Several city employees and directors have filed a series of complaints and memos to Human Resources documenting behavior by Palm Coast Mayor Mike Norris they considered rude, demeaning, offensive, abusive, harassing and inappropriately interfering with administrative duties, in violation of the city charter.
The complaints were filed well before three City Council members called for an independent investigation of Norris over allegedly demanding in a private meeting with Interim City Manager Lauren Johnston and Chief of Staff Jason DeLorenzo that they both resign.
The memos and complaints, all obtained by FlaglerLive, were written starting when Norris had yet to be sworn-in, when he was being oriented by staff, and continued soon after he was sworn in–in late November, in mid-December, in mid-February and late February. The incidents were reported by the city’s chief building officer, the director of human resources, the director of communications and marketing, and two members of the communications department. There may be others, but fears are rampant that Norris would retaliate.
Supporters have called for a rally in Norris’s behalf on Tuesday morning before City Council’s 9 a.m. meeting. Norris says he had no hand in organizing the rally, but agrees with his supporters that the council is retaliating against him with a call for an investigation because on March 6 he warned them that he would be calling for a building moratorium.
“They’re sowing discontent to try to run me out of office,” Norris said in a 42-minute phone interview this evening as he addressed each of the memos filed about him. He denied he said some of the more offensive words attributed to him, conceded he said most of what was alleged, but cast it all as jokes staff misunderstood and as the thin skins. He said if he’d been confronted with any of the complaints then and there he’d have apologized and explained he did not mean to offend–as he did regarding the one complaint he was told about, after he spoke harshly and rudely about the city’s Starlight Parade YouTube production.
“I have been as kind and as nice as I can to all those people up there. That’s the person I am. I never try to offend anyone,” the mayor said.
The memos and complaints draw different conclusions.
In every case, the incidents were witnessed by city employees, including one when Norris is said to have referred to the color of Marketing and Communications Director Brittany Kershaw’s painted toenails, as he was addressing her, as “fucking trash bag color,” a characterization reported by Kershaw and one other employee.
Norris, according to the memos, also sought to have Jeff Douglas, who heads Douglas Properties and is among the leading developers in town, banned from City Hall (a building built on land donated by Douglas Properties’ parent company), dismissed the city’s communications department as useless to him, insulted its production of the Christmas Starlight Parade during a meeting attended by a department employee on her first day, and told Renina Fuller during a meeting with her team that the city needed to start hiring younger, less expensive and less illness-prone employees.
Last week in a NextDoor thread that has since been taken down (see it here), Norris told Brad West, a Palm Coast resident who frequently discusses and writes about city issues, and was a former city employee, “you are making assumptions and assumptions get people killed.” He also wrote him, “Brad I walk by your house almost every day.”
The meeting with Johnston and DeLorenzo where Norris is said to have asked for their resignation was witnessed by phone by City Attorney Marcus Duffy. It was confirmed by Johnston in an open meeting, when City Council member Charles Gambaro asked her whether Norris had made the demand. Norris is also said to have told them it was a “one-way conversation.” Norris denied that he told them to resign and says he’s aware he has no such authority on any city staff. He said today the series of complaints are a pattern the city is trying to build against him to run him out. The city has forwarded the complaints or memos filed with HR to Duffy.
Norris called “laughable” the fact that the first complaint dates to his period as mayor-elect, before his swearing-in. He’d gone to City Hall to get his official portrait taken and get introduced to the marketing and communications staff. At one point Norris and Kershaw were walking through the council chamber.
According to a Fuller memo: “As Mr. Norris and Ms. Kershaw walked down the center aisle Mr. Norris said to Ms. Kershaw, ‘What color is that?’ Ms. Kershaw answered, ‘What, the carpet?’ Then Mr. Norris said, ‘No your toes’. Then Ms. Kershaw said, ‘light blue’ and Mr. Norris replied, ‘is that fucking trash bag color … ?’ Ms. Kershaw was shocked at what she heard and replied, ‘What?’. Then Mr. Norris said, ‘You know, paint colors can have weird names.'”
In addition, Kershaw wrote in a memo of her own, “When discussing the department’s services, he dismissed them, stating he had his own marketing team and praising his campaign manager, Chase. In private, the two employees who were present later expressed concern to me that they feared for their jobs due to his comments about not needing the Communications team.”
Norris in this evening’s interview acknowledged referring to the paint color–and texted an image of China Glaze nail polish with the “Trash Can-Do Attitude” tagline–but denied using an expletive. “I don’t use those words in front of girls like that. I’m an old soldier, but I don’t use–I’ve been as kind as I can to those folks,” he said.
