The deadline to register or change party registration to vote in the Aug. 22 primary is July 22. You may register or change registration online here.
By Jake Scully
My wife and I moved our young family to Palm Coast in 1991 and for about ten years, I probably could not name more than a couple County Commissioners or School Board members.
It was a blissful and apolitical time in the neighborhood!
Alas, things change.
Today it is hard to be unaware of politics, but it is also at times hard to keep the rules and facts straight during election season.
Take, for instance, the upcoming Primary on August 20th.
Did you know that even though Florida is a “Closed Primary” state, all 93,281 registered voters in Flagler County can vote in a Primary race when all the candidates are of the same party affiliation?
This is the case in the race for County Commission between Andy Dance and Fernando Melendez. These candidates are both Republicans and thus all 93,281 of us can, and should, help make this important choice for our community – for our neighbors.
Unfortunately, this is NOT the case in the other two races for County Commission. (See: “The Write-In Fraud“).
Due to last minute entries of two “Write-in” candidates who are not registered Republicans these choices will be made by Primary-voting Republicans only. These races are closed.
Closed Primaries attract a much smaller and more party-centric voter turnout. These neighbors are referred to as “super-voters”.
I think it fair to say it is typically not in the interest of the extreme and the passionate in both of our major political parties to have reasonable and sane voters of all political stripes participating.
Sadly, the result for us is late-arriving candidates who have no interest in campaigning for, much less winning, spots on the Board of County Commissioners.
If you think their appearances were the results of cynical and cheap political tricks to keep 47,755 of us from helping our Republican neighbors choose the best candidates during the Primary on the 20th of August, you, neighbor, would be correct.
Nonetheless, we who are not registered Republicans still have an opportunity to help our neighbors make the best choices for all of us.
Simply go to https://registertovoteflorida.gov and change your party affiliation to Republican by July 22 and vote in the Primary. It takes a few minutes, and you can change back as easily after the 20th.
I did it, it did not hurt.
Consider doing the same – it is the neighborly thing to do.
PS – you may notice I am not naming candidates in the two races in question… if you read this far, you are probably a neighbor who will do the research.
Jake Scully is, except for one very hot summer in 2024, a life-long Democrat who served 6 years on the City of Palm Coast Planning Board and is a founding member of the Flagler County Tiger Bay Club.
Note: This article initially published on July 5, 2024.
NJ says
EXCELLENT IDEA!! Time to make the Primary Election Fair by becoming a Republican ONLY for the Primary Election.. In Democrat “Controlled” States many Republicans become Democrats to Vote for the WEAKEST Democrat Candidate in the Primary Election, then return to the Republican Party for the Nov Election. After Nov 5th election, FL must CHANGE the Write-in Candidate Law to make FL Elections FAIR to Everyone.
Shark says
Just like Staly and Melissa Holland did. They were both Republicans and switched to get elected !!!!
Dune Master says
Maybe you should focus on your owns party’s issues.
Economic Policies:
Tax Policies: Critics argue that the Democratic Party’s tax policies, which often include higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations, can stifle economic growth and investment.
Regulation: Some believe that Democrats’ support for increased regulation on businesses can hinder economic development and job creation.
Government Spending:
Deficit and Debt: Opponents argue that the Democratic Party’s support for extensive social programs leads to excessive government spending, contributing to the national deficit and debt.
Welfare Programs: There is criticism that welfare programs can create dependency rather than encouraging self-sufficiency.
Single-Payer Healthcare: Some argue against the push for a single-payer healthcare system or “Medicare for All,” believing it could lead to higher taxes, decreased quality of care, and long wait times for medical services.
Affordable Care Act (ACA): Critics claim the ACA has increased insurance premiums and reduced healthcare choices.
Immigration Policies:
Border Security: Critics argue that Democratic policies are too lenient on immigration, potentially compromising national security and straining public resources.
Sanctuary Cities: There is opposition to the concept of sanctuary cities, where local laws limit cooperation with federal immigration enforcement.
Social Issues:
Abortion: Some oppose the Democratic Party’s pro-choice stance on abortion, advocating for more restrictive measures or a complete ban.
Gun Control: Critics argue that Democratic efforts to increase gun control infringe on Second Amendment rights.
Energy and Environment:
Green New Deal: Some believe that Democratic proposals like the Green New Deal are unrealistic and could harm the economy, particularly industries reliant on fossil fuels.
Climate Change Policies: Critics argue that aggressive climate policies can lead to increased energy costs and job losses in certain sectors.
