Just before 6 this morning a woman called 911 to report shots fired on Plainview Drive in Palm Coast. The woman soon realized that a bullet had struck her bedroom wall.
By the time Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies had surveyed the scene, they discovered that one bullet had in fact pierced the woman’s bedroom at 162 Plainview, and three cars had been struck in front of 160 Plainview, a duplex. Both houses appear to be occupied by renters. (An earlier version of this story, based on the information provided by the sheriff’s office at the time, had incorrectly reported the shooting targets as being in front of 159 Plainview. Only the shell casings were found in front of 159.)
The woman, who is 65, told dispatchers that she’d heard several shots around 5:30 a.m. and had not immediately called 911 because she was afraid.
Deputies got to the scene shortly after 6 a.m., according to dispatch notes, and located shell casings outside of 159A Plainview. They noted that a bullet had been fired through the rear window of a vehicle parked in front of the house. Sheriff Rick Staly subsequently went to the scene.
Mark Strobridge, the sheriff’s office’s chief spokesman, said late this morning that “three vehicles were damaged.” Those three vehicles were in front of 160 Plainview, also a duplex.
There were no injuries. Florida Hospital Flagler reported no gunshot wounds this morning.
The theory, he said, is that “one house was targeted, the second place was a completely innocent victim.” The house being targeted, according to that theory, was 160 Plainview. The two houses are adjacent to other just past a curve on Plainview, where houses are lined in close-cropped succession, with numerous vehicles in driveways and some in the street. Plainview Drive branches off of the southern part of Parkview Drive, just north of Wadsworth Elementary. Plainview parallels the Wadsworth school and park property before looping east, north and west back onto itself. The two houses are near the latter part of the loop, where it swings back west.
“We are actively working the scene and Sheriff Staly responded to assess the necessary resources,” the release stated. (The scene had been cleared by 10:45 a.m., but authorities were returning there in the afternoon.) “The investigators are looking for a possible motive. We do not believe this was just a random act.”
If you have any information, please contact the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office non-emergency line at (386) 313-4911. Or you can remain anonymous by calling Crime Stoppers of Northeast Florida at 1-888-277-8477 (TIPS). Callers may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.
Veteran says
Ah yes, the dreaded “P” section again.
Bc. says
Palm coast p section is shure turning into a ghetto thank god we left palm coast for flagler beach a world of driffrent living experience palm coast = gangs drugs guns n thugs
David S. says
FCSO are you doing your job ?
woodchuck says
Whoa,at least it takes some of the stank off the R-section.I need to get my zillow up at little more then – see ya.
Tina Wolk says
This isn’t surprising. I lived directly across the street about 6-7 years ago and I moved because the adjacent dupkex was shot into. The neighborhood has been bad there for years.
K says
Wish Palm Coast would have kept the original plans of keeping it a retirement community.
Knowsalittle says
Why do people react like PC is the only place this is happening. These kind of events are happening all over the USA. If you think selling your home and moving is going to solve this, you’re wrong. Yes, the FCSO is doing their job. Do you know something they don’t and you’re able to predict crimes before they happen? If so, please share your crystal ball genius.
Al m says
It’s not so much about what section you live in landlords need to know who they are renting to .Someone was targeting somebody in the home .
Johnnyonthespot says
Why does anybody pretend not to understand exactly why this happens? Low income housing=ghetto ppl=ghetto stuff going down. It’s not just the duplex area of the P section….look at the demographics of the crap areas of the W and R. Learn from this Palm Coast…..move forward with more “affordable housing” and destroy what is left of your paradise.
C says
Beth says
I,m leaving Palm Coast! I own am selling going south, just like Palm Coast has
Anonymous says
Everything has really changed the sheriff’s really has to work harder. Not only problem with the gangs, drugs but especially with the BULLIES!!!!!! All my young kids have been bullied in the schools. It comes to a point that you have to put your kids home school but it is really sad that your kids are begging to do something so that they can stay in school because they love school and they want to stay in the school and why can’t the bad kids get out of the school.
Hmmm says
Want to know the difference between Palm Coast and other places? Anywhere else, in that picture would’ve been an outline of a body or two. These aren’t thugs, they are sissys. Reckless and stupid. I’ll say it again, Palm Coast is the safest town I’ve ever been to with more than 200 people. How many of us are actually scared loading bags in the car in WalMart parking lot? Lets be real. And people ask when the crime is going to stop!!! Lets stop the crime next Monday.
Zullyzz says
It’s not at all better in South Florida. We were going to move their for a great job opportunity… we changed our minds because of the high violent crime rates. Every place has their own thing going on. But Palm Coast is one of the better cities here…just saying
Moorslayer says
The Alphabet city gets worse every day!
Moved there in 2004, moved out is 2013.
Total Shithole!!!