(© FlaglerLive)
James Tom Russell, Flagler Palm Coast High School’s principal since 2019 and a former superintendent in Volusia County, where he built a 30-year career in education, died today of complications from covid-19. Russell had been diagnosed with Covid-19 on Nov. 16 and more recently was hospitalized.
“I share the news that none of us wants to hear,” Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt, who was informing faculty, staff and Flagler Palm Coast High School families by way of an automated call this afternoon, said, her voice audibly shaken. “Tom Russell, Principal of Flagler Palm Coast High School has passed away. I’m heartbroken by this. Tom was such a steadying force, not only for FPC but for our entire school district. Please join me in lifting up his wife Julie and their family in your prayers.” Mittelstadt said information about funeral arrangements will be made available when known. “We will have a support team on campus in the morning to help any way needed in the upcoming days. Let’s stay Bulldog strong on behalf of Mr. Russell.”
Russell is the most prominent public figure in Flagler or Volusia to die as a result of a pandemic that has claimed lives with merciless and indiscriminate ferocity in every community since March, with 45 lives lost in Flagler and 386 in Volusia, and a toll approaching 300,000 nationwide. By midnight Wednesday, 3,053 covid-related deaths had been reported nationwide in the previous 24 hours, yet another daily record—and a deadlier total than on 9/11. Russell had taken every measure to protect himself, as he had told his staff at the beginning of the school year, impressing on the faculty the importance of safety measures and vigilance.
Just six months ago, Russell spoke with near-prescience as he addressed the graduating Class of 2020 at a special in-person ceremony at the Daytona International Speedway.
“How many of you thought that Friday, March 13, would be the last normal day in the United States?” he said, after reciting a long lost of accolades about the first class he’d led in Flagler, rapidly earning faculty and students’ respect and affection.
“I was raised in a military home where we were taught to be a good person and do the right things. Those have been my guiding principles,” Russell was quoted as saying several years ago when he became interim superintendent in Volusia.
In his younger days he’d been a restaurant manager before finding his way at 30 in education, taking his first teaching job at Raines High in Jacksonville. The next year, he moved to Deltona’s Galaxy Middle where he taught English and social studies. In 2004, he became the principal of Deltona Middle. Three years later, he took the helm of Pine Ridge High in Deltona, where he fought to clean up the image of the school, once dubbed “Crime Ridge.” He was promoted to area superintendent in 2011, overseeing 34 schools, and in 2015 became interim superintendent when then-Superintendent Margaret Smith took early retirement after 11 years on the job. Russell agreed not to seek the permanent post when he took the interim assignment.
Jim Tager–who would eventually become Flagler County’s superintendent–was a deputy superintendent in Volusia at the time. Tager told a News-Journal reporter that as he and Russell rose through the ranks, serving as middle school and high school principals roughly at the same time, Tager “tried to incorporate parts of Russell’s leadership style into his own.”
“Our paths ran parallel for many years,” Tager said today from Vermont, where he moved with his wife last summer. “We were principal interns together, middle school principals at the same time, high school principals at the same time, then both became superintendents. I have always sought out Tom for advice, we both have sons that are teachers, and we shared about our families and summer trips. Tom beamed about his family and talked fondly about his travel with his wife Julie particularly to Chicago.
“Regardless of all those commonalities he is a person who I look up to and try to emulate. The district where he served as superintendent was fortunate to have him there. His legacy of kindness, decency, and a respect for all resonates with students, parents, faculty, staff and the community. He was the perfect principal for FPCHS for that reason. His legacy is one of a humble servant leader. Interestingly he loved FPCHS and shared his favorite job was being a principal.”
The Volusia school board eventually suspended its search for a new superintendent and offered Russell a contract. He remained superintendent there until 2019. Not long after Andrew Spar, president of the teachers union in Volusia, called for his removal following difficulties in contract negotiations in 2019, and the school board ousted Russell in a controversial vote, Tager brought Russell on in Flagler.
He introduced himself to the county in a video tweet on June 21, 2019. “Hi. I’m Tom Russell, and this is my dog, Sky,” he said, standing in a corner of his lanai with his dog at his feet. “I’m excited about meeting the students, the faculty, the staff and the community. I can’t wait for the school year to begin. Go Dogs.”
He cherished his several thousand followers on Twitter, and used the platform copiously to cheer, encourage and congratulate faculty, staff or students–whether it was the latest recipient of the sheriff’s Great Kids Award, the “facelift and the investment in the culinary lab,” a student’s finish in the top 10 in state cross country finals, the Senior of the Month, or students placing 2nd and in the top 10 in a federal district essay contest. And that was in less than a week in mid-November. On Oct. 24, he posted an early-morning selfie after taking part in “America’s most precious right,” voting.