School Choice: Critics argue that the Democratic Party’s opposition to school choice and voucher programs limits educational opportunities for children in low-income families.
Public Education Funding: There is debate over the effectiveness of increased funding for public schools versus structural reforms.
Criminal Justice:
Policing: Critics of the Democratic stance on police reform argue that measures like defunding the police could lead to increased crime rates and reduced public safety.
Criminal Sentencing: Some believe that Democratic policies on criminal sentencing are too lenient and do not adequately address the needs for law and order.
Foreign Policy:
Military Spending: Critics argue that Democrats are more likely to cut military spending, potentially weakening national defense.
International Agreements: There is opposition to some international agreements supported by Democrats, such as the Iran nuclear deal or the Paris Climate Agreement, based on concerns over national sovereignty and effectiveness.
Economic Inequality:
Redistribution of Wealth: Critics argue that policies aimed at redistributing wealth, such as higher taxes on the wealthy and expanded social welfare programs, undermine meritocracy and discourage individual achievement.
Laurel says
Dune Master: Some say, some believe, some argue. Not a fact mentioned. So what’s your point? Republicans prefer rumors over facts? As Trump would say “Everyone knows that.”
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
Critics argue, Opponents argue, Some argue, Critics of, Some oppose, Some believe,……Got any facts to share or just what critics think?
Deborah Coffey says
Oh, my! There is data over decades on the recessions caused by Republican rule. The GOP has caused almost ALL of them with trickle down and deregulation. You can’t change real FACTS no matter how hard you try or how much you write. The American economy has always been much better under Democratic rule. FACT, backed up by years and years of data.
Bailey’s mom says
Calling all Voters, this sounds like a great idea! Let’s change and make better choices for our County!
RitaMae says
Thank you Jack Scully for bringing this issue to the forefront. I hope all non-Republicans switch their party affiliation to Republican to show these idiots that their political tricks will not work anymore. Hopefully after this election this rule will change.
Grey Man says
Wouldn’t that have been easier to accomplish had the Democrat Party fielded a candidate?
Fernando Melendez says
It is a shame when a candidates resorts to such underhandedness, and it also shows a tremendous disregard to all our residents. To me personally it goes deeper than what we actually see on the surface of it all, it shows candidates who schemes corruption and political chicanery behind closed doors. Whether win or lose I’m proud of our race for (Fernando Melendez and Andy Dance) for county commission District 1 being open to all. We’re all in this together and thus should all have a say in the future of our community. The privilege of running for office should be taken very serious not just for the candidates but for all voters who should never ever be disenfranchised from voting.
Who are you foolin says
Do you have an actual platform? Also, you were Alfin and Holand’s campaign manager. Nothing you say is trustworthy.
Peter wentworth says
I did that in order to vote against that piece of garbage (mullins) a while back.
Aside from the stigma of spending a week or so being labeled as a republican, it is pretty painless.
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Pete Wentworth from Connecticut?
Skibum says
Good idea… we must be willing to fight back against the corruption and rot that the Republican Party has become when it is no more than a mob of MAGA zealots who have no problem lying, cheating and stealing their way toward power and anarchy. They see what their orange “Jesus” has orchestrated to try and keep himself in power and out of prison, and they are taking his cues to do whatever no matter how unethical to win in local elections. I will hold my nose and switch my party affiliation for the upcoming primary election to try to mitigate this madness, and I hope others follow suit.
Robert Cuff says
I applaud Mr. Scully’s letter to ALL voters of Flagler County. I hope that many will follow his suggestion and make the upcoming primary a true vote on who should represent our community on the County Commission.
Candidates who resort to cynical political maneuvers restricting the number of voters who may participate in an election are obviously afraid that their candidacy cannot stand the scrutiny of ALL the voters. And, if they ae not able to stand the scrutiny of all of the voters, how can they be trusted to represent the community as a whole if they win election through cheap political tricks rather than a fair and open vote of all eligible voters?
I have been a registered Republican for many years but have never been a supporter of Florida’s closed primary system, particularly when it is used, as it is being used here, to disenfranchise half of the County’s voters for these two specific races.
