By Kathleen Brady
I was born in 1968 in a Catholic home for unwed mothers in Philadelphia. Books have been written about these homes located in the United States and up until recently, Ireland. It is estimated that 1.5 million unwed mothers were forced to give up their children for adoption in the United States in the 20 years prior to Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion.
My biological mother was 15 when she became pregnant. She was forever scarred for life by her experience in one of these homes. She was 16 when she gave birth and had no say whatsoever in what happened to me. The decision was solely in the hands of my grandparents. Let that sink in: my mother was completely powerless over what happened to her and to her child. She was in labor (with no form of anesthesia) for close to two days and when that baby–that was me–finally exited her pain-wracked body, she was not allowed to see or hold me. She was told it would be easier that way because I was going to be given up for adoption.
She and I had some things in common aside from genes. Neither of us received any sex education. She told me that she did not know that she could get pregnant if she wasn’t married. That may sound ludicrous to us today but it really happened.
The first time I had a health class that addressed menstruation was as a freshman in high school, a little too late for just about every girl there. There are a lot of statistics out there and variations for ethnic subpopulations, but as of today the average age of menarche for girls in the United States is 12.06 years. That means most girls start having their periods around fifth grade.
I had the great fortune to grow up with wonderful parents. But despite my repeated requests for information, I was not given any. We did not have the internet then. If you wanted to look something up you had to go to the library and use the card catalog. There was no generalized heading of “birds and bees,” as my mother refer to anything sexual. When I did get my period, my mother provided me with a “sanitary belt” that was a holdover from the 1960s. They didn’t even make the type of pads that went on those belts anymore.
I was on the swim team when I started menstruating. Good luck hiding a pad in a bathing suit. I asked about tampons and was told that they could only be used by married people. By virtue of having older female cousins and friends with older sisters, I learned through them how to manage my period and that Planned Parenthood existed. One of my dear friends and I took the bus to Planned Parenthood. That is where I had my first pelvic exam. I was asked if I wanted to see my cervix. I didn’t even know that I had one!
Fast-forward a couple of years. I was suffering from such crippling menstrual periods that my mother finally relented and took me to a gynecologist, but only because our family doctor told her it was necessary. Her prevailing thought was that women didn’t need gynecologic care until they got married, because our religion taught that sex outside of marriage was sinful.
At the age of 18 I was informed that I had severe endometriosis and that it might become very difficult for me to bear a child. My condition was managed with high doses of hormones, which had a plethora of side effects, including an increased risk of reproductive organ cancers and blood clots. I began to require laparoscopic surgery every one to two years throughout my 20s and early 30s to remove painful scar tissue from my abdominal/pelvic organs. I asked several gynecologists for a hysterectomy and was repeatedly turned down. I was told that I was too young to make that decision and that I might want to become a mother later in life (even though those same doctors told me the only way that was likely to happen was through fertility treatments).
I was not empowered to make decisions regarding my own reproductive organs. This was after Roe.

These personal anecdotes underscore how religious attitudes toward sexuality and lack of sex education can lead to unwanted pregnancies. There are a multitude of other ways in which an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy can occur. There is an endless array of scenarios under which a woman might choose to avoid pregnancy or terminate a pregnancy. The most important word in that last sentence is the word choose.
We need to be empowered regarding our bodies, and we need to be free to make our choices.
There is a big difference between sex education and sexual titillation, but it’s common for people to conflate those two things. If this country was serious about reducing the number of abortions, then sex education would be mandatory in all grammar schools. It would be presented in a simple, age-appropriate, and factual way before children start menstruating or having sex. Safe, reliable birth control would be available at no cost to everyone.
If people were truly pro-life as opposed to pro-birth, every person in this country would have universal healthcare. I am in the medical field and I see people die all the time because they can’t afford treatment.
If this was truly a pro-family country, then there would be guaranteed paid maternal and paternal leave. There would be social safety nets to ensure that in the richest country in the world- children don’t go hungry, homeless, or without medical care.
Hopefully, Americans will start to realize that only by working together to elect people who will make these issues a priority, will we see the abortion rates go down in significant ways. Imposing religious beliefs on our school systems and codifying them through our laws will only lead to more unwanted pregnancies and the return of back-alley abortions.
