The Flagler County Commission approved spending roughly $2.5 million to build a roundabout on Old Kings Road, at the intersection with the entrance to Bulow Plantation and what will be the entrance to the Radiance development–what used to be known as Eagle Lakes.
The commission’s 4-1 vote followed some limited public opposition to a roundabout. But the decision was not so much about the roundabout itself as about the county spending transportation impact fee revenue to build it–or, technically speaking, approving impact fee credits providing for the developer to build it, since the county itself will not be involved in construction. Impact fees are the one-time levy on new construction that helps defray the “impact” of new development on surrounding infrastructure and services.
The roundabout had been incorporated in the development of Radiance when the county approved Radiance’s Planned Unit Development, the blueprint controlling how the subdivision is to be built. Radiance is to have over 1,600 homes when built out, generating substantial traffic. Each home generates $1,599 in transportation impact fees. Rather than charge the fees to Radiance, Radiance will build the roundabout.
County staff had recommended the roundabout. So this was not to be an up or down vote on the roundabout’s validity. But roundabouts have tended to draw public opposition in Flagler County, even though evidence shows that they significantly improve intersection safety, reducing t-bone and head-on crashes–and fatalities–especially. Discomfort and misinformation about roundabouts persist, however.
“The roundabout as part of the PUD was recommended by staff from a safe safety standpoint,” Commissioner Donald O’Brien said. “The discussion is about the allocation of the impact fees in my mind, not about the roundabout. We’ve already settled that as part of the PUD approval. Roundabouts work, they’re safe. You cannot deny the data that they’re effective everywhere we’ve implemented them. And so we need to move this thing forward and get it approved and done.”
Commissioner Leann Pennington attempted to have the item continued to Feb. 19, so she could research a few things. Her motion did not get a second.
The roundabout will be built by the Radiance developer at what is today the intersection of Old Kings Road and Audubon Way, the main entrance into Bulow Plantation. The developer will get impact fee credits in exchange for building the roundabout.
Tom Hutson, a Flagler Beach resident and a County Commission candidate in this year’s election, was one of two residents who spoke to the commission in opposition to the roundabout. “This is our last bastion of hope that you will not create a policy of instituting roundabouts,” he said. “Your county staff said the reason they wanted to go for the roundabouts is for safety issues. And they always say they use U.S. 1 as their guide of how this thing would work. Those of us to remember when White Eagle was at old Dixie Highway and U.S. 1, and the years up to that we never had a fatal accident. They put the roundabout in and in less than two years we’ve had a fatal accident at that roundabout. Is it safe road Kings Road? We don’t know. Nobody knows.”
Hutson was not accurate. The U.S. 1-Old Dixie Highway intersection was among the deadliest in the county before the roundabout was built, almost routinely claiming lives in violent crashes, including five lives lost in a single crash, involving three vehicles, in February 2017. Since te roundabout was built, one person has been killed in a crash there, but it was a single-vehicle crash of a driver witnesses said had been going 100 miles per hour, and did not slow down on the approach of the roundabout.
Evidence about roundabout safety is more copious than evidence of roundabout dangers. “Roundabouts have contributed to a 78 to 82 percent reduction in severe crashes,” the Florida Department of Transportation states. “In Florida specifically, early results have shown that implementing roundabouts has resulted in a 15 to 47 percent reduction in all crashes and an 80 percent reduction in serious injuries and fatalities.” Roundabouts also increase traffic capacity at intersections, reduce wait times common with traffic stops, and reduce pollution.
“There’s been plenty of accidents on Old King’s Road with unregulated entrances,” Commission Char Andy Dance said. “There’s been deaths, there’s been severe accidents from people pulling in and out of subdivisions. And a good friend of mine, before the roundabout on Old Dixie, was sideswiped by a red light runner at the light at the White Eagle. So red lights have problems. Roundabouts significantly have less problems, but do have problems.” But from a safety standpoint, roundabouts can be accommodated.
Dance wanted to ensure that the design of the roundabout will accommodate RVs and any future plans for the four-laning of Old Kings Road South.
Adam Mengel, the county’s growth management director, said the commission could change its mind about the roundabout, but the focus of the discussion had to be the impact fee credits. “The PUD sets this out, says that this can be done, says this should be done,” Mengel said. “Our consideration is of the credit agreement, not of the worthiness of the roundabout itself.”
John says
Is this spending really necessary? I would think there are other areas the funds could be used?
Korean vet says
Nono Nono no what are these people doing . I was driving home today on US1 I approached the roundabout at old Dixie , I went into roundabout to go east and cars approached me from 1 and never stopped . This is a deadly situation .Where are their brains ?????? I korean vet
Scott Batson says
Heading north or heading south?
