Palm Coast Fire Capt. James Neuenfeldt has been awarded the 2019 Fire Service Medal & Certificate by the Flagler Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution for his coordination and leadership of the car seat and ISO programs for the Palm Coast Fire Department.
The award was presented to Neuenfeldt, a Palm Coast firefighter since 2004, by SAR President Charles Hayes, and Awards Chairman’s David Kelsey and Dr. Jeff Schaller. Several of Neuenfeldt’s colleagues, including Deputy Fire Chief Bradd Clark and Lt. Mike Chandley, attended the awards presentation at Fire Station 25.
Kelsey said the Sons of the American Revolution were pleased that this year’s award recipient is a leader for training. “We realize that fire safety and service as a firefighter has become a very skilled profession – it’s very technical, and it requires a lot of training,” Kelsey said. “You need to have a plan.”
“It’s always a privilege for our Chapter to recognize a distinguished firefighter from Flagler County, and in this case the City of Palm Coast,” added SAR President Hayes.
Neuenfeldt serves as the head of the fire departments apparatus team; which is tasked with designing and building fire apparatus for the needs of the Palm Coast Fire Department.
Additionally, he also serves as the liaison to the Insurance Services Office (ISO) for the proper fire rating of the Palm Coast Fire Department. A communities ISO rating is calculated by how well-equipped fire departments are to put out fires in that community. An “ISO fire score,” is provided to homeowners insurance companies to help set homeowners insurance rates. The more well-equipped your fire department is to put out a fire, the less likely your house is to burn down. This makes your home less risky and therefore less expensive to insure. Currently, the Palm Coast Fire Department has an ISO Rating 2. Only 69 communities in Florida have an ISO rating of 1 or 2, putting the City of Palm Coast in the top 1.1 percent statewide. Nationally, Palm Coast is in the top 1.3 percent.
Neuenfeldt expressed his appreciation for this recognition. “I am deeply honored to be considered for this recognition,” Neuenfeldt said. “It’s truly an honor every day to serve the citizens of Palm Coast.”
The Sons of the American Revolution conducts its awards program annually. The organization is a historical, educational and patriotic non-profit organization. The Flagler Chapter was organized in 1984 and the members are descendants of those early Americans who served in the Revolutionary War and established the United States. Its main goals are to maintain and preserve the institutions of American freedom, to promote patriotism and to provide recognition for outstanding public service.
Clark said the City of Palm Coast is fortunate to have Neuenfeldt with his experience. He describes Neuenfeldt as a superstar who provides tremendous leadership and character as a lieutenant and now as a recently promoted fire captain. “Captain Neuenfeldt exemplifies great character by his dedication, expertise, willingness and effort to serve this organization,” Clark said. “His past performances and his future leadership role as a fire captain will help with the development for the growth of the department.”
Neuenfeldt has been with the Palm Coast Fire Department since 2004. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant in 2012. He earned his associate degree from Daytona Sate College and is working toward a Bachelor of Science in Public Administration from Barry University. Neuenfeldt previously served with the U.S. Army Reserves where he was a combat medic. He and his wife Amy have four children.