Last Updated: 5:49 p.m.
Victor Barbosa, the volatile Palm Coast City Council member whose brief tenure since November 2020 was dogged by boorish behavior on and off the council, by a sheriff’s investigation and a state inquiry into crimes he allegedly committed in Costa Rica, and by an accusation of shoplifting at Walmart over the weekend, has resigned.
“I, Victor Barbosa, fear for my life. I repeat I fear for my life,” Barbosa wrote in a stunning opening to his resignation letter. “All I wanted to do was help small businesses, fight corruption, and be the voice of the people of this community. I now understand why Council Member Howell resigned.” Jack Howell, a Vietnam combat veteran not known to have ever feared anyone or anything, resigned in 2020 because he was battling a recurrence of cancer.
Barbosa announced his decision “to whom it may concern,” a letter that was forwarded to the city manager today, hours ahead of this evening’s City Council meeting. He said effective immediately he was resigning and withdrawing his candidacy from the 2022 election. “All I want is my peace back,” he wrote, then signed.
The city attorney informed the mayor. Barbosa, according to Mayor David Alfin, wrote a very brief resignation letter in which he said “feared for his life,” in Alfin’s recollection. The suggestion took Alfin aback. “It bubbles up that thought to something that doesn’t exist,” the mayor said.
The vacancy means the council will have to appoint a replacement within 30 days, by simple majority. A special meeting is set for March 22 for the council to make the appointment. The seat will then be up for election, as scheduled, in this summer’s primary and, if necessary, in the November runoff.
The resignation is having no effect on the running of the city. Alfin met with Bevan and senior staff this afternoon. “I never sat through a more organized, informed, and quite honestly experience meeting over what potentially could be a complicated situation,” Alfin said. The city clerk and city attorney were also in the room. “I’m very impressed with the ability of staff to navigate this moment.” Bevan, who ran the meeting, was “organized and managed the meeting as a true professional.”
Until the seat is filled, Alfin said, the vacancy “doesn’t really have an effect on the meeting operation of the city council. It’s one less opinion, at city council business meetings, one person’s less comments at workshop, but it will not in any way affect the direction” of city business. Barbosa himself was not what observers of the council or city staffers would call either an ideas man, a consensus builder on the council, or an especially astute analyst–if analyst at all–during discussions. He did not advance discussions one way or another so much as weigh in with opinions and indications of how he’d vote, usually without engaging with other council members, though in recent months he had shown some aptitude for better understanding background material he was provided ahead of each meeting, and his understanding of and respect for the job was becoming more apparent.
For Barbosa, it is a fall as sudden as his rise two summers ago, when he banked on his step-mother’s name–she had been a one-term school board member and had deep ties in the county’s large and politically influential Portuguese community–and aggressive campaigning along side Ed Danko, who was elected to the council, and Alan Lowe, who was not.
Barbosa had announced a run for the County Commission last year, challenging Commissioner Joe Mullins–an elected official with whom he shares more DNA than ordinarily common–only to decide last month to drop his bid and run for re-election on the council.
“There is no peaceful life in politics,” Barbosa wrote on his Facebook page soon after revelations, reported here on Monday, that he’d been trespassed from Walmart for allegedly shoplifting an item. He’d self-checked out, but twice, on two separate scanners, had skipped scanning one particular item. Barbosa claimed he was in a hurry and had not intended to skip the item, and that Walmart’s corporate office apologized to him.
City Manager Denise Bevan called council members a little after 4 p.m. to inform them that Barbosa had resigned. The resignation was first reported by AskFlagler. She was meeting with Mayor David Alfin between 4 and 5 p.m.
The council will discuss the seat appointment this evening. “The way this happens, we are well organized through the charter of the city of Palm Coast, we have a process in place that we’ll follow to the letter,” Alfin said. “Following roll call I’ll make a statement and city clerk will define a process which is defined and detailed in the city charter. In summary we’ll put out applications for those that are interested and we must choose an applicant in 30 or less days.”
The applicants must be from Barbosa’s district–District 2–which stretches from parts of the Woodlands and the east end of Palm Coast Parkway to the South, includes Palm Harbor, the entire F Section, a small part of the north end of the B Section, and the area of Matanzas Woods and the L Section, north from Matanzas Woods Parkway.
“If you plan to run in November, you cannot be a so-called substitute right now. That’s what we did the last time,” Council member Eddie Branquinho said. “Then again, that was a different mayor, so I don’t know.” While the rules could be changed, “why would we?” he said. “I believe in special situations, but I don’t believe in special people.” Alfin agreed, saying the council will follow that precedent.
The council last went through an appointment process in 2020, when it appointed Jon Netts after the resignation of Jack Howell, and in 2018, when it appointed Vincent Lyon after the resignation of Steven Nobile. In 2020, those invited to apply for the position did so on the condition that they would not be candidates in the following election for that seat, so as to avoid giving them an inside track. That’s the approach Branquinho said he favors applying again.
