On Monday this week Matanzas High School Principal Jeff Reaves wrote parents of student-athletes that one of the Matanzas student athletes tested positive for Covid-19. The next day, the school board said it would vote for delaying school’s opening to Aug. 24, and on Wednesday, the district announced the indefinite postponement of fall sports. FlaglerLive has been in contact with the mother of the student who tested positive. She agreed to write about the experience from the perspective of a parent directly impacted by the virus, with suggestions for the district as it crafts its reopening strategies. We are withholding the name of the parent, a Palm Coast resident, to protect both hers and her son’s identity.
The first draft of this piece was shaping up to look like a multifaceted saga explaining all the lengths my family went through to avoid getting the coronavirus–and getting it anyway.
It was drenched in graphic descriptions of our miserable symptoms, because people want to know: the anxiety that goes with not knowing how long we will feel awful and the under-lining fear that if or when we get over it, it might happen again. The aggravation of waiting for test results and sitting imprisoned in our own home, separate from and missing each other. Trying to work from an iPad that was purchased in a pinch because half the household (my office included) is under quarantine. I am on this end of the house, worrying about getting us through it and keeping our bills paid. My son is on his end of the house, worrying if I blame him for getting me sick (I don’t) and worrying if his team blames him for Fall sports getting pushed back. And so on.
But there’s more to it. I am writing this article because I know that important meetings are taking place right now in the Flagler County school district to decide if we are ready to open the schools, and other important meetings are taking place to decide if there will be Fall sports this year. (The district this week announced all fall sports are postponed indefinitely.) Since my son’s diagnosis has been discussed publicly, I thought I’d weigh in on the decisions. His input and mine could shed helpful light on the challenges the district faces, as do we as parents and as do students.
Let me clarify for the record once and for all: my son did not likely contract the Covid-19 virus at his football conditioning workouts. Matanzas’s coaching staff has always maintained strict adherence to temperature checks, social distancing, separate waters, no shared equipment, no contact, in keeping with district guidelines. Simply put, the days or the circumstances don’t add up to an infection during conditioning, according to the health department’s contact tracers. It was out of an abundance of caution that the coach and team were notified that he was being tested, and ultimately tested positive.
Right now in every household, community, and state throughout the United States, everyone with kids is grappling with the decision of whether or not they will be safe returning to school. The decision cannot be taken lightly. We have to consider whether certain members of households would survive if they were to get infected with Covid-19. I can only speak for my family when I say how tough this decision is, because I am high risk. This decision has been tougher for me because my son is going to be a senior. I can’t just say to him: “Stay home now and hopefully there will be a vaccine and you can go back next year.” There is no next year. This is it. This is his final year to cement his GPA and to showcase his athletic talent for a chance for a college scholarship.
Imagine for a moment what all the junior and senior student-athletes are feeling. Most of them started playing their sports when they were 4 or 5 years old. Over the years they have sacrificed going to birthday parties, they’ve stayed up late on weekends, they’ve eaten junk food (sometimes), and as in my son’s case, they’ve sustained many stitches and injuries. As parents of student athletes, we packed in our car for long road trips, spent tons of dollars on lessons, equipment, road-food, physicals, admission fees, and we spent hours upon hours in several types of weather to give our kids a shot to play, and hopefully a chance to get noticed for a college scholarship. As the decisions are being made regarding our return to school and with Fall sports on the table, please don’t forget to consider all that they have sacrificed.
Instead, let’s adopt a strategy to reduce the spread. In my opinion–and now, unfortunately, my experience–we cannot take half measures to prevent catching or passing this virus. We need as a town and a district a firm mask mandate that is strictly enforced. We cannot merely “strongly encourage” our kids to wear masks at school, at least in middle and high school. Frankly, many students don’t have the wherewithal to determine if they are socially distanced. We can’t accept our sheriff’s position that the mandates that have been adopted are “un-enforceable.” Other cities and counties are enforcing mandates, and the evidence is clear that mandates are reducing the spread.
