Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday rolled out his “education agenda,” the latest sign that the Governor intends to weaponize School Board races in the 2022 cycle.
The DeSantis Education Agenda, subtitled “Putting Parents First, Protecting Parents’ Rights,” presents “a policy agenda that focuses on student success, parental rights and curriculum transparency.”
“The DeSantis Education Agenda is a student-first, parent-centered initiative focused on setting Florida’s children up for success, ensuring parental rights in education, and combatting the woke agenda from infiltrating public schools,” the website contends, setting up a survey for candidates who may want the Governor’s backing. “This statewide agenda is for school board candidates and school board members who are committed to advancing these priorities at the local school board level.”
Completing the survey in itself is not tantamount to a coveted endorsement, the websitesays.
Among the questions for survey respondents: Whether they support “workforce education,” the Governor’s “increases in teacher compensation,” or the concept of students being “locked out of school or subject to forced masking.”
“What should your school district do to better prepare students as citizens?” another prompt asks.
Another question regards protecting dissent: “How will you protect a parent’s right to publicly disagree with their school board?”
Respondents are also probed on critical race theory and “the horrors of communism.”
DeSantis has put limitations on School Boards with regularity thus far, battling with numerous local bodies about COVID-19 precautions for much of the pandemic.
He signed legislation that puts term limits on School Board members, but lamented the three terms required were one too many, and criticized School Boards and the White House for not listening to parents.
DeSantis said parents asked “tough questions” of School Boards during the pandemic, and were discouraged from doing so by a Joe Biden administration that likened parents to “domestic terrorists.”
The Governor said he would politicize School Board races last summer. During a cable television interview, DeSantis vowed to turn his “political apparatus” against Republican School Board candidates who oppose his educational reforms.
“We’re not going to support any Republican candidate for School Board who supports critical race theory in all 67 counties or supports mandatory masking of school children,” DeSantis told Fox News’ Dan Bongino.
School Board races in Florida are nonpartisan.
“Local elections matter. We are going to get the Florida political apparatus involved so we can make sure there’s not a single School Board member who supports critical race theory,” DeSantis added.
–A.G. Gancarski, Florida Politics
Pogo says
@This happened too
Bill Maher insists DeSantis would be ‘way better’ than Trump: ‘He’s not certifiably insane’
Welcome to uhmerikkka. Branch offices located in television preacher studios and Vatican City.
And so it goes.
Laurel says
You know? To me, being loyal to any one party is simply insane. Thanks to Trump, the Republicans are cannibalizing each other, which is actually amusing. It’s inevitable that authoritarian leaders will eventually go after anyone who barely disagrees with them, which of course, is not the democratic way or simply respectful of differences. So, their loyalists, like Pence, who think they are being good men and women in their beliefs, will not be spared. Instead, they will suffer the consequences they allowed to flourish previously.
DeSantis, in my opinion, is a selfish embarrassment to Florida. I’m so tired of this backward facing, illogical foolishness. They make their constituents, and allies, look sadly stupid.
I don’t care for conservatism, but I thank those who are willing to speak the truth and are willing to risk more than losing a job to deliver the truth to their constituents. Thank you Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, John Flake, John McCain, Mike Pence and all others who have the guts to stand up. All these others, who prefer their personal jobs only, over this great country, go home and stay there. Stop damaging our United States by dividing us.
Deborah Coffey says
Come on, Democrats. Vote, vote, vote! Let’s send this Fascist packing.
Ed Danko says
We are fortunate to have Gov. Ron DeSantis. He Is putting parents first in our great free state of Florida!
Timothy Patrick Welch says
Solicitation of parents does not seem the move of a fascist. But rather a concerned leader, willing to support local concerns.
Parents, your government is listening. Now is the moment to voice your concerns.
Gary R says
And Joe Biden doing a great job dividing us and destroying America.
Norris says
You have a snowball’s chance.. well, in Florida of that happening. There are considerably more registered republicans than democrats here now. Florida went from purple to just about losing its battleground status in favor of the GOP. The influx of people moving here from blue states had a lot to do with that. They’re decidedly Republican.
Wow says
There’s that pesky first amendment you overlook.
Michael Cocchiola says
If this wasn’t so evil it would be laughable. This meets every definition of political indoctrination and the destruction of educational standards. Teachers will be forced to follow an extreme right-wing script. They will be spied upon by conservative students, parents, administrators school boards. And they will be exorcised upon demand.
I firmly believe the ultimate goal of DeSantis and others of his evil ilk is the destruction of public education… the wet dream of the Republican Party.
The dude says
Hey Eddie,
How’s that boycott going?
