Wednesday Update: The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office releases surveillance video in the Monday afternoon armed robbery at Sharps Liquor on State Road 100 in Palm Coast. The video below clearly shows both suspects talking with the store cleark, pointing to merchandise, shifting around the counter, fiddling with an object on the counter and even appearing to smile. The video does not show the actual robbery: the men left the store, then one of them returned to commit the robbery, according to the store clerk and the sheriff’s office.
Sharps Armed Robbery, Oct. 1[media id=301 width=500 height=400]
Flagler Plaza’s Sharps Liquor the Target of an Armed Robbery For 2nd Time in 11 Months
Oct. 2, 2012–Business was normal today at Sharps Liquor in the Flagler Plaza shopping center in Palm Coast. But for the second time in 11 months, the store was the target of an armed robbery. No one was hurt. The gunman escaped with cash and a bottle of choice congnac. Authorities are seeking clues.
The store clerk at Sharps Liquor reported to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office that two black men, both in their early 30s, entered the store around 5:19 p.m. Monday. One of them sought to buy some liquor, and tendered the cash. The clerk asked for identification. The man said it was in the car. Both men then left the store. One of them returned.
When the clerk again asked for ID, the man responded that he did not have it, so the clerk opened the cash drawer to refund the money he’d given hear earlier. At that point, he demanded money and took out a small silver hand gun. The clerk complied. The man also demanded a $100 bottle of Hennessy, one of the better French cognacs on the market, before leaving the store.
The two men were seen exiting the parking lot northwest toward State Road 100 in a silver Chrysler with a black convertible top. Anyone with information on the incident is asked to contact the Sheriff’s Office at (386) 313-4911.
Last Oct. 31, at mid-morning, the same store was targeted by a man who grabbed the store clerk at gunpoint and ordered her to hand over money. The assailant, later identified as Jacquez Roland of Service Tree Place in Palm Coast, was arrested and charged with a series of armed burglaries, including one at the Microtel on Old Kings Road. He’d allegedly used a zip tie to tie his victims in each of the burglaries.
In the case of the Sharps Liquor burglary, Roland grabbed the store clerk’s hair and pushed her to the stock room after taking $250 from the register and $700 in money bags from the safe. As the victim screamed for help, he zip-tied her wrists and legs. He told the victim he’d come back from Jacksonville to harm her if she spoke about the robbery.
Roland is still at the Flagler County Jail awaiting trial.
Fred Peterson says
I would have asked for Remy Martin
Clint says
As the economy continues to slide down the drain, we will see MUCH more crime. What really gets me stirred up is that store is so close to an elementary school and a daycare. Did those schools go into a lock down after that robbery was called in ?
NortonSmitty says
Anybody else find it odd that the clerk insisted on seeing an ID and then tells the police that the robbers were “two black men in their mid-thirties”?
And at the risk of being racist myself, the police should check the video cams at Winn Dixie and the local convenience stores for the two perps buying a six-pack of Coke to mix with that $100 bottle of cognac.
So far the girls have been lucky who work at the store. We often wonder how frightened they must be working at night in that isolated location. It is surprising that there is no alarm system in place to alert the police that there is a robbery in progress. It could be done easily if the owner would spend the money to protect the help.
SSDD says
Um, probably not being that the kids were gone from the school for 2 hours when the robbery happened. First Sentance, Second Paragraph 5:19P.M.
el oh el says
I doubt the schools would go into lockdown at 5pm considering school would be let out by then. Lol
Ben Blakely says
Didn’t realize Palm Coast was such a dangerous neighborhood.
carole eure says
Im just so over these so called people that come into the store and just steal without even thinking about how their actions affect our lives. Would they think twice if their wife, girlfriend, husband,family member had a gun pointed at them during a robberry??? But when they are in jail, they plead to be bonded out because their family needs them … well obviously you werent thinking anyones family when you were committing your crime. I can only hope that if the law doesnt get you, that karma will…she can be a b****!
jack stewart says
If Obama only had a son..they would have looked like these two!!!
Anonymous says
Not odd at all that the clerk asked for ID. It’s becoming fairly standard (good) practice in most all reputable places that sell alcohol. I’m over that age a good bit and it’s obvious, but I always understand when I’m asked for my Id.
Asa Buchanan says
“reputable places that sell alcohol.” You mean the stores that enable alcoholics and populate the roads with drunks? No such thing as a reputable liquor store – their more akin to crack houses.
They sell poison.
Reputable “NO.” Legal, “YES.”
Park your car facing a liquor store and just watch some of the unfortunate, staggering people who walk in at all hours. I see lots of people arriving by bicycle. One DUI too many?
Anonymous says
To restate: Establishments that try to comply with the law. Alcohol is not illegal, but selling to minors is. Thus they check ID regardless of “appearance” of age.
Alcoholics/addicts are indeed among us, and always will be. Personally I prefer that they ride their
D-U-I-cycles than to get behind the wheel of an automotive vehicular device. I have neither time nor inclination to park in front of a liquor store to “watch”.
Anonymous says
CLINT……Please read the articles before you fire off your comments,
Clint says
For those of you who obviously don’t have children in that school or daycare, did you know there is an after school hours for many children to stay until their parents get off work to pick them up..Sometimes not till 6:00 p.m. So my statement was correct. Were those places LOCKED DOWN ?
Mario DiGirolamo says
Think it’s time for the folks at Sharps to invest in a few video cam’s.
@ jack stewart: Since your most likely are not a minority who has experienced unwarranted bias or racism, I’ll try to explain the Presidents remark very simply. When most African Americans witnessed INNOCENT elderly PEOPLE dying in the middle of the street during Katrina, no doubt it was stated “that could be our family members”. Citizens that did nothing wrong but were abandoned because of lot in life and appearance. George Bush couldn’t see through what he did have in common with them which is being a human being, he couldn’t relate. Had it been in middle America every resource available would have been thrown at it. You hear of a car crash you say and pray it’s not a family member that travels that same road. Well right or wrong any MINORITY can end up walking the Travon Martin road, you and yours included if you end up a minority. Put yourself in that situation maybe on vacation and you or a family member is stereotyped and results in a death because of a false pretense. Your own words would hurt you. It seems a lot of our locals who comment can’t seem to get over OJ, Al Sharpton and a black President. Are those the only life changing issues YOU have to worry about? I would hate to see the results of YOUR family being enslaved or beat half to death by police or worse . In courtrooms all over the USA young white men are sent back home because a Judge finds commonality in who stands before him as far as appearance goes. Does the Presidents statement really disturb you that much? Or is the fact that the President gave a dead young man a voice. Maybe it perturbs you that a black man was even given the platform to even speak? Whatever the case, maybe you should look at the the arrest mugshots and reach out to some of the Cities young men that may look like you or your family because there a bunch of them commiting serious crimes here.
Dadgum says
People got to live so why not have a cocktail to long life.
Mr. Smith says
It’s too bad the clerk or someone else in that store wasn’t carrying a firearm. When I say carrying a firearm I mean legally, unlike these two pillars of our community. It’d be much easier to ID them if they were lying on the floor.
in palm coast says
What I think is so funny is that, directly behind the clerk is a video monitor the shows some of the cameras that are located throught the store. How could these robbers be looking right toward the monitor and not see that they are on camera. Blind or ?????
GoodFella says
Where’s George Zimmerman when you need him?
Diego Miller says
I don’t understand why Sharps continues to leave their windows almost totally covered. I was in the liquor store business in Maryland for years and we were told by the police that its best to be able to see into the store. At Sharps the employees are sitting ducks. There are many places around Baltimore where the clerk sits behind bullet proof glass.