Florida law is clear: an elected official at any level may not “Use his or her official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with an election or a nomination of office or coercing or influencing another person’s vote or affecting the result thereof.”
On Monday, Flagler County Commissioner Joe Mullins used official commission letterhead to address Florida’s congressional delegation, urging its members to reject the electoral vote counts “of certain states” in President-Elect Joe Biden’s favor. The letter repeats baseless, false, misleading, conspiratorial and widely discredited claims that Biden’s election was fraudulent.
Mullins posted the letter on his Facebook page the day it was dated, stating: “I proudly sent this today to show where we stand in Flagler and Florida. We clearly elected Trump and will not tolerate election fraud.”
Mullins did not have the approval of other county commissioners to write the letter under the Flagler Commission’s letterhead. The letter was not discussed by the commission, nor did other commissioners have advance knowledge of it. Commissioners have their own business cards but don’t have their own stationery. The stationery Mullins used doesn’t include the names of other commissioners, but prominently displays his name on every page, his designation as a District 4 representative, and his title as a Flagler County commissioner, at least implying that he is speaking for the commission.
County Commission Chairman Donald O’Brien categorically rejected any commission association with the letter or its implications when he became aware of it this morning, after a reporter brought it to his attention.
“I don’t know anything about any letter. Is it on county commission stationery?” O’Brien asked. When told that it was, he said it did not reflect the commission’s voice nor was it the result of any commission involvement. “Absolutely no, no, no, that is not official business of the county commission,” O’Brien said. Asked if he was supportive of its content, he said: “Absolutely not, I would not–that’s why I’m asking if my name is on it.”
“I don’t know that I can stop him from doing that, I’m not happy about it,” O’Brien said, stressing that “I’ve got a major problem with that” if it reflects any sense of commission endorsement of the content. The letter does not do so, beyond implicitly implying endorsement through the use of commission stationery. “I’m at a loss, because I haven’t seen it, I don’t know anything about it,” the chairman said.
Though he signed it, Mullins did not write the letter. It was lifted almost word for word from a Dec. 23 letter that appears to have originated from Anthony Sabatini, the Lake County Florida House member. Mullins used the same words, layout, fonts and addressees, adding a two-line paragraph about himself “coming to Washington, DC on January 6th with a group of 160 of my neighbors who want to show their support for this action.”
It isn’t clear if Mullins in any way utilized the services of the county administration to format the letter on to commission stationery, though in the past Mullins has inappropriately used the administration and its PR office to publicize personal acts, such as donations to local charities, and he routinely blurs official and private business on his weekly radio infomercial and Facebook page, seldom making a distinction that he is not speaking for the commission.
The Sabatini letter, long discredited, makes false allegations such Post Office backdating of ballots or the accepting of ballots without postmarks, claims of “Equal Protection Clause Violations in every single [sic.] of the six contested states,” false claims of lost or destroyed absentee ballots in Arizona, and so on. Some 60 lawsuits by the Trump administration or its proxies have been dismissed, thrown out or ridiculed, often with stern and harsh language, by judges at every level, including the United States Supreme Court. Every state, under Republican or Democratic control, has certified the election results, and while minor instances of fraud shadow every election in every state in all history, nothing close to the widespread freud–or fraud that would in any way alter the results–has been documented by officials or even by Trump proxies and Trump himself, though the baseless claims, amplified by social media disinformation and misguided protests, have continued.
“I had no idea that there was any such thing,” Commissioner Andy Dance said. He, too, became aware of the letter only when a reporter told him of it. “I don’t like the fact that he used the commission letterhead or made the assumption that it was commission-related.” Dance, who served on the Flagler County School Board for 12 years until last November, was under the impression there was one official county letterhead–as opposed to individualized letterheads–and that if a message was disseminated from the county, “that’s what you should be using. We went through this process at the school district and we came up with our manual, so I know that was addressed in the school manual to try to avert some of these issues.”
As for the content of the Mullins letter, Dance, who stressed the importance of focusing on local issues, said: “That’s a long answer that I don’t want to get into, so at this point I wouldn’t have signed on to Joe’s letter as you read it to me, so I think there’s issues that should be addressed but the election itself is probably going to stand and I think we have to move on as a country.”