Mark says
On one hand Governor DUH is is better educated than sore loser ex-President Chump, so Bill is correct in that manner.
Roy Longo says
When did Pence stand up to Trump? Certainly not in his four years as the VP. If you’re talking about certifying the election, he had no choice. He was required by the Constitution and had no choice. That’s not standing up against anyone.
Timothy Patrick Welch says
The Federal Government and the Teachers union should have no control over schools.
The values and instruction should represent the local community, without interference from other States, the Federal Government, or a Teachers Union.
David Schaefer says
As a Leader of your Trumpee Club your comments are right along with his. Not surprised at the least.
Been There says
Children should be taught to be free thinkers. They should be gifted the opportunity to have all sides of history and current events presented to them, explained the pros and cons of all those sides and then process an opinion for themselves. I have found that they are much smarter and more open-minded than egocentric adults that refuse to accept that they 1. Just because they THINK its right, doesn’t mean it is and 2. Just because its right for them doesn’t mean its right for everyone.
Laurel says
Oh, Ed, you still don’t see. These Trumpy Bears are not putting you first, they are putting themselves first. They don’t give a damn about you or me. Trump said about Puerto Rico that it is “…surrounded by water, big water.” How can you take these people seriously? Is big water higher education? Maybe we should be injected with disinfectant to stop Covid, or if that doesn’t work, how about horse de-wormer? His lack of intelligence goes on and on, and doesn’t make his followers seem too terribly bright.
DeSantis throws the same kind of dark ages and made up stuff out there knowing that it is only going to progress his agenda. He has a wife and daughter, yet he supported Trump, who said about women “When you’re a star, you can do anything you want. You can grab them by the pussy.” DeSantis supported Trump who bragged about sexually assaulting women. His idol, said about Ghislain Maxwell, a convicted trafficker and molester of teenage girls, along with Trump friend, convicted child molester Jeffery Epstein, “I wish her well.” Is that what parents really want? Are these the people you really want in charge of our education? Come on, get back to reality.
MikeM says
Parents should be in control of there children, not the school or school board.
I don’t see anything wrong with what the governor is doing with this. CRT shouldn’t be in a curriculum until college. Kids today cannot even make change without a calculator they don’t need CRT when a good portion of high school kids can’t do basic math, or read above 3rd grade level or know basic history.
jeffery c. seib says
It’s easy to see that Ron DeSantis is auditioning for higher office. I always thought that schools should be most interested in teaching our children. America today is more diverse than when many of the current group of parents went to school. Children should be able to sit in a classroom and interact with the teacher and each other in a manner that helps them to learn the tools of growing and succeeding in the even more diverse world they will enter into and take charge of as time goes by. Slogans that are meant to demonize a way of thinking like ‘woke’ or CRT and parents who are so afraid that their children will hear information that, while as true as anything taught, has been labeled by Governor Ron as wrong will only serve as a detriment to the educational and civil growth of the young minds. As for parental rights screaming, cursing, and threatening school board members is not my view of the decorum of school board meetings. If this is the rights that Chairman Ron wants to protect we are all in for a rough ride.
John Stove says
At least he didn’t incite an insurrection, withhold 400 million in military aid to Ukraine BEFORE Russia invaded because he wanted any dirt on Biden, lie about basically everything (his own staff says he lied), tried to force a republican official in Georgia to “find” votes for him etc etc etc
Trump is a con man through and through and he has gone down in history as the worst president ever….period.
John Stove says
Dumbsantis won in 2018 by .04% of the popular vote…..roughly 34,000 votes in a state with a population of 21.78 million people (in 2021).
So…..based on his idiotic “do as I say” policies and actions he has taken (and lost some when challenged in court)….voting Trump 2.0 out of office is certainly within reach.
John Stove says
Have you signed your loyalty pledge to the Governor yet….you know you are supposed to carry it with you at all times and show it when given the secret handshake. Make sure to wear your decoder ring with the tinfoil hat.
joe says
Some basic fact checking – “CRT shouldn’t be in a curriculum until college.”
CRT IS NOT TAUGHT IN ANY GRADE SCHOOL, MIDDLE SCHOOL, OR HIGH SCHOOL – it is a graduate-level college course.
The idea that is is taught to your grade school kid is simply more Trumpist bullshit
Laurel says
Roy: Pence was loyal to Trump for as long as he could. He could not, however, justify Trump’s repeated, pressured requests and insults. While Proud Boys, and a massive crowd, threatened to kill Pence for not following through with Trump’s pressures, and Trump stating that hanging Pence was a good idea, Pence did not fold. He refused to leave the capital, appearing to run scared, instead he stayed and tried to call authorities to get them to stop the violence, which Trump enjoyed.
