Come out and support our talented young scientists, poets, filmmakers, painters, musicians, writers and lots more, and see Flagler County high school students reaching for the gold in the 2012 NAACP Olympics of the Mind. The competition will be held at the Flagler Auditorium on Saturday, April 14, at 2 p.m.
The NAACP’s Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics is a national, yearlong achievement program designed to recruit, stimulate, and encourage high academic and cultural achievement among African-American high school students. ACT-SO includes 26 categories of competition in the sciences, humanities, business, and performing and visual arts. More than 260,000 young people have participated from the program since its inception.
Flagler County’s first-place winners will advance to the national competition in Houston, Texas, on July 5-7, and will be competing against hundreds of high school students around the country for scholarships, awards and prizes.
These young Flagler County students have worked extremely hard doing positive things and need and deserve praise and support, local NAACP leaders say. “Let us celebrate their hard work and show them our appreciation of their achievement of excellence,” the NAACP says in a release.
Besides the trip to Texas, Flagler’s students will be competing for the following:
1st place – $100, a desk top computer and the gold medal
2nd place – $75.00 and the silver medal
3rd place – $50.00 and the bronze medal
Tickets are $5 at the Auditorium box office or call 386/437-7547.
The NAACP needs five to eight volunteers to assist with ushering and clean-up. Please contact Stephanie Ecklin by email: [email protected]