“I’m aware of the letter, that’s it, no other involvement,” an impatient Commissioner Dave Sullivan said today. He said he’d looked up the letter on Facebook. He said he learned about it from Greg Hansen, after Hansen learned about it from a reporter’s call to his home (Hansen did not attend the workshop, being ill).
“I have no comment on the letter and I’m not involved in the letter, period, that’s it, nothing,” Sullivan said. Asked about its propriety as a document that portrays itself as a county commission letter, an impatient Sullivan said: “I really don’t want to get involved in that right now. I have no comment whatsoever about it, it has nothing–it’s not my responsibility to do that at this point. If there’s a valid question that comes to the commission, I’m always willing to do it. I consider this a private issue.”
Of course, it isn’t a private issue, the letter appearing on official county stationery, and Sullivan backed away from the comment. But he was equally equivocal when asked about the content of the letter. “President Biden will be sworn in as president on January 20, period. Whether I agree or not that’s a fact, but I believe from everything I’ve read and heard, that’s what I believe will happen, and of course we live in a society of law.” Pressed on the content of the letter, Sullivan conceded that he did not believe there’d been a fraudulent election beyond the usual, minor instances of fraud that happen in every election. He did not dispute the outcome, and said that Tuesday’s vote in Georgia appeared to prove that the November election there had been accurate.
Mullins’s apparent misuse of his position to “influence” or “interfere” with the election pales, however, in comparison with the man on whose behalf he copied the letter, following attempts by Donald Trump to convince the Georgia secretary of state to “find” enough votes to give Trump the victory there–a violation of state and federal law.Trump and his supporters have given law little heed in a scorched-earth campaign to hold power in violation of constitutional and historic norms.
O’Brien, the commission chairman, did not want to be associated with the behavior. “If one commissioner crosses the line about what’s legal or not legal about the use of their office, that’s their problem,” the commission chairman said. “If you’re holding him to account, or other people, go ahead, chips have got to fall where they fall.”
Foregoing a commission workshop on the $10 million Marineland Acres drainage project, Mullins today was in Washington, D.C., with that group whose travel he had sponsored. He had a supporter videotape him in Flagler before the group left, as the Flagler County Sheriff’s Mike Lutz and two other uniformed members of the Sheriff’s Office appeared with the protesters before they departed from the county fairgrounds, with Lutz alternately giving them safety and security advice and ridiculing or insulting “anarchists” or protesters of a different political persuasion Mullins’s group might encounter in the capital, which Lutz referred to as “a dirty city. I’m sorry did I say that out loud?”
Lutz’s statements were stunning for their partisanship and derisiveness–public servants are not allowed to take sides in partisan issues when on the clock–though he clearly had a supporting audience.
“If you’re confronted by antagonists, watch each other’s back, please, don’t turn your back on these people, keep them in your sight, they will sucker punch you, they will kick you, they will do a lot of things, be careful with that,” Lutz said, though demonstrators against police brutality over the past year have used the same language to describe police behavior. “Remain peaceful and respectful to the area you’re in because you know the press isn’t going to be nice to you guys,” Lutz said, then asking the local demonstrators to show politeness–not to fellow demonstrators, but to the police.“Try to be respectful to the area you are, it is the nation’s capital, and please be polite to law enforcement, because they have to be there.”
Mullins throughout made sure to be as close to Lutz as possible, in the video frame, though he did not speak in the clip he posted.
Once pro-Trump protesters reached the capital today, the problem was not “anarchists,” but law-breaking pro-Trump protesters themselves, some of them stormed the Capitol and approached the floor of the U.S. Senate, brawling with police in front of the Capitol or within it, repeatedly and at times violently confronting and insulting law enforcement. By mid-afternoon, the protesters’ violence and lawbreaking led police to skirt Vice President Pence away from the building for his safety, forced the Capitol into lockdown and halted the presidential certification process.
John says
How in the hell was this allowed?
