U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., has reversed course and will seek re-election to his seat, according to numerous media reports Wednesday morning. Rubio’s decision comes as Republicans try to maintain control of the U.S. Senate.
“I think that the point that really drove me to change my mind is that as we enter this kind of new chapter in our history here is, there’s another role the Senate plays that I think can be really important in the years to come,” Rubio told the Miami Herald. “And that’s the power given to it in the Constitution to act as a check and balance on the excess of the president. It’s even more important given the fact that control of the Senate could very well come down to what happens in the Florida race.”
Rubio is the immediate front-runner in the race, a new poll shows. He holds solid leads over Democratic candidates Patrick Murphy and Alan Grayson, according to the Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday.
The Republican said during an unsuccessful presidential campaign that he would not run for a second term in the Senate. But Rubio has faced pressure in recent weeks to change his mind as the GOP tries to retain a Senate majority.
“With Republican national leaders worried about keeping control of the U.S. Senate, Sen. Marco Rubio might ride to their rescue if he decides to reverse field and seek re-election,” Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a prepared statement Wednesday. “This Quinnipiac University poll finds Sen. Marco Rubio in good shape when matched against his two potential Democratic opponents.”
The poll shows Rubio leading Murphy, a congressman who is the favorite of many Democratic Party leaders, by a margin of 47 percent to 40 percent. It also shows Rubio leading Grayson, an Orlando-area congressman, by a margin of 48 percent to 40 percent.
While Florida’s race could play a key role in determining control of the U.S. Senate, earlier polls repeatedly indicated that voters knew little about Murphy, Grayson and Republican candidates for the seat. Nevertheless, the new Quinnipiac poll gave Democrats an edge in the race — had Rubio decided against seeking re-election.
As an example, Murphy leads Republican Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera by a margin of 41 percent to 32 percent, while Grayson holds a 5-point lead over Lopez-Cantera. Similarly, Murphy holds a 10-point edge over Congressman Ron DeSantis, while Grayson leads the Northeast Florida Republican by eight points.
Murphy and Grayson also lead in head-to-head matchups with Republican businessmen Carlos Beruff and Todd Wilcox, the poll shows.
As of Wednesday morning, Murphy, Grayson, Beruff and Wilcox had qualified for the race. Lopez-Cantera told supporters last week that he would leave the race if Rubio, a longtime friend, decides to seek re-election. But Rubio has remained coy about the issue. It’s not clear what DeSantis, currently the congressman representing the district that includes all of Flagler County, will do.
“When I’m ready to make an announcement, I will, either way,” Rubio told CNN on Tuesday. “Right now, we’re focused on some other things here regarding our work, OK?”
Brown, the Quinnipiac official, said that if “Rubio’s last-minute decision is to seek re-election, he could be in the driver’s seat.”
The Connecticut-based Quinnipiac frequently conducts polls in Florida and other political swing states. The poll released Wednesday was conducted from June 8 to Sunday. Quinnipiac surveyed 975 Florida voters, and the poll has a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points.
–News Service of Florida
Flatsflyer says
He said numerous times that he didn’t like his job as a Senator, he had the worst attendance and voting record of anyone in the Senate. He was a big mistake to elect in the first place and clearly does not deserve another term. Little Marco is unfit for any office including dog catcher.
Rich Mikola says
I wouldn’t vote for Rubio if you paid me. He and Kasick (and their big egos) are the reason that the moron Trump is our party’s nominee. We are going to lose big time to Hillary, also the Senate and probably the House. She will appoint three Justices in her first term, giving us a totally liberal Supreme Court. There goes the First and Second amendments down the toilet. All because of morons like Rubio. Mickey Mouse would do a better job!
r&r says
Big deal.. He’s another whining political flip-flopper.
William Moya says
On this i have to agree with the right wingers, Rubio is an opportunist with an inclination to laziness who loves the limelight.
Robjr says
He probably thought about it and figured out that he can make more money on the inside and on the outside than he can make only on the outside.
So he is back feeding at the public trough.
Sherry says
Why am I not surprise! Actually, I predicted this on FL. . . OMG! Where else could a know nothing, do nothing get paid for NOT even bothering to show up for his job?