Have you asked for police enforcement?
Justbob says
No no…say it ain’t so. Not another annoying round about.
Roy Longo says
“Tom Hutson, a Flagler Beach resident and a County Commission candidate in this year’s election, was one of two residents who spoke to the commission in opposition to the roundabout. “This is our last bastion of hope that you will not create a policy of instituting roundabouts,” he said. “Your county staff said the reason they wanted to go for the roundabouts is for safety issues. And they always say they use U.S. 1 as their guide of how this thing would work. Those of us to remember when White Eagle was at old Dixie Highway and U.S. 1, and the years up to that we never had a fatal accident. They put the roundabout in and in less than two years we’ve had a fatal accident at that roundabout. Is it safe road Kings Road? We don’t know. Nobody knows.””
A candidate for the county commission is already vomiting misinformation which shows he has no idea what he is talking about or he is blatantly lying to us already. Do your homework before voting for people like this.
Thomas Hutson says
Mr. Roy Longo
First, I would like to thank you for your response to the News Article. Yes, I DID have my information incorrect regarding the Old Dixie Highway and US 1 interchange. I have researched the fatal accident that occurred in 2017, it was horrible, 5 lives lost. However, I have not changed my opinion of a useless roundabout for Old Kings Road and the Bulow RV Park entrance $2.6 million to enhance the entrance for a private developer, building on a county highway.
Enough said on my misinformation and I sincerely apologize to all who may be offended. I will state to you and to all that know me personally, I do not lie intentionally, and I am man enough to openly admit whenever I make a mistake. I will take this as a learning experience for a novice politician and make sure it does not occur again.
This issue with roundabouts on Old Kings Road will come again, this is the first of the Eagles Lakes/Radiance PUD; it is in two parts, North PUD 3270 and South PUD 3293. There is the “North” section with an entrance located at the Polo Club entrance. We will have to wait and see if a second roundabout materializes – three tenths of a mile from the first one.
HayRide says
Then you must know it was never a patron from the white that were ever involve in an accident it has always been a hillbilly from Old Dixie Hywy, that didn’t understand how to merge with north/south traffic
K says
Have you read his word salad posts? He is almost always factually inaccurate and even once cautioned the community not to trust Andy Dance until he proves himself.
He wants to sit on the commission of a county he knows absolutely nothing about.
Also, roundabouts save lives.
K: Andy Dance does not answer emails from residents about their concerns or is he
picking and choosing? I sent him emails in the past and Pennington claims that he
never recieved them while all the others did now why is that? Pennington didn’t know
much and grew into the job, we really don’t have much faith in Dance who also goes along
to get along. We need newcomers to create some waves not the same old same old who
continue to rub shoulders with the good old boys club.
Seems you don’t want Hutson, there are commissioners up there who vomit the wrong
info purposely to mislead residents and voters, he made a mistake , he’s much better
then the ones who are up there now or the realtors who are running, now that we
don’t want!
HayRide says
ooh yeah sure they’ve worked out great so far, I guess they don’t learn from experience. and those are some twisted facts and statics!
Scott Batson says
Not a man of science? Care to provide us with more accurate date, and a source for your ‘facts’?
TR says
Roundabouts in this country are to small and are not used as they are intended. A lot if not most people don’t know the proper way to use a roundabout. If you go to the inside lane and there is someone in the outside lane you don’t have enough time to get into the outside lane to take your exit, hence you have to stop and wait in the middle of a turn until it’s clear to take your exit. Over in Europe the roundabouts are 4 times as big giving people plenty of time to go to inside lane travel around the curve and then get into the outside lane to exit.
Roundabouts IMO are stupid and a total waste of money. Put in a traffic signal and the problem is solved. They did this at the intersection of US-1 and Seminole Woods Pkwy and it solved the problem and cost a lot less.
Scott Batson says
If you’re changing lanes in a modern roundabout to exit, it means you entered in the wrong lane for your destination. The only other possibility is that you did not yield to all approaching lanes or someone passed other driver in the circular roadway, both are no-nos.
TR says
No I didn’t enter into the wrong lane. The inside lane has the right away. These so called modern roundabouts are to dame small in order to travel trough them correctly. not to mention the round about on US1 and Old Dixie Hwy, really isn’t a true roundabout is it? Especially when traveling south.
Scott Batson says
The inside lane does not have the right of way. Traffic in the circle has the right of way and where you can exit depends on where you entered a multi-lane roundabout. You yield to both lanes when entering and never pass someone in the circular roadway because where a driver can exit depends on where they entered.
Multi-lane roundabouts are like other multi-lane intersections. Where you can exit depends on the lane use signs where you entered.