If Palm Coast has a mandate, I follow it, even if I don’t agree – that is the deal. Palm Coast has a mask mandate. We need the sheriff to understand that if the city adopts a rule, he is required to enforce it. It is completely unrealistic to expect businesses trying to recover from the recent shutdown to “police” their customers and call them in for trespass if they don’t wear masks. It won’t likely happen, and people like my son (who wore a mask) will unknowingly get infected and suffer.
Whether the sheriff enforces the three cities in place in the county or isn’t material to the school district, which can–and should–have its own enforceable mandate on its middle and high school campuses. Which brings me to whether we should have Fall Sports: Absolutely! But as with school, it will not look or feel “normal.” So far the decision has been to move the practice start date out to August 24, a month away. It probably was a good decision. But it was only a good decision if certain actions are being taken to reduce the virus in our community. Otherwise it is just kicking the can down the road.
Maybe we should look at some type of “bubble.” I am not suggesting marooning the kids to some island (at least not yet). But I am suggesting some type of agreement between the coaches, the students and their families to reduce and limit their exposure during their sports season. Maybe allow each player two to three tickets per game to hand out to whomever for entry, separating everyone in the stands accordingly, assuming crowd size limits are enforced. Maybe telecast or webcast the games on a channel for everyone else, just as classes are to be streamed.
And keep brainstorming. We need to get creative here. So much is riding on this. For some kids, this isn’t just a season. It’s their last. Let’s not end it before it starts.
tulip says
I sincerely wish your son and the whole family the absolute best of luck in recuperating from this evil virus, and fully understand how you feel about him returning to school. My kids have long since graduated high school, but I still have empathy for every parent and teacher that is trying to make the wisest and least scariest decision possible. I wish success for all of you.
Dan Ignatuk says
Thank you for sharing your 1st hand experience with Covid. There absolutely needs to be mandatory masks with enforcement to stem this issue as it is increasing now in Flagler County. Other municipalities are doing this. Why not Flagler County and Palm Coast? The very best of luck to you and your son. I would love to hear that he has recovered and was able to return to compute with his team. Keep us posted.
I hope that the “powers to be” follow your many good suggestions.
Duncan says
“So much is riding on this. For some kids, this isn’t just a season. It’s their last. Let’s not end it before it starts.”
You talk of how much athletes and their parents have sacrificed. Although, that might be true; I think they should just have to sacrifice a little more. I think it is extremely selfish to ask other to put there lives and the lives of their family on the line so that your son can engage in something as inconsequential as sports.
Obviously, the gross arrogance in this country is preventing any type of rational thinking. I guess the constitutional rights of the selfish, to spread Covid, is more important that saving lives.
If we would have done the right things in the Spring, we wouldn’t even being having these types of conversations. Get over it and be thankful that you and your family are not a part of the 145K and growing lost lives in this county that won’t be able to watch sports or do anything else.
CB from PC says
What was doing things right?
I think hitting the ChiComms into economic devastation by banning American manufacturing was a good start.
Of course, then Nike and Apple, those bastions of social justice, would have lost the slave labor in their supply chain of manufactured goods.
Outsider says
Actually, sports are not “inconsequential.” My daughter has received an academic and sports scholarship to a nearby D-I program, cutting the cost of attendance by 2/3. Try doing that with your participation trophies.
Martha says
I am not willing to risk my child’s Heath for discounted tuition. I would rather have them alive and in debt then dead and bankrupt. Easy choices for hard times
4workers says
To make that happen and and given that our youth, small business and actual taxpayers shut their lives down & personally sacrificed their livelihoods & futures to protect the Boomers and likely, the majority on this thread, it’s only fair that the Boomers do their part and subsidize this student and others for their education future. Additional reductions in their pension to help feed furloughed workers is necessary as well.
mary fusco says
Well, I am a boomer. However, my daughter, who is a home health RN, is not. She is treating patients with COVID who are much younger. They are very sick but don’t require hospitilization at this time. Every day for 8+ hours, sometimes 7 days a week she suits up in 100 degree weather to treat them. She can’t take a chance on bringing it to her other patients. I haven’t seen her since this began and she lives in JAX. Everyone is free to do what they want but must accept the consequences of their actions. Unfortunately, as a society we tend to look for someone else to blame. BTW, I don’t have to subsidize any student. We put 4 kids through college and have no control over furloughed workers. No one has to protect me, I protect myself. Arrogance is a very ugly trait.