On Nov. 20, he welcomed Scott Warren and Cory Murdock, both advanced placement and International Baccalaureate math teachers, to the FPC faculty, part of Russell’s plan to “highlighting our New Bulldog Teachers till Thanksgiving Break!”
It was to be his last tweet.
In Flagler County, the last active principal to die was Buddy Taylor in 1991, after whom Buddy Taylor Middle School–formerly Belle Terre Middle School–is named. Sal Campanella, who had been principal of Flagler Palm Coast High School before his death while recovering from appendicitis surgery in 2003, had by then become deputy superintendent. He, too, had spent most of his education career in Volusia. FPC’s stadium bears his name.
In name engraved anywhere or in memory Russell’s forceful presence is likely to radiate the way his words marked the graduating class of 2020. “Your actions and behaviors at school and in the community have been exemplary, and that has been what is so painful when thinking about your lost spring,” Russell had told the class, his voice projecting in the cavernous enormity of the Speedway. “Although our society will be shaped by the pandemic, Class of 2020, you cannot allow it to define you. In your lifetime you have been through so much. Multiple weather events, two economic collapses, and a pandemic. Yet through it all you have shown grit, perseverance, because you fully embraced life. For years to come, the class of 2020 at the secondary and collegiate level will be studied by sociologists and historians who will try to understand your response to this pandemic. And your message? At this graduation, on this day, at this historic race venue, will stand forever in your memory that the FPC Class of 2020 never ever gave up.”

B&B says
RiP. Thank you and your family for your service. Please be safe during these difficult times.
Not Right says
Palm Coast as a city and Flagler County are not doing enough to enforce the mask mandate. This good man died of Covid. Will you speak up now Mayor Holland? Make an effort to reiterate the important of all citizens masking. The Sheriff needs to do so as well!
You all know what to do. Do the right thing.
Today I was in Target no further into the store than customer service and a woman with dark hair walked right by me with no mask on either herself or her school age daughter. There was an elderly man she walked by without noticing or caring. In Michaels there was only two other customers in the store, an older man and his adult daughter. No mask on either.
The CDC has released a statement strongly recommending any person over 60 not even enter a building where even One person is not masking.
This is how it spreads. This is how you catch it. It is a crime that this town cannot enforce masking. Useless. This man suffered and died. Palm Coast has lost a good man. He wore his mask. Did you?
Merrill S Shapiro says
His very memory is a blessing! May the soul of Principal Tom Russell be bound up in the bonds of eternal life! May his family, friends, teachers, staff find solace and comfort. The world needs more Tom Russells, not fewer!
Ruthie Dillard says
My condolences to your family. He will be missed
Jimbo99 says
RIP Tom Russell.
Just have to say it... says
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord.🙏🏻
Rick G says
This is sad. A decent and dedicated human being died from this virus. All those who think they are invincible and don’t need to wear masks should take heed. The mask you wear protects others around you. Get with it and stop being obstinate dolts who think their freedom is being denied so they may protect others. I am a military veteran and while in the military my basic rights were not the same as civilian citizens but I did my duty to keep others safe. Do the same by wearing a mask.
David Schaefer says
RIP Tom. Prayers to the family. How stupid can people be in this county its not hard to wear a mask just do it for yourself and others…….
Anne Schaefer says
Mayor, please enforce the mask rule. So many places in Palm Coast are not complying. Denny’s, Ollies, Walmart, Target…..i see so many people come in with no masks. People are dying! Please help us fight this.
WH says
A good man died from a horrible virus. He took the necessary precautions, yet that was not enough. Those of you selfish enough to refuse to wear a mask, this is on you. Wearing a mask protects others. Now his family is grieving. It may have a 99% survival rate, but sadly he is in the 1%. My heart goes out to his family and the lives he touched. To the people refusing to wear a mask, think about this. What if due to your selfishness and lack of personal responsibility, you were the person who infected him and ultimately caused his death. I’m sure your family would feel differently if it happened to you.
Maybe now the do nothing mayor will put a mask mandate in place that is enforceable. How many more people have to die?
Steve says
As the self absorbed peacocks of FPC promenade down the aisle of denial and idiocy like the impotent primadonnas they are some residents are just trying to live their lives do their job. Stay safe protect themselves and their families. Some go beyond that and give more than they are expected to. That extra mile that is often times fatal in these pandemic riddled days. Small sacrifices to be made for the good of us all ignored by the ignorant in your face worshippers of a hollow false idol whose response to the Crisis at hand is The Election is rigged.
May the good Man RIP and his Family find Solace knowing there are still People who give a Damn.