You say he had no choice. He always had a choice, he just chose correctly, holding up our constitution. If you haven’t noticed, there are plenty of Republicans who are afraid to stand up to Trump because Trump will purposely ruin them. We’ve seen Trump ruin many good careers and disparage a war hero of 50 years John McCain, a man Trump could never, ever measure up to. His behavior is disgusting, and Pence stood up to it.
Laurel says
Tim: Our values are not all the same. The majority of values do not consist of banning and burning books, halting vaccination supplies for our worst pandemic since 1918, saying prayers of one religion in school, making children on a gender spectrum feel as if they are an abomination and so many of the other of the one sided, far right agendas. DeSantis is a Trump wannabe, which is no compliment. It’s sad, dumbing down of America affair. Doesn’t say much for his supporters.
Geezer says
Stop calling the governor all those names!
His name is Governor DeSatan—the Pied Piper of Floriduh!
Wow, it’s getting hot here!
Laurel says
Michael: If they had their way, Trump and DeSantis would have our children wearing little red MAGA scarves around their necks.
When I was in college, one of my teachers was a member of Hitler’s youth during Hitler’s reign. As much as I liked him, that indoctrination never really left him. As I saw it, it was his flaw. It’s a terrible thought that this indoctrination could happen here. 1984 coming to life in America. We have to vote these people out, as we legitimately voted out Trump.
JimBob says
A litmus test for all candidates seeking your vote:
Do you believe the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump?
The answer, whether affirmative or negative, will tell you all you need to know in order to judge the character, intelligence, and suitability for public office of that individual.
Norris says
I don’t even know who’s running against Desantis at this point. Usually a name sticks out among the crowd well before the primaries. It’s possible, not probable at this point that Desantis gets denied another term. I think Mr. Biden’s ineptitude will also solidify the reddening of this state even further. But I could be wrong.
Bob says
For all those that hate our Governor. Just read that the FBI arrested the democratic that was running against him. Mr Guillum. Just think who we might have had . HA. HA
Norris says
I’ve moved on from 2020 election and Trump, have you? That doesn’t negate the fact that Biden and the Democratic platform are absolutely destroying this country. If one doesn’t believe that our current economic situation is at least partly responsible by the policies of the present regime in Washington, that tells me that person isn’t fit to be dog catcher.
Ray W. says
For the last 50 years or so, I have repeatedly heard from Republican operatives that Democrats are “absolutely destroying America.” I know the time from is much longer than 50 years because I used to google a random date for the Chicago Tribune and read their editorial pages, until the Tribune began charging a significant fee to read old issues. In the ’30’s, the Tribune actually published an editorial equating the new Social Security Act to communism. In those days, equating something to communism was the ultimate fear tactic. Yes, Democrats were absolutely destroying American when they passed the Social Security Act. Norris is just another in a decades-long list of gullible partisan operatives.
America just kept getting better and better, albeit ever so slowly. Social Security was just one of the many reasons behind the improving country. The great issue today is whether we can keep our liberal democratic Constitutional republic. I suppose I will continue to hear the phrase Norris parrots in his comment from a significant number of partisan operatives for the rest of my life. The partisan operatives have always been wrong, Norris is wrong now, and the partisan operatives will be wrong in the future, because our founding fathers never wanted any one party to ever hold complete power. To our founding fathers, it was critical that Democrats hold power, but not all of it, and not forever. Republicans, too.
People like Norris, who presents as one who lacks the intellectual rigor necessary to understand that what he is posting runs counter to our liberal democratic Constitutional republic, are the reason why our founding fathers insisted on checks and balances on all officials who exercise power of any type on behalf of American citizens, such that no one person could ever hold unlimited power for an indeterminate period of time. Our founding fathers hoped the liberal democratic Constitutional Republic would foster men (and women) of virtue, but they knew and understood that partisan politics would undermine that hope. Hence, their insistence on inserting checks and balances into the Constitution. Boy, were they ever right about partisan operatives like Norris. Oy vey!
Mikem says
Thank your lucky stars that
Gillum won’t be smoking meth with gay hookers in the governor’s mansion.
HaHa says
Yeah. I voted for him and he sucked too. I have no faith in anyone to do that job. I sure wouldn’t want to. I notice when a POTUS is in office everything is the guy’s before him mistakes. I don’t care what party they are.
Deborah Coffey says
You don’t even know who’s running. THAT says it all. Bye.
Stan says
100% correct
Stan says
Gary R is the only sane person here??