Concerned Parent says
These school sports are an obvious distraction from whats happening in the world right now and are just another way for this virus to spread. The last thing our community and country need right now is children getting together to spread the virus. Its apparent this kid caught it at practice and now look at the hardships his parents must face. KEEP YOUR KIDS HOME. There will always be a chance that things may be back to normal either by next Fall or the spring after that.
Pirates says
Sorry, you are wrong! Some of theses kids have devoted their lives to fall sports and they live for it! My son is also a Sr this year and on the football team. Please don’t tell us what more we need to sacrifice! These kids have worked ALL summer on conditioning and training! These kids need this and deserve it. If the proper precautions are taken there is no reason they shouldn’t play. If people can still go shopping and to the beach and out to eat these kids have a right to play sports! They still have DISNEY and UNIVERSAL open for gods sake and you want to say kids can’t play sports this fall?!?
really says
IFF some get sick and die then no nothing never mind sports. Lets hope cooler heads prevail and at least wait to play. Only getting one shot at this and so far not so good.
Mark says
I applaud the parent for speaking up, however there are some questions that need to be raised as well.
We are assuming the son contracted first and spread it to her based on the article. We know their is an Asymptomatic phase and do we know it was not reversed? This will be a question for any household seeing how once we are home, there is a feeling of safety and all guards are down.
She mentioned he always wore his mask, and yet he contracted it, which only furthers the debate whether or not masks work, or if they provide a false sense of security to people who really struggle with all the other precautions that must be followed when using PPE. Consider someone who has contact with the virus by hand who then handles their mask and puts it on. It actually would increase their chance of infection because the mask is now right there to be breathed in? For the record, I am not for or against masks, but believe their is too much faith being put in their efficacy.
Regarding the mandate, it has no teeth and the council was careful to put plenty of exceptions such as social distancing as an acceptable exception, that is why it is unenforceable.
There will be an exposure risk no matter what we do. I hope her family recovers as with any family dealing with this. The handling of this has been reckless to say the least and that blame falls on everyone. When we went into Phase One, I was shocked how quickly everyone did shed their masks. We are pitched relentlessly to trust the science, yet the organizations such as WHO or CDC have flip-flopped too many times to trust anything. Media will post an article one day that masks work and another day they do not. Similarly temperature checks, types of medicines to combat, whether a vaccine will work, whether immunity is achieved after infection. The list can go on and on and on.
Nancy N. says
Cloth masks work best to protect other people from the person who is wearing the mask, by containing the droplets they exhale. So if the author’s son was wearing a mask, but around other people who weren’t…he wasn’t protected very well. That’s why we ALL need to wear masks, to protect each other. Even if someone doesn’t think the virus is a threat to them, they might not know they are infected and unwittingly give it to someone for whom it could be fatal.
hopeful says
I feel for your family, I really do.
I hope you are fortunate enough to avoid the virus this time around.
Pay close attention to your son, watch over him carefully.
Do exactly the same with yourself.
2 weeks isn’t all that bad.
But please understand, you are playing Russian Roulette with your life if you deem your child’s “non-contact football training and upcoming season” as acceptable, or as I read it, absolutely necessary.
I hope your child’s grades have been in order all along, and he’s not just counting on a college football scholarship.
Those, I foresee, will be very hard to come by this year.
The whole class of 2021 is going to be something unheard of.
I don’t know what it will look like in June, but I know some will use their intelligence, become very creative, and make the better of it.
