Greg Allen Pacheco, 52, and his spouse Amy Lynette Pacheco, 46, are at the Flagler County jail facing felony charges stemming from a road-rage incident on the Hammock Dunes bridge on Tuesday.
For Greg Pacheco, it is the third time in two years that he faces charges following similar confrontations with other drivers. He was prosecuted only one of the two times.
According to the occupants of two work vans who were traveling west on the bridge on June 11, the Pachecos were on a Harley Davidson motorcycle behind them, revving up their engine as if out of impatience, as the vans were traveling at 35 mph.
The vans stopped at a red light at the foot of the bridge, past the toll booths. “If you guys ride like that, you’re going to get yourselves killed,” the driver of one of the vans told the couple. According to the driver, Amy then “produced a [collapsible] baton, flicking it open and extending it to its full length,” according to her arrest report, “stating, ‘We’re not going to die, you’re going to’” die. She emphasized the alleged threat with an expletive.
As the light turned green, the arrest report continues, Greg took out a handgun, pointed it at the driver, then drove away. The alleged victim reported that Greg had smashed the driver’s side window with his fist, but it isn’t clear whether he did so on the bridge or at the light.
The incident was similar to a December 4 incident when Pacheco was criminally charged after smashing the driver’s side window of another motorist in Palm Coast. The motorist was attempting to make a turn at Whiteview Parkway and White Mill Drive. A car had stopped in front of hers. Greg had ridden up on his motorcycle to the alleged victim’s car, repeatedly punched the window until it shattered, kicked the front bumper several times, then driven off, according to his charging affidavit at the time.
The driver of the stopped car in front of the victim’s? Amy Pacheco, who allegedly attempted to steal the victim’s cell phone. She did not face any charges. The charge against Greg was dropped days later.
In April 2022, Pacheco was charged with criminal mischief after sidling up to a car on Belle Terre Parkway and Whiteview parkway and intentionally damaging a side mirror, ripping off a part of it. He was charged with criminal mischief, completed a diversionary program, and adjudication was withheld.
After the report of the Hammock Dunes bridge incident Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies and the agency’s Real Time Crime Center identified the Harley Davidson and its license plate, which linked to the Pachecos’ home at 15 Wasserman Drive in Palm Coast. The crime center located video of the encounter, but not of the incident itself, as the angle of the video camera did not capture it.
The garage door was lowering as deputies arrived at the Wasserman Drive house, though they’d glimpsed the Harley inside. Deputies saw neither Pacheco. But they heard people inside the house. Deputies set up a perimeter around the house and called out by various means, including phone calls and using a public address system. No one answered.
“With parties separated and the subjects not currently presenting a threat to the public, the perimeter was broken down and deputies left the scene,” the Pachecos’ arrest reports state. Charges were filed and forwarded to the State Attorney’s Office: Amy for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a third-degree felony, Greg for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and criminal mischief causing less than $200 in damage, a second degree misdemeanor.
He was also charged with probation violation: in January he was charged with drunk driving, pleaded a few months later and was sentenced to 12 months probation. He is still on probation for that case. His probation officer is now recommending that Greg’s probation be revoked and that he be sentenced to three months in jail.
The Pachecos were arrested Wednesday. A search of their house, after deputies got a search warrant, produced two Glock handguns.
Amy posted bail on $7,500 bond and was released. Greg remains at the county jail on $40,000 bond on the charges stemming from the road-rage incident, and no bond on the probation violation.
“The victim in this situation did the right thing by reporting the incident and letting our deputies handle this dangerous situation. Drivers need to remember to control their anger and actions,” Sheriff Rick Staly was quoted as saying in a release. “Irresponsible and angry drivers have no place in Flagler County. Hopefully they will take our anger management course in the jail or be required to by the court.”
Pogo says
@Remember where you read it first
DeSantis’ replacement for Hunt — before Trump elevates them to Sec of Transportation, and Sec of Education.
Steve says
As an Adult you don’t have the restraints and discipline to follow the speed limit over a bridge then pull a gun and bust the victims car up for saying something benign to you. Take their guns and lock them up FOCs finest
Jackson says
Does anyone notice the pattern?
PeachesMcGee says
I predict within 6 months this buffoon will kill someone.
Confiscate his Harley and pull his weapons.
Deborah Coffey says
Both! Why was this guy out running around?
Bill Boots says
Anyone on 2 wheels that initiates road rage with a car/truck has got to the dumbest of morons, truck moves quickly left and biker loses leg or life to him and passenger!
David S. says
Keep them locked up and take away their guns. Palm Coast finest….
Billy says
All of palm coast is turning into this with the huge population and housing increase
Dave Jones says
Unfortunately, these types of people only know one thing, violence. And they will meet someone that will not stand for it & well…more air for the rest of us to breathe.
Charles says
Let them sit in jail for awhile and maybe it will teach them, they don’t own the roads in Palm Coast, and they both need anger management classes. And a huge fine, maybe that will cure their anger.
Amy Pacheco says
This is all lies because the “victim” is an officers son. He almost ran over the people on the motorcycle, yelled that’s at them… There was absolutely NO weapons drawn, that’s why there is no proof in the pictures! Why are people so quick to judge and be stupid when they have absolutely no idea what happened. The truth will come out. Rich Staley just commended this biker for his restraint two years ago in another incident.
Your friend says
Stop making excuses for your extremely bad and immature behavior. You married a woman beater according to court documents! Your dad must be so proud!!