Andru Bryan Rivera, 25, was parked on Regent Lane in Palm Coast Thursday evening, with two other people in the car. The car was not obstructing traffic. The three were waiting for a co-worker. Julio Angeles, an employee with Windmar, the solar and roofing company, was conducting a business appointment in a nearby residence. It is not illegal to wait for someone in a car, or to park that car on the side of a residential street.
Suddenly Rivera was startled by aggressive banging with a metal object on his car window. He lowered the window. As he did so he saw a man later identified as Roland Littlefield, 53, holding an AK-47-style assault rifle “in a hostile manner,” according to Littlefield’s arrest report, and screaming insults at Rivera and his companions, telling them they don’t belong in the area and telling them to leave. It is not illegal for people who don’t necessarily live in a neighborhood to be that neighborhood.
As Littlefield “escalated,” his arrest report states, he “pointed the weapon directly at [Rivera], ordering them to leave. [Rivera] attempted to explain to [Littlefield] that he was there on business, however, after [Littlefield] pointed the AK-47 style weapon directly at him, he agreed to leave the area.” Both other occupants in the car corroborated Rivera’s account to Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies. Brandishing a firearm in an aggressive manner absent a well founded fear for one’s safety is illegal, however. It is aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a felony.
That is not what he was charged with, however.
When the first of several sheriff’s deputies arrived, he saw Littlefield and Keith Raimundo, a neighbor of Littlefield’s, walking in the driveway of 17 Regent Lane, where Littlefield lives. Littlefield was carrying the rifle. He was ordered to place the weapon on the ground. Littlefield complied. Once Littlefield reached the driveway at 15 Regent Lane, he produced a handgun from his waistband or the front pocket of his pants and placed it on the ground. The deputy ordered both men to lay down on their stomach in the middle of the street, at gunpoint until the two men were handcuffed.
Deputies turned up three firearms: a Glock 17, a semiautomatic Taurus 9mm and “a black WASR-10 AK-47 rifle with tan/yellow wooden buttstock,” the report states, with one round “in the muzzle, making the firearm ready to be fired upon pulling the trigger. The AK-47 had a black 30 round magazine containing 18 additional 7.62×39 live rounds.” The Taurus belonged to Raimundo.
Raimundo told deputies that he was in his house getting ready to watch television when Littlefield knocked at his door, holding the AK-47 and telling him that “there was a truck with occupants inside ‘casing’ the area.” It isn’t clear what evidence Littlefield had that the occupants of the car were “casing” the area. The report does not state whether Raimundo asked him any questions or sought to clarify the situation, only that he grabbed his gun and joined Littlefield. But Raimundo did not see any truck anywhere. What he did detect was the smell of alcohol around Littlefield. He had also seen Littlefield drink earlier in the evening. He would later tell deputies that he had consumed three beers and a whiskey.
As they walked outside, Littlefield “supposedly saw the truck with the headlights out,” according to his arrest report. The two men hid behind a vehicle. It’s not clear why. The vehicle turned out to be a sheriff’s patrol car: it put on blue and red flashing lights.
Deputies spoke with Angeles, the Windmar employee, who told them that when he left his business appointment he went outside to see the police activity, not understanding what was going on. Another Windmar employee who was with Angeles told deputies likewise.
The situation would typically have led to a third-degree felony charge. Rivera declined to pursue charges, however. Littlefield was charged with
Raimundo’s weapon was returned to him at the scene and he was cleared of any wrongdoing. Littlefield was charged with using a firearm while drunk, a second-degree misdemeanor, and booked at the Flagler County jail on $500 bond, which he posted. The document summing up his first appearance before a judge makes no reference to a no-contact order. It makes no reference to weapons, or the surrendering of weapons pending the disposition of the case.
Charles says
Wonder if he had a permit to own a assault weapon that the Republican refuse to ban the sale of.
Sue says
But people forget the criminals will Always have assault weapons!!! Especially the druggies,illegals with gangs etc! So I guess the left democrats forget this.amazing.!
Marc says
Yet drugs and “illegals” are both…..illegal.
Enough with the stale argument of “only criminals will have guns.” If you’re willing to ban abortion, then we should be willing to ban these guns of killing machines as well.
Bob says
I’m elderly so I guess people are too young to remember that when guns were few and more heavily regulated, we didn’t have these problems.
Al says
WE also did not have many of these problems when the court system would actually impose a penalty.
Deborah Coffey says
We lefties are not helpless like you want to believe we are. We, too, are gun owners who want to get rid of all the guns. And, this pathetic story is exactly one reason why…not to mention hundreds of dead kids that you seem to have forgotten. Amazing!
Ray W says
Hello Sue.
Have you read the recent story of the twice-elected small county Kentucky sheriff who walked into a judge’s office? He asked staff to leave because he wanted to talk to the judge alone. They left, only to hear multiple gunshots ringing out. He walked out of the deceased judge’s office and surrendered to authorities. No evidence yet on motive, or even if there was one.