Some will reject it outright. (I was 17 once, LOL)
The world is about to become a new place.
I really don’t see stadiums packed with people to watch ANY kind of sports for a long, long time.
Maybe not for 10 years.
Movie theaters?
Outdoor, or even worse, indoor concerts?
With strangers????????
Personally not for me, I’ll keep my distance, when I must be in close contact with strangers I will be as careful as I possibly can.
Lock myself up inside the house?
The virus spreads from human respiratory system to human respiratory system.
The day you can catch this virus from just being out in the open air, we are all good as dead.
People are going “all-in”, they don’t care, they are healthy and the virus can’t bother them.
Some even believe the most craziest ideas I have ever heard in my lifetime!
So, you are not just fighting a virus,
That would be easy enough should everyone get on the same page for…..
Let’s say 60 days……..
60 days!
You are fighting against many, many, many people whom don’t even believe there is a virus because they themselves haven’t tripped over a dead body in the hospital parking lot.
(even if they did, they’d say it was planted by the B&M Gates Foundation)
I personally am ashamed at those who believe… (fill in the blank – they all fit)
Sherry says
A really great article from an actual “parent” on the front lines. Unfortunately, the best response I can come up with is “If Only”
. If Only- Our federal government possessed true LEADERSHIP and an actual PLAN to marshal resources in an ORGANIZED fashion and to enact nationwide regulations that would lower the spread of this lethal virus.
. If Only- Our government officials used the advice of MEDICAL EXPERTS for their decision making on how to keep us all safe and healthy.
. If Only- We could TRUST our government to do everything possible to prioritize human health and lives over and above the stock market.
. If Only- We could DEPEND on our governor to implement STRONG regulations to protect our health and lives.
. If Only- Our local LAW ENFORCEMENT officials would step up to ENFORCE safety rules and regulations
. If Only- Our COMMUNITY would come together and “independently” DO THE RIGHT THING to protect the health and lives of our fellow citizens, neighbors, friends, loved ones.
Our government has FAILED us at every level!
Sadly, I no longer trust in my fellow human beings to rise to the challenge of the most difficult circumstance in my life time. The feeling I have this morning is simply massive disappointment in the loss of what I would call an “American Spirit” that I believed in and trusted my entire life. I weep for my country and for my human brothers and sisters.
Jane GentileYoud says
Sherry expresses my views about the monster virus better than I do. Staying alive should be our main goal; nothing else is more important
Dave says
Government nearly always fails. 9-11. Katrina. Tennessee flooding. Etc.
Why would you put your faith in it when it is generally incompetent?
And public health experts blew their credibility – masks/no masks; social distance/protests ok; etc.
Assume incompetence and plan from there.
Deb says
Why do some parents think thier kids education is more important than other peoples lives? This virus can ruin a a kids sporting carreer leaving long term damage to cardio vascular health. There is always next year!
Judy says
This is what we need!! Shared experiences to keep people informed. Some people in this county have no idea what Covid does to families, and the importance of taking time and working together as a community to keep our children safe. This Can be done.
Ken says
Is it possible for a parent to care more about thier childs education then they care about their childs health? Seems a little twisted. Thats just me tho.
Jill says
Yes the sheriff needs to enforce the mask mandate. But also all students should not be in school or sports until the numbers go waayyy down!
Kris says
We need a stay at home order and closure of all buissness. No school, no games being played with kids for sport. Mask mandate must be enforced and close the beaches or atleast restrict activities and groups qt the beach. We need to go back, not forward. Lives depend on it.
Only Me says
Thank you for you writing this, I wish you, your son and family all the best and get better soon.
I agree if there is a mandatory mask issued the FCSO need to enforce it, the first offense can be a warning and the second offense should definately be a fine and not a small one. It is revenue for the county for those that can’t follow instructions to save lives, theirs and others.
Publix now has signs for masks to be worn in their stores and was very upset to go there and see people still walking around with no masks on. Publix needs to be enforcing what it states at their front doors.