Alfin puts a premium on unanimity in decisions. He was especially pleased when what had seemed impossible just months earlier–unanimity in picking a new city manager–came to be with last month’s vote to appoint Bevan the permanent manager. He said he would prize the same unanimity in the coming council appointment. As for the candidate’s qualifications, “I think there could be a very long list of things I would like to have,” Alfin said. But some knowledge of budgeting would be key: the city’s budget season is ahead. And this time, District 2’s ablest man for the job–Netts–is no longer available: he died just over a year ago.
David Schaefer says
Yea best news of the day next comes Ed Stanko….
deborah s mott says
jnlocal says
Alonzo says
All right Repubs, resign like he did. P.C. Will be a much better place to live in. REPUBS, please follow him, this world will be a safer place to live in.
Jim Dana says
Hallelujah – onward and upward.
Mark says
DP says
Hallelujah smart move. Now if only the other numb skull county chairman Mullins would resign his position. It would save us the citizen’s time and energy to vote that POS out of office. His foul mouth, and hatred towards the citizens who don’t approve of him has got to go. Now let’s make and elect someone who will be responsible to the citizens of Palm Coast. If there is such a person, time will only tell.
R. S. says
Walmart’s self-check-out policy backfires–unfortunately on a customer, who, as a political figure, may or may not be laudable; but, as a shoplifter, is simply the result of Walmart’s tightwad policy of having customers check out themselves so to take the few low-paying jobs away from folks who might need the money. Do we really need to feel sorry for the Wall family money aristocracy’s losing a few pennies?
Mary Fusco says
R.S. I would not call Barbosa a “political figure” by any stretch of the imagination. He can barely put a sentence together coherently. As for Walmart, no one is forced to use self checkouts. They are great for those who have only a few items or the lines are long. I have used them in WM and also in Home Depot. Please remember that for every item stolen, the prices rise for honest shoppers. Kind of like those getting “free” roofs from insurance companies. That is a total scam and honest people are paying ridiculous insurance premiums to cover these BS scams.
Jimbo99 says
Well said, all the protests, riots & loots of the Summer of 2020, that’s part of the inflation we’re all paying out today on. Anyone that thought retail Corporate USA was going to eat those losses ?
Too funny, “Kind of like those getting “free” roofs from insurance companies.” You’re not the only one that has had every legitimate roofer in the county with that approach 2021-Present.
Another one is the affordable housing with every building project being approved.That has even been the lie of the Biden.
Steve says
How about the orange blowhards Big Steal Lie Yimbo hows that working for you.
Mark1 says
If only more jobs were automated people wouldn’t have to work in unsafe conditions during this Pandemic.
Steve says
Just like TFG his own worst Enemy. You had to figure at some point He would bring Himself down. I figured it to be violence but Nope Petite Theft from Walmart. See ya Mr. Tough guy LOLololol
Jim Dana says
Hallelujah – let’s hope we get some people who REALLY care how Palm Coast runs.
Percy's mother says
I am appalled and disgusted at the behavior in commentary I’ve read since early this morning about Victor Barbosa.
The vicious, hateful and nasty nonstop comments about his situation have left me feeling as if I want to throw up from the filth of it all.
The electorate in this county and in Palm Coast has today proven to me that the majority live their lives in the mental, emotional and intellectual gutter.
I’m wondering how many of the vicious and hateful comments posted on Facebook, the regular Flagler Live website and the Palm Coast Observer Facebook page were placed there by LOWE / DANKO supporters. I’m assuming many.
I can’t think of a time I’ve been so disgusted by a community of people as I am today. The lot of you make me want to vomit.
So Victor Barbosa has resigned. What now will you turn your venom to? Who will you excitedly destroy next?
The electorate here in Flagler County and Palm Coast DOES NOT deserve any but the lowest of the low running for office. You people who were in a busied frenzy all day posting hate-filled vile comments deserve only the worst. AND that’s what you’ll end up with as in a self-fulfilling prophesy until NO ONE wants to live here any longer.
Victor Barbosa, unlike DANKO, has actually matured into the job of city councilman. I was quite pleased with his progress. He had a rocky start, which I think was fuelled by his association to the 2 degenerates in Palm Coast LOWE AND DANKO. I might add that I’ve never met Victor Barbosa and have never spoken with him or communicated with him in any way. I have however watched and observed.
I am truly disgusted today by the frenzied mob mentality which has sought destroy a man.
Why do you vile people think other people in office have either stepped away and/or decided not to run again? Because they know and understand what a vicious miserable lot the electorate in Flagler County and Palm Coast has become.
You people who piled on nonstop today with the viciousness should be ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES.
That goes for Democrats, NPA’s and Republicans.
jnlocal says
Give it up, throw up away. As a mama said in WWII: “Look, everyone is out of step but Johnny”.
Concerned Citizen says
@ Percy’s Mother
Regardless of guilty or not he has been involved in several questionable incidents since his time in office. As someone who was elected to represent his constiuents he was supposed to do so ethically and honestly at all times. And to take it a step further he took an oath to do his job. Which holds him to higher standards. At all times.
I suspect that anyone else at that Walmart would have been arrested and taken to jail. The day he had his accident I suspect anyone else would have recieved more citations. And above all I suspect that anyone else who was the subject of an FDLE investigation would still be in jail on other charges just to hold him.
