A man died of a gunshot early this afternoon at 203 South Bacher Street in Bunnell, in the nearby presence of two other individuals. The Bunnell Police Department was conducting what it was calling a death investigation, Bunnell Police Chief Tom Foster said.
Cpl. Shane Groth said police were called to the scene at 2:14 p.m. “It came in as a shooting,” Groth said. Police arrived at the scene at 2:15. The victim was already dead.
“We’re interviewing a couple of subjects,” Groth, a seven-year veteran of the agency, said. “They were on scene when it happened.”
“They’re very cooperative,” Foster said.
The shooting took place inside a duplex at the southwest corner of South Bacher and East Court Street. In the house next door this afternoon, as authorities were awaiting the arrival of the medical examiner, adults and younger people hung out on the porch, talked and played as if it were any other Wednesday afternoon. The segment of road in front of the duplex was cordoned off, but what little traffic there was, was not otherwise impeded.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office was assisting with its Crime Scene Investigation unit, which had been at the scene earlier in the afternoon and was due to return after the arrival of the medical examiner, who’d not yet been there at 5 p.m.: the examiner had had a busy day in Flagler, having responded to an apparent suicide on County Road 13 earlier in the day. Bunnell’s officers were still working that incident when the call came in from South Bacher.
“My detective is working with their detective, helping them,” Staly said. Bunnell’s relatively new detective, Kyle Totten, has faced two such death investigations (not counting the suicide) in a matter of weeks. Three weeks ago he was investigating the death of a homeless man, Robert Thomas Cronin Jr., outside the Bunnell branch library. That investigation is wrapping up, Foster said today at the scene.
“There’s no danger to the community whatsoever,” Foster said of today’s incident. “I think it’ll be resolved pretty quickly.” He said the scene had not been disturbed, pending the arrival of the medical examiner. Groth said that he could not say–he did not yet know–if the incident entailed more than one gunshot. “We work every death investigation as a homicide until we rule otherwise,” Groth said.
Detectives would likely have to work on search warrants Foster said.
The victim’s identity, of course, could not be released as next-of-kin identification had not been made. But Foster said the occupants of the duplex had moved in just last month.
Joan Raby says
Make sure you find out who did this!! This boy had so much promise. He was in college, worked hard at Houligan’s, had a wonderful girlfriend. Had a wonderful, loving family. He did not deserve this..
Get the dirtbags who did this!!!! Do not brush this under the rug by stating he may have committed suicide (HE DID NOT!)
Flagler1 says
Robert Valenti was the man who died behind the library
kevin says
This was TJ Hawkins that they’re talking about.
Shawn Capehart says
One of the MOST kind , loving, intelligent, young men I have ever had the honor of knowing. He was so good. I can’t believe the sheriff s haven’t made an arrest yet. Something needs to be done about this. He was so talented and driven and had so many dreams and aspirations for his future together with his Amazing fiance. And all of that was taken from them. This is so horrible.
Shawn Capehart says
Absolutely. These detectives need to do there jobs ok n this one. If TJ doesn’t get justice then NO ONE in this town deserves justice. Once they do a victimology and ballistics test. I’m sure they checked the suspects for gunpowder residue. They deserve to l ou se there jobs if they slip on this.
Kay S says
Flagler County Police needs to do their job and do it right. Please don’t look at his ethnicity or it was in Bunnell. TJ was a good young man, and loved by everyone that knew him.
Palm Coast Citizen says
Was there any follow-up to this case?