What has Jill Woolbright got to do with a 13th century pope’s crusade against his own? Let me tell you. You won’t read any of this in schools because Florida’s HB7 now makes it illegal to teach any kind of history that hurts white Christians’ feelings, so a little table-setting is necessary.
Starting near the turn of the 12th century, certain people in Europe who called themselves Christians—forefathers of what would become, in their lord and savior narrative, the Christian States of America, later shortened to the Lost Cause’s CSA—were busy crusading against heathen Arabs in the land they (both Christians and heathens) called holy. The way there was long, dull and trying for horny zealots more accustomed to channeling their aggression back at the hut against women and other lesser life forms. So to pass the time they slaughtered as many Jews as they could while merely plundering and raping fellow-Christians’ lands, women and children.
You had to have a bit of money to pull off a crusade. Since most people were poor, that left a lot of homicidal energy untapped back home. So pope Innocent III had a brilliant idea. He’d have a sort of Epcot crusade. If his faithfuls couldn’t afford to murder heathens in the holy land, he would find them heathens at home for the low low price of a day’s ride max.
The heathens were the Cathars of Languedoc in southern France. They were Christians. They even called themselves Good Christians. But they were pacifists, they worshiped in nature, not in churches, they may have been vegetarians, they believed in a dual kind of god, one good, one bad, and they believed it their duty to perfect themselves in the image of the better god. They were, in other words, woke. So Innocent went DeSantis on their ass.
My Great Big Book of Horrible Things lists quite a few mass killings up until that time, from the Roman slave wars to untold massacres during Chinese dynasties. But the crusade against the Cathars may well be the first genocide in history, the first explicit command to eradicate an entire people from the face of the earth just for their beliefs. “Kill them all. God will know his own,” the pope’s emissary told the French. They did. They massacred up to a million of these evil spirits among them. What the crusade didn’t complete, the Inquisition mopped up, creating a template for many a genocides to come, real and wishful.
Woolbright, lifting Hugo Chavez’s language to apply it to district colleagues and employees, is only at the wishing-upon-a-satan stage. Neither she nor her enabling, lawbreaking preachers at local churches called for more than electoral fatwas on those “evil spirits” that surround her at the school district. But the language she used is shocking. It’s the language of eradication. It’s clearly alarming to her colleagues and should be alarming to employees at the district. Call it rhetorical, but she did say she’s engaged in “satanic warfare.” Woolbright doesn’t have the courage to do more than pander and playact. Her sycophants could have different ideas. Our sheriff has arrested many children for less, and over jokes. Woolbright is dead serious, and there’s nothing more dangerous than a humorless fanatic.
Woolbright’s language, the language that white Christian nationalists across the country are now using, often with calls to violence–and actual violence, as in Charleston, as in Charlottesville, as in Pittsburgh, as on Jan. 6, as in Buffalo–is indistinguishable from that of Pope Innocent. They consider themselves soldiers of a crusade to “take back America,” because, as Woolbright’s channeling Mel Gibson put it, the “fight for the souls of our children is real” (never mind their ABC’s or IBs or APs) and she can’t wait to “suffer like Christ suffered,” preferably on stage and in front of a large audience. In other words she wants to have it both ways: embrace the violence-riddled message-laundering of GOP newspeak while coming off as a martyr.
After all, this is the school board member who twice formally opposed a district statement denouncing hate groups, the kind of hate she and fellow-board member Janet McDonald (who now looks like a Bolshevik next to Woolbright) had appeased at an infamous school board meeting. This is the only school board member in the United States to have filed a criminal complaint against her own superintendent over nothing more than a book that got Woolbright all hot and bothered, and that no one else had complained about until god, speaking to her through her Fox-enraptured TV, told her to look up.
Imagine if we had a good white Christian Parkview Church-attending Y-chromosomed hetero for a superintendent. Imagine if Woolbright had intercepted his texts with Joe Mullins’s would-be coke dealer. “When I get it and see it, I reveal it,” she told her church audience. Would she, in this case? I doubt it. She’d not only not turn him in. She’d pray with him on stage at Parkview’s next stoning of the woke.