Please be more honest with yourself. All kinds of people commit all kinds of crimes for all kinds of reasons. Thirty years of prosecuting and defending all kinds of people taught me that much.
Bill C says
So, druggies, illegals and gangs are criminals by definition but a guy brandishing an assault weapon and pointing at innocent people is not? Then his neighbor joining the vigilante brigade isn’t a criminal either? Your response is the typical: “Don’t regulate us ‘good guys”. In my book anyone that has a gun is a potential criminal and whether they turn out to be “bad guys” isn’t determined until they use it. Sensible gun regulations and registration isn’t too much to ask in a civil society.
Mary Lumas says
An assault rifle is a rifle that can go full auto or semi auto. So basically this clown was caring an semi auto rifle not an assault rifle. Wish people would do some research on this. And bye the was unless you have a class 3 license you can’t own a full auto rifle at least legally.
Marc says
Potato, potahdo. Democrat Party, Democratic Party. Assault Rifle, Semi-auto.
Anon says
Permit what lol omg dude what part of that is in the second amendment oh wait it’s not the founding fathers knew what they were doing when they wrote it
Steve says
There’s been a democrat for president 12 of the last 16 years, why haven’t they banned assault weapons
Endless dark money says
Contrary to what you think congress makes laws not the president.Republicons block and sabatoge any legislation they put forward as not so much about policy but to prevent democrats from getting any political win. So they sabatoge it and complain it doesn’t work. Don’t have to dig deep for many examples. Look more recently at immigration reform. R cons would rather make up lies and propagate hate then solve any real problem. And they want a career con man in the highest office, even though convicted felons are prohibited in many companies and government offices. Interesting how red states won’t ban the box but they support a rapist conman felon to lead them.
Tackleberry says
Too much Newsmax and Fox news.
Mia says
maybe these solicitors will learn a lesson too. these people get dropped off in our neighborhoods to knock on doors and make appts for water softening, solar power, a new golden roof etc etc. you name it and and they knock on our doors daily.Bad enough they call us 5x a day. now they come to our homes?
It’s more of a nuisance than anything! I’m not saying an AK47 is the answer but maybe our illustrious town hall can pass a law NO SOLICITING door to door.
Sheri says
They shouldn’t be allowed to do that. City of PC needs to stop allowing it. They should send out fliers and if we want their service we will call them.
Private Property says
Believe it or not, you, the homeowner / landowner must post a “No Trespassing” sign clearly visible to let potential knockers know this is private property and not to trespass. Only then do you have the upper hand when the door knockers come a knockin’. In addition, door knockers should have a permit to go door knockin’, and they should know what “No Trespassing” means, but many, if not all, do not for either.
Laurel says
Private Property: I wish “No Trespassing” signs worked, same with “No Soliciting” signs, but they don’t. Here in the Hammock, tree trimmers, roofers, etc. not only walk by and ignore the signs, they canvas the property for tree limbs to be cut before they knock on the door. Then, they have me to contend with, which of course, makes me the bitch. Oh well, so be it.
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
If you don’t want solicitors put up a No Soliciting sign. All solicitors selling must register with the City. If they still knock on your door get their information and contact the City.
john chiaramonte says
why not park were his appointment was ???? do you take your friends to work with you on your jobs????? I don t believe there story at all there been drug sales in the area and they were were dup;iks were he was at so what house did he go to/????? your telling me he at duplix trying to sell panels ????? 14 . 9 18 regent lane are all dup;ix did the cops go ask the place were they were trying to sell a panels ?????? I know the whole block /????? enev so you don’t park were your doing a job in the dark ???? what are people going to think ???????? I don’t buy there story at all I was a salesman who went door to door selling I never took any friends with me my boss would have fired me on the spot … so he got 2 people with him ??????? what company does that in dark of night I word there looking to get in trouble period so please doing being doing that when its dark out and your parking how far away ???????? like a said why did he not park in front of the house he was in ????????? I don’t believe there story at all ..period
Laurel says
They were probably hungry and looking for pets.
Bill C. says
Then get your gun and run out in the street and chase them away, right? You too are part of the problem.
BillC says
This Bill C. (with the period) is not the same person as BillC
Flash Gordon says
Joe D says
Yikes! A SANE person who was concerned about a “casing the neighborhood” vehicle would have taken a photo of the vehicle, the occupants, and the license plate…THEN they would have called the POLICE, rather that trying to be an AMATEUR RAMBO, by taking out his trusty ASSAULT weapon and confronting the workers in their car.
If I was a CONTACTOR, I would be worried about finding employees willing to work for me, if they were going to be confronted by a drunk with an ASSAULT WEAPON!
Just throwing a RANDOM thought out…we’re the workers MINORITY employees? The article doesn’t mention it, but frequently ASSUMPTIONS are made about the REASON a group of men would be sitting in a parked vehicle…based on RACE.