A nine year old child died in Palaka this week and a Republican Congressman’s long time staffer in Florida died today of the virus.
I am appalled that Governor DeSantis has his head in the sand and is not seeing what is going on in his the state that elected him, it is like he has blinders on. How bad does he want it toget before he finally does something mandatory across the whole state?
Lets be smart like New York was and every body be on the same page to fight this virus head on for the safety of everyone even the politicians that don’t seem to care.
Steve Robinson says
A big cheer for this brave Mom and her son for carefully and dispassionately explaining the reasons why the city of Palm Coast and Flagler County need to have a mask mandate that is enforced by the sheriff. The overwhelming consensus among scientists is that if masks were worn by 90% of the people who interact with each other in public spaces, this pandemic could be controlled. Like Florida, Arizona is one of the states that medical experts believe “opened” too early. This morning, the Republican governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, announced that his order closing bars, gyms and other public places would be extended indefinitely. His reason: “Because it’s working.”
Now that the GOP has cancelled its convention in Jacksonville, there is really no further reason for Trump’s lap dog, Ron DeSantis, to refuse to mandate masks. Is he paying any attention?
Adelino Marcal says
What strikes me is: even though this lady’ son has been wearing the mask according to her own words, he got infected, however she wants the masks to be mandated and enforced. Why? Does the mask work or not? I’m sorry for this lady and her son, but she doesn’t make any sense.
Cory says
The mask protects other people from you. If he was around other people that did not wear masks, they can still infect him. How do people still not understand this. That is why there must be a mask mandate.
Sarah says
The mask you wear protects those you interact with.
Nancy N. says
Masks work best when worn by the infected person, not the person trying to not get infected…quite likely her son encountered an infected person who wasn’t wearing a mask. This case, far from being evidence that masks don’t work, is actually a prime example of why it is necessary for everyone to wear masks to prevent transmission.
tulip says
A person can wear a mask but if he or she touches or handles something that has the virus on it then touches the mouth, nose or eye area after removing the mask, then that’s how the person got it. Perhaps he didn’t wash his hands or sanitize them and that”s how it happened.
Ken says
If stores like walmart and home depot refuse to enforce their mask madates in fear of violence from patrons who dont wear masks, then its time for the mask wearers to cause scenes and push back against those same workers who refuse to keep us safe. If our own sherriff wont protect us, then its up to Walmart and stores alike to keep the county safe.
whathehck says
Thank you “Mom’ for sharing your anxieties, I understand this was not an easy write. I don’t want to walk a mile in your shoes.
Lots of love and support for your family.
Folks! This is reality not a world of fantasy where one can dream that it only happens to unknown or non-existent people. Reality is knocking at the door, reality doesn’t care what party you support. Mask, social distancing and washing hands are in our new world. DO THESE 3 SIMPLE THINGS NOW! Thank you.
M Miller says
Hear , hear mom! Congrats for speaking intelligently on this subject. Hopefully, the powers that be will listen??
Steve says
IMO NO need to risk it sports or otherwise. Classes at some point yes. Sports no way. See you in Spring.
Cory says
This whole thing has been an exercise in idiocy. It’s time for all of us adults to take over and stop pandering to people that want to make everything political even if it kills hundreds of thousands of people. If you don’t want to wear a mask, don’t go into the store. You can do curbside pickup, no one is preventing you from getting groceries. If you want to be a rational adult and do your part, then by all means come out. This situation has really highlighted what’s happened the last few years. People have started to think that there is some kind of merit in questioning experts. The merit only exists if you have a rational and well thought out reason to question them, not simply because you want to or that it is politically advantageous for you to do so. For those of you out there that have been doing this, you should be ashamed of yourselves. We are here because of you. Those of us that still believe in listening to our experts and protecting one another need to band together and stop letting the kids drive the car.