Because if it doesn’t involve sex, the Passion of the Woolbright just isn’t there. Woolbright and her white nationalist fellow-travelers want to eradicate heathens because they let the one in 5,000 kids pick their own pronoun, because those district Cathars don’t consider being gay or lesbian or transgender a crime against humanity, because they don’t think emotional learning is porn, and they don’t think Black Lives Matter marches are another heresy, as Woolbright, some of whose friends are undoubtedly Black, does.
BLM doesn’t involve sex directly, but of course any time two or more Blacks gather in the name of justice, white nationalist doctrine sees looters and predators. Woolbright has her own pack to counter them: Just as she was “called to run” by god, “God put these two other Christians in my life on this campaign trail,” she told one of her church audiences, referring to Will Furry and Christy Chong, “who are believers, Bible believers, to take over our schools back.”
To take them back from whom? People who don’t pray to her kind of god? People who don’t look like she does? People who read books published after the last McGuffey Reader came out? People who don’t share her pathological sexual obsessions? I’m not sure there’d be very many people left in public schools if she did take them back on those terms.
More to the point, she’s describing an ideal constituency that has a name: homeschoolers. Why is she so furiously self-flagellating in the Gehenna of public education when she’d be Joan to homeschoolers’ arcs?
She had the right instinct some time back when she was in Rep. Paul Renner’s office and decided to quit her re-election race. But then god, who’s not even registered here, “got a hold of me.” Run rabbit run, he told her. So she unquit. And here we are, born-again Cathars left to endure the passion of the Woolbright. It wouldn’t be the first time god, that other innocent, misjudged, and left us to pay the price.
Pierre Tristam is FlaglerLive’s editor. Reach him by email here. a version of this piece aired on WNZF.
ASF says
WOW…I am glad that the universe she lives in is not the saem one that I inhabit. But the thoguht of any kind of power in this person’s hands is alarming, to say the least.
D brogan says
Brilliant! And 100% on target! Well done!
Merrill S Shapiro says
This so badly needs to be said, shared and talked about. Thanks so much for saying it so well. Please, everyone, go tell this story on the mountain, over the hill and everywhere!
Deborah Coffey says
Forty years ago, I was Jill Woolbright…not nearly as mean, bigoted and hateful…but involved in the same ridiculous religious fundamentalism. It’s not a cult; it’s just demonic. These people are sick, believing they are “Christ-like,” yet, they are anything but that. I spent over a dozen years swirling around in this demonic spiritual world. My entire life fell apart and I finally saw the light. So, there is hope. But, none of these people belong in any kind of public service because they are not living in reality. There is only ONE thing Jesus told us we absolutely needed to do: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” So, yes, first you’ve got to love yourself…that would be a good start for the bigots.
JimBob says
To be fair she has local history to justify her “satanic warfare” rhetoric. After all we are right where the Catholic Pedro Menendez butchered several hundred French protestants led by Jean Ribault. This admixture of religion and politics is becoming much favoured by a major American political party of which Woolbright and her cronies are members.
DJH says
Don’t be afraid of someone who is trying to stop the moral decay of America. Our kids are our future.
Bjartur Sommerhouse says
For anyone still not understanding the Woolbright devils crusade and most of the rest of Flagler’s interconnected political ills look no farther than fake charismatic pastor Jearlyn Dennie and her minions locked in toxic orbits around her. Woolbright and a cast of renegade republicans are Dennie’s best disciples, praising the lord while selling whatever political religious scams suit the day.
Woolbright’s satanic narrative reads like mirrored pages from fake pastor’s public political radio and speech orations during her 2021 inflamed open threats to school board members about the devil in them and “coming to get you”. Was no one paying attention as Dennie pulled weak commissioner David Sullivan, scofflaw druggie Joe Mullins, sovereign Alan Lowe, radicals Will Furry and Kristy Chong into her orbital web? Each has given her money or work of value for political connections and work, endorsements, favors or spiritual relevance. Fake pastor’s most recent project is a threatening WANTED mailer against school board member Trevor Tucker, paid for by outside pac money plus Furry and Chong contributions to the fake pastor’s pac.