When I remarked to a friend that I would be attending a woman’s rights rally in Flagler County today, I was asked if I was afraid and warned I needed to be very careful. We should never be afraid to raise our voices in support of what we think is right, but we should be very afraid about staying quiet when we see injustice. My dysfunctional uterus never bore a child, and I will use whatever power I have to make sure that other women have the freedom to say what does or does not happen with their reproductive organs.
Kathleen Brady is a long-time resident of the Hammock.

Bailey’s mom says
Way to go to those that supported the Rally with their presence and the millions of others who will vote to stand up for women!
What a great article, I hope all flagler county residence read it and understand that now is the time that we have to work together and stand up for our basic human rights.
Pat says
Bravo to Katherine Brady and for standing up for what she so strongly believes.
And thank you for all you’ve had to endure like myself and many of my colleagues throughout the years to be able to take control of our bodies and to never again relinquish our lives to a committee of uneducated men insisting on placing their beliefs on fifty-two percent of the world’s population!
oldtimer says
it was a committee of “uneducated men” who gave us roe v wade in 1973…… just saying
Mischa Gee says
Oh please, Old-timer. It’s never a surprise to see a man try to flip the script and gaslight some of us. They were “highly educated” men, who actually followed the rule of law at the time they made their decision in 1973.
Unlike the men and woman who lied to be put in the position of Supreme Court Justice, saying it was settled law and they had no intention of overturning it.
Sherry says
Thanks so much Mischa! You are right on about the “gaslighting”! FOX teaches their cult well!
Darlene Shelley says
I am glad the author was given a chance to be born, live, and share her story. I agree with body autonomy, but also in the precious right to life. Education is the key, as is parental and sex education in school before it is too late. The best way to stop the murder of babies is to prevent the pregnancies from happening in the first place. Responsibility begins at home.
Duh says
Didn’t the sex ed books to youngin’s in school get banned recently? No more math books either… Let’s Go Desanti!
Pro-Choice Advocate says
Women’s rights to know what their minds and bodies need are being taken away. All this talk of cancel culture during the T***p years – yet no defense for women who are victimized to safeguard their own lives or that of an unborn fetus known to have health issues that are not viable outside the womb. It’s a disgrace that began with the dirty, under-the-table actions of the Senate. Republicans denied Obama from appointing a Supreme Court justice due to “too close to the election” then slipped one in only weeks before Biden was elected. Maintaining law and having an ethical Senate – THAT would have been the best way to protect women’s rights. Hypocrites.
Sherry says
Pro- Choice. . . Excellent Comment! Right On!
Lorie L Robinson says
I see you are into gaslighting as well. You can’t murder something that does not exist. A zygote is not a baby. A fetus is not a baby.
UhDuh says
Simply by the fact that you are ALIVE, and simply by having felt compelled to write about it [your life], you are PROVING that unborn babies [human beings] must have a RIGHT TO LIFE. Nonetheless, you have a right to end your own if you choose to do so.
Pierre Tristam says
There’s nothing simple about it, and one does not follow the other. That reduces the author’s end to a single purpose that isn’t even her own. It misses the point.
UhDuh says
Uh, one jumps in line with ‘advocates & activists’ who want to keep infanticide legal… I’m going to lump the author in with the general category of murderers. Thousands of protesters were lawful and peaceful at the Jan 6th affair. You yourself Pierre have lambasted them as ‘insurrectionists’.
Pierre Tristam says
Thousands were lawful. Thousands, including every single individual who broke and entered into the Capitol, were not, and, given their aim–overturning a lawful election–were by definition insurrectionists. As for lumping the author in the category of murderers: then you’d have to do the same for the women whose pregnancies–one in five, or over a million a year–end in miscarriages. Manslaughter maybe? involuntary homicide? god’s will?
Bill C says
UhDuh is probably a Russian troll feeding hateful speech into the discourse to divide and conquer.
RoseKaye says
Thank you for logic.
Carol says
Kathleen Brady says
None of us chooses to be born. Not all pregnancies result in a birth. Not all children are wanted or have parents that can provide for them. If I had not been born, we would not be having this discussion, you simply would be having it with somebody else.