D.A. says
We need to use hard language at this time. Store owners need to put signs in their windows saying, “IF YOU ARE NOT WEARING MASKS WE DONT NEED YOUR BUSINESS.”
Only Me says
A great man in our community gone because our Governor, County, and City Officials are ignoring how deadly this virus is and will not make masks mandatory, why? I cannot answer that. Governor DeSantis is just like Donald Trump failed to even care about protecting the people and this state or our country.
It is a national disgrace to humanity. I hope our county and city officials do the right thing but maybe it will take one of them or their family members to die of this deadly virus.
Stop making this a political issue and making it a safety issue for our community.
Jack Howell says
Tom represented what good educators are all about. He could easily relate to students, faculty and irate parents. He will missed by all. The real tragedy in this story is that his death did not have to happen. Unfortunately, we live in a society of folks who believe they are privileged and don’t have to abide by the governments requests to adorn masks and practice social distancing during this pandemic. Those who don’t believe this COVID outbreak is nothing more than the flu. They are so self-absorbed and selfish.
Steve says
Fascinates me how a political leader gets the blame for an individuals decision to wear a mask or not. There are laws in place against speeding, texting and driving and selling illegal drugs. Has that stopped everyone from doing those things? Anybody that thinks a change in leadership is somehow magically going to inspire and motivate people to wear a mask is living in a fantasy land. I hope that it does but I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Mark says
Whats next? Who else has to die? Was this persons life valuable enough to make you care? Our County leaders and school board are failing to protect us from our State leaders. We call for an immediate lockdown of Flagler County! Essential buissness only, close the beach , parks, boat ramps and def schools!
palmcoaster says
Devastating loss to our school! May the Almighty arms embrace you Mr. Russell and protect your grieving family.
Annoying says
I’m sorry to hear that this man has passed away due to COVID-19. But to all these people commenting regarding being disrespectful to others for not wearing a mask, according to Mr. DeSantis masks are not mandated they are suggested and required but it’s not MANDATORY. Also if you have certain conditions that your unable to wear a mask you don’t have to. Now if your that worried about people out in the public not wearing masks maybe you should stay home? And order your stuff online to be delivered to you. You cannot make people wear them when it is recommended but not mandatory. People need to mind their own business and worry about themselves and let everyone else worry about their own problems. There are plenty of other issues going on than to sit here and bash over the mask issue. We are on phase 3 and we are all well aware about the social distance and if people haven’t grasped onto it now then there is a problem. Another thing people that if they are not feeling well they know to stay home. I hope everyone has blessed day and stay safe.
TR says
This is a false statement. The small store owners do need peoples business to keep their families fed and to pay their bills.
TR says
Agree 100%. funny how a lot of people don’t have the facts. Here some for you. The numbers across the board on this virus are false and not accurate. The numbers of PEOPLE getting tested are not accurate because a person can get tested more than once and they count each test as a new person. Not accurate. The other thing that is inaccurate is the number of deaths because of COVID. Example, a person that dies in a car accident as a head on collision died because the person got into the accident, but if he/she had the virus they add that to the number of people who died because of it. Not accurate. The same held true back in the day when HIV came out. I know someone who was HIV positive, but passed away unexpectedly because of a anurism that went from her lung and straight to her heart killing her instantly. But one of the causes of death on her death certificate was HIV. Not the case. She would have died anyway without HIV and the anurism doing the same thing.
TR says
Dumb idea because of a few. Everything you said should close should stay open because the simple solution is to stay 6′ away from everyone and if that’s not possible, then wear a mask. Having everyone stay home in lock down is
the worse thing to do for everyone involved on a bunch of levels.
Lisa says
I hate to burst your bubbles but 99.9 percent of mask wearers don’t wear them correctly. They have the sides wide open. The cloth one’s should be washed immediately after use and not be put on again once you take it off. I don’t believe that he died because someone didn’t wear a mask. If he did everything correctly than that just shows that most mask wearers have a false sense of security. Did he have underlying problems? Normal healthy people who practice everything completely can still get the virus even if all people wear a mask. The virus can pass through a mask if someone is infected. Stay away from most people is the best solution. This virus is in God’s hands and causing panic over a mask mandate is ridiculous. Yes put a sign up in your business that says no entry without a mask, but realize that most masks are being reused and not washed or thrown away immediately. Therefore if someone is infected or been by someone infected chances are they have the virus on the outside of the mask also and on there hands. It’s a false sense of security for most.
Only Me says
In response to Steve’s comment about political leaders getting the blame no one is wearing masks. If Donald Trump would stop telling people around the country don’t wear masks and Governor DeSantis has done the same what do you expect those that believe their every word.