The really insane thing is that our voters are stupid enough to just “vote the party line” and re-elect one of the absolute worst senators in history!
David B says
We need him in the Senate to control whoever wins the Presidency. Everybody knows that Congress runs the country. The President is just a figure head.
Jack Howell says
I wonder why he missed all of voting in the Senate while he was conducting his campaign. I assume he has well paid staff that kept him abreast of the issues on each bill to be voted on. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why he dismissed his duties. He certainly could have flown back to DC to vote and fly back to his campaign. I just figured out why he failed to live up to his responsibilities as a US Senators representing the State of Florida. Rubio is a entitled asshole! If he is reelected, nothing will change. He will continue to be the asshole he is.
Rick G says
Yee haw!!! we got us a genuine Republican do nothing type. Hardly ever showed up for votes and now has turned the entire state upside down for those Republicans running in other races. A 7 point lead is minuscule at this point in the election process. He is vulnerable and prone to make mistakes. With Trump at the top of the ticket this could be a bonafide chance for the Dems to make some headway.
Dave Sullivan says
Go Marco and win your Senate seat. For my Republican friends who can’t suck it up sometimes, keep blasting fellow Republicans and we will end up with Democrats in the White House and Senate majority as well as four or five Liberal Progressive Supreme Court Justices. This World is not perfect and individuals all have their strengths and weaknesses. So try to consider things with a view on the big picture in our troubled World right now. Its any easy contrast and choice for me.
Dave Sullivan
Jerry G says
Of course he running. Rubio’s never held a real job out side politics. He has no other options.
k says
He will be easily reelected because republicaNRAs will ignore his hypocrisy and his wasted salary and consider only that he is another republicaNRA. They are not looking for good governance, couldn’t care less. They are only looking for an reliable right-wing ideologue, and a part-time right-wing legislator will do just fine.
Can you imagine the outrage from the right if Rubio was a Democrat??
Rich Mikola says
Dump this loser big time. I’ll vote for a democrat before I vote for Rubio. He could have prevented the great debacle heading our way.
Oldseadog says
WOW—now Marco has reversed course and will seek re-election to his seat in the Senate!
Well, perhaps he realizes that such a seat barely used by him is a BARGAIN—LOL
I sure hope that voters remember the shame of his tenure as having had the HIGHEST absentee rating
of all Senators ——————! How can he possibly respond to such a record and still want to represent FL
Howard Duley says
Lazy scum is to worthless to hold a real job. He has been sitting on his butt so long and gouging the American tax payer that’s all he knows what to do. He learned it from all the useless members of congress.
corey g says
Little Marco the parasite coming back to suck on the Gov’t teat. What a big surprise. I knew this clown would NEVER go away. His word is good for nothing. As a previous commenter noted, lucky for him Fl voters are the dumbest around. After all, rick scott got elected twice. Republican voters are braindead.
Layla says
Rubio gets high off the attention he receives. It is like a drug to him. I wonder if DeSantis will challenge him in the primary or back out? Anybody know?
I will never support Marco Rubio again. He lied to us about his position on amnesty. I don’t think he’s fit for dog catcher. I don’t think I’m the only person fed up with lying politicians.
Geezer says
El pequeño Marco.
mafungo says
It’s get relected or collect welfare,he doesn”t want to work-just look at his record
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Rubio again ? We must be real stupid…I hope DeSantis stays in the race. He is hard-working, free thinking and sends detailed newsletters constantly. Dignified intelligent and a plus for all of us.
Calling Rubio an asshole is a compliment – he is the most incompetent, lazy, opportunistic, self centered idiot ever to represent Floridah in the Senate. How anyone in their right mind could vote for this jackass should have their voter’s registration taken away – and that’s my very humble opinion. Come on DeSantis – there’s a lot of us who will help you kick that ego maniac where he belongs… and it ain’t in Washington…
corey g says
Desantis backed out at lightning speed. Another politician , like a cockroach will do anything to survive. He’s bowed out and will run for re-election for his current position. Politicians like Rubio, Palin, Desantis linger like a bad fart.
Common Sense says
Rubio is an embarrasment to Republicans…just like Trump.