BB says
Until they grow a set this will continue. He has already has basically threatened my life and others (which I will say come on over and try). Not seeing anything else being done. I guess we need to remember this come election time.
SHELIA Hinds says
He does not now nor will he ever represent me. Trump is a skag and Joe Mullins is on his knees. That is not what Flagler County is about. He needs to go with the rest of the scum that has filled our country.
Uncursed says
Can’t wait for the GOP crooks , liars to be voted out of all the U.S. Trump has turned the U.S. into a bizzaro Alice in wonderland mentality for those without any knowledge instead of reality . Gop afraid of the worst President ever who lost by over 7 million votes .The largest loss ever . TRUMP COWARDS . The U.S. looks like an Iraq type nation this afternoon as what is happening , thanks to Trump and the rest of the hate spreaders as Mullins .
Carl Lewis says
Are you watching the news right now? This is what happens when elected officials break their oaths to uphold the Constitution! The blame for the riots in Washington DC right now falls squarely on the shoulders of all elected officials who have baselessly claimed that the election was unfair. This has to stop and all those elected officials who have fomented this violence, unwittingly or not, including Mullins, must be held accountable! This is criminal!
Really FCSO says
The sheriff needs to take issue with one of his employees actions in this event this is beyond despicable for a sheriffs officer in uniform to speak his political and personal feelings and assumptions . The intent was to provide a safety brief not a political speech . I don’t know what type of qualifications he even has to be providing people about the environment they would encounter in a . Major city when he works and lives in this county . I think this was the sheriffs attempt to put his name and level on something and it backfired …… and who are these people Lutz was referring to because as we look at the news the only people who are storming the capital right now are trunk supporters so he was basically fueling the fire by suggesting that they would run into Black Lives Matter people … this is dark and embarrassing
Rob says
Trump seems to have inspired some sort of mass insanity in a large segment of our country’s population. The outgoing president is encouraging insurrection and seeks to overturn the election regardless of any substance to claims of election fraud. Hard to understand and sad to see. He and his followers turn the truth around and promote falsehoods as truth. And it works! It is baffling to behold. Our democracy is under attack. Let’s hold on to reason, stand by our laws, and support ethical, rational behavior. And let’s get rid of Trump!
Leemichaud says
Why are we allowing people like this to represent the voters in Palm Coast it’s time to get serious and get rid of these people that thank american shouldn’t be free.
Jeffrey C Sica says
I’m wondering if Joe “ISIS” Mullins is in the anarchist fray currently taking place at the US Capitol Building? What I’m currently watching on TV is mind-boggling. Is this what he wants? At this point, he needs to be removed from office as his rhetoric has helped foment what is happening now. I know, and yes, still like some Trump supporters, however misguided and misinformed they may be. They are sane enough that we can agree to disagree and move on in a civil, American way. What is happening in this country TODAY is as anti American as it gets. Those of you who are this radical, this much of a parallel to the Middle East’s ISIS faction are complicit in what may well be the beginning of the end of the American Experiment, the closest any country on Earth has come to a true, if flawed, Democracy. I hope you’re proud of yourselves. What a complete and total disappointment…
Mathey says
What more does it take to get rid of him? How can the other leaders of our government not step up before he does real damage here?
The Voice Of Reason says
Hilary turned out to be right, republicans ARE deplorable. What a disgraceful, despicable, gullible, brainwashed group of SORE LOSERS. As a party in decay, you should be ASHAMED of yourselves. You make me sick!
John F. Pollinger says
So the antics of Mullins again will go unchecked. He and others traveled to Washington, D.C. and participated in the desecration of the United States Capitol, threatened the Vice President and all elected officials who were present and caused destruction of federal property. I have lost any hope of this commission doing anything to silence or stop the antics of this mini-tRump wannabe. And Lutz along with the two deputies providing advice while engaged in their official duties? If they worked for me, their badges and ID cards would have been on my desk by the end of business day.
Disgusted and Reviled says
One can only hope that Joe and his crazy cult are all locked up at this hour in a very damp and dirty DC jail. If we never saw anyone of them