The following incident and arrest information was compiled using official documents, reports and affidavits obtained from government and law enforcement agencies. This feature is not inclusive. It is a sampling of reported incidents in the Flagler County area. Note: The U.S. legal system provides the presumption of innocence to those charged with a crime until guilt is proven in a court of law.
The previous crime report is available here.
Boyfriend Accuses Girlfriend of Assaulting Him With a Baseball bat
The couple–she is from Flagler Beach, he is from Daytona Beach–had been dating for about two years. They briefly broke up. During that break-up (as the 34-year-old man explained it to a Daytona Beach police officer) he dated someone else. The early morning of July 4, he and his 33-year-old girlfriend had an argument over it. The fight escalated. the man said he left his house in Daytona Beach to stop the fight from escalating, and went to a friend’s house, where there was a party. When he returned, according to a police report, his girlfriend had pulled up to his house in her SUV, with a friend of hers. The man said he walked outside to tell his girlfriend to leave. Instead, according to the report, she accelerated the vehicle toward him “in an attempt to hit him.” The man dove out of the way, he told police, and the woman ended up hitting his car and shoving it back toward the house about 10 to 15 feet. She then exited the SUV, according to what the man told police, and allegedly charged him with a baseball bat. He tried to get away but the woman “followed him and struck him multiple times with the baseball bat, with at least one hit striking him in the head.” The man then ran evaded her, he told police. The woman and her friend went into his house, at which point the man heard one of the two people in the house smash his laptop computer: He saw the damage when he went into the house, at which point the woman again allegedly charged him , “starting to grab and punch him,” according to the report. The woman’s friend tried to break up the fight, but the man pushed her, causing her to fall and hit her head. Both parties called 911. When police spoke with the woman, she said she could not remember why she’d been fighting with the man. She cited medical conditions and took responsibility, according to the police report. The man was observed to have a large welt above his left eye and several welts, bruises and lacerations on his back, according to the report. The friend also had a large welt above her eye. Both were treated by the Daytona Beach Fire Department. The friend refused to press charges, and “was too intoxicated to fill out a statement,” the report states. She was taken to Halifax hospital for treatment. The man could not decide whether he wanted to press charges. The woman was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, and criminal mischief. She was booked into the Volusia County jail, and later bonded out. The charges have since been dropped and the woman’s record expunged.
Widow Scammed Out of $300,000
On July 3 Jane Earhart, a 69-year-old resident of Longview Way in Palm Coast, told police she believes she had been scammed out of $300,000. Her husband had died in February. She was contacted by an investment group named Legacy Brokers Corporation April or May. The company was advertising investment CDs with high interest rates and short terms. The police report relates: “Jane stated the company sent a package to her residence with all the company information. Jane believed
the company was legitimate so she purchased a few CD’s. Jane claimed she wrote the first check to the company on May 21, 2012 in the amount of $25,000. She then wrote an additional check in the amount of $75,000 for a total of $100,000 to purchase a CD from the company, with a Master Certificate No. [ ], which was to be sent to Ally Bank. A letter was sent from Ally Bank confirming the deposit of the funds through a CD. According to Jane, she wrote another check on June 1, 2012 in the amount of $100,000 to the same company to purchase another CD with a Master Certificate No. of [ ] which was to be sent to Capital One Bank. Jane also received a confirmation letter from Capital One Bank confirming the deposit of the funds through a CD. Jane explained she wrote another check in the amount of $100,000 on June 5, 2012 from a GE investment account to the same company. She has not heard anything back regarding this transaction. Jane stated she was contacted by a representative from the company which asked her to purchase another CD in the amount of $200,000 on [July 3]. Jane stated she was having issues with the funds in her bank account. The male Jane was speaking with asked her if she could wire the funds to them. Jane explained she then went to the bank to sort out the issue at which time the bank told her the funds were going to be wired to a location in the Philippines. Jane further stated her bank representative contacted both Ally Bank and Capitol One Bank on her behalf to confirm the CD deposits. Both Banks advised they have no such records of her name or accounts which were supposedly deposited in their institutions. At this time Jane believed this company may be operating fraudulently and scammed her out of the money.”
