Publix Supermarkets is making “a limited number of Covid-19 vaccines” available at four Publix stores in Flagler County starting now. But as has been the case with vaccines offered by local health departments in Flagler and elsewhere, all available vaccine appointments were snapped up as soon as they were made available.
Appointments may be made online here. But expect to get this message: “Please check back again shortly, as more COVID-19 vaccine appointments may become available.” Those eligible are advised to keep trying until more appointments are made available.
Publix started offering the vaccine in 24 stores in four counties over a week ago, offering 100 to 125 shots a day per location. The program expanded to additional stores since. On Tuesday, Four Pandhandle counties were added. Today, Publix added stores in Flagler, Volusia, St. Johns and Collier counties to the list.
Some 100 to 125 shots a day are offered each day per location, according to Gov. Ron DeSantis, who made the announcement about the latest availability during a news conference in Collier County this morning.
The vaccines is offered at the following Publix locations in Flagler:
- Publix at Palm Coast Town Center, 800 Belle Terre Pkwy., Palm Coast.
- Belle Terre Crossings, 4950 Belle Terre Pkwy, Palm Coast.
- Island Walk at Palm Coast, 250 Palm Coast Pkwy. NE Palm Coast.
- Beach Village, 414 Beach Village Drive, off State Road 100, Flagler Beach.
The vaccine is also offered at 22 Publix stores in Volusia County, including some stores just across the Flagler County line, where local residents are allowed to also attempt to get a shot. Those stores include:
- Publix at Halifax Plantation Village, 3750 Roscommon Drive, Ormond Beach.
- The Trails Shopping Center, 220 North Nova Road, Ormond Beach.
- Ormond Beach Mall, 1258 Ocean Shore Blvd., Ormond Beach.
- Ormond Towne Square, 1478 West Granada Boulevard, Ormond Beach.
A full list of Publix stores making vaccines available is accessible here.
As soon as DeSantis made the announcement this morning, the vaccine appointments were filled.
“You can make an appointment for the 65 and up, you come in here, they have everything set up, you sign in, you go, you sign the form, they do the shot, you wait for 15 minutes, and you’re out the door,” DeSantis said. “They space it out, reservations only so people aren;t crowded in, and they get through a lot of people. So if you look at 16 stores in Collier, that’s a minimum of 1,600 people a day that Publix would do, probably more, because they’re probably going to do more than 100, probably 125. So we think this is a good way to get this into communities for seniors. Not every place has as many hospitals doing this as others.”
In Flagler County, the hospital, as in many other counties, has its own supply of vaccines for its staff and patients deemed eligible. The Flagler County Health Department and the county’s emergency management division, which coordinate vaccine availability through the department, depleted their allotment of 1,700 doses very rapidly by last week, and expect no new shipments any time soon. It isn’t clear how or why Publix stores are getting vaccines, but local health departments such as Flagler’s are not. On the other hand, local departments have been overburdened with pandemic-crisis responses on various fronts. So having other agencies or businesses lighten the load is more a relief than a problem.
As of today, some 105 Publix pharmacies in 12 counties are offering the vaccine. “That’s going to be a really really big deal,” DeSantis said. “You figure 105 locations, at least 100 shots a day at each one, probably more like 125. That’s going to really, really be good.”
No walkups are taken, no camping out is necessary, or useful.
Jane Mealy, the Flagler Beach city commissioner, this morning tried to secure a vaccine appointment through Publix. “For about an hour I was getting this very scratchy message saying you can’t get though, call back.” When she finally got information, she was told to do it online, where the slots were filled. “Very frustrating.” Mealy eventually got on the Flagler County call-back list for an appointment likely no sooner than a month from now, she said.
“We do not have a waiting list,” the answer to a frequently asked question at the county states, “instead, we have a call-back list. When we have appointments available, we will call back small groups of people on this list to offer them an appointment. You may not hear back from us for months, it all depends on the availability of vaccines. To be added to the list please call 386-313-4200, Mon-Fri 9am – 4pm.”
Barbara says
They were gone before I could log on….how is that possible?
Joan Cain says
The vaccine appointment with Island Walk Pharmacy
Jane Gentile-Youd says
I am dancing to my ( yeah 50’s), 60’s and 70’s all around our home today ’cause tomorrow at 1:16 pm my local Publix pharmacist gonna zap my arm with the vaccine!! The famous fire rescue station guys who saved my life last year are a a few 100 feet down Old Dixie so I have no more fears… Yay. Glad I didn’t depend on Flagler County 3rd third set-up. It feels so good to be happy about something going on around these neck of the woods for a change… Just want to share my joy
Richard says
All I will say is that making an appointment at the Publix pharmacy in Flagler Beach was FAR more easier and logical than using the worthless Flagler County web site system that crashed multiple times or left you hanging. Nice job Publix!
Agkistrodon says
Thank you!