Fake pastor operates a political radio Ministry of the Reverse Church; another political organization named Pachyderms club; a Political Action Committee (pac) that endorses her best paying candidates running for office in county and Palm Coast; plus Jearlyn Ministries and shows as principal in several other shell or defunct corporations. Church and state separation? In 2013 Dennie was picked up in Georgia and returned to Flagler jail on a Florida fugitive warrant.
Best of all is fake pastor served as and might still be Joe Mullins spiritual advisor!
How can any person of faith be involved in this mess?
Vote for anyone other than those Dennie endorses publically or tacitly.
"went Desantis on their ass" says
Thank you! This is spot on and amazing! Pray to the lord that the people in this county are smart enough to NOT vote for Jill, Will or Christy.
BlueJammer says
Outstanding, Mr. Tristam. One of your finest.
Concerned Citizen says
Jill Woolbright does not speak for ALL Christians in the community. Nor do ALL White Christians get their feelings as easily hurt as your opening words imply.
But please keep taking jabs at the Christian community. Between this article and The Rabbi’s it makes for some interesting and head shaking reading.
I was taught to respect all religions. Regardless of beliefs. It’s not my place to judge others how they believe. I just don’t have to support them.
coyote says
Of all the personages I could quote to respond to this, one stands out above the rest :
Bugs Bunny – “What a Maroon”
Sally says
I’m terrified to think this is happening so close to home. White Christian nationalists Concepts are getting out of hand. I’m a white Christian, but I go by what would Jesus do? I know that Jesus would not be supporting violence,racism, hating of the other.
He will Embrace everyone no matter what they believe or were. He will embrace the gay man, the black woman, The Hindu family and Muslim worshiper. I pray for people like Woodbright, Pastor Greg and everyone it Parkview Baptist Church that are living a racist life. Thank you for the article it was very enlightening. People that call themselves Christians and have hate for the other in their heart, are not Christians. I’m proud to say that I’m very WOKE, I wouldn’t wouldn’t change anything. I pray for this country and God bless our troops.
Jake says
Anybody else stop reading this garbage after the first paragraph?
Greg says
It’s getting embarrassing to live in Flagler County. Everywhere you turn, there seems to be nut cases running some form of government. I never realized this before, but the cream sure has come to the top of late. 😖
You Anti-Christ loving SHIT4BRAINS are NOT going to Destroy America with your Disinformation from the Global Times CRAP written by Xi Jinping (aka Anti-Christ)! So take your ASSES to your dream Land, China, and enjoy your Non-freedom from your CCP Masters! Freedom is NOT Free! Peace Thru Strength! Keep Taiwan Free! God Bless America and the America First Patriots WHO are continuing to PROTECT America’s FREEDOM!
Edith Campins says
No, she is not trying to stop the “moral decay”, she is an ideologue who wants to impose her beliefs on others. She is not fit to be in a position to influence the education of children. We need to vote her out.
Pierre Tristam says
Ultra, FYI, The Woolbright is running for the Flagler, not the Taitung, county school board.
justbob says
It’s reported that Woolbright will decree that no school lockers will be numbered 666.
The Geode says
I did. I don’t know which mindset is worse. Hers or this guy that leans so far left, he must have severe scoliosis. I enjoy some of the local news he prints, but GOOD GAWD, MAN his slanted views taint the publication. I know it’s HIS prerogative but jeez…
Blossom says
Beautifully stated. Have never seen an election quite like this one. So much hate, so much judgment clothed as Christianity. But it isn’t.
the truth hurts this is not hate what she stands for its the destruction
of america and indoctrination of children, pierre all you are is a hateful
lost man repent eternity is looking you straight in the eyes. jesus came
to die for sinners, you hateful people we are not bigots we just speak
truth according to the bible which you hate. GENESIS 1-27 GOD CREATED
DMFinFlorida says
Sally, thank you for being a voice of reason in all of this madness. Real Christians are people like you who accept others, no matter how different, and respect the differences. Find common ground, and move forward for the good of all instead of perpetuating the unfounded lies leading to the current hysteria among the extremists.