An Angry Landlord
A deputy responded to 26 Buttonbush Lane just before midnight on June 29 in reference to a threatening phone call. Deputies had been at that address earlier in reference to an ongoing landlord-tenant issue. Amber Moss, an 18-year-old tenant in the residence, told police her landlord had threatened her since the last time law enforcement had been there. Moss’s items were thrown out on the front lawn of the residence. A deputy spoke with the landlord, Teresa Karcher, 52, who said she’d thrown out the tenants and put their belongings on the front lawn of the residence because she didn’t want them there anymore. “Karcher,” a police report states, “smelled of alcoholic beverages and was belligerent during our conversation.” The deputy continues: “I explained to Karcher again that she couldn’t evict them without going through the legal court process. Karcher advised that she understood. I asked Moss to lock me out of the residence to secure it; as Moss was locking the door she stepped out to advise me that Karcher was making comments. I turned around to speak with Moss, and observed her getting pushed out of the door with an open hand push to the back, and Karcher slam the door on the back of her head. Moss was not injured but wanted to pursue charges on Karcher for Battery.” Karcher was placed under arrest and taken to the Flagler County jail.
Underweight Horses
A deputy responded to 691 County Road 140 in Bunnell on June 28 in reference to a complaint about underweight horses. The deputy spoke to Wayne Archer, 62, owner of the horses. The deputy observed seven horses on the property, all of which, Archer said, belonged to him. Three horses were a little underweight and one horse was very underweight, according to the deputy’s report. Archer told the deputy that he does not like to keep his horses too fat during the summer months because he feels that it puts too much stress on the horses when they are in the heat of the day. He also stated that money has been getting tight and he has been rationing out the hay to them. The deputy told Archer that he does not have enough grass on his property to maintain this many horses. The deputy continued: “I asked Wayne to show me how much feed he gives all the horses. Wayne stated that he gives all the horses approximately 8 pounds of feed a day each. He stated that the reason why one of his horses is skinny is because it is 26 years old. He stated that the other one he is not sure why it won’t gain weight. He stated that he will take it to a veterinarian to have it checked out. I advised Wayne to consider getting rid of a few of the horses so he could better care for the ones he would keep. He advised that he has thought of downsizing his herd. He also stated that he will try to start giving them more hay to supplement the shortage of grass. I advised Wayne that he also needs more shelter for the horses to be able to get out of the sun. I advised Wayne that I will return to do a follow up on the progress of the horses in 30 to 45 days. Wayne stated that he will do his best for the horses.”
A Horse Dies on County Road 125
Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy Steven Williams reports he was patrolling County Road 125 in Bunnell on June 22 when he saw a brown horse with white patches on its mane in a small pasture located at 261 County Road 125. Williams reports: “I observed that the horse appeared to be very underweight I also observed that there was another brown horse on this same property that appeared to be in good health. I drove up to the residence in an attempt to make contact with the property owner to inquire about the horse’s condition. At this time no one was home so I decided to come back at a later date to try to make contact with the property owner. On June 27, 2012, at approximately 9:19 a.m., I returned to 261 County Road 125 in an attempt to make contact with the property owner about the skinny horse. As I was walking up to the front door of the residence I observed the horse in question lying down on the ground. It appeared to be caught between the wooden rail fence and the water trough. I tried to make contact at the residence but again no one was home. I started walking over to the horse which was located next to the front of the residence and observed that it was not moving. As I approached the horse I observed that it was dead. It is unknown at this time how long the horse has been there in this condition. It is also unknown at this time if this is a case of animal neglect. I took photos of the horse and will continue to try and make contact with the property owner.”
Hit and Run, and an Arrest

John R. Hrabovsky, 37, of 146 Palm Coast Resort Blvd. (#102) was arrested and jailed on June 27 as a result of a hit-and-run charge. The incident happened just before 10 p.m. following a pursuit of the Lincoln Hrabovsky was driving east on E. Highway 100. He was stopped on south 3rd Street and Daytona Avenue in Flagler Beach. A deputy reported to the CVS in Flagler Beach, where Justin Gibson, 20, of Palm Coast, said he was driving north on Colbert Lane at Grady Prather Jr. Drive when a black Lincoln driving south bound swerved towards him and into his lane. Gibson said that he swerved the opposite direction to try to avoid the Lincoln but it collided with his driver’s side mirror and window, shattering the window. Gibson turned around and was able to catch up to the Lincoln and get the vehicle’s tag number. He called the Sheriffs Office to report the incident and gave dispatch a description of the vehicle and its last known direction of travel before stopping his pursuit of the vehicle. Hrabovsky told the deputy he was coming from his home in Palm Coast and going to his girlfriend’s house in Flagler Beach. Hrabovsky said he came from Colbert Lane. When asked if he was involved in a crash, Hrabovsky conceded that he’d clipped another vehicle. Asked why he did not stop, he said the other car hadn’t stopped, so her didn’t, wither. The Lincoln SUV was towed by Saxon’s.
Other Burglaries, Larcenies and other Matters
- Stolen car tag reported at 124 Beacon Mill Lane in Palm Coast on July 3.
