list–he has blighted our community for years with repeat offenses–parties with his own children and needs to spend quite a few years behind bars at this point……
his childrens atrocious behavior is also an issue
Marie C says
What does that mean?
starfyre says
ray fey was arrested in this sting,thats what i mean
he is just not “listed” here
the criminals of palm coast feeding pills to our kids need to be driven out,or jailed –by a judge not afraid to actually imprison them
this city is losing its youth to the pill dealers-and those that arent addicted are leaving
Marie C says
I know lots of teens/young adults who are not involve with drugs at all, and are perfectly happy here. I don’t know what kind of kids are in your life but having raised my children (now teens) here in Flagler County, we have not encountered any significant problems with drugs.
We are involved in their lives and have kept them active with extra curricular activities since they were in pre school. It’s not fair to the good kids here that you infer that all local youth are being lost to drugs or running out of town. And it’s simply not true.
starfyre says
ignorance is bliss
PC MAN says
No Rush Limbaugh this time ?
Marie C says
Starfyre, I take offense. I’m not ignorant to what my kids do. I know where they are every moment and I am also confident in the values I have instilled in them.
I am familiar with you from other online sources as well as real life. Just because you have had severe problems with your children does not mean you have a right to project their misbehavior and issues on every other child in the county.
Rob says
The FSCO loves to bust broke kids who raid their parents medicine cabinet and write great press releases about the sillyness
airygirl says
I too believe that the abuse of these medications has become an epidemic throughout our county but also throughout the whole U.S. I too have a high school student for a son, who I have had a completely open relationship with since he was a young child. I am proud to say he has never smoked a cigarette, drank any alcohol or used any type of drug. I believe this has a lot to do with good parenting as well as communication with your child. He has made friends and then within a week I don’t see them again and I ask him why and he says “he smokes pot” or other things that I don’t agree with. So assuming that all teens are the same is really unfair.
Jenn Kuiper says
Let’s just all take a breath and not accuse each other of being bad parents. I applaud all good parents. Plenty of kids have GREAT parents and still end up experimenting with this type of stuff. They end up going through hell watching their children destroy their lives. There is evidence that some people have more “addictive” brains than others and are more likely to just try something once or twice and end up addicted. It may be just one sip of alcohol or one puff off a cigarette and then it’s downhill. The same with gambling or sex. You can take anything too far if you have an addictive personality and these people struggle with it forever. I’ve seen families torn apart over it. Siblings who were raised in the same home with the same parents for their whole lives can turn out to be completely different. So let’s keep a cool head and not judge here.
palm coast says
I have had to live with these dealers close to my home where i have small children. it is disgusting how this goes on, get the addicts help but put the dealers away, their records show that they don’t care about punishment,the money is too good.
Kip Durocher says
There is something you people can do.
Read the story:
“or years, Florida was the largest state in the nation without a prescription-drug monitoring system. The Florida Legislature finally drafted such a law in 2009. The law passed. It’s designed to stop so-called “doctor shopping” and “pill mills.”The system was to go in effect in December 2010. But it’s being held up.”
“The Legislature refused to fund the database system with state dollars. Rather, the state is raising private donations to run it. As of last week, $500,000 had been raised.”
starfyre says
i pray for all of you!!
john h. says
addicts cant be helped they should be incarcerated and kept away from the free world.drug dealers and addicts alike theyre all terrible people.
starfyre says
dan–its spelled they’ve
i pray for your grammer
john h. says
grammar is spelt with an a
dan m says
starfyre maybe if you laid off the drugs you would realize that your children learned all they know from you, thats why they are all losers. not becuase of drug dealers, but becuase of the poor choices you made/make justify the poor choices they made in the past and will continue to make…you’ll just be a the cannata family jail birds
starfyre says
i dont do drugs……my drug of choice is food
Liana G says
“The Legislature refused to fund the database system with state dollars. Rather, the state is raising private donations to run it. As of last week, $500,000 had been raised.”
Kip – But they don’t mind spending the money to build more prisons. Seems to me that both the prision lobbyists and BIG pharma lobbyists have a lot to gain here since “doctor shopping” and “pill mills” increase sales for drug companies.