Pierre, great piece of sarcastic tinted but educational writing!
Jane Kranz says
Thank you Pierre for a most informative article.
Blossom says
We need to elect normal, mentally balanced qualified people here for a change. If you know up front they are having issues, please don’t elect them to public office. Let them go peddle their issues somewhere else.
Yesterday, Janet McDonald’s husband, Dennis, was standing at the corner of Palm Coast Parkway with several people all holding LIAR MULLINS signs. Did anyone else see this?!! His wife is on the school board. What is the matter with this man???
Anon says
I don’t want to speak for Jesus, but I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t call someone shit4brains.
JoB says
If we could just put all of those LGBTQ people back in the closet, that would surely help eliminate the moral decay. After all, the Creator made a big mistake when 10% of the human race that She created are LGBTQ.
Mark says
Fantastic Pierre! I had to look up the Cathars, I remember hearing the name in the past but not any in depth history. I learn something everyday and too bad some in Flagler can’t educate themselves. History can repeat itself unless people learn from past mistakes.
Pierre Tristam says
BiBe, I love the bible, but no more and no less than other fictions like Chaucer, Rabelais and Candide (we wouldn’t have Fanny Hill without the Song of Songs now, would we?). As a non-fiction guide to the Woolbright & Friends bandwagon though I recommend The Handmaid’s Tale. You don’t even have to wait for the movie anymore.
Steve says
She’s a regular old “Sinners in the hands of an angry God” Johnathan Edwards. I’ve read his material but to see one live it is a whole nother story. WOW Thanks for the History lesson
c says
I’m also pretty sure he would get the caps key on his keyboard fixed.
cc says
Should I start offering keyboard repair services? … lots of these haters seem to have a broken caps lock key.
Bartholomew says
‘Poets, priests and politicians,
Have words to thank for their positions,
Words that scream for your submission,
And no one’s jammin their tradition.”
Sara says
Dbrogan says
If what you say is true the God was a human. How does that square with your argument? Genesis 1-27 is not saying God was human and created Adam and Eve in his physical image. He was saying that they were created in his moral and spiritual image! Of course that does not fit the evangelical message of bigotry and hate. And we all know that the Bible was translated by man based on the belief systems of the times and by scholars who had to “guess” at the ancient languages such as Aramaic!
George says
In my opinion just another radical far left attack! They want the progressive approach and teach children only a radical agenda!
Val says
Love others and children as Jesus would, based on scripture not man’s evil desires.
Bill C says
How many times have you been hit by lightening? I’m guessing more than once.
ASF says
So, you felt moved to comment on something you didn’t even bother to read? That says a lot but probably not what you intended it to.
tulip says
Just think, DeSantis is recommending woolbright, and chong. Just goes to show how he thinks as well. No votes from me to them
Terry Leonard says
Let me guess, this are the same American First patriots that attacked the capital building last year? Yeah, let’s hear ot for those people who love America do much that they would attack it over the lies of one man. You are an ass hat sir!
Laurel says
Fascism will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a bible.
Laurel says
Concerned: White Christian Nationalism is real, and something you need to pay attention to. You may not be a part of it, I hope, but you need to see it for what it is: extremely dangerous.
Laurel says
Jake: Only the sane kept on reading.
Laurel says
C: I had tears! You, Anon and Pierre had me laughing so hard!
Laurel says
Laurel says
Pierre: Great article, thanks for the lesson. One of the things I learned while studying the history of modern art was that during the dark ages, people lived so far apart that religion was the best way to control them. Putting the fear of God in them was quite successful.
These people, like Woolbright and Chong, have no place in our schools. They need mental help as they have left logic and reason behind. But guess what? God told me that this too, shall pass. ;)
Randy Bentwick says
She IS the moral decay of America. Anybody who claims to follow the teachings of Jesus does not behave like that. She needs to be removed from her position yesterday!