He’s had more breaks than anyone else would have gotten. And still gets himself into situations he shouldn’t. I’m sorry your an arndent supporter and we are all bad guys. But perhaps it has come to the point that this County is getting tired of all the shenannigans going on with our elected officials.
Your NPA Neighbor says
@ Concerned Citizen – well said. I’m beginning to think that commenter’s screen name should be “Vic’s Mother” … such intensive support for someone who has, time and again, been under the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
Palm Coast’s City Council is better for it, at least until the next election.
Voters, PLEASE do your research before elections. PLEASE do not just vote based on party affiliation. There are sheep and wolves on both sides of the aisle and people with their own personal interests at hand. We need to have some bi-partisan honesty and cooperation restored.
Trailer Bob says
“We need to have some bi-partisan honesty and cooperation restored”.
I agree fully, but there will be a lot of work required to get that done.
Maybe we also need politicians with higher IQs as well…
Your NPA Neighbor says
@ Trailer Bob … I believe we are on the same page.
The dude says
Maybe Victor shouldn’t have been stealing?
I mean it all started with that one simple fact.
Ben Hogarth says
Matured into the job? The privilege of public office should not be reserved for members of the community who are only now (2/3 through their life) coming into a “maturity” for such prestige. The standards the public hold for their representatives continue to yield exactly the results they deserve. If you think Mr. Barbosa was worthy of the distinction of his office, I can’t help but feel pity for the community in which we served. Likewise, if your position is such that you believe “every politician is corrupt” and then feel necessary to spew vitriol and venom when your self-fulfilling prophecy has born fruit, I can only shake my head at the irony.
These United States continue to provide opportunity for the people to vote for candidates who have their best interests at mind. If a government of the people, by the people, and for the people elect lesser men (and women) to high office, then we have earned our suffering.
My advice – stop electing candidates in local elections just because they endorsed a national candidate you are enthused by or because they are affiliated with your party. Bad candidates will make bad representatives, irrespective of party of political faction. And the worst political faction will always be misfeasance and malfeasance.
Roy Longo says
Persy’s mother, every bit of your comment is false. Victor Barbosa brought all the nasty comments upon himself. How about the old time rule that goes something like, “treat everyone the same way you want them to treat you.”
Steve says
Your Post hasnt aged well PM
Edith Campins says
The fact is he tried to steal. He was a one issue politician and when things didn’t go his way and he couldn’t keep parking his commercial truck on his home driveway he lost interest. No one forced him to associate with Danko and Lowe. Where was your outrage when Barbosa, dank and Lowe were going around spreading lies and misinforming the public?
Soup Nazi says
Shark says
Get rid of one loser and pick another one!!!!!
Pissed in PC says
Good! One less idiot on city council. Now if Stanko would leave this city might get away from those red hat types.
Bailey’s Mom says
He was starting to develop and think about the community…but no one is above the law.
He did right by resigning.
Now is our time Palm Coast, to Show Up, Stand Up and Vote for qualified candidates who will do their job abs what’s right for our City.
Tim says
So sad! I feel for Victor Barbosa. No one should be verbally attacked like these commenters above!
Why hasn’t anyone addressed how he “fears for his life?” Is he getting death threats? Maybe instead of tearing this man down we should figure out what’s really going on.
Prayers for Victor, I hope he stays safe and doesnt let the haters bring him down.
I’m not a big political person but I was rooting for him!
The dude says
These alleged “death threats” (IF they really exist) probably came from within his own (Portuguese) community for being such an embarrassment.
Pissed in PC says
He doesn’t get to play the victim card that all republicans are doing now. He failed to pay for an item, got caught and showed the city who he really is. Quit sticking up for criminals.
Alonzo says
Is this a seat for the Dems. to fill.?
bob says
the “man caved” in by his own stupidity
Dennis says
Great news. Now please take down the thousand re-election signs all over the city.
Trailer Bob says
You can take them down and use them for firewood…lol
Tony says
It’s also time for Barbosa to take down all the signs he has put up that are an eyesore. Sayonara
ASF says
One down…predictably, by his own actions.
James says
Thanks for doing us all a favor, take the rest of them with you. Taxpayers want a change.
Skibum says
I’m already breathing a little easier hearing this idiot has given the city a gift with his immediate departure, and I hope the door hit him on his backside as he left the building for the final time. He believes his life is somehow in danger??? Give me a break! If he really feels that way, might I suggest leaving the U.S. altogether and returning to the country that appears to be waiting for him with open arms, and maybe a pair of metal bracelets?
Diana L says
Victor Barbosa’s resignation letter says everything that one needs to know about Victor Barbosa.
Susan Hart says
So he mistakenly skipped scanning an item on the first try. They caught him and the protocol is to shut down the scanner and move the customer to another scanner for a second chance. (Remember they have a camera above and are watching you!) He skipped scanning the same item on the second try? Mistake? NOT. He’s a thief and should have been prosecuted like any other customer!
bob says
“Throw the bum out” has gone full circle
JEK says
I don’t believe he’ll be missed. Let’s all thoroughly examine candidates before voting and never vote along party affiliation only. That’s a recipe for disaster.