Thomas LeGault, owner of a discount-card business called Savor Flagler, withdrew his candidacy for Flagler County Commission a week after revelations that he was being sued by a radio station for unpaid bills and pursued by Flagler Palm Coast High School for a debt he owned the school’s cheerleading team.
“The LeGault campaign has shutdown operations today. We have sent our withdrawal letter to the Supervisor of Elections office,” LeGault said on his campaign Facebook page on Jan. 24, calling it “a hard decision.” (LeGault “issued his letter of withdrawal on January 27, 2020,” the supervisor of elections said.) LeGault did not address the financial issues. He thanked his family and supporters–among them former candidate Sharon Demers and former County Commissioner Nate McLaughlin–and noted his goal of bringing more awareness to mental health in the county.
“This is a break for now !!!! I am not finished with my political career I will be back,” he wrote.
LeGault had filed to run for the District 1 seat two-term Republican Commissioner Charlie Ericksen is vacating. LeGault is the second Republican candidate to file then withdraw. Leslie Giscombe, who heads the African American Entrepreneurial Association in the county, was briefly a candidate last year. That leavs one Republican standing for now–Andy Dance, the Flagler County School Board member. One Democrat filed: Corinne Hermle, who ran for the Palm Coast City Council in 2018.
LeGault had raised $4,700, and had spent the full amount.
A week before his withdrawal, FlaglerLive had reported that LeGault was facing a lawsuit filed by WNZF’s Flagler Broadcasting, seeking nearly $5,000 in unpaid bills and fees associated with the station’s attempts to recoup the amount. LeGault had hosted an infomercial on WNZF between February and May, but had fallen behind on his bills. The station cancelled the show in May, and decided to file the suit when the collections-agency avenue did not recoup the money. LeGault said a vehicle crash that had him out of work for weeks caused him to fall behind.
Through Savor Flagler’s discount cards, he had also helped the FPC cheerleading team raise money, but for months did not pay what he owed the team. When the article appeared he still owed $1,000 of the money the cheerleaders had raised in the fall. Steve DeAugustino, the FPC athletic director, got involved in the matter in DEcember in attempts to recoup the money, and earlier this month turned the matter over to the school board attorney. He said today that LeGault had finally paid up the full amount owed.
CB from PC says
Raising awareness of “mental health”. Heal thyself.
Sorry to see that a Republican running for office had to be publicly shamed before he paid his debt to the Cheerleaders.
This goes for both Republican and Democrat politicians, if you cannot manage your personal private financial affairs, why would the citizens trust you to manage public funds?
Oh, an accident caused him to fall behind. From experience, there is always a way to avoid collections by PAYING SOMETHING.
What office will You be running for in the future, Deputy of Fraud?
snapperhead says
“This goes for both Republican and Democrat politicians, if you cannot manage your personal private financial affairs, why would the citizens trust you to manage public funds?”
Some trusted Mr Bankruptcy, the great businessman..lol…. to manage public funds. The results are in….”The government will spend $1 trillion more than it collects in 2020 and deficits will reach or exceed that threshold every year for the foreseeable future. As a share of gross domestic product, the deficit will be at least 4.3% every year through 2030. That would be the longest stretch of budget deficits exceeding 4% of GDP over the past century, according to the CBO, an nonpartisan arm of Congress.”
An observer says
SO . . .
We have LeGault, who allegedly does not pay his bills.
We have Mullins, who allegedly has issues, and who allegedly was run out of Georgia.
We have Ed Danko, who was allegedly forced to resign from the North Carolina outer banks Republican Executive Committee in 2018 and ended up in Flagler County a year ago.
AND, We have someone with fake credentials.
And no one seems to care.
Flatsflyer says
Common thread, all Republicans and probably graduates of Trump University. When will people wake up and realize that anyone who thinks like Trump is a phoney, a failure and has a dark history they are trying to hide.
CB from PC says
Biden’s and the Clinton’s
“history” is in plain sight.
Trump made his money doing deals in the private sector. Not using the VP or State Dept. Offices to personally enrich themselves or “family”.
Did some of Trump’s projects fail, like Trump Taj in Atlantic City?
Of course. Coincidence though that entire state of NJ is run by corrupt Dems? Maybe.
Anyone stupid enough to enroll in Trump University probably is stupid enough to enroll in the Medicare supplement plan currently touted by Joe Namath, or any of the make money flipping houses scams.
BofVC says
No true
John Brady says
I graduated from St. Peter’s University in Jersey City NJ and I have papers to prove it. I am running for Mayor. All I can say is I nave spoken out in any letters to editor. I have a campaign slogan and it is “Keep the Palm Coast You LOVE” and I have tee shirts to prove it
Concerned Citizen says
LeGault is not the only one with money issues. Has anyone looked deeper into the current commissioners’ backgrounds ?
CB from PC says
Well, Flagler County is about being diverse and all inclusive.
Oh, I am mistaken, we are missing an honest politician who works for the Citizens, and does not throw public money at BS, when infra-structure maintenance and cleanup should be a higher priority.
JimBob says
Does anyone suggest LeGault is not in his Party’s mainstream given its history of selecting candidates previously?
Rara Sissboobah says
Had to scrounge some dinero to pay the cheerleaders. At least they got paid, landlords won’t.
Concerned Citizen says
I hope that the investigative journalism continues on ALL Commisioners and candidates.
Let’s air all their dirty laundry out for the public to see. This BOCC has long since held a reign of corruption over Flagler County. If someone were to ever give the State Attorney’s Office a call and start an investigation we might find we need a whole new BOCC.
From unethical at best busniess dealings with developers to numerous violations of Sunshine Laws this BOCC doesn’t know how to conduct honest busniess. They only represent special interests and not their constituents.
Time for Flagler County to rise up and demand change.
James says
We all care. The one thing is that people no matter who it is must bring awareness to fraud when it effects is all.
It’s Not Politics! says
My best advice for Tommy would be to finally MAN UP and stop being a coward trying to place blame anywhere other than HIMSELF.
It has EVERYTHING to do with the manipulative liar con artist he is.
TOMMY, you got CAUGHT and we were sick of dealing with your BS!!!
Not political, FACTS.
Take a nice hard look in the mirror.
You have ruined your business, you have ruined your many friendships you had, and you have ruined any reputation you attempted to lie about to build.
Time to move on…nothing left here for you!