Penny says
This is the most ignorant, hate-filled, disgusting article I have ever read! As a faithful Roman Catholic I can tell you the writer of this despicable tirade is ignorant of Christian theology, world history, history of the crusades and the history of the papacy. The anti-Christian bias is beyond the pale in its inaccuracy and hate-filled lies. I am shocked at the lack of knowledge! I am also disgusted by how divisive this man truly is? He is a Christian hater through and through and a disgrace to the Palm Coast community! This is not how you bring people together, but no one that supports this article is interested in a united community. That is because we are now a country irretrievably divided. There will never be a meeting of the minds because one side is made up
of a majority of secularist/atheists who are pathological in their hatred of those who believe in God, moral law, natural law and law and order. You hate us because we will not accept and support your lifestyle choices and we will not buy into the bullying and hatred of the radical LGBTQ agenda and yea language police. You will just not live and let live. You just cannot leave us alone to live our lives as free American Christians. You want to hate, persecute and destroy us. You do
not even want to allow us to raise our own children. You think you have the right raise them and teach them things that are against our belief or at best inappropriate. You want to force your values and beliefs on all of us and punish us for not agreeing with you. You won’t even allow us free speech any longer because we do not walk in lockstep with your Marxist/leftist worldview. Never have I been so disheartened and disillusioned by one man’s hatred, lies and ignorance.
Concerned Citizen says
Hi Laurel,
You make broad assumptions towards someone you don’t know. I fully understand what is going on in our world. I have been in parts of this world where this behavior is kindergarten play. Again it’s not my place to judge others. I just don’t support how they do it.
Where is all this fervor to correct our current political situation in this county? Instead of worrying about who believes in what?
Mark says
…and they make National News. Let’s see how this plays out on home values and tourism in Flagler County.
Mark says
Nor #13, 999 may be available and if so the student should remove one pop-rivet and viola 666. LOL!
Tired of it says
What? What is this dribble about? You are a very disturbed individual.
Left Field says
This is hysterical, a guy that is a white man mentions time and time about “White Christian”. Jesus wasn’t White he was from your region I believe, and i think Parkview isn’t a all White church. Parkview has been here longer and helped more people than you have ever thought about helping. I don’t think Parkview has a gate around its doors. Yet you talk “White Christian” while locked up in a Majority White Community. how bout you write about what you have done for Palm Coast instead of what someone else is doing, write what you can do to help. You think its ok for a certain book to be available to the kids? If thats the case the Bible should be available for a kid to read, right? What do you think we have a hustler magazine in the library and have a 8 year old look at it, and let them decide at that time what gender they like and what gender they should be. Another question do you have kids if so are they 6?
John says
Cream comes to the top. So do turds.
Jas says
White Christian nationalists is propaganda BS. It’s this group then that group.
Like this site, where is freedom of speech. Every time I make a post, it has to be moderated and cleared. Who makes that decision? I never use abusive language, and many comments has not cleared because someone did not lke my opinion.
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
Jane the Sports Fan says
As a former New Englander and 70’s Bruins fan, my response would have to be, “And Esposito scores on the rebound!” Sorry, Flagler Live doesn’t offer the option of a sarcasm font. Enjoy your day!
Laurel says
Penny: Sorry, but you are so wrong that it’s mind boggling! I am what you might call a secularist/atheist individual, and you clearly have no clue as to what you are writing about or how I view things. No, I don’t hate you and I really don’t give a damn what you believe. I just don’t want you and your group to push your ideology upon me. Stop trying to legislate me. Stop trying to make kids who are different feel bad enough about themselves to consider suicide. I have yet to hear any of you here actually represent Jesus! You folks make him sound as a person who was bigoted and only interested in a particular group of people who worship him, mostly white, straight people. I think I actually think more of him than you do, because I think you really aren’t listening to him. You certainly don’t practice what he preached.
The article was very well written by an educated, intellectual. Maybe that’s what you do not like. It seems that whenever the far right come across intellectuals, the intellectuals are considered “liberal.” We are not ignorant, we just have the ability to step back and take a good look at what is around us and comment on it without the fear of being struck down by God, or you for that matter. In authoritarian governments, such as fascism and communism, the “intelligentsia” are some of the first to be persecuted as they are harder to control.