Nancy N. says
Their names are in the first paragraph. I think it’s a pretty reasonable assumption from the names that they are minorities, yes. Especially given the reported “you don’t belong here” statement.
Tj says
Please explain why it is only a misdemeanor to brandish a firearm while intoxicated? This is the problem irresponsible people having access to firearms. I am a member of the NRA so don’t give me the grief of saying it is your right.
Constipated resident says
Different strokes for different folks.
Samuel says
$500.00 bail something wrong with this picture. No wonder there are repeat offenders in Flagler County.
Deborah Coffey says
Yes, and only a misdemeanor? This is pathetic.
thomas says
Had a vehicle next tow my house once with people in it for hours for a few days once. After the first day saw it again and instead of walking up on it, which is dumb because you never know, we called the FCSO… Turned out to be an undercover FCSO officers watching a house down the street from ours. They wouldn’t say why, but I am guessing maybe drugs or something and they wanted to know who was coming and going.
So homeboy is lucky he didnt walk up on a vehicle like that cause he could have been not only killed but…..
Think People….. unless someone is breaking into your house, there is no reason for you to take matters into your own hands, that is why we have the fine folks of the FCSO. They are trained and more than happy to investigate anything like this on your behalf and legally….
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
Misdemeanor? One would think the States Attorney might want to look at this a little closer? Regardless if the guy didn’t want to press charges, what happens next with a vigilante.
JC says
I certainly appreciate the reporting of the event. Two observations:
1: “… with one round in the muzzle, making the firearm ready to be fired upon pulling the trigger…” that’s is not how a firearm works, one round in the muzzle is not ready to fire by pulling the trigger. Please research and edit the article.
2: I have yet to see anything or anyone defining “Assault Rifle” it is made up term. Even the law making people who want to ban it can’t define it.
FlaglerLive says
We are not altering a quote from a sheriff’s report or dispensing with standard, universal definitions of assault rifles.
Kennan says
Jesus Christ, Sue and Mia! That’s what you get out of the story! I get the word country of rednecks on Parade, three tooth slack jaw, willies, trying to take the law into their own hands. Just add alcohol.
The glaring Ineffectuality is the fact that this idiot got a misdemeanor for brandishing and assault rifle in a threatening manner! Gotta love America! We love us some guns!!!
We never learn. Gun selling loop holes never closed. The fact that nobody in their right mind needs to have an assault weapon you say that and people tell you that you’re an anti-2nd amendment Lefty. Nice try. Assault weapons make it so easy for drunks and or people that are just not very good shots become crack shots and kill 30 people in minutes. They’re not used for anything else except to kill people. Shoot a deer see what will be left. This is all common sense Anyway I’m going off on a tangent. I apologize.
The NRA has become nothing less than an arms dealer, The wants to sell weapons at all cost, we don’t care about school shootings. We don’t care about kids, we say we do, but that’s bullshit. We have idiots like this one that cement Florida’s place In “HILLBILLYISM” and Florida stereotypes, fair or unfair. Live on.
No Political Affiliation says
Pointing guns at unarmed solar employees? What a WEIRD thing to do.
Endless dark money says
Its the republicon thing to do. They are friends of dirty oil. Keep burning to oblivion. Already surpassed 1.5 degrees last year on our way to mass extinction. Old people got theirs, young people won’t make to old age unfortunately. But hey shareholders made a lot of money for a little while.
Mike says
Hmmm wonder what the charge would have been if he aimed at law enforcement? I agree with older gentleman, being old I remember when owning a machine gun was against the law. To say a why have a law because it can be broken is absurd. Why have any laws and regulations. And thank the NRA and arms manufacturers for flooding our country and Mexico with guns. ☮️
Stop The Insanity says
No charges police would just murder them as they have many others. Profits above all in the united corporations of america. The rcon solution to guns is more guns, if only the solar workers also had weapons they could’ve stood their ground…Besides didn’t boot licking ron and his pundits do everything to prevent any type of renewable energy. Exxon and the nra pay the cons good money to keep the money train rolling. Profits over people!
Mike says
Maybe Flagler Sheriff Rick Staly should ask Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd if there would be only misdemeanor in his County !! In Florida, possessing a firearm while intoxicated is a second-degree misdemeanor that can result in the following penalties: Up to 60 days in jail and A fine of up to $500, from this story…is that all he could have charged withg??
Ruben R. says
This is a poor report if the report actually states this as quoted the report states, with one round “in the muzzle, making the firearm ready to be fired upon pulling the trigger. Is false, if true that a round was in the muzzle then the weapon was not armed and wouldn’t fire.
tv says
Another gun expert heard from!!
Been There says
Until he does it again, only next time, he pulls the trigger. This behavior, like domestic violence, only escalate. This is already a pattern of behavior. Should have hit him with the bigger charge straight away.