You introduced a concept that had nothing to do with my essay, I said nothing about the right to end my life.
Sherry says
Dear Kathleen,
My spirituality tells me that every soul that is not successful in surviving birth then is blessed to enter the body of another soon to be born. Your sweet sacred spirit would be with us as the universe has destined. We are blessed to have you among us. You, Kathleen, have a positive story to tell. Please do not let the negative passion of the ignorant dissuade you from speaking your truth.
Joy! Peace! Love!
RoseKaye says
You truly miss the point.
Lorie L Robinson says
Babies are not aborted. Zygote and fetuses are aborted. Why? Because they aren’t babies.
Sylvia Scott says
What the heck do you mean by “you have a right to end your own (life?) if you choose to do so”? Why would any decent human being say something like this to another person just because they believe differently? I can’t imagine why anyone would say such a thing!
Justsayin says
Thousands of first responders such as cops,firefighters and nurses were heros in 20020 during covid.. In 2021 many lost there jobs and way of life because they did not have right to choose on a experimental vaccine. I would be willing to bet Kathleen supports these mandates.
Not a unicorn says
People didn’t lose their lives from the vaccine, they lost their lives from COVID. Stop spreading disinformation because that’s what has caused this public health crisis to go on and on. No one has been Mandated to get a vaccine. Everybody’s had free will to make their choice. Choices do not come without consequences.
Science in no way backs up the claims you make about most anything. Follow the science not gossip. If you never question yourself how do you known what you believe is true?
Justsayin says
I DID NOT say people lost their life from the vaccine! Though, in February 2022, 40% of all deaths from Covid-19 were vaccinated, according to ABC News. Again, their “choice” to vaccinate. However, what I di say was, many people lost their way of life. i.e.; careers, because of the mandates that were enacted. Yet, the same Judges you hate today overturned the Covid-19 mandate the Biden administration imposed and wanted OSHA to enforce. Florida counties do not have mandates because of Executive Order 21-81 sign by our Governor. Still, many people lost their job because they refused to take the shot. More than 1,400 New York city employees were fired from their jobs because they refused to take the mandatory shot, which is still mandated today in NY.
NBC news posted today that four Air Force cadets may not graduate due to vaccine refusal and maybe forced to repay tuition because they are “choosing” not to take the shot. What happened to, “My body, My choice”? Before claiming disinformation — do your own research.
The shot did not guarantee you would not be infected with Covid-19 , neither did it guarantee you wouldn’t die from Covid-19. Of course, more people who are unvaccinated will have a higher death rate, but that is their “choice”.
Here’s some science for you, the child being destroyed (male/female) in the womb has a much better chance of dying than you with Covid-19.
Kathleen Brady says
Your argument is not logical as pregnancy is not contagious.
justsayin says
Ok… so your claim is: “those who do not take the Covid-19 shot are irresponsible and therefore, the “government” has to make the Covid-19 shot and all the boosters mandatory, so that the rest of the population will be spared sickness or even death. Yet, Women, have over 15 different “choices” to prevent becoming pregnant, but you should be allow to choose for yourself, without “government” interference, because it’s “Your Body, Your Choice.”
Let’s change things up according to your logic. Let’s have the “government” make all other “choices” that would prevent pregnancy “mandatory” instead of the guarantee death sentence of a child, not to mention that permanent physical and mental damage abortion causes.
Right? Isn’t that what the goal is…. to prevent death? Whether a death from Covid-19 or death from abortion.
According to Planned Parenthood, the Birth Control Implant is 99% effective and good for five years. Unfortunately, we cannot say the same about the Covid-19 vaccine. The opportunity to prevent unwanted pregnancies’ are readily available and most are free of cost. Abortion should not be a woman’s FIRST CHOICE. Abortion has become nothing more than another form of birth control, and has nothing to do with “choice” as women have MANY CHOICES available.