Scott Batson says
So, you’re not aware that signals are proven less safe than modern roundabouts?
As for waste of money, what value do you place on a loved one’s life? now multiply that by the thousands that go through the intersection every day.
So typical says
Congratulations to Commissioner Pennington, you have proven once again how you will forget all about the wishes of your constituents, ignoring safety concerns to vote right in line with every developer that comes into town.
I use to loved your campaign slogan “Getting it done” , who knew it was a secret signal for mass development and traffic.
So Typical : It’s called going along to get along, we are deeply disappointed in
Pennington too.
Wrong says
Read the article. She voted against it and tried to get a continuation investigate it further
Wrong: What counts is if she voted on it, even if she didn’t have the rest of the votes so what?
Dance does the same nonsense, then votes on the agenda, it’s all for show. If one is against
an item don’t vote for it!
Huh? says
She wasn’t on the board when it was voted on. She voted against this impact fee.
Huh: Good if she did not vote on this item, but we have witnessed her and Dance
pander around past agendas , then vote just the opposite to our surprise.
Lancer says
I think the developer, instead of paying impact fees, is building the roundabouts.
What is going to happen with traffic when 95 shuts down and traffic diverted to Old Kings?
Better yet, when 95 gets shut down during the construction of roundabouts, what then?
The city could’ve taken the $2.5 in impact fees and applied it toward much needed City maintenance.
Instead, we’re going to have roundabouts?!
Scott Batson says
Impact fees are not for maintenance. That’s up to road users and tax payers. Impact fees are to mitigate for added traffic, so road widening or more efficient intersections, like roundabouts.
Dave says
The U.S. 1-Old Dixie Highway intersection, well as someone that uses this almost daily, IT’S STILL A DANGEROUS area. People do not YIELD, it’s a free for all when you come to the area. Put a few motorcycles and unmarked cops out there HIDDEN and watch the number of people that fail to yield to others. I surprised more people haven’t been injured. This one proposed on Old Kings will be just the same, a Band-Aid for the real problem, NO TRAFFIC LIGHT. DO what’s right and put a light up.
Scott Batson says
Signals are proven less safe than modern roundabouts. Roundabouts slow down the interaction at an intersection and change the geometry of that interaction so any crashes that do happen are much less severe. Roundabouts also have less daily delay than stop or go too fast signals.
Steve Vanne says
That love wasting our money. So unnecessary….
JonQPublik says
I’m fine with development of the area with sensible safety measures, but the County needs to consider growing population and the evacuation routes to accommodate those residents when the need arises. Driving north or south to reach an E/W evacuation route from OKR with potentially thousands of others seems a nightmare. Ya’ll need to consider an overpass of I-95, maybe utilizing the north entrance of Sesame Blvd as an option.
Ultimately, the evacuation route should extend eastward *at least* to John Anderson Highway. The proposed density changes of that area would benefit from a more direct route. An E/W connector at A1A would be beneficial, but I don’t know if the Gamble Rogers State Park could easily and sensibly relinquish a north portion of its acreage to create a new alternate route.
Dave says
“the County needs to consider growing population and the evacuation routes to accommodate those residents”, that would be great if their eyes were not glazed over with GREED & EGO.
Scott Batson says
People using the road make mistakes (like speeding, running stop signs and red lights, turning left in front of oncoming traffic), always have and always will. Crashes will always be with us, but they need not result in fatalities or serious injury.
Modern roundabouts are the safest form of intersection in the world – the intersection type with the lowest risk of fatal or serious injury crashes – (much more so than comparable signals). Modern roundabouts require a change in speed and alter the geometry of one of the most dangerous parts of the system – intersections. The reduction in speed to about 20 mph and sideswipe geometry mean that, when a crash does happen at a modern roundabout, you might need a tow truck, but rarely an ambulance. Visit the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety or FHWA for modern roundabout FAQs and safety facts.
The FHWA has been saying for over 20 years that signal intersections have TEN TIMES the fatality risk of modern roundabouts.
TR says
So safety is the #1 priority. To me this means NO accidents at all period. But the way you’re describing a round about you seem to think its ok to have an accident as long as no one gets hurt or killed. It also seems that a round about is developed to insure that there will be accidents and the insurance companies are the ones who will benefit.
Scott Batson says
Insurance companies actually like roundabouts because the crashes that occur have much lower payouts. Remember, insurance companies do better when not making million dollar settlements.
And yes, as an actual traffic engineer, I would trade a million fender benders to prevent one fatal crash.
No crashes is impossible, so move on to what can be achieved, 90% reduction in fatal crashes.
