Last Updated: 8:37 p.m.
A man and a woman, both shot in the head, were flown out of Palm Coast’s B Section this morning after a double-shooting on Beechwood Lane. The shooting is feared to be an attempted murder-suicide.
The two shots rang out around 10 a.m. at 254 Beechwood Lane.
This evening, the sheriff’s Office reported that shortly after the shooting, the caller to 911, Maureen Lockwood, 55, told dispatchers that she had just been shot by her husband, Ralph Lockwood, 63, and that he then turned the gun on himself after a marital dispute.
Ralph Lockwood later died at the hospital.
Flagler County Fire Flight and Trauma One, the St. Johns County emergency helicopter, were both dispatched to evacuate the two patients, who are believed to be middle- to late-middle-aged. Trauma One landed at the Indian Trails Sports Complex. Fire Flight landed on Pine Lakes Parkway. The helicopters were on the ground a considerable amount of time as paramedics tended to the two patients. Both helicopters flew the patients to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach.
“the details are still kind of difficult,” the Flagler County Sheriff’s Mark Strobridge said at about 11 a.m., by which time the helicopters had barely left the B Section.
Sheriff’s deputies and detectives are swarming the scene, but Strobridge said “we don’t believe that there’s any other threat to the community at all.” The 1,500-square-foot house at 254 Beechwood is homesteaded and has been owned by the same homeowner for the past 18 years.
“We’re treating this like we’ve treated all the other shootings we’ve had,” Strobridge said, meaning that it will be an extensive investigation involving crime scene investigation, search warrants and so on.
“We are at the beginning stages of this investigation,” Sheriff Rick Staly said in a release issued later this morning. “While there will continue to be law enforcement presence in the area as we continue the investigation, I want the community to know that there is no threat or cause for concern to neighbors or the community.”
Later this evening, the sheriff issued the following statement: “This is a tragedy for all involved. I want to commend our deputies for their quick work to secure this residence so Fire-Rescue could enter and the team effort to get them to medical treatment as quickly as possible. This is an example of how domestic violence is not always blatantly obvious and you really never know what is going on behind closed doors or in someone’s life. If you or someone you know needs help getting out of an abusive situation or assistance with getting out of an unhealthy relationship call us, call a friend, call a relative or call the domestic violence hotline. Help is available for you. Don’t wait.”
Moments before the shooting on Beechwood, authorities and paramedics rushed to an unrelated emergency scene at 6008 Mahogany Boulevard in the Mondex, also known as Daytona North, where a woman suffered non-life-threatening injuries to the head in an incident also involving a gun, though it is not yet clear whether the woman was shot or only struck in the head with the pistol.
Flagler County has been reeling from an increase in suicides over the past five years. In 2017, the county had the highest proportion of suicides in the state’s 67 counties, relative to population. Over the Memorial Day weekend, sheriff’s detectives were investigating the suicide of a 27-year-old woman, the mother of four young children and wife of a veteran, in Palm Coast’s F Section. The day before that suicide, some 150 people attended the county’s first-ever suicide town hall, an attempt to develop more awareness and strategies to reverse Flagler’s trend.
Trailer Bob says
I think people are lost in what matters most in our short lifetime. Money, sex, and all material things seem to affect people more today than in the past. I have always let my wife know that if I was to become ill with a money sucking illness, I may off myself. But killing yourself over money or a relationship is just sad and pretty stupid. The one thing we need to understand though is that it is not some disease from being here…but a disease from up north, where most of these folks come from.
Bill Sturridge says
Mark Strobridge. When? Please, will those in this county that can request the assistance from DOD. Do so. I know budgets are non existent but FPL reduced the ELF that is aggravating this by 40 percent at my location. Just by moving a transformer one hundred yards. They deny it is being caused by their equipment. I agree. It is affecting their equipment as it is everyone else’s. We have had the data and measurements for over three years now, to show the problem is real and the results prove it. Please take another look and see where this ELF is originating. It is extremely noticeable between the High school and the Flagler airport. Thank you sir.
lei says
thats in my neighborhood 🥺🥺
Anonymous says
I thought this was suppose to be “PARADISE” here
longtimeinPalmCoast says
This is another sad day in Palm Coast. I honestly do not know what is happening. Why are the people here so sad, angry, or influenced with alcohol or drugs, I moved here from a not very good area in NJ. I moved here for how nice the people were, and the schools that were so awesome for my children. I felt like I gave them a chance at a wonderful life. But now I see my grandchildren suffering for whatever is causing this to happen. Reach out to your neighbors, make friends, Drink socially, not to get drunk and stay away from the drugs. We need to go back to OUR CITY <3 And when you are sad or struggling so much reach out for help. Don't try to fix it yourself
palmcoaster says
Very sad news again I am so sorry for their families. I believe that Trumponomics with tax breaks to the rich and financial hardship for the rest is what causes these tragedies.
Very concerned citizen says
This is very worrying on so many levels. The increasing rate of suicide in Palm Coast/Flagler county should be on everyone’s radar. Why is this happening here? This really needs to be addressed. The suicide rate in this county is the highest in Florida! I fail to see any kind of commission being appointed to study this. Why?
Beulah Pinion says
Living with uncontrolled pain creates a great problem for mid-life and older people, this must be addressed but not thru insurances companies, nor stopping Doctors ability to offer the pain medications that offers their only relief— This is so sad.
Jerelyn Daly says
Whatever happened here. Everyone know Ralph was a wonderful guy. A friend. We all rode together and smiled together. And even cried. God Bless then both. And Maureen keep fighting sista. We love you
Doug says
And I thought the Florida Keys was notorious for divorces…sadly, Flagler has this tragedy all to itself.
rjs508 says
So Palmcoaster blames Trump for this? Trump didn’t create the hate and intolerance in liberals, he’s just exposed it.
Veteran says
I can’t believe someone blamed President Trump for this. Grow up!
Momof3 says
The tap water has chemicals that cause depression.
Look up the chemicals in Palm Coast water.
gmath55 says
@ palmcoaster – Stupid comment of the year. “I believe that Trumponomics with tax breaks to the rich and financial hardship for the rest is what causes these tragedies”.
Alphonse Abonte says
When all else fails, Blame Trump, when he is gone in 6 years, then who to blame? I say the media, with all their doom and gloom. Stop reading and watching the crap that is spewed today and get involved. Prove me wrong.
T says
I don’t think he is a good guy if he killed someone
Well... says
This isn’t a new phenomenon–murder, suicide, and domestic violence. This is something that’s been happening since humanity began and will continue until it ends. It only seems more rampant now because everything is reported. Domestic abuse sadly “runs in my family” and has for generations. I’ve been told stories about how my great-great-great-great uncle murdered his wife because they had a disagreement or how on my father’s side, going back to my great-great-great grandfather, they were all alcoholics and abused their wives and kids. To the one commentator that said money, sex and all marital things affect more people today than before, not true. History tells us money, sex, greed, power, jealousy is where all problems start–and this didn’t just happen. It’s been happening for centuries upon centuries and then some. Humanity was always this way, what’s changed is the “grapevine” became bigger.
Trailer Bob says
Really? Trumpenomics? More people are working now than since the 60’s or 70’s. Taxes did not go up since Trump, so find another excuse. YOu are a great example of hatred and brainwashing.
The Geode says
“Ralph was a wonderful guy” …up until the point he tried to commit MURDER!