About Time says
I personally have seen this drug affect many ppl i know an care about. They have lost there homes, jobs, and family because of this drug. Not to mention they lost themselves. Im glad to see that flagler county is taking some of these scum bags off the street. These low lifes are not only selling drugs to our youth an beyond but also have children of there own that they are putting in danger from their own personal use and dealing drugs. I hope the ones here with young children lose their kids. Children are a blessing and should be brought up with love not a doped up mom or dad. Put these ppl away, first time offenders or not. They all did the crime. Now do the time. May lessons be learned and the children involved be blessed with family to love an care for them the right way………..
airygirl says
I just want to respond in saying that I never stated whether a child chooses the path to experiment with drugs is completely dependent upon the parenting that child receives. In response to Jenn’s comment…..I can say that I am predispositioned to be an addict myself, having both my father and mother’s genes…but instead of continuing that cycle that I grew up with I made the conscious decision to go in the opposite direction. As I said before I believe being active in your child’s life and knowing their friends, their whereabouts and keeping them busy in school, sports helps. Also, talking to your children about all these problems that plague millions of people and sharing stories with them can really help them. I think if a child knows that they can approach their parent or parents about alcohol, drugs, peer pressure or anything else that it can help tremendously. It is true that a person with an addictive personality may not be able to put something down once they try it, but I feel if they never try it to begin with you don’t have to worry about having an addict on your hands. I just want to say I applaud all the parents who take the time to let their children know they are #1 in their lives and let them known they are loved no matter what mistakes they might make. It makes all the difference in the world to having nuturing parents.
concerned parent says
starfyre, as we both know you are not the perfect role model. you would be the prime reason my children dont involve themselves with your children anymore. the first time my son got drunk was with your twins in flagler beach. i am in no way defending these drug dealers but before you speak about anyone… on the internet (which i add is childish) you should look into your own life. and the praying doesn’t work for people like you, and for that we ALL pray for YOU.
The Truth says
Starfyre: I think it’s time you grow up. Accusing a parent of being ignorant just because you think drugs are prevalent in this community is out of hand. Most parents are aware of this but if you raise your children right, they will know right from wrong and won’t allow these things to get into their lives. Drugs have been around for a long time, if a child wants to do it, they will figure out a way one way or another.
You sound like you belong on the local forums rather than this site. It seems those on the local forums always find something negative to say and have something to complain about.
Barb says
Yes, concerned parent, it was on that local forum where Starfyre posted about her son nearly being killed when he fell off the back of a truck while intoxicated. Quite often, I have watched this pot call the kettle black. She spouts religion so often she has aligned herself with God. My religious belief is that God gave us all free choice and how we live our lives is OUR choice. Judging others as often as Starfyre does is just proof of that.
Most parents raise their children the best they can. And even then, teens can cave to peer pressure or that feeling that “just once won’t hurt anything” because they feel indestructible, and that one or two second bad choice can change the course of their lives. None of us should criticize others that fall into this because it could affect any of us.
starfyre says
my kids dont drink…..
Barney Smythe says
Starfyre How about telling us about your daughter? We hear about the perfect twins all the time out in the modeling world. Yeah they don’t drink!
starfyre says
my daughter is an angel
concerned parent says
i rest my case
starfyre says
i pray for you
Barb says
I have a hunch this is someone deliberately impersonating the person known as “Starfyre” from the forums. If so, I am sorry I fell for it, although I want to make it clear I was only repeating what Starfyre posted publically about her son and the judgemental attitude is also accurate (as I see it.) I do believe Starfyre is at an all day picnic, so, most likely she wouldn’t be commenting here this afternoon. If someone is deliberately pretending to be her…..pretty cowardly move on their part.
a friend says
I dont think we was put on this earth to judge anyone.I dont hear people talkindg about Adam and Eve.They are the reason this world aint perfect.But yall want to talk about bad parents.Well one of these people that got locked up use to be my best friend.their parents didnt do pills.They got in a wreck and the doctor put them on these pills.So if you want to blame anyone then it should be the doctor.These people cant get pills if a doctor dont give them to them.They are a good person just got caught up with the wrong people.So befor yall talk you need to listen to how yall sound.
Michelle says
Barb, you are correct. Someone is impersonating the ‘Starfyre’ from the forums. I was at the same picnic. Cowards don’t have much of an imagination, they have to pretend to be someone they are not.