TR says
Would like to add. That if these roundabouts are suppose to be the safest way to travel through an intersection. Then why did the state of NJ somewhat 40 years ago remove them all from the state? I’ll tell you why, because they caused more accidents then if they use traffic signals. With roundabouts first being used in Europe and me having a very large family who to this day live in Germany. I can tell you that Germany has also removed 50% of the roundabouts and replaced them with traffic signals. It wasn’t because they weren’t safe, it was because it turned out to be an insurance scam. I predict that this will happen here as well when someone does a true study and determines that insurance companies are behind the roundabouts to be used to raise rates. Because we all know when accidents happen, rates go up. the more accidents, the more rate increases that happen.
Scott Batson says
You’re confused.
Large diameter traffic circles and rotaries are not built anymore because the large diameters enable speeds that are unsafe and cause congestion.
Many people confuse other and older styles of circular intersections with modern roundabouts. High speed, east coast rotaries, large multi-lane traffic circles (Arc D’Triomphe, Dupont Circle), and small neighborhood traffic circles are not modern roundabouts and UK ’roundabouts’ are not the same as North American ‘modern roundabouts’. The Brits even call a merry-go-round a kid’s roundabout.
Any evidence of removal of roundabouts in Germany, or do we just take your word for it? BTW, when a multi-lane roundabout no longer works for the volume of traffic, the safest thing is to build an overpass.
Atwp says
I use the US 1, Old Dixie Round about at least 10 times a week. I never understood why the have a mound in the middle of the Round about. It is blinding.
Dave says
I guess it’s to make people decide, ‘ Let’s me guess’, can I make it or not, or who cares they will slow down for ME . It should be kinda flat, but then you would have those that just drive straight over the grassy knoll, as a way to get to the other side quicker :(
Scott Batson says
For safety. The roundabout is more visible as something to go around, and entering drivers should be focused on traffic approaching from the left.
Old Kings Road Resident says
Good grief, with all the new homes being built
Off Old Kings Road and all of the additional cars it will be close to impossible
Our neighborhoods esp when there is a shut down and detour on I95. Just the other day was driving south to Old Dixie Hwy
To make left
And could not. Waited 10 minutes and a long line behind me. Had to do a turn around and head back in direction I came from. Turns out 95 was shut down and traffic was coming from
The loop. No traffic light… There is no “Thoughtful Thinking for
Our area” wait
Until there is a medical
An accident and the
Emergency vehicles cannot access Old Kings Road. Looks
When the road is blocked up
Will all have to call out
Sick to our employers because we can’t leave
Our neighborhoods.
Michael McGuire says
As someone who has been working with motorists issues for 40 years I can tell you that roundabouts are a tool but one that is limited. They work well with single lane application is neighborhoods where there is limited traffic and where the traffic is local. They are better generally than stop signs as at least some of the traffic can keep moving. But they work poorly in high-traffic areas, especially where the traffic flow is uneven or there is a lot of none-local traffic. Roundabouts affect every vehicle every time and slowing and then resuming speeds waste gas and create more pollution. While they may reduce serious crashes to some extent, there is no claim that they reduce crashes overall because they don’t. Heavy truck traffic also create problems for themselves and others trying to negotiate the tight turns. Look at the tire-rub marks on the concrete.
The Old Dixie crash was due to carelessness/stupidity and everyone should know that you can’t fix stupid (left turn across 6 lanes of traffic). Instead of wasting millions of precious road dollars, they could have just prohibited left turns from Old Dixie to south US 1. A small barrier could have accomplished that and there is a U-turn available just to the north on US 1.
Instead we get yet more foolish from the knuckleheads at the potato palace who seem to only be good at wasting taxpayer dollars.
Scott Batson says
Your knowledge base seems out of date.
Single-lane modern roundabouts (50-120 feet in diameter) can handle intersections that serve up to 20,000 vehicles per day with peak-hour flows between 2,000 and 2,500 vehicles per hour. Two- and three-lane modern roundabouts (120-220 feet in diameter) can serve up to 60,000 vehicles per day and handle 2,500 to 5,500 vehicles per hour. Right-turn slip lanes can increase those numbers if needed (just like for signal intersections). Much depends on how balanced the entries are, but only in determining how many lanes are needed for each movement – just like at a signal-controlled intersection, only proven safer.
Modern roundabouts have less daily delay than signals at comparable intersections, which means less point source pollution from stopped vehicles.
Modern roundabouts are shown to reduce total crashes as well, though multi-lane roundabouts have less effect than single-lane versions.
Look up truck apron before you critique the tire tracks on the flat area around the raised circle. It’s there for trucks to track over.
I personally like my tax dollars to be spent building the safest form of intersection possible.