In reference to the mother that shared her experience, I am really sorry for you and your family but happy that you are all alright. There should not be sports right now. I get that it’s sad, but what a great lesson for all of us to learn. You can’t always get what you want. If people would just accept this we could move towards getting this under control. But we have this segment of people that are just determined to do normal things. IT IS TOO DANGEROUS. Accept it. Let’s protect one another, survive, innovate to make it work. We can come out of this stronger, but it has to be together.
Sherry says
@ Adelino Marcal. . . . please, please, please try to read and understand what the medical experts have been saying for months:
Wearing a face covering mostly protects those around you from getting “your” possible virus germs. Wearing a mask does NOT stop “you” from getting the virus, while that mask may offer “some” protection for you. Therefore, if the young man who got the virus was wearing a face covering around “infected” people who were NOT wearing a mask, he could easily still get the virus.
Are you still following me here?
Therefore, in order for mask wearing to help us ALL lower the risk of spreading the virus, EVERYONE possible (like 90 percent or more) needs to correctly wear a good face covering in ALL places where “Social Distancing” of a MINIMUM of 6 feet is not possible 100 percent of the time.
Hoping this helps. Stay safe and healthy, and please wear a face covering Andelino. Thanks!
Proud American says
We should, we should, we should.
That’s all i keep hearing.
To all the Karen’s of the world, please stop trying to force others to do what you think is best.
Disney opens, everyone complains. You know what you don’t have to go, stay home and hide forever. Why do you feel that you have to control everyone else’s Life? Am I going to go to disney? No, but if some one else wants to go, it’s ok with me.
I want my kids to go to school and play sports. Sorry folks our children are not going to get their childhood back, major milestones, memories etc. they do not need to suffer or be forced to give that up because it bothers you. Everyone had the same 3 options to choose from, make your own decision and let everyone do what is best for them and their own family.
My kids want to play sports, again if you don’t, simply stay home, and let the rest of us live our lives.
We are not asking you to come along, hang out, or do anything.
You want to wear a mask, go ahead. Where it at home, in your car with the windows rolled up.
I don’t want to wear one. I have many reasons, but most importantly of all I have a right to do what is best for me.
I find it funny that since this started in March there was no mandatory mask policy at Publix, it started being enforced only 3 weeks ago, and now they have an employee confirmed positive case.
The virus Is not going anywhere, there is and will never be a cure.
We will not all take the vaccine….no surprise I will not.
We don’t call it a hoax because we don’t think it’s real, we know it is real. What is a hoax, is a media fueled panic and life of fear.
When you learn to educate yourself you have freedom. Imagine they posted live 24/7, cancer rates, heart attacks, od’s, child abductions, etc..
Yes if you are in a high risk group, please stay home and take every precaution, your life depends on it. Quarantine, mask wearing is for the sick, not healthy people.
The damage this is doing to our children, our mental health is beyond anything Covid can do.
Duncan says
“To all the Karen’s of the world, please stop trying to force others to do what you think is best.
Disney opens, everyone complains. You know what you don’t have to go, stay home and hide forever. Why do you feel that you have to control everyone else’s Life? Am I going to go to disney? No, but if some one else wants to go, it’s ok with me.”
– When my responsible behavior starts putting you and your family at risk, you let me know.
– When you figure out a way to keep the infections that you and your family catch and spread from reaching my
family and I, let me know.
– If you have a PHD in Child Psychology, and can point to evidence that not playing sports has some sort of long term detrimental effect on children. let me know.
I can honestly say,we would not be having this conversation if my family and I were not at risk due to your irrational views. But unfortunately, the science proves otherwise.
Proud American says
It’s not just playing sports, it’s school, hanging with their friends, hugging family members etc… all of this is harmful to our children.
When I shop, my mouth stays closed, I breathe through my nose. I am in and out, I avoid aisles with people, no chatting. Wash my hands often and haven’t touched my face.
The only way you can catch it is by getting particles from someone who is infected inside your body.
So again if you are sick stay home. Quarantine.