Open your eyes. Jesus was no “conservative” as it is defined today. He accepted people of all kinds, which you do not. Seems to me that he was a liberal, maybe not politically speaking, but in practice.
Mark says
Penny if you’re a “faithful Roman Catholic” then you are a bit lost on your comments. I’m a Roman Catholic and have never heard anyone just say what you have wrote, let alone any Priest, Bishop, Arch-Bishop, Cardinal, Pope or any Nun for that matter. If we talked your way back in CCD the Nuns would have given us a good swipe and our Parents would do the same when we got home. By the way my Uncle is a Priest too.
DJH says
Another article that neatly fits into the narrative of the Left. I am anxiously awaiting Mr. Tristam’s response when the citizens of Palm Coast elect those that are truly interested in family values and protecting our children.
Jan Reeger says
I hear you loud and clear. I am researching and finding some very surprising things. Not just about her. WoW!
Tim Mcauliffe says
If you feel that strongly, put your name on it. Own your feelings. Unless of course you are ashamed of how you feel
Jimbo99 says
Maybe she has a point ? We might not be seeing articles like this all the time. When there are guides to living a better/healthier lifestyle. Some folks just continue to play the victim card for their own self inflicted victimization and it’s always the same list of endangered species that always need to be saved ? I get the history of mankind, but none of us were around during the Dark Ages. All we can do is learn from the mistakes of others and try harder each day the sun rises & sets to be better than the worst of the worst. Shouldn’t be too hard if one applies themselves. But let’s face it, the human race finds creative & new ways to disappoint. I thought I had seen it all, but every day there is someone that has taken their craft to a new level.
Robjr says
Is white Christian nationalism a euphemism for white nationalism?
Ethnocentrism hiding behind the veil of Christianity.
Pierre Tristam says
No need to wait. I fully expect the citizens of Palm Coast to continue their very successful quest to—borrowing some of the words of the city’s tag line—Find their Medieval Florida. Of course these flagellants will be elected. Then I’ll move on to reporting on the dismantling of our school system as we’ve known it—the firing of the superintendent, the school board attorney, all those different evil spirits at the district’s various circles of hell, the defenestration of anything gay that moves (or doesn’t, like those satanic rainbow flags, not that there are any left in our little Gilead), all while Woolbright and her new BFFs sing te deums now and until kingdom crumbs. I recommend “The Fun Side of Pessimism.”
Penny says
Your ignorance is showing too. This is your personal view of Christ and Christianity…not the truth of scripture and tradition. Your response is so typical of secular atheists. You put forth a personal opinion of Jesus Christ and Christianity as if it were truth…it is not. I studied Christian theology and I have a double major from a Jesuit University in Christian theology and French. You are flat out wrong. It is nothing more than urban legend that Jesus was a Liberal. Jesus was a strict Jew of his time who came to fulfill the law…not destroy it. Do you know what that means? You are trying to dilute the religion and rewrite scripture which is also a modernist tactic as well. I suggest you stick to your very precarious worldview and give up attempting to change and disparage the beliefs of billions of Christians.
Jack Howell says
Many moons ago, I taught Micr0 and Macro Economics for Northwood University. One of the theories in economics is about the rationale ignorant voter. This refers to voters that basically don’t become familiar with the issues or the folks running for elected office. For example, a voter may like a candidate’s billboard or the picture of the candidate’s family. The voter does not go any further than that, and they subsequently vote on the picture of the candidate’s family or billboard period. No research whatsoever!
Unfortunately, the voters in Flager will show just how ignorant they are tomorrow. Throw the rationale out with the baby and the bath water.
Been There says
I’m rubber and you’re glue. What you just accused the author of (which is not the basis of this article) is EXACTLY what the Christian right is doing to EVERYONE that is not them. You really should get off your hypocritical high horse and practice what you preach. Live and let live. Keep your dogma out of our democracy.
Been There says
Let’s not forget the Jesus was murdered by a political (roman) and secular (jews) partnership.