Mischa Gee says
Justsayin, When I was a young woman I found out after trying, that I could not take birth control pills or use a I.U.D. successfully. The pill made me sick and my body literally rejected the I.U.D. The next most effective preventative is the condom, after that there are spermicides, which come in a variety of ways to use them, and effectiveness of all forms of contraception is NOT guaranteed. Even vasectomies have been known to fail. So this idea that using birth control will prevent all unwanted pregnancies is only an idea and not a fact. The day your body becomes pregnant with an unwanted fetus is the day you get to decide whether or not to abort. Until then, don’t tell women what to do if they find themselves in an untenable situation regarding pregnancy. It’s none of your business.
justsayin says
“So this idea that using birth control will prevent all unwanted pregnancies is only an idea and not a fact”.
It is NOT an idea, it is a fact! According to Planned Parenthood it is 99% effective; they’re liars now? If you had a 99% chance of winning the lottery, would you play? Of course you would.
You’ve only name three forms of birth control. There are many “choices” Roe v. Wade does not stop you from having an abortion. What it will do is allow state sovereignty again in which the citizens of that state can vote to allow or not allow abortion to be legalize and if allowed set in place standards. Don’t worry, CA and NY will always have abortions available. I could even see them having the 30 day guarantee. If your not happy with your child in 30 days bring it back and they will kill it for you.
Let’s use your issue with the covid-19 shot. If I had a reaction to the yearly flu shot, would you be sympathetic on my decision not to take the covid-19 shot? So should I loose my job because I’m not vaccinated, or not be allowed to join the military and serve my country because I can’t take the vaccine?
Sherry says
As a person who actually held the hand of a friend while she exercised her choice of not bringing a child into this world she could not possibly afford. . . after a date rape. . . I can tell you women do NOT blithely get abortions as a “first choice” to birth control! Except in BS diatribes on FOX!
The national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45); among adult women an estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year.
Sherry says
Body autonomy is a critical component to the right to privacy which is protected by our constitution. . . as decided in Griswold vs Connecticut, Mc Fall vs Shimp (1978) and of course Roe vs Wade.
Consider a scenario where you the only person on earth for a bone marrow match for a child with sever Aplastic anemia, and that child will most certainly die without “your” particular bone marrow. If you decide that you do not want to donate your bone marrow to save that child . . . for whatever reason. . . the government cannot demand the use of your body for anything that you do not consent to. It doesn’t matter how flimsy your objection, or if the child is a genius or a saint you cannot be compelled to donate any part of your sacred body. This right is even extended to a person’s body after they die. . . if they did not voluntarily legally commit to donate their organs those organs cannot be legally harvested no matter how many lives could be saved. That is the LAW!
The use of a woman’s uterus to save a life should be no different than the use of her bone marrow to save a life. Therefore it should be a woman’s choice to carry out any pregnancy. Supporting that precedent is what being pro-choice means.
Mischa Gee says
Sherry, Amen. You said it.
And, Justsayin, 99% is NOT 100% and pregnancy is s Not the lottery.
Quit comparing apples to plywood, they aren’t even both fruit. Your pretzel logic might work on a few, but not on most. And, the idea of comparing a vaccine meant to reduce death and hospitalization being mandated with abortion again is way off. And, yes, those people who refused to be vaccinated and lost their jobs actually made that choice. They knew the consequences of their decision and decided their job was less important to them. You asked if you choose to not be vaccinated would I support you – my answer is, yes, if you are willing to suffer the consequences of your choice, like losing your job. Of course, you then attempt to gaslight your own question with, what if you are allergic, which is not the same thing, and so I am not going to bother with an answer to that question.
Also, I named more than three contraceptives, The Pill, IUD, Condom, and multiple forms of spermicides (such as spermacidal foam, gel and film), to name a few more., Along with vasectomies. The point is none work 100% of the time. If you were playing Russian Roulette with one bullet and a gun, would you confidently put the muzzle to your head and pull the trigger? That’s the chance a woman takes with all birth control.
Also, the use of the word “infanticide” for a legal abortion is more gaslighting. Infanticide happens only after a viable baby is born and has been living outside the mother’s body, and that already is illegal.