- Stolen car tag reported at 72 Smith Trail in Palm Coast on June 23.
- Stolen scooter tag reported at 92 Woodside Drive in Palm Coast on June 28.
- Pontoon boat and trailer reported stolen on U.S. 1 on July 3.
- A seven-man football training sled belonging to Flagler Palm Coast High School was stolen from Buddy Taylor Middle School sometime between April 1 and May 1. Steve de Augustino, the athletic director at the high school, reported the theft on July 3. The sled’s value is estimated at $6,000, though no serial number could be provided. The school needed the documented police report for insurance purposes, de Augustino said.
- Trailer reported stolen at 120 Garden Street North in Palm Coast on July 2. The trailer was a flatbed used to haul vehicles
- GPS and 200 feet of Direct TV ground wire cable reported stolen at 26 Burning Lane in Palm Coast on July 2.
- A riding lawn mower and a mowing trailer were reported stolen from Favoretta Lawn and Garden on County Road 207 in Bunnell on July 2.
- A riding lawnmower was reported stolen at 4426 Evergreen Avenue in Bunnell on June 30.
- At Varn Park on July 2, sometime between 3:45 and 6 p.m., someone smashed the front passenger side window on a 2003 GMC Yukon, with Maryland license plates, and stole a purse valued at $250, and containing many credit cards, check books and a wallet.
- At 200 Cinnamon Beach Way in Palm Coast, a Jacksonville woman reported that while her Jeep was parked there, the passenger window was broken and a check book stolen on June 29.
- Ruger .22-caliber pistol and jewelry reported stolen in a burglary at 544 County Road 205 in Bunnell on July 1.
- A Nikon D60 digital camera with a 55mm lens and their carrying bag were reported stolen on June 30 at 79 Piedmont Drive. The equipment belonged to Robert Ammon, who heads the Flagler County Art League.
- A hummingbird depth finder, two outboard motors and other items valued at several thousand dollars reported stolen out of a boat belonging to the Mercury fishing team at 8 Lamar Lane in Palm Coast. Theft reported on June 29.
- Two bottles of oxycontin (the narcotic), a radar detector and a GPS reported stolen out of a Mitsubishi Raider at 28 Banton lane in Palm Coast, on June 29.
- Two flat-screen TVs and jewelry reported stolen at 25 Peyton Place in Palm Coast on June 28.
- Power washer reported stolen at 200 Riverfront Drive in Palm Coast on June 27.
- Ladie’s wallet stolen out of a Kia left unlocked, at 30 Burning Lane in Palm Coast. Theft reported on June 28.
- Two handguns (a Browning and a Smith & Wesson) reported stolen at 1740 County Road 13 in Bunnell on June 24.
- Apple iPad reported stolen at the Palm Coast Microtel at 16 Kingswood Drive, on June 26. The iPad belonged to a visitor from Springfield, Ill.
- Nissan Sentra belonging to a 31-year-old resident of Ricker Place in Palm Coast was stolen as the resident was at the Kangaroo convenience store at 890 Palm Coast Parkway on June 26. The resident had walked into the store, only to realize that she didn’t have her car keys. When she went back out, she noticed her car was gone.
- Purse, wallet and GPS stolen out of a Chevrolet Tahoe that had been left unlocked overnight at 59 Coral Reef Court in Palm Coast. Theft reported on June 26.
- Ladders, a fish pond, metal shelves and a water fountain stolen from a residence at 34 Lloleeta Path in Palm Coast. Theft reported on June 26.
- The morning of June 25, the resident at 6 Webner Place in Palm Coast walked out to see, scratched on her Toyota, the words “Fuck U” and “Bitch,” along with other scratches.
- Key ring with keys to a truck, home and work lockes, along with a Verizon droid and a black leather wallet with check cards, plus a Sirius XM radio, all stolen out of a Ford F-150 left unlocked overnight at 22 Pineapple Drive in Palm Coast on june 26.
- Two counterfeit $20 bills tendered at Winn Dixie at Flagler Plaza sometime between June 20 and June 23.
- Green BMX style bicycle stolen at the Publix at 298 Palm Coast Parkway on June 23.
DUI Arrests
- Joshua D. Hayden, 31, of 15A Ullemay Ct in Palm Coast, on July 4.
- Yancy Perry, 41, of 2 Rainstone Lane in Palm Coast, on July 4.
- Joshua M. Hopkins, 30, of 2639 Pine Street in Bunnell, on July 1.
- Adam Dean Aurand, 23, of 600 Shady Oaks Drive in Palm Coast, on June 27.