The Watcher says
Hats off to Jonathan Lord, Emergency Management Chief, for showing the courage to stand up to the governor and state. He is the only leader in Flagler County to solicit our fair share of vaccines for its residents. We should all appreciate his transparency and honesty for doing the right thing. He risks losing his job by ignoring what was not politically correct by going to the media and pleading our case. We truly appreciate his sacrifice and hard work. Good for you Jonathan, and keep watching our backs.
Johnny B Endinthisnightmare says
A step in the right direction. I recieved that”check back shortly” message and checked back about 4 times and finally got a “waiting for appointment” page and 5 mins later got to the appointment page and after I made mine I saw a “make another appointment ” link at bottom of page so my S.O. got to make her appointment 5 mins after mine. System worked pretty good. It’s like tryin to get Springsteen tickets……you gotta keep trying. I also have heard from 4 other friends that successfully made appointments today.
Best of luck to everyone.
Helayne greif says
I want to make appt for COVID vaccine e in Flagler St. John’s or Volusia county
Yellowstone says
Why does COVID Vax program have to be so convoluted? Why can’t this so-called “first come, first served call for an appointment” program be more like a 21st Century way of doing things?
Build a site that everyone can access, sign in, provide an email/text address, be added to a queue, then notified 24 hours in advance to show up at a specific Vax site.
First to call, first to be served – is just another messed up way of doing things!
Lou says
Is there a special decoding ring or password to get on a special secret list to get on the vaccine list?
Each time a new vaccine location is made available to the public, the list is already FULL.
Who do you have to know to get on that list?
Do you have to be affiliated with a special group or person?
If you have an answer. please share it with this 84 year old, hard working(ed), tax paying, American citizen.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
To Watcher: I could not have said kinder words about Jonathan Lord. It appears he is alone in his desire to help us.
Dennis says
Friends and family first, remember that.
Dennis says
This was a bad job getting this rolled out. Got notice that Publix was going to do this from county. Checked back at least 100 times. Finally last night I get a notice that all spaces were full. Never a notice that you can sign up. I guess it’s friends and family first before the general 65 and older group. Pissed at Publix fir the shameful rollout. I’m just out of hospital from a 6 week stay and desperate fir the vaccine.
Greg Griffin says
My daughter is getting hers today , her husband in 2 weeks
I’m 72 and cant get anything
They are in Oregon
Norma says
My feeling exactly. The same thing has been happening to me. At 80+ With 3 risks factors it should not be this difficult. Give me the secret password or code if you find it.
MRC says
As usual, couldn’t get through, website offered no availability, etc. etc. Thank you! You are making my life hell!
Mark101 says
Get used to this for Publix “” All available COVID-19 vaccine appointments at Publix Pharmacy have been claimed.””
Concerned Citizen says
That’s great that they are prioritizing and all but what about us “essential workers”?
I am 50 and work with the general public. I have had to work from day 1 thru our so called lock down to now. Just because I haven’t gotten Covid yet doesn’t mean I won’t. And don’t get me wrong having family in the medical community and having senior parents I understand the need completley.
Just wondering when “essential workers” fall into the mix of First Responders and Elderly.
Richard says
For those that are complaining about not being notified or couldn’t get in to make an appointment, yada yada yada, maybe you should consider hiring someone to do it for you as it really wasn’t that difficult unlike the rollout by Flagler County which was a CF as far as I am concerned. There were PLENTY of complaints afterwards and rightfully so as it was a TOTAL disaster! First off it pays to have a mobile phone with Text capability or email alerts from the Flagler County Covid-19 site which you need to sign up for at their site. Then when vaccines are available you will receive both a Text and an email as to how to obtain an appointment. If it is the Publix site then go there and keep refreshing the page until you get a LARGE GREEN ICON with the words, Book an Appointment. Click on that ICON which takes you to a QUEUE page which you do NOT want to leave or manually refresh otherwise you will loose your spot in line. So just wait until a new screen pops up where you start entering all of the important information that they are requiring. There will be 3-4 pages of information to enter. One of the last pages is where you choose a day and time. HINT, choose one which is NOT the very next one otherwise you will be rejected and have to go back and fill in a lot of information once again. Also make sure you have your Red-White-Blue Medicare card with your Medicare number on it as you will need to enter that information. Then Voila, you will be issued your FIRST and SECOND appointments. I had no problem getting an appointment for myself (but my wife is in a much younger age group) and my brother also easily got appointments for him and his wife. That’s why my first comment was giving KUDOS to Publix for creating such an easy system to obtain first AND second appointments versus the CF that Flagler County has set up out at Cattleman’s Hall in Bunnell.
Motherworry says
That pretty much is the same deal my wife went through to get my appointment. You have to respond to the text quickly. Also my medicare card has a couple of letters mixed in along with the numbers. The Publix keyboard was for strictly numbers, no provision for letters so I made a quick call to Publix and was told to leave it blank but to bring the card with me. I was able to schedule the initial shot and also the second shot.