NotAHostBody says
Justsayin you are comparing apples to oranges. If a woman standing next to you at Publix had an abortion you would never know unless she told you. It has no adverse effect on your life. If a unmasked, unvaccinated woman is standing next to you and she is shedding the COVID virus you again will not know but her lack of compassion/care for your life can have a very severe adverse effect on your life. Just this week in this country we hit 1 million people that have died from COVID. Some of those 1 million were parents. Some of them were vaccinated, some of them died before a vaccination. Where is the fight for their children and their right to have parents? Some of those 1 million were also children? So Justsayin, I ask you when does one’s right to life become void to you? You can be anti-vaccination, but know your option runs the risk of killing people that are already here. Yes, many lost their jobs because they refused to be vaccinated but my heartbreaks for the children that lost a parent to a virus that we could greatly decrease if we follow requests to stay inside, keep distance, get vaccinated and wear a mask.
justsayin says
“Just this week in this country we hit 1 million people that have died from COVID. Some of those 1 million were parents.”
According to ABC News the number of Covid deaths are rising and they are fully vaccinated.
NotAHostBody says
Thank you for mentioning this point, just as overturning Roe would not stop abortions.
Concerned - truth believing - citizen says
Justsayin: where in RELIABLE AND TRUE facts did you confirm that: According to ABC News the number of Covid deaths are rising and they are FULLY vaccinated. ? MORE disinformation! So much vitriolic rubbish is disseminated by folks like you who have NO INTEREST IN THE TRUTH
ALSO to Kathleen Brady: Thank you for you honest, insightful and heart-warming Post.
FlaglerLive says
justsaying’s information about a rising proportion of Covid deaths among the vaccinated was verified before his comment was approved.
Sherry says
What is missing here is that even though “justsaying” lifted words “out of context” that say cases of Covid is rising among those vaccinated. The missing context explains that break through cases are on the rise because the initial vaccine efficacy is waning and not nearly enough people are getting their FIRST and SECOND BOOSTERS. Obviously excellent training on misrepresentation by FOX.
Sherry says
@ justsayin. . . . AGAIN! and AGAIN! and AGAIN! My decision to control my own body and to have an abortion or exercise my (current) rights to “contraception”. . . does NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING to YOU or to the other members of the public!
However, the decision to reject a proven safe and effective vaccine/masking, and to walk around in public and INTENTIONALLY spread a “very highly contagious and deadly” AIRBORNE disease ENDANGERS each and every one of the people on this planet!
Contrary to what the BS on FOX says, there is “NOTHING” remotely comparable in these two rights to privacy!
justsayin says
I have rights too. Just so that you are aware, I have had my covid-19 shot AND a booster.
Many studies are available and easily prove your statement is disputable.
Sherry says
Oh Yeah! Post “credible” scientific evidence that proves me wrong!
Sherry says
Thank you, Kathleen, for your courage. The courage to bear your soul and tell us your compelling personal story. May you be comforted by these words, and may others that comment show their kindness and compassion.
Robin says
Thank you for showing up and speaking out! There’s a good reason the writers of our Constitution explicitly stated there would be no official ‘state’ religion.
Laura Shaver says
As I grew up (I was born in 1944) I was taught if you wanted a child, once you were married, if God thought you would be a good mother he would give you a baby. Nothing about “doing” anything with a male.
I ended up pregnant at 17. I was taken to Florence Critterton Home for unwed mothers and told I would not see my baby. The child would be given up for adoption.
I would not give up my child, ever! So, I ran away. Made the mistake of contacting my mother so she wouldn’t worry. Don’t know how they found me, cops maybe. Forced to marry, never an actual couple, never set up house keeping. Such a waste.
Had a beautiful baby girl. Got a job, finished school (GED). At 30 met and married a wonderful man. Married 47 years now.
We need Roe vs Wade!
J says
So, you wish that you had aborted? I dont understand.
Mischa Gee says
j say, If you didn’t understand then you choose not too. But, I will attempt to explain it to you. This woman, did NOT want to be FORCED to give up her baby if she was going to be FORCED to carry it to full term. That is also a CHOICE that many underaged woman have had forced on them.
The only choice that should matter, is the choice of the pregnant woman.
RoseKaye says
Thank you for your story. I am appalled by women who refuse to understand the LIVING and BREATHING HUMAN deserves consideration and respect.