One of the employees who reports to Kershaw was with her and overheard the expletive, and wrote of that day: “Upon meeting Mr. Norris, his temperament was immediately unreceptive, combative, and reluctant to achieve any type of rapport with the members of our department, despite our best efforts to do so.” The employee described Norris turning to a city assistant as if to signal that he was done with the communications team. “In my opinion, based on the entirety of our time together,” the employee wrote, “this was a clear case of verbal harassment on behalf of Mr. Norris that was meant to intimidate and demean Ms. Kershaw, while also trying to gauge her reaction as a means of instilling control.” The employee referred to other instances when Norris “has audibly made profane, vulgar, defamatory remarks overhead by myself and others within the confines of the community wing at City Hall,” and that if those interactions “are any indicator, it’s not a question of whether this will happen again, but when it will happen.”
On November 22, three days after Norris’s swearing-in, Fuller was meeting with him to introduce him to two of her employees and explain her department’s role. “During our conversation,” Fuller wrote, “Mayor Norris commented that employees’ salaries and health insurance are the city’s biggest expenses. Mayor Norris looked at me and said ‘we need to start hiring younger employees. Old employees cost us a lot of money and younger workers are in better shape and would cost the city less.’ Later in the conversation, Mayor Norris asked about random drug testing. I told him we have a system that generates the randoms. Then he said ‘I heard there is a city employee driving around in a city vehicle with ‘clean piss’ and I don’t want junkies or druggies working for the city.”
Norris this evening said he’d requested a spreadsheet listing all employees and salaries and asked who were the “essential” employees–the employees the city would absolutely need as in a hurricane emergency, for example. “The spread sheet Ms. Fuller sent me, everyone is an essential employee,” he said. “That can’t be.” He disputed the wording Fuller attributed to him about younger, healthier employees. “I didn’t say that, but it’s kind of easy to ascertain when you look at the statistics. But I didn’t say that.” He said he was “trying to state facts.” As for the “clean piss,” he said that was true: someone had reported the case to him.
In mid-December, another member of the communications team wrote HR of how Norris had called the Starlight Parade live stream “garbage,” repeating and stressing the word in a hallway front of an employee from another department. He then interrupted a meeting with three communications and marketing employees, “yelling,” the employee reported: “‘It sucked, it was trash, it looked like horse shit.’ No one in the room responded, and the atmosphere became tense. He then asked, ‘You’re going to tell me that you think it looked good?'” When an employee suggested using a different camera, Norris is said to have replied: “‘I ain’t buying another damn camera,’ and then turned back to me, yelling, ‘I don’t wanna hear excuses. Fix it!'”
Norris said he’d given the team “plenty of compliments,” and said “I kid around those guys all the time.” When Johnston told him that he’d upset the team, he said he called them into his office and worked things out, saying he hadn’t meant to upset them. He said that’s what all other employees filing complaints should have done: confront him then and there, and he’d work it out.
In February, Fuller, the HR director, reported of an ongoing E-Team meeting as follows: “Mayor Norris came into the meeting saying ‘I am here to ruin somebody’s day.’ [Norris said he was kidding.] He went on to say he saw Mr. Douglas (a builder) come into city hall and he wanted to know who he came to see and why.” Jeff Douglas is the CEO of Douglas Properties. “Then he stated, ‘they are not our friends and I don’t want them back in city hall’. Ms. Johnston reminded the mayor that this is a public building open to the public.”
Norris did not deny the interaction. His “ruin somebody’s day” line was “a joke, they should be able to get my humor, but if they don’t, they don’t,” he said. As for Douglas, he said he hadn’t logged in, or at least his signature was not clear, nor was the name of the person he was seeing. Norris said he wanted to know who that was, because a company associated with Douglas is suing the city under the Bert-Harris Act. “So I want where that gentleman is going when he’s coming in my city hall–our city hall,” Norris said. “And you’re not my friend if you’re trying to sue me for $12 million.”
Douglas responded. “Our community focus remains for every day working families, fixed-income retirees and those struggling for housing and work,” he said late Monday night. “Despite this unfortunate speech, we and our partners remain undeterred in a mission to contribute time, resources and funds to partner in building a community that accepts all and works to foster a rising economy that can sustain the ongoing replacement of tired infrastructure and build a vibrant city that our children and grandchildren can be proud to call home.”
Patrick Buckley, the city’s chief building official, reported in writing an incident that took place on Feb. 24. A resident had called him, frustrated with a contractor who was refusing to install windows, claiming previous repair work had been done incorrectly. The resident went to City Hall to meet with Buckley. On the way in, Norris happened to be walking in at the same time, and was heard by another city employee walking nearby at the same time tell the resident: “Let me know if he gives you any shit,” presumably in reference to Buckley. In the event, Buckley’s interactions with the resident were courteous. (Norris said he knew the resident on a first-name basis and may have told him that if he had any trouble, to contact him. He’d help. “Isn’t that what a mayor is supposed to do–help?” Norris said.