If you are not in a high risk group you should be able to live your life, and certainly our children are allowed to live a normal childhood.
Ps half of you on your high horse of wearing masks, wear dirty ones, and are breathing in harmful bacteria. I see them hanging on windshields, being yanked out of pockets, etc…
Spot says
What you ARE expecting is for school employees to risk their lives so that your non-mask wearing family members can attend school and play sports. And mask wearing is for EVERYONE because you may be SICK with Covid and not have symptoms which makes you dangerous to others. Oh, that’s right…you don’t wear a mask because you think you have the right to do what’s best for YOU. Everybody doing whatever they want is what got us where we are today. You call yourself educated and free. I call you Selfish.
Trailer Bob says
To put things in perspective, I was driving my truck to the Veterans Clinic in Daytona this morning to get some pre-operative tests. I was pulled over in bunnell on Route 1 by younger officer with the Sheriff’s department. He told me my back light was broken and that the “white light” was coming through to the rear. I told him I did not know my light was broken and I would get it replaced today. He continued to comment on that fact that I have a “history” of other issues with regard to motor vehicle in question. I told him I have no criminal record and that I did not know the light was cracked. Then he goes into a rant about other motor vehicle issues, non of which I was aware of. I told him I had a perfect motor vehicle record and he reiterated that these were not visible on my record, but exist “somewhere when an office has contact with you over something that you are not charged with, but it is still notated for the record. Then he want all crazy on my because there was a tint on the upper 10 inches of my windshield which is “illegal”. So he knows that I am going to now be late for my medical appointment, but has some unknown problem with me and apparently could care less about my medical condition that needs to be treated. MY POINT?
My sunshield on the tippy top of my windshield will harm no one. My pre-surgical appointment is really important, and why is this officer treating me like shit and spitting in my face?
Yes, the police cannot enforce the life saving measures that we so dearly need at this time, and most of the ab0ve comments show the frustration of the public over the non-enforcement of those, yet he can spend 1/2 hour of my time on the way for medical treatment being an asshole. Sorry officer, but you should not be a police officer. Never even met you, but to be frank, you are not the type of offices who deserve to be part of our community. Start looking at the big picture here..if you can do this to an honest veteran with no criminal record, you should be able to stop assuming you cannot protect all our citizens during this epidemic by enforcing life saving procedure. Sorry Sheriff Staley, who I admire much, but this is just BS.
Lance Carroll says
Welcome to reality.
Realist says
Sadly, I find many of the comments to be judgmental, blaming and at times nonsensical in nature……and what I mean by this is the following; It seems the majority of people, news media, health agencies etc are more interested in playing the “blame game” than figuring out if there really is a realistic way of dealing with this virus until a vaccine is developed.
Everyone must decide for themselves the risk level they are willing to accept, you can not depend on others to do it for you. Do lockdowns work ?…. possibly….. but we will never know because there is just no way to keep everyone inside for any length of time. Look how quickly people were back to traveling , congregating and socializing once we reached Phase 1…… this is the major reason the virus is still spreading. Not because any political person did or did not do something…. we “collectively” ultimately made it worse for ourselves. Whether that was selfish or necessity is not for me to opine…. it is what it is…..
Unfortunately, until a vaccine is found this current condition will continue
Mark says
Well Said! Fact is Personal Responsibility is a lose in today’s society. I can wear my mask, but that does not give me a free pass to ignore the “6 foot rule”. In the same fashion, I do not shout down, those not wearing masks, someone not following the arrows in the Supermarket, or the person who may or may not be social distancing properly. For those people, I am aware enough to take measures myself, no different than walking into the safety of my home and making certain to take the necessary actions to sanitize and not put my family at risk.
Our family has sat down at our table, we’ve discussed going back to school, we’ve made decisions based on information available and our own abilities to protect ourselves. It’s a personal decision for each and every one of us and not the responsibility for someone to tell us what we should do.
