It’s the Ryan dynasty.
Last November, Weldon Ryan was named the Flagler County Artist of the Year, the occasion marked with a retrospective of his work at Hollingsworth Gallery. Thursday evening, Ryan’s 17-year-old son, Xavier, was named Flagler County’s Youth Entertainer of the Year in the senior division after capping the Flagler County Youth Center’s three-hour annual talent show with a vibrant interpretation of the first movement of Haydn’s piano sonata in E minor (No. 34. Watch the full performance video below.)
“All of the years of playing and us on his back telling him to practice, practice, practice,” is how Xavier’s father, beaming after the show, explained his son’s success. Last year, Xavier placed third in the show. It is the second year in a row that a solo piano act wins the Entertainer of the Year award. Last year, Krystene Maceda’s solo performance of Chopin’s Waltz in C-sharp minor for piano won it.
Adam Pryor, the son of Matanzas High School principal Chris Pryor, won second place in the senior division, for “Sunshine Song,” written by Jason Mraz (the two Pryors occasionally perform together). And Flagler Palm Coast High School’s Felicity Furtado won for an interpretation of “Don’t Know Why” that would have made Tracy Chapman proud. (Or Norah Jones.) In all, 20 acts competed in the senior division, seemingly the most entries in the history of the Spotlight on Flagler Youth.
The event raised about $700 for Carver Gym, now known as the Carver Center, in Bunnell–where yet another member of the Ryan Dynasty has her shop: Richlin Ryan, an artist in her own right, coordinates the publication of Voice, a magazine produced by teens (among them, Xavier, who is also a photographer).
How Xavier fits it all in? A mixture of adolescent flightiness and home-schooling flexibility. “He has such a love of music, it just comes naturally,” Weldon says of the piano playing. “We try to get him to practice every day, at least two hours each day. Sometimes he doesn’t hold up to it but he does make up for it. In particular, later on at night, when he’s a little settled won, and everyone else is relaxing. That’s when he really gets to practicing. In between his digital music which he devotes a lot of time to.” (At the end of the show, while waiting for the judges’ results, Xavier treated the audience to a recording of one of his techno-inspired digital music compositions.)
“I’m proud of the accomplishments,” his father continued. “He has really stepped up his performances, his play, he’s amazing a lot of people in the sense that he’s come around to understanding that practice is important to be where he wants to be, if he’s going to devote his life to music. The whole notion of things is you have to treat music,piano playing, as a religion, and he’s starting to embrace that.”
Xavier Ryan plays Haydn’s Piano Sonata No. 34 in E minor, first movement:
Video courtesy of the Ryan Dynasty.
Nancy says
Congratulations, Xavier!!!! It is such a pleasure to have FlaglerLive reporting on the good things our young people are doing …. Thank you.
Christine Sullivan says
Congratulations, Xavier!!! Impressed at your abilities and inspired by your continued dedication. This piece brought tears to my eyes – certainly due to the music that came from your fingertips but also from the pride for your resulting award!! Play on my friend, play on!
Walters Anissa says
So Proud… of Xavier….
Anita says
Congratulations to all contestants and winners. Bravo Xavier, well done!
palmcoaster says
Dear Mr. Ryan Jr., your performance was exquisite. Bravo! Bravo!
Laura says
What a thrilling evening!
Little Michael Jac….er, Eric Dangerfield, sent me into a “major flashback” and tears with his rendition. Xavier’s astounding performance was pure pleasure and the top award will serve him well as he turns the next corner of his life. The judges made a fine call.
Thanks to everyone who makes this opportunity happen, and to Flagler Live for letting people know what they missed.
I hope the audience attendance will increase in the coming years.
For $5 bucks, it was better than any movie out there.
Live performance can’t be beat.
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