I’ve nothing but praise for the way this went down. I also have been through the agony of being on hold forever just to hear that appointments are gone
MRC says
That is good information, however, I DO have a smart phone and got the text and IMMEDIATELY went to the designated link and COULD NOT get anywhere! I followed all the directions and links and yet, could NOT get on the system. Something is wrong here!
Pete Plocharczyk says
I’m with you, got a text, immediately went to the site and it say no vaccine available so you can’t make an appointment. From what I can see, only a select few individuals are getting appointments. The gov can get all the locations in florida he wants set up, but unless they can get vaccine delivered to those locations, what’s the point?
Richard says
Well that’s a bummer! When I got the text I went to the Publix site they listed and had to refresh the main screen for at least 5 minutes before I was able to see the big green ICON to Book an Appointment. Once I clicked on that I was put into a queue. Then I had plenty of time to call my brother living in Surfside estates to explain to him what he needed to do to get appointments for him and his wife. I would say that all took 15 -20 minutes. I even had to go through the information page a few times as I was always too late when I chose the day & time. The last time I chose a day & time that was further out and that did the trick. I got appointments at the Publix in Flagler Beach, my brother got an appointment for his wife also at Publix in Flagler Beach but by the time he was able to get his appointment screen setup all of the appointments in Flagler Beach were gone so he chose a Publix in Ormond Beach. He is getting his shot tomorrow whereas his wife gets her shot next Wednesday. I will get mine next Tuesday. To do three people probably took over 30 minutes so I don’t know what problems other people are having with the system as it worked for both my brother and I and we aren’t the quickest in the crowd these days. All I can say is Good Luck!
FlaPharmTech says
I’m a registered pharmacy technician familiar with Publix’s COVID 19 vax online appointment scheduling. First, I am no fan of Publix. Second, in defense of Publix, it is certainly not “friends and family” cutting in front of the line to receive this highly coveted vaccine. Publix only receives vaccine that the government doles out. Once it’s gone, Publix is in waiting mode for the next vaccine drop. Patience and persistence is what is required to book an appointment online. I do feel for our senior citizens who do not have access to computers or are not computer literate. This is not a perfect rollout of vaccine. In less trying times, i.e. not in the midst of a global pandemic, I would call this discriminatory. In actuality it is, but it’s mighty weird out there. Currently Desantis, who chose not to follow CDC guidelines for vaccine prioritization, has prioritized only people 65 and older and healthcare workers. Publix is doing its best, and is being rewarded.
Motherworry says
Care to explain “a select few individuals are getting appointments”? Stop whining! It happens all the time. Like the lottery, I suppose “select individuals only” win. C’mon.
Deborahj Smith says
Where do we make an appointment?
Robert C Caruso says
Thanks Richard if I did not read your post on how to make an appointment on the Publix Page I would not have succeeded today. The key word was refresh. Well I refreshed from 600am to 635 am Then Bingo. Made my two appointments. Thanks Again Bobby
Shark says
Where is desantis hiding????????
Cordell Berman says
Iam 79 on oxygen and have AFIB and acquired hemophilia factor 8 My wife is 80 and has AFib and walks with a cane .WE try to get covid19 Vac but never fast enough to get an appt
Anne Newsom says
thank you
Jim Darby says
I tried Publix for three weeks straight now and no luck. Go on at 4:00 am. Site opened at 6:00 am and already “full.” Never has opened up online for appointments in Flagler for me (81).
MRC says
Same here. EVERY time I have tried, I ended up in a waiting room only then to be told nope, all appointments are filled. I was working both my computer and phone on speed dial, and still no luck! And it is the same situation in St. John’s County. One doctor suggested that I should try Duval County. And yet I heard that extremely wealthy areas (Palm Beach aka Mar Lago) got their vaccine without any problems. When Desantis got caught with his hand in the cookie jar on that one he immediately blamed everyone else. Something is definitely wrong in Denmark…
David S. says
DeathSantis has got to go thankfully election time is less than 2 years away.
David Schaefer says
65 for me and I feel your pain. I have been on there for 3 weeks straight with NO luck.
yeah right says
yes also a joke start a 6am and as soon as it starts no luck until all counties are booked and NO LUCK so this is a joke or SCAM
Gina Weiss says
yeah right: as DeSantis reports that in it will take a “couple of weeks” to get through all of the seniors who really want the shots, does this mean that if we follow all of the protocol to try to get it and we have no luck that we really don’t want it, maybe this will be his next joke or scam. Once again why aren’t county officials letting him know that we need much more for our seniors and high risk groups and stop the BS that everything is hunky dory in this county with this virus.
Judith Guerriero says
I and my husband are in our 70’s. We have tried multiple times to get a vaccine appointment, right! Those of you who claim it’s no problem, well count yourself lucky you won the vaccine lottery. DeSantis is a con man just like his idol. They just lie and make a mess of everything. The appointment system is a sick joke. All of our friends and families of all ages and out of state are either done or scheduled.