Penny says
You people are all the same! You are the ones forcing LGBTQ INSANITY on children! You are pushing CRT and BLM! You are the ones who cannot live and let live! You don’t care about human life and you approve of abortion up to and including birth!l These are all the things you stand for!! I don’t give a damn about what you think it believe, etc…, but stay away from my children and leave us alone. You will not need happy until your Marxist values have destroyed our country! I detest everything the leftist movement stands for…anti-Constitution and a lying, corrupt crook of a president who is destroying our nation in a daily basis. Sickening!!!
Pierre Tristam says
Penny, it wouldn’t matter if you had five doctorates in theology from a Jesuit university on each continent, were the reincarnation of Thomas Aquinas or were Pope Innocent V: you’d still have no more claim to “truth” than any old hobo with a guitar, than the neighborhood handyman or than the collective faculty of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton–at least when it comes to theology, which is another word for fiction, or fantasy, or imaginative lit. It’s all personal opinion, from every papal bull in history down to this comment of yours. Whatever you call it, you absolutely literally unequivocally cannot call anything theological, anything scriptural, factual in any way, nor keep anyone from interpreting scriptures any way they wish, whether they have degrees or not (grand inquisitors’ wishes to the contrary). As for Jesus as a liberal, it seems pretty clear that, to take one example, the Beatitudes were not exactly intended for a CPAC convention, which is why you never hear them quoted anywhere two or more Republicans are gathered in sadism’s name, as they so often are these days. The sword-sharpening pre-fascism of Deuteronomy is more their game.
protonbeam says
Thank you. I couldnt agree more. Good to see Christian bashing is still the most acceptale form of hate in the US
blerbfamilyfive says
Sorry to change the subject, but does anyone know if Mr. MacDonald has paid the money he owes to the Flagler County Taxpayers as a result of those frivolous lawsuits he filed . Have not seen any update in quite sometime. How about it Commissioners?
Gene says
There you go, “I don’t give a damn what you think.” Spoken like a true Constitutionalist. “First amendment “ …. Who cares. “Separation of church church and state (Establishment Clause)” ….. the founders really didn’t mean that. Your hatred for people who don’t follow your warped beliefs is disgusting. As a Catholic, I find it embarrassing that you call yourself one. Christ asked us to love one another.
Ray W. says
To paraphrase an old legal phrase from my father’s generation of lawyers, sometimes the only thing you can do as a reader of these types of comments is to stand back and watch as yet another FlaglerLive commenter drowns in her own spit.
Or, to paraphrase Wittgenstein, Penny has the right to wander through life fooling herself. Wittgenstein argued that one of the most difficult things in life was to not fool oneself.
James says
I guess judging by some of the recent Florida “Conservative” Republican TV campaign ads… one which features snarky comments and visuals by the candidate on the use of tear gas (which he manufactures)… another in which the candidate claims that “good” American families can’t afford a roof over their heads, whilst the liberal leftists live the “high life”… and so many countless others in which shotguns are brandished openly… does not bode well for our future, does it.
These are the new “family values” that the voters now seem to embrace.
The dude says
Churches around here are nothing more than dens of white nationalist extremism, hotbeds of hate, or MAGA maddrassas…
FlaglerLive says
He has not.
FlaglerLive says
It’s not Christian-bashing, as you conveniently put it, anymore than bashing the KKK is Protestant-bashing: It’s bashing fanatics who happen to be, who claim to be, who pretend to be, who shamelessly pose as, Christians, in the charitable sense of the term (as in ” “having the manner and spiritual character proper to a follower of Christ,” though by that definition only about three or four dozen people, some of them fictional–Dostoevsky’s Prince Myshkin, otherwise known as the Idiot, comes to mind–may have managed it). But I can understand your martyr complex: it’s part of the Fanatics LLC branding.
PennPe says
You are a secular/atheist ideologue who hates Christianity. Would you speak of Islam in the same
hatred and vitriol? I seriously doubt it. Why don’t you prove me wrong?
Penny says
I said I hated evtthet stand for. I did not say I hated them. There is a huge difference. Please do not distort what I said. That is what creates scandal, and as a Catholic you should know that.
Mary says
We’re with you Laurel.