Sheri Bradfield says
To neglect and abuse animals is a crime. Fenced horses are completely dependent upon their caretaker for food, water, and shelter. This is how the Flagler County Sheriff’s department handles obvious cases? Isn’t there a mounted division of the Sheriff’s department? They cannot be called upon for guidance in determining how to handle these distressed horses? There are a number of rescue organizations that should and and could be contacted for help.To not take action immediately is reprehensible.
Magnolia says
I agree with Sheri. For deputies to walk away with a photograph without rescuing these animals is unbelievable. But then again, this is Flagler County.
Good God, show up at the polls, people.
palmcoaster says
@Sheri I agree with you. Is like see as the current FCSO done away with the needed mounted deputy division. These cases should have been immediately reported.
question says
FCSO Deputy,
What if another Deputy saw YOU starving & malnourished in a shade-deprived field in the heat of FL summer…and he just drove away…
I’ll return to do a follow up on the progress of the horses in 30 to 45 days.
Outrageous and totally unacceptable. Begging FCSO…get these horses ….HELP…. T O D A Y !!!
Outside says
The mounted posse is primarily a group of volunteers that ride their own horses at special events; with the exception of the actual deputies involved, they have no law enforcement powers. The situations described should be handled by a patrol deputy; it doesn’t matter if they drive up or ride up on a horse.
getittogether says
If you cannot afford to properly feed and care for your animals, you have NO right to own them. To let a horse reach that level of malnutrition is disgusting and abhorrent behavior. Horses are expensive and demanding animals…letting them rot in a pasture is no the life intended. They are completely reliant on the owners, and to show such a blatant disregard for their needs absolutely sickens me. Grow up.
Clint says
Find the owners and jail them for abuse and cruelty to animals. Anyone witnessing animals in this condition or being abused should IMMEDIATELY call the Human Society then the police. Take pictures and try and get the animal to drink some water, get it into some shade if possible. Call friends for help and backup support. Do not leave the animal until the Human Society and police have come out to handle the situation.
question says
FCSO advised that Animal Control has been told about these horses. They normally will immediately go and evaluate the horses condition/remedy.
I will be checking back with FCSO tomorrow for a further update.
Rhiannon Epona says
I have found this story so heartbreaking and extremely disturbing so much, that when I laid my head on my pillow tonight to go to sleep…. that image and the story behind it, made me feel so selfish that I was warm and comfortable in my bed, while those horses are helplessly defenseless, starving, abused and left there by our very own law enforcement agency, so they can suffer another day. At first I was so mad, that in the middle of my work day, I took my cellphone and walked outside to the parking lot, so nobody can hear the tone in my voice, while I called the Flagler County Sheriff’s Department.
The first officer that took my call hadn’t heard about what happened to these animals, so I was transferred to another officer. That officer took my call and claimed she wasn’t aware of this either. That officer transferred me to the investigations division, of which again……didn’t know what I was talking about. They told me to call Flagler County Animal Control but could not provide with a telephone number……they told me to call directory assistance. In every phone conversation with all these officers, I told them about a Horse Sanctuary in Marion County that take sick horses and other failing farm animals. I offered my telephone number to all of them and not one wanted to take it from me.
I called directory assistance for The Flagler County Animal Control……they had no listing for this. I called back the investigative officer who told me to call Animal Control and advised there was no such listing. His answer to me was………”well, I don’t know what to tell you”…… gets better folks….
I found a telephone number for the Flagler County Humane Society……..I called….they are closed on Mondays….
WTF People. Now I am mad…madder than hell….. I found a neighbor that lives on the same street as these animal abusers….and said there has been many phone calls made to Flagler County Law Enforcement…..and nothing was ever done. Apparently you can see these horses from the road….you can see the small area they are penned in, with nothing but dirt beneath their hooves.
Then I read that the owners of these horses were given 30 – 45 days to improve the conditions? That would be just typical and proves more of the ongoing incompetence of The Flagler County Sheriff’s Department. They are too busy being traffic cops and writing tickets on Palm Coast Parkway.
That whole department needs to be flushed and fired…..starting from the top I may add. I’d like to drive Fleming myself to CR 140 and CR 125 to see these conditions for himself……Do not pass go, no collecting $200 and completely bypassing the Duncan Donut Shop……stick him in that field for 30-45 more days, with no grass or water under his feet. There, I said it! Thank me very much….
This will probably be the only news outlet that you will get this story from…. Nobody’s interested… FCSO is not competent to handle such a matter…. Until this….
The phone call that I placed to Peta tonight…. will lure Fleming out of the donut shop and respond to what needs to be done here…. or
Be defeated in November…..as he should be….
Stay Tuned…
Not Surprised says
Not Surprised…Miss Jeanne, not surprised