Barb says
There was a comment from Starfyre after the article on Crist. I knew that wasn’t her when I read it. Thanks for verifying.
starfyre says
never heard of a blackberry?
starfyre says
dont give me a red dot!!
starfyre says
i am so popular that 1000000 people came to my picnic!!
michelle says
although the picnic was boring-i can verify starfyre did not post here
but i can verify how much she ate!! it was like watching a walrus!!
truth traveler says
shes a religious wack job
Barney Smythe says
And yes she can post from her phone as she stated in the picnic thread. It’s really great that in this economy that an unemployed (husband also), disable person can get a mortgage and a phone that allows you to post on the net. God must have huge purse strings for all those blessings.
zarine says
such a boring picnic
oh well
lilith says
i wouldnt go to a picnic there if you paid me–and i need the money bad for cathaders
barb says
i dont hang out with that “crew”
bunch of jokes
preacher says
starfyre god is watching you and your judgements!!!!!!!!! you should not throw stones when you live in a glass house . and get off the welfare titty
Anonymous says
For John h I just quit roxys 2 weeks ago and i’m not a bad person at all. i broke my back and got caught up in how highly addictive and how highly addictive they can become. you are probably some tightwad that’s never done a drug in his life. yeah i do agree the dealers should go to jail but the people on them are not bad people
preacher says
im on one now
poseiden says
im moving to africa
About Time says
ppl who are on scripts for roxys are on them for a good reason. my boyfriend has scoliosis and had to take them to help with the pain. he was one of the unfortunate ones that became addicted. i am proud to say he got help and has been clean for around nine months or more. He even went to school to get his ged. ppl who take the script for NO reason, but to get a buzz, are bad ppl. if its not pills, it would be something else. taking them an passing out while ur young children entertain themselves are bad ppl. selling them to young kids are bad ppl. selling them just so u can pop them for free, are bad ppl. nobodys a saint, we are all sinners, but there are sins that are against the law and u do the crime, u pay the time. in jail or with the devil. i have young kids and if i ever find out someone is selling them drugs. those ppl need not to worry bout the cops. they need to worry bout what im gonna do. when it comes to my kids, i will take a bullet. i dont play. i wish all parents had the same love an passion for there children as i do.
sue says
cops forgot to swing by 1 Perkins dr and pick up Keith Lamphere his driving around PC and Bunnell selling Roxy to the community on a daily basis
joe says
they also forgot to swing by 11 barrington lane and pick up bradley sanguinetti jr.
John says
Screw Flagler county SO, if people want to do drugs let them. Drugs should be legal anyways. You should put in your body what u want.
starfyre says
women should have abortions if they want as well
John says
The war on drugs is a joke! All drugs should be legal. It doesn’t matter anyway, because people will do them anyway. The war on drugs supports the black market drug wars! It’s actually shows you how much the religious nuts wants to run our lives! FCSO didn’t stop a thing. Down with bigots!
I know says
To Joe:
I know who you are talking about, brad and I used to chill together long time ago, went to many parties with him in pc. He will take any kind of. Drugs that. Is offered to him. I changed my ways and i am not surprised he hasn’t changed yet. It’s sad that his family support his drug habits. So people parents are the one to blame in this case.
And sue, I live in bunnell, there are bigger people than keith cops need to be looking for.
I know says
The father who does not teach his son his duties is equally guilty with the son who neglects them.
Sam says
Let them all rot in jail
Report says
I am glad they all got arrested but will eventually get out. That’s how system works. Sad but true
As for sanguinetti, I think I wrote article while back in 2007 in St. Augustine for boating show. I interviewed his son who seemed like a good kid. If we are talking about him then it’s sad to see what wrong group of friends will do to you.
starfyre says
they are all good people-with problems..
vick says
joe: you are so right..he does do drugs but doesnt sell them…well atleast tries to sell them. basically rips one dealer off and sells to someone else.
i know: i used to chill with brad too, we were good friends until drugs took over his life and he starting stealing from people, including me. He even broke into people house up in jacksonville. He smokes, does pills and he even did acid in front of me. and you are right about his family helping him out with his habits, but i dont think they are aware of what kind of problem brad has. They think he is good ol boy with no problems.