Born and Rasied says
I agree with you mom, I myself having two kids that played Division I sports in college on Athletic scholarships, and get a college education was an opportunity for them to achieve
To have deny my kids an opportunity to attend a Division I school, get there college degrees and play there sports would have been a pure tragedy. To see the school board cancel Fall sports is ludicrous. A student athlete only gets one opportunity to prove themselves.
Richard says
First I am sorry that your son and family are having to go through fighting this deadly virus and it’s after effects. Hopefully all of you will come out the other side healthy, safe and will survive the ordeal. Next I would like to point out what a few others have brought up in their posts, the FACT that your son had been wearing HIS mask faithfully however he still was able to contract the deadly virus. Well how can THAT happen when there are thousands of health and government officials saying that everyone needs to wear masks to stop this deadly virus. We all know for a FACT that by wearing a mask YOU are not protected from the virus BUT people around you are protected ONLY IF you are the one experiencing symptoms. What about those that are carrying the virus BUT are not experiencing any symptoms? What about those that are wearing an unhealthy non-sanitized dirty mask, scarf or face covering? Those people are actually spreading the virus more than those that are taking the extra precautions of maintaining sanitized healthy conditions. My wife & I are now in our 10th day of self-quarantine in the Finger Lakes Region of western NY. We decided it was time to exit Flagler as it was very apparent to us that people there thought the China virus had magically disappeared. NOT!
Alan Lefstead says
Thank you for sharing. Its difficult to imagine what your son and the family are going through.
I pray for his speedy recovery and keeping other family members safe.
It truly is ashamed that law enforcement will not enforce the wearing of mask in public. I believe that it with social distancung is the answer to getting this pandemuc behind us.
Hopefully we can return to some kind if normalcy sooner than later.
Sherry says
I simply do not understand all the “grasping at straws” to try and excuse those who continue to selfishly “ENDANGER” others by “REFUSING” to wear a face covering to “LOWER THE RISK” of spreading this lethal virus. It is “YOU” who refuse to mask up who should stay home, NOT ME. . . “I” wear a face covering, and therefore am not the one who is a danger to others!
I guess FOX is now spouting off about those “dangerous DIRTY masks”. . . . therefore, those are the latest talking points brought up by the usual suspects. Here’s a concept, throw your cloth mask in with your wash. If you use disposable paper masks, please dispose of them properly.
NEXT EXCUSE . . . . .
Sensible Hill Family says
I see your points, and see opposing points. I am a mom of 6, ages 25 (lives and works in Maryland), 23 (has epilepsy and I’m constantly worried about her…she lives in NC and is in 2nd yr of PhD program at UNCW), 21 (college grad, now living back at home but working outside the home around people always wears mask), 15, 11, and 7 (all 3 wear masks). My 79yr old father-in-law lives with us (high risk). We’ve been through a lot, all wear masks since early March, and we want to keep our kids home from school. Husband works outside of the house / essential worker and always wears mask. I work from home, and will figure out a way for the younger three to stay safe and continue their educations from home. Each family must choose what’s right for their family. There are no easy answers for any of us. Choose kindness when expressing our opinions and responding to others…and realize just like the virus is invisible, so are people’s vulnerabilities to it, so just wear a dang mask. Stay home IF and when possible. Treatments and vaccines are on the horizon and we don’t want to see more deaths. I don’t care what your politics are…we can ALL do what’s right and just wear a mask. Social distance. Hand-washing. Common sense.
Lance Carroll says
These times are trying to say the least. The parent/author of this article seems to bypass the reality of the situation with emotions. Obviously, there is a great need to make sacrifices as to the health of the entire population. Maybe we all should take a step back rather than a leap forward? The system is not looking out for its citizens best interest. Although, I am only guessing. It may be a good point in time to question what we are herded into believing what is important and beneficial to our existence? Maybe, maybe not….
Better to put it in reverse than to drive over the cliff…. Again, I am only guessing.
Strength and good health to all of us,
Lance Carroll