Michael Cocchiola says
How can this country enable a minority of citizens – fanatical evangelical culture warriors (I hesitate to call them Christians… they are not!) potentially cause all women to lose their right to control their bodies?
The despicable Republican Party is wholly responsible for this grotesque abuse of women. How can the Republican Party let women go back to a deadly hogepoge of sharp objects, homemade chemical concoctions and faux doctors to end an an unwanted pregnancy? How can the Republican Party allow women to die in dark alleyways, filthy rooms and fake medical facilities?
The Republican Party is not America. It is an ignorant and repressive cult. It must be dismantled and swept into the trashbin of our history.
Carol says
BRAVO! Thank you for stating the real issue. – taking away control of one’s body!
Stan says
Without the Republican Party we would still have slavery and or segregation (the 1964 civil rights act was passed by R, not D).
OUR right to free speech and opinion is under attack today by the Marxist Democrats. We need open discourse to arrive at balance on every issue.
The Supreme Court is not ending abortions – only returning RTL decisions to the States.
Sherry says
@stan. . . the conservative Republican party of Lincoln, and even Reagan, is COMPLETELY GONE!!!
It has now been completely taken over by a combination of “Cults” made up of maga trump supporters/insurrectionists, along with “White Supremacists”, and Qanon crazies. They are hell bent on destroying our democracy, our constitutional government and our American way of life!
Mindlessly posting FOX talking points about Democrats being Marxist is laughable, hypocritical and far beyond the “pot calling the kettle black”!
Mary Fusco says
Mr, Cocciola, all politics aside, I am a woman and I have complete control of my body. Aside from rape or incest, every woman has the ability to say yes or no to sex. If a woman is sexually active, and does NOT want to become pregnant, it is their responsibility to be on some form of birth control. When my husband and I had 4 children, we put permanent birth control in place because we decided this was the number we could properly care for and educate. My daughters did the same so there would be no “oops”. I liken what you are saying to jumping into a river with no life preserver when you can’t swim and then blaming it on someone else. It’s simple, don’t do it. I also believe that this law is not banning abortions totally, just not after a certain number of weeks. I believe that pregnancy tests today can tell you within hours if you are pregnant. Thankfully, I don’t depend on here today gone tomorrow politicians to tell me what is right and wrong.
Michael Cocchiola says
Ms. Fusco… the fact is that both men and women are sexual beings. We are all mammals with a primeval drive to propagate the species. Studies show that a high percentage (50%) of young men and women begin having sexual intercourse around 17 years of age. You can’t stop nature.
So, why is it always the woman’s responsibility to so no? Why do we not put pressure on young men to say no? Why do you want to punish only the woman? Why does the male skate free? It’s because we still live in a male dominated world.
Given that men and women of all ages are driven to have sex, we must offer the best protection against an unwanted pregnancy that medical science can provide. And if an unintended pregnancy does occur, abortion must be provided in a safe and professional environment.
Sherry says
Sorry Mary. . . if the lying Republican judges on the Supreme court who stated that Roe V Wade was “settled law” vote to now over turn Roe. . . many “Red” states will make abortion illegal under any and all circumstances. . . with “NO” exceptions for rape or incest. Thirteen states already have “trigger laws” that take effect the moment Roe is overturned. . . take a good read:
Contraception could possibly be next. . . some governors are not ruling that out!
Resident says
Bravo, thank you! I was raised the very same, had no idea what was happening when I started menustration at 14. And even then no one explained anything about sex or how babies come to be. We were in the dark ages. I don’t wish for any young girls to go through that.
I’m with you all the way, it’s women’s rights to decide what happens to their bodies. Imagine what would happen if we reversed the situation and were requiring something for men’s bodies.
JEK says
Thank you for telling your story. It’s a very important one.
Concerned says
“[I]t is her body, her life, and men, to that extent, are not similarly situated. [Men] don’t bear the child. […] It is essential to woman’s equality with man that she be the decisionmaker, that her choice be controlling. If you impose restraints that impede her choice, you are disadvantaging her because of her sex.”
–Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg during her
Senate confirmation hearing, July 21, 1993.
Mischa Gee says
Amen to that.
joseph wittrock says
Kathleen…..I’m positive you went to Catholic Grammar School in the 1970’s in the Arch Diocese of Philadelphia, as did I. They were teaching Sex Education in 5th grade (“Becoming A Person”) at that time.
