Tina Luciano is the 30-year-old daughter of Paul Luciano, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Corrections Deputy who died on Thursday of covid complications. On August 7, Tina wrote on her Facebook wall of getting vaccinated as she was witnessing her father battle covid, describing his struggle as “the scariest thing I’ve ever faced” and being unable to get close to him, as he was hospitalized and isolated.
On Friday, she wrote of her father’s passing. “My dad was as strong and as loving as they come, not in a million years would I have thought I would have to face this virus,” she wrote, giving permission to run both pieces: “I just want people to know that these are their choices on how they handle this deadly virus but the pain and aftermath it leaves behind is devastating, and do not ignore the dangers. This virus has come home, now it’s everywhere and it’s killing the people we love.” They appear below, the earlier piece first, unedited.
On August 7:
I had every intention to get vaccinated without second thought but working as much as I do stopped me and I kept putting it off I kept telling myself that I had to get some time off first because I didn’t know how I was going to react to it. Well I got the first vaccine yesterday God gave me the time in the harshest way. While my dad fights through the hardest part of this virus I took the first steps in protecting myself.
But before you tell me your opinion or get upset about this decision know this. My father has been through hell and back all his life surviving everything life threw at him, heart attacks, repetitive heart surgery’s, injuries from a job that demands too much of him. And this, THIS virus is what’s beating him worse than any of it. People are dying no matter who you voted for, people are dying no matter what your views on all of it are, just this week alone I’ve seen a family lose their grandmother whom this lady is as tough and strong as they come surviving countless health issues and obstacles in her path she pushed through but this virus took her. Seeing close friend and his wife in the hospital while she’s pregnant not being able to breath she’s been there for 3 weeks 3 WEEKS of this hell hanging on to her family.
Now my dad… I’ve never been scared like this before, through all of it it was scary but I knew he would always get through it I’m his daughter I know how strong he is. This is the scariest thing I’ve ever faced….not only do I not want to lose my father but I’m scared how long this has to go on of just losing people…my cousin has it now and she’s young with a family and I’m scared.
I am actually asking people to please get vaccinated. It is your choice you can make it but if you have not or any loved ones have not been touched by this plague you do not understand the true hell that this causes. I can’t see my dad I can’t hold his hand ide give anything to sit in his room and just sit with him and I can’t. I made the decision to see my mom after all of it and stay with her even if it meant I had to pitch a tent in the front yard I was gonna be with my mom. So please god keep my dad in your thoughts and prayers and please protect yourselves and others. I will not mention this again and I will not argue with anyone about this but just know if you don’t that this is what hell feels like…..
On August 27:
No one can ever tell how to brace for something like this…..no one can ever describe the feeling of loss because we all love differently and we all handle things differently. You would like to say that you’re gonna stand up with your head held high and be strong and share the love for that person with your family and friends around you which you should by any means…but there’s no more worse feeling in this world than losing someone like your father and wanting nothing else in this world but your father.
I know my dad touched a lot of lives in the world and i am here if anyone needs or wants to talk he is and always was a great man and I hope that I can even be half of the person he was.
I hope I can make him proud no matter what. And too why i am posting this on Facebook, COVID took my father…..when we hear about it we hear it’s in another country another state another county….it’s here….it’s home….and it doesn’t care who you are it doesn’t care about your political views and it certainly doesn’t care about you or your loved ones….so please everyone stay safe get vaccinated if you can stay apart if you can help it….please LIVE! because I don’t know anyone else’s experience with this but I can’t lose anyone else i am devastated, I hurt….this is a nightmare and I can’t wake up….I can’t wake up…
Tina Luciano is a Palm Coast resident. On Friday, she took video of her father being moved to a funeral home in Volusia County, below.
SHELIA hinds says
There are no more words to be said as the tears roll down my cheek I’m so sorry honey
Lynn Nicholson says
Blessings and thoughts with you and your family at this devastating time. I have a Blue Light in my outside lamppost in honor of your Father..It will be lit nightly..
Jane Gentile-Youd says
May your father rest in eternal peace. My heart feels for you so very much knowing you are feeling sorrow and anguish all meshed together in an emotional turmoil. So so sorry and so so sad .
Bill C says
If it helps, your broken hearted message about your father’s passing may help others to get vaccinated so his death will be a gift of life to others.