When asked about whether the recurring complaints suggest he might have done things differently, Norris said: “Not really. I just wish if people had a problem with the things I did or I said I wish they had confronted me right then. I don’t sugarcoat anything, but I certainly wasn’t trying to be offensive to anyone.” He said on several occasions he’s sent flowers to city staffers–to Johnston when she got her master’s degree, to an executive assistant when she lost a close family members. “I have been as kind and as nice as I can to all those people up there. That’s the person I am. I never try to offend anyone.”
And he’s convinced: “They’re sowing discontent to try to run me out of office.” Remarkably, the accumulation of complaints appears to have had no effect on his approach to the job, or to suggest that perhaps he may be at fault for being too abrasive, rather than everyone else having too thin a skin, though several times during the interview he referred to himself as “an old soldier.” Palm Coast government, however, is a civilian organization.
“I’m just doing my job,” he said. “If they want to get me–whatever.”
Mike says
Sounds like hogwash to me!
Just a thought says
Just like Trumps comment about ingesting bleach was a joke, we all laughed and laughed and laughed. What an idiot.
Tired of it says
Dear Republicans: You got what you voted for. A mini trump and you can see how well he is doing.
Pat F says
Norris is a detriment to himself every time he opens his mouth.
Despite all the chaos the City Council is going through presently, I wouldn’t be surprised if Governor DeSantis removed Norris from office because of Norris’s continued disrespect for our City employees and his blatant violation of our City Charter.
Ethics matter.
Fernando Melendez says
Reckless acting and behaving without thinking about the possible consequences, he’s very careless and irresponsible. I predict he’ll be censored by June or July. This guy is a disaster waiting to happen. But this is Palm Coast for you and the many uninformed voters who vote without doing their do diligence.
Jimmy says
Mayor Norris is an embarrassment to this city and the position of Mayor. He wants to hire his old military buddies as city manager. He wants a water/sewer rate increase…then doesn’t. Wants a moratorium, but expects jobs to come here? He has no clue and explains away everything as if his actions aren’t the cause. You disgust me “Mayor Mike!”
JC says
If the claims are true, then that attitude would never survive in the private workplace. Of course you can semi-get away with it now in the public workplace.
Using Common Sense says
Sounds like Jeff Douglas, the CEO of Douglas Properties, is in charge of the City. 😡
CptObvious says
What would have happened to any other City Employee who did even one of these things, or any employee anywhere for that matter? Barging into meetings yelling profanities, criticizing coworkers appearances, barring residents from entering the building! Was he told about any of these complaints? If not, why not? If yes, why was he allowed to continue the behavior?
Rolls Eyes says
At what point does this stop being about real governance and start being workplace gossip?
If the mayor is actually breaking the law, handle it properly. But running to the press over complaints that don’t rise to the level of HR action just makes this look like a coordinated hit job. Meanwhile, the real problems—wastewater, development, infrastructure—aren’t getting solved.
justbob says
We were warned.
Charlie says
Best way to run this guy off is to stop using his company Palm Coast Pressure Washing and Paint to pressure wash and paint your house and Aloha Critters to babysit your critters. We need to use our wallets to send a silent message. The best thing he can do for Palm Coast is to resign. If I was him, I would do that at 9:01 am this morning, right after the pledge of allegiance. STOP USING HIS COMPANIES!!
Miles says
Look, he may have done some of this. But, it didn’t come out until he requested Lauren Johnston and Jason Delorenzo to resign. Then suddenly the floodgates opened and all of these showed up. There is a concentrated effort by developers to flip that board because the charter makes them appoint and they have two votes up there that will appoint their people. Lauren and Jason are best friends. Jason is the home builder association employee who pushed most of this development on all the boards. He may not be a perfect mayor by far and I could’ve told you that, that’s why I voted for Peter Johnston , but, your witnessing a Developer takedown done by a city manager. Take a look at the Palm Coast report this week, look at the developer attorney supporting the county manager. They have all of these employees under their fingers. Anytime someone on one of these boards tries to come after the city and county employees who don’t do their jobs, these employees run to the developers and their attorneys who they really work for to protect them. Enjoy your high taxes and traffic Flagler.
John Stove says
Gee this pattern from a wannabe Republican dictator sounds familiar……when caught insulting someone “It was a joke”…..admitting to an act and then saying “they misunderstood”….blah blah blah
Mike: you are a joke, take you Trump mini-me show down the road, we are getting sick and tired of your tired act
t. o, Doug says
He should keep his opinions about any woman’s nail polish color to himself.
Everything else is either true or clearly in jest. This is just a way of stacking trivial accusations to make them seem like a bigger deal than they are by quantity.
The mayor said the word “moratorium” and suddenly everyone decided he was unfit to serve because of all this workplace gossip? How convenient.
Justbob says
Pathetic inane replies from mayor Mike. Those of us who opposed this dude now have bragging rights.