Kathleen Brady says
You must have been part of a far more progressive parish than I was since the only thing I recall from grammar school health education was being checked for lice and scoliosis.
Tamer says
This very sensitive topic at its fundamental core is not dependent on your view but what the foundation of this country represents in their creed of “ home of the free “ . You can’t take away a woman’s right and STILL call yourselves a free society .
In Europe only countries like Andorra and Malta forbid this right .
Third world countries in our own hemisphere, El Salvador , etc . also it’s illegal .
Is in between these backward societies where you see our country ??
RoseKaye says
The irony of birth control being the responsibility of the female is the elephant in the room. A woman can get pregnant less than 100 days out of the year between the ages of 10 to 50; men can procreate 365 days a year from puberty until death. Science has managed to make sure a man can achieve an erection but they can’t figure out MALE birth control?!
Men take heed! A vasectomy IS simple surgery and reversible.
Kathleen Brady says
Can you just imagine the outrage if every male was required to get a vasectomy at puberty. Of course it could be free, and so could reversal, once they proved that they were financially and personally responsible enough to take care of their offspring. In what world could you possibly imagine a male being subjected to rules like that? I could only see this happening on the island that produced Wonder Woman.
G A says
Agreed! My point all along! The Problem with Pregnancy begins with a Penis. Snip snip boys!! End of problem!
Foresee says
All those screaming about the rights of the unborn are engaging in “Christian” religious supremacy. There’s a difference between life is “precious” (all life is) and human life is “sacred” which the Christian right believes is a mandate from heaven. This idea does violence to the Establishment clause of the 1st Amendment in that it is an attempt to establish Christianity as the law of the land.
Don't Cull Me says
This just posted today on NPR. 10 year study of the mental health of women who had abortions and those who were denied abortions. No surprise, 95% of women who had abortions during this 10 year study DID NOT regret their decision. This is directly contrary to all the anti abortion groups who say women regret their decision to have an abortion and their lives are forever ruined by their CHOICE. Another interesting finding is that a majority of women who seek abortions are already parents and make the choice to abort to better care for their current children. Lots of other interesting data, take a moment to read the article.
Camelot says
So, you were blessed to have been adopted by a very loving family, but your mother should have chosen an abortion?
Kathleen Brady says
I will once again state that myself, like every other person reading this, did not make the choice to be born. I made no statement as to what somebody else should have done, I am only making the case that I should be able to choose what i want to do with my body and that every other woman should have that right as well.
Edith Campins says
Thank you for sharig your story. Please note that Republicans are not only trying to undo Roe they are also, openly, taking steps to ban contraceptives. This isn’t about babies, it is about controlling women. Hypocrites like DeSantis are merely pandering to their fringe supporters. We need to vote in November. it is the only way we are going to stop this race to go back to the dark ages.
Laurel says
Edith Campins: That’s it! That’s the whole, real purpose: controlling women. Clearly, these far right folks are not concerned about life. They care not about women’s lives, women’s health, or about care for unwanted children after birth. Are they opening *new and improved* orphanages? Are they supporting health care for children? Are they interested in educating children, loving them, giving them a safe home? Are they feeding children, or are they cutting all these budgets? Have they seen what happens to a woman who has had an illegal abortion? I have, and it’s a heart breaking site. No, it’s all about controlling women, and it will get worse. Vote these overly confident Republicans out.
Sherry says
Right On Laurel and Edith!
Mischa Gee says
I agree, too. Vote out Republicans who are going to vote to take away a woman’s rights to choose. Their issues are not Pro-life, they are about controlling a women and their rights over their body, with no choice.
Abortions don’t stop women from having babies, since babies are born everyday. And no one who chooses abortion is saying all women should have abortions, nor are they trying to stop all women from having babies. So why would anyone want to interfere with a woman who makes the choice not to carry to term?
Banning abortions will not stop them, our history shows this. Abortions were legal until someone decided they wanted to have power over women. And, abortions will continue to happen. They only difference, by taking away a right to a safe abortion, women will once again find themselves using unsafe ways to do it.