Janet Sullivan says
I understand Jake’s plea: If registered Ds switch to R for the August Primary election, they will receive a Republican Primary Ballot rather than a Democratic Primary Ballot, and will be able to vote against the two R Commission candidates who recruited write-ins to intentionally close the primary. I have 3 thoughts about this: 1) These are officially now Republican-only Primaries. This is a Republican problem. Many Rs are disgusted and angry about this situation. I’ve heard from them. They need to rally their Republican troops to vote against the Republican candidates who recruited the write-ins. We deserve County Commissioners who are ethical, honest, and fair. But these Republican primaries are not for the Democrats to fix. 2) D’s who change their registration to R for the purpose of voting with a Republican Primary Ballot won’t be able to vote for the US Sentate Primary Candidate who they want to run against Rick Scott in November, because the D Primary Senate Candidates are on the Democratic Primary Ballot. 3) As Chair of the Flagler Democratic Party I know all too well that this wouldn’t be such a big deal if we had Democratic Candidates. I assure you we work hard to try to find D candidates in Flagler County, and we will continue to do so. I look forward to hearing from any D who is willing to discuss being a future candidate. Best Wishes to all as you mull through your options and their ramifications. Janet Sullivan, Chair, Flagler County Democratic Executive Committee
Jake says
I hear you Jan. Just trying to do what is best for the community in a difficult mathematical reality. Living life on life’s terms.
Laurel says
Janet Sullivan: As an NPA, I have mixed emotions (which actually makes sense!). I agree with all that you said, however, Democrats try too hard to be the good guys while the Republicans will do what they believe will work. Democrats immediately got rid of Al Franken over a stupid joke, but Republicans are good with backing a multi felon, misogynistic, racist, sexual offender for President. Democrats cannot shut up about one bad night for Biden, even though Trump did not win a debate using lies (I think I might start selling high-top sneakers with targets on them).
I’m very glad to hear that you have heard from Republicans who are angry at the trickster method of write in, they should be. It may be legal, but it looks dishonest as hell. I think maybe Democrats should do what they feel will help, but I am not comfortable signing up to a party I don’t believe in (either party). My husband might do it as he was a lifelong Republican but switched to NPA when he felt the Republican Party was no longer practicing what he had lived by all his life. We’ll see.
I, too, wish there was more than one Democrat running locally, this county has become extremely one sided. I much prefer balance, and people working together. Clearly, that’s not happening now.
Pierre Tristam says
I don’t think it’s about Democrats or Republicans. It’s about quality candidates. We have them. Look at our Constitutionals. All Republicans. All fine. Look at Flagler Beach. All fine, if not stellar (with Jane Mealy’s exception, lone stellar Democrat). Wouldn’t trade them in for anyone. But when we have them in other races and are denied a chance to vote for them, that’s a problem. We know the crazies. The polity’s job is to keep them at bay. When all it takes is a cheap cynical scheme to enable them, and when Democrats play along—when they could be power brokers—then we’re complicit: then we’re the ones letting fly over the cuckoo’s nest. No excuse.
Celia Pugliese says
The problem are not the write ins or their backers but instead those candidates that have changed from other parties to Republican to capture more votes in Red State FL!. Stop beating the dead horse and grasp the reality. My personal opinion.
Deborah Coffey says
Thank you, Janet. I just can’t bring myself to register as a Republican because I feel that the GOP is dead. It’s all MAGA now, completely corrupted for money and power. The people of Palm Coast are getting and will continue to get exactly what they deserve. The rest of us will suffer, as well, but a country, state, county, and city are only as good as their leaders. It may seem hopeless right now for a Democrat to run in a place as red as this, but we do need to continue to find brave, selfless Democratic candidates with a vision for life in Flagler and Palm Coast far different from the one we’re living. We were so happy to live in 2000…the good old days.
Celia Pugliese says
For Democrats to denied themselves to vote in the primaries for the senate candidate, not a good idea you are correct Janet Sullivan! Is it worth the change in such a short time?
Pierre Tristam says
I don’t think it’s a Republican problem. It’s an electoral problem. Democrats might do likewise if this were a democratic one-party county. The law needs to be changed. But that’s for another day. The issue today is reclaiming 47,000 votes from thieves in two important races. We don’t then turn to thieves and expect them to do the right thing. We take matters in our own hands—our own 47,000 pairs of hands. That’s why I switched. The Scott race is a lost cause. These county commission races are not. Not yet. Do nothing, and we are complicit in more thievery. Then again, that seems to be a Democratic specialty these days, starting with Biden.
Another Concerned Taxpayer !!! says
Just another reason why Florida (and all states) should change to “Open Primaries”, everyone should have the opportunity to vote in every election and not be disenfranchised. If all states had open primaries, we would have a better chance at getting better choices in the General Elections. Potentially giving us the alternative of not having to pick the lesser of the 2 evils. Additionally, this loophole in the “write-in” candidates should be closed.