Uh huh says
Alan Lowe, long long time resident who KNOWS Florida should have been elected! Not an out of stater who’s in it because he was bored!
We need Florida grown and raised officials.
Met him just once! And I knew he was wrong for Palm Coast.
Deborah Coffey says
The perfect Fascist behavior that today’s Republicans continue to vote for…. They seem to be having a love affair with coup d’etats.
celia pugliese says
You are right Mayor Norris and what ever you said is your First Amendment and “you have the right to joke typical militars attitude teasing to confront harsh difficult situations at least with good humor to battle with more valor and survive!” Given the frustration some administrators in control all these years are exercising on us and you that represent us. Trump is being very vocal and as elected and no one dare boot him, so same with you, same rights. We are with you Mayor! We need honest people in this administration and “city hall is not for developers to reside on it, openly lobbying administrators to present for approval what they want and we the residents do not need” The city hall is ours, Palmcoasters that paid for it to govern. Is not either for builders buddies/supporters names (J Netts) on it! We are all for you Mike hang in there! Some city administrator and some elected that were builders mouth pieces hired also departmental heads that will take a stand against the city residents needs and their relatives have the audacity to always mouth piece their 3 minutes against us at the podium all the time easy on them with 130,000 of our hard earned dollars payinmg their spouses (Fuller). Some like Brad West on social media always attacking our pleads, that are us residents needs not “wants”. Brad West resident has been bashing us the residents for years on line so bad before and after Holland administration had him hired, bashing us so bad that I have him muted…You are right Mayor are right Mayor you and us the residents are fed up…
Brad W says
The truth is Mayor Norris is not a victim of anything or anyone other than himself. It is obviously a pattern of behavior which is inappropriate and negatively impacting the business of this City and residents. Thank you to the local media for bringing it to the public’s attention.
Critical Eye says
Norris claims he is just joking!!! That’s a lie!!! Norris is the JOKE!!! A really BAD JOKE!!! I know for a fact he has bullied and verbally abused private citizens in our Palm Coast community during his campaign for mayor. MOSTLY WOMEN!!!! Scaring them into silence. He’s a very sick deranged man! Kick him out of office. Run him out of town! The sooner the better!!! I saw the threats he wrote to a Brad West ! He’s extremely volatile and Dangerous!
Larry says
He put the city at high risk for an age discrimination law suit regarding hiring/firing practices with his comment about hiring younger people because they cost less and are healthier. Anyone older than 40 that doesn’t get hired, or gets fired from the city, can sue the city for age discrimination and has a good chance to get a nice settlement check.
Wow says
Typical bully behavior. Say something nasty and then add “I was just kidding” or “you misunderstood”. But the blow has landed and they get what they need – a moment of power. I’m not surprised about this and this pattern usually starts in adolescence.
Citizen Woke says
“Elected officials have a key role in representing community interests and making policy decisions. They are answerable to residents and oversee budget priorities, ordinance approvals, and city program implementations. On the other hand, appointed administrators, such as city managers or administrators, act as executive leaders who execute policies outlined by elected officials.”
Richard Russell says
Why are there only Thumbs Up and no Thumbs Down symbol for these comments?
Or did I miss something ?
Mark says
What a bunch of crybabies. The woman with the painted toes should wear shoes. The so-called “communcations” and HR people are part of the reason the city has degraded so much. I know people who work for the city and are continually amazed by poor decisions and poor performance and no accountability. They fear reprisals from the entrenched bureaucrats. As a taxpayer, I have several experiences where I have been disrespected or ignored by the city staff when I just wanted to talk to someone. I support the new mayor and hope he can bring a little discipline to the city.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
A gift from the Gods in Tallahassee in the palm of your voter’s hands: Florida Statute 100 – allows any ‘incorporated’ city or municipality to RECALL any political official, without cause, via voter petition. The Gods have not given this gift , however, to any UNINCORPORATED municipality that you Palm Coasters have ( as does Bunnell, Beverly Beach, Flagler Beach also have)
Those of us unfortunate to be dictated to by the totalitarian Flagler County unincorporated are without any recourse like you city folks at all except the Governor can remove someone. Do you think he even tried to remove the misfit Joe Mullins ( my opinion) after receiving hundreds of complaints to do so? Of course not cause Joe gave him oodles of campaign funds.
With or without cause if enough voters want to remove any elected official, again all you need is a majority of verified voters who sign a legally prepared petition pursuant to Florida Statute 100.
You guys have a choice; we – the unincorporated residents – are at the sole mercy of the governor are indentured taxpayers stuck in our serfdom… There have been ongoing efforts to amend the statute to allow any voter to recall any elected official but this attempt has thus far failed for years…
FlaglerLive says
There’s enough bile in this comment section. No need to fuel it.