Elane says
My heart aches for you. I met your dad at the jail several times and he was always so pleasant and kind.. Sincere condolences to you and your father. Thanks for having the courage to share your emotions..and thank your for encouraging people to get vaccinated. The deaths need to end due to this virus!! What will it take???
John F Pollinger says
Your heartbroken and heartfelt message during a time of extreme sadness and loss probably will save more lives than you will ever know.
Thank you, and may your message bring you and your family some measure of peace.
Joann West says
My mom passed away at Advent Health Palm Coast on July 25 3 days before my birthday due to Covid. My family also has suffered a loss that we will never recover. My heart aches for you Tina and your family because I truly feel this pain. 💔 I wish my mom was vaccinated just maybe she would still be here.
john says
Rosalie says
I am so sorry for your loss. No words can take away the pain you must be feeling. Thank you so much for sharing your story in hopes that others don’t have to go through what you are going through now.
Kristine Okpych Marks says
I worked with your Dad at VCCF. He was the Lieutenant on duty for many shifts while I was in medical. He was a wonderful professional and caring person. He is now flying high in Paradise in the arms of God. My heart breaks for you and your family.
Jane says
I’m sure that you’ve touched people with your vulnerability. If you’ve even convinced just one person to get vaccinated you will have done a great service. Thank you and I’m so sorry for your loss.
flatsflyer says
Botton line the Sheriff could have required all personnel to be vaccinated, how many people did this Deputy expose? I would be very leary of having any type of interaction with any Flagler County LEO based on this unnecessary and preventable tragedy.
Debbie says
He was retired. And this comment is very insinsitive to our family.
Mark says
Agreed , I see no police in flagler wearing masks in stores or when dealing with public. If they weren’t vaccinated should they be allowed to be cared for in a hospital?
celia pugliese says
May the Almighty cradle you dad in his arms and sooth your pain. Thank you for your message that could move more of our fellow families to vax and mask.
SteveO says
Here’s the thing. The messaging from the top to bottom of government and healthcare has been a bungled mess. Masks, no masks, two masks. Vaccine will take 2 years to complete trials, done in 9 months, studies were varied, it works, it doesn’t, it does… Efficacy rates flip flipped, Fauci floundered. MSM pushed panic, politicians pushed doom while being secretly captured flouting their own rules and mandates hosting large maskless shindigs.
Vaccines and herd immunity is the way. Then no it’s just herd immunity and everyone will eventually get it, the Vaccine will lessen the blow. This caused distrust, doubt, confusion. All of this leads to two sides of the issue at odds.
I was opposed to the Vaccine. My brother got it, healthy as a horse and is battling in the hospital to survive. That was enough for me. I am an advocate of the Vaccine. I am vehemently opposed to the fear mongering, horrific messaging by health officials and politicians who have bungled this. Protect yourself and your family get the vaccine.
Shark says
Please cut down on your fox – fake news !!!! You sound like the five
M. H. says
My heart goes out to you and your family. I can understand your pain as I have a relative recovering at this moment. The last 11 days have been the scariest I’ve ever endured. To those who refuse to be vaccinated and do what’s needed to be safe, they might as well play Russian roulette with a fully loaded weapon. We will never go back to where we used to be and continuing to deny reality is unthinkable. How many more people need to die? Please get vaccinated. The life you save may be your own.
MM Says says
May the Lord bless and protect you. May the Lord cast His merciful eyes upon you. May the Lord, grant you peace. Be strong, survive for your dad. We all grieve with you and all those who have lost their loved ones in this horrible pandemic. Your article will surely encourage all those who are not vaccinated to PLEASE do so to save lives. We are empowered with the vaccine. So sad that some choose not to use that power for themselves or the good of others.
FlaglerBear says
At the outset, I’d like to offer my sincere condolences to Tina Luciano, her family, and the members of the Flagler County Sheriffs Department on the devastating loss they have suffered. These are trying times for all of us. I am vaccinated. I have also read that being vaccinated may not keep one from getting sick or even dying. Those with previous health issues are at further risk. I have made every effort to carefully read the original story here and NOWHERE does it indicate whether or not Deputy Luciano was vaccinated. (Please correct me if I’m wrong) It’s none of OUR business anyway. By the way, if you’re not doing anything wrong, or have no reason to call the Sheriff, there’s no reason they’d be interacting with you. If they do, law enforcement protocol would normally dictate they stay as far away from you as possible. Cops don’t like strangers near them. I know. I was one. That being said, now is not the time for rudeness, it should be the time for kindness. Stay safe everyone!