The fault of this deadly outbreak isn’t all China it is also at the Top of our Country Donald Trump for downplaying since he found out about it. If he had done the right thing from the beginning and told the people how deadly it is and to listen to the experienced scientists fewer deaths would have occurred. If Donald Trump made every state following the same guidelines fewer deaths would have occurred.
Government Officials, you start fining people who don’t wear masks you bet they will start wearing them, and all states are in need of money and that would be one way of getting money.
Lou says
To a Capitalist (businessman) it makes no difference who the customer is. Customer could be from a different planet, skin could be purple etc. as long as the person pays with a negotiable U.S. dollar, the Capitalist (businessman) is happy and satisfied.
Jeff says
OMG you people are SAD……. This is a comment section on Mr. Tom Russell passing. PLEASE, SHOW RESPECT and STOP with the mask crap.
RIP Mr. Russell and blessings to the family members during this hard , hard time. Trust in the Lord and he will guide you thru it. Say a prayer for the family.
Marilyn Cichocki says
A very selfish person! Worry about yourself and mind your own business? You are your brother’s keeper, so look out for him as you do yourself!!!! This is why so many have died, they only take care of themselves. Do the next favor and do something for your neighbor!!!! Just wear a mask so many more will live!
Balfour says
That’s easy for you to say, not everyone is as privileged as you are. My elderly neighbor is disabled and lives on like 700 bucks a month and gets food stamps. she doesn’t have extra money to pay shipping fees or delivery fees. Did you know that the delivery companies DON’T ACCEPTfood stamps? No you didn’t. How is SHE supposed to get groceries if she can’t order them and she is not supposed to go out?
D.a. says
In answer toTR
Even if it kills someone?
K says
I don’t often comment, but this time, I’m furious. How dare any one of you make this about wearing masks or not?! This article is about how our small community, our small school district, lost an amazing leader. Find another platform to rant about masks or not. Personally, I wear mine all the time, and yes, I change them/dispose of them properly. But this is NOT about wearing a mask or not. This is about losing a beloved member of our school family who made a huge difference in his short time with us. He leaves behind his own family, his students, his staff, communities he’s served and loved ones near and far. Shame on anyone who chooses to use the comment section of this article as a platform for your own politics. Mr. Russell, please rest in peace, know you did amazing things in your career, know you changed the lives of countless students and staff and know you made a difference in education. Thank you for your service sir, and to your family, thank you for sharing this wonderful man with us. May you find comfort in his memory and eventually smile in your heart when you think of him. I will do my best to honor him by continuing to advocate for students and families in the same way he did. My thoughts are with you.
E says
I never met Tom Russell, but I know that he was loved by all, and that many people looked up to him. My heart hurts.
So much death has befallen us lately. Inmates wrongly convicted on death row, like Brandon Bernard. Kind and loving people, killed in/as a result of protesting. People like Tom Russell, who did all they could to enforce safety, who brought light to the world no matter what. My heart breaks for them, and even more for those affected by the deaths.
Rest in peace, Tom. We love you always.
(And to those of you upset over masks – I feel your pain, and I want people to be safer, too, but please let people grieve for now. Direct your anger somewhere else, if only just for the moment.)
Susan says
“I’m sorry to hear this man passed away….” Then you continue with “That’s his problem, not mine.” Jeez. You’re level of empathy is quite telling.
He contracted Covid from someone he was in contact with, who didn’t know they had it when in contact. Perhaps if that person had been wearing a mask he wouldn’t have gotten it.
However, he continued to practice wearing a mask and washing his hands prior to getting ill, didn’t spread it around FPC which houses well over 1,000 people, including my children.
Do you see? Someone gave it to him, he was healthy, but in 1 month, he’s gone. Did he pass it on? No. He didn’t spread it.
Just because DeSantis said you won’t get a ticket or fined for it, but says it’s required means it’s not required to you?
If you want to do the economy a favor, keep Florida open, keep your reps in seats, help them by not forcing them make the decision to reclose. They will reclose if hospitals become saturated. They will reclose small businesses and restaurants first. DeSantis did it before when it was bad, he will do it again.
Wear a mask. It’s the ONLY thing the government has been asking of us. We’re all going to get it, but they want how many people that get it to be spread out slowly so it doesn’t shut down the economy again. If you want to be a Patriot and help make America great? Help those that trying to do it.
Businesses have asked everyone to wear shoes & shirts. One more piece of clothing to keep them open.
Businesses have asked people not to smoke and pass whatever funk they want on to other people.
Rest in Peace Mr. Russell. Prayers for his family.
Been There says
You can help her by showing her how to order online and picking up for her. That’s called kindness and what you put out to the world you will get back in return.