Tony says
The republican realtors wo are running this tow have destroyed it,
Mike says
I have No Party Affiliation, no say in most primaries as the Duopoly of the Republicans and Democrats for some reason control our so called “free” elections.
Both parties are corrupt. Both need replacing. Neither are producing quality candidates. My opinion. ☮️
Jake says
Mike, you are clearly interested enough to reply – thoughtfully at that.
The point is you, until the shenanigans went down, were not excluded.
I get the overall dissatisfaction in candidates in general but it is clear that there are better choices and worse choices in these races that will impact us all.
I’m hoping people, particularly like you who took the time to respond without loonies will think outside the box on this and make this effort.
If not, I still appreciate your response.
Justbob says
Jake Scully says
Kath says
How small minded, you all are! So much for staying in a party for what you believe in ! If you’re candidate was so strong ,you won’t be playing little kid games ! So much for caring 🙄 for our county 🙄 … you all act like children 🙄 maybe you should start praying 🙏 for forgiveness . … I don’t think lying to get your way is very Godly .. I also don’t think 🤔 this is what we should be showing our young people. .. (Cheating). ..Do us all a favor grow up . Our young people are reading this.have some pride & respect for your self
huh says
huh? could you expand more specifics to what you object to? it is hard to tell….
Flagler Voter says
Listen, nobody is deceiving or lying about their affiliations, this is a legal response to one side stacking the deck, or, gaming the election system with fake proxies who will tilt the voter wheel in their favor. All Jake is advocating is doing a little gaming for ourselves to level the playing field, in order to counteract loop-holed high jinx which eliminates 50% of the voters. Does that sound fair? No prayers or forgiveness is needed. What is needed is a change in the election law which will close the loophole. Make Florida Primaries Open Elections and we won’t have this conversation, and local-yokel near-do-wells won’t be able to put up fake proxies in order to win elections for themselves. These are not little kids games….please re-evaluate your assumptions about people, and above all, take a harder look and understand how the game is currently being played by untrustworthy, wacky politicos who abuse the system and stop at nothing to get elected.
Fair question says
The issue with these comments and this letter is clear. Nick klufas is a known democrat running as a republican and the democrats are upset the primary is closed. So many races have democrat candidates who’ve changed parties to run. How is that fair to republicans voting in primaries?
Jake Scully says
Jake Scully says
Klufas was an NPA prior to running as a Republican in 2018.
Public record.
And it’s the law that says what is fair until changed.
NJ says
The Carpetbaggger Developers are Funding the Campaigns of the RINO Mayor and RINO Vice-Mayors (who has SICK Dreams of being”elected” as a County Commissioner with cheating the HELP from his “DUMBKO Club” Scumbag Swine)! STOP the CORRUPTION in Flagler County!! Vote NO to the RINO Mayor (the Sports Complex King) and Danko (the Carpetbagger Developer PUPPET)!I I am a Real Conservative Republican
tulip says
If the primaries were open to Dems, Reps, and Independents to vote in, the results would be a lot different than what they are now, where the Dems and Reps only vote their party no matter what. Independents easily pay attention to what both parties say about their candidates or issues with an open mind, and vote for the candidate they feel is the best one, and not what the political party is.
yep says
I’ve worked in elections for a county….very high level of Boomers vote straight party. Would be better best candidate. In the near future, I suppose.
Harriet says
The people pulling these stunts aren’t Republicans and never participate in anything positive in this community. I hope that all will take Jake’s suggestion and not let your selves be disenfranchised. Candidate’s shouldn’t run for office who cannot represent the entire community fairly and equally.
Pogo says
As stated
As stated
When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.
— Desmond Tutu
Watcher says
One thing is clear, when we fear our government we have a democracy. When our government fears us, we have a republic. Whom ever you vote for, he-she-it-they-them should put fear in big government.
D. Redder says
Silly folk…
It’s not the Party, it’s the policies that kill the Democrats
New Florida RINO says
As a previously registered NPA, Republican ‘dirty tricks’
hard at work on the local level. I switched online last week,
and received my new voting card from Ms. Lenhart in
three (3) days. Hurry! Just a couple of days left to switch.
A Republican party we can keep says
Thank you done..Any chance of getting a complete list of “MAGA Trumpiest of them all?” So far voting for Richardson , Klufas, who seem moderate republicans . Hopefully fever will break soon and we can get back to moral, respectful, honest, sane representatives.