report: everyone is talking about brad jr not his father…i met brad back in 07, he WAS good kid, he hung out with right people and then he started hanging out with wrong crowd and now drugs is his life. look up his facebook or myspace..all he has on there is pills and weed stuff. but his family still thinks he is doing nothing wrong and he is an angel.
everything i said here is truth and i have proof of that including videos and pictures. just google his name and you will see the results
vick says
starfyre : they were good people…then problems came and they choose wrong path and now they are bad people
flagler vetern says
Vick I know you, I even told you once to stay away from him. But I heard what he did to you and sorry you had to learn the hard way.
Running Bull says
Some day people will let go of always jumping to a dichotomy – they are good/bad people.
They are people, just people who made some very detrimental decisions. Hopefully they
will learn from the consequences of non-productive choices and begin to make better
decisions in their lives.
dave hickey says
its the dr’s fault if the pharmacy can sell it legally and it being taxed already why cant we
jenny says
why am i not surprised to see brad’s name on here. He went to rehab last year and apparently it didnt help him
Starfyre of Flagler Chat says
I want to formally post that the handle starfyre is NOT me, and the posts are not made by me. I would never make the comments posted by this imposter, and I have reported this to the editor of this site. I pray he does something about this. It is appalling that someone would stoop this low.
Starfyre of Flagler Chat says
“starfyre, as we both know you are not the perfect role model. you would be the prime reason my children dont involve themselves with your children anymore. the first time my son got drunk was with your twins in flagler beach. i am in no way defending these drug dealers but before you speak about anyone… on the internet (which i add is childish) you should look into your own life. and the praying doesn’t work for people like you, and for that we ALL pray for YOU jaqui.”
Well concerned parent, if you are such a concerned parent, did you ever call me to tell me my sons were drinking? Did you ever think that maybe I did not know? As a single parent. sometimes things get passed us, so did you even drop a hint? Or did you just stand back and JUDGE me from a distance? You say my sons were drinking with your son. Guess we can judge you by the same glass you are looking at me through? And as you said the FIRST time your son drank, guess we can presume there may have been more? So how is that my sons fault? Did they hold a gun to your sons head? Is that teaching responsibility? To point the blame at someone else? Thanks for posting my NAME….very childish on YOUR part. Kind of like a hit and run. Just slap me from your anonymous place behind your keyboard with no taking responsibility for what you post. Sad……so very sad…..
poseidon of flaglerchat says
The above posiedon is not me
Siren of FlaglerChat says
If someone is posting some really immature, stupid things…it most likely is an impostor of a banned member of Flaglerchat who has absolutely no life to speak of.
Hopefully the admin of FlaglerLive steps up to the plate and bans the person posting under many of the impostor username.
Perhaps a change needs to be done to this website to make it harder for trolls. Be it required registration or the use of initials only.
Obviously someone is taking a very immature approach to vent their frustrations of being banned from a website. Very pathetic and sad indeed.
Flaglerlive says
The IP address of that person has been tagged.
Siren of FlaglerChat says
Thank you Flaglerlive! Hopefully this curbs that behavior. The last thing any website needs is to turn into 4chan because of one very angry person
Amelia says
I was very very close to the Sanguinetti Family for a very long time. Brad Sanguinetti jr is a walking waste of flesh. He has stolen from everyone including his dying mother. His biggest problem? His grandparents worship the ground he walks on…and his father puts on blinders. I’m actually surprised he has not been arrested for muder yet…but im sure that will come. He is a sociopath and his family refuses to believe that. I know….first hand what kind of person he is. I was also one of his victims. I hope they find him and put him away where he belongs.
Anonymous says
And Vick????? He has been a bad seed since he was 10 or 11 years old. He just got worse over the years. He was NOT a good kid in 2007…he was robbing houses in 2004! His problem lies with the fact that he has HUGE mental problems and his family refuses to even fathom that. I warned his father a long time ago that he needed psychological help, but it fell on deaf ears…as usual. Its not the crowd he hangs with…it’s other people that should be leary of hanging with him. He IS the bad crowd!
Bill says
Dena Doehler who lives in Amelia Island steals money from her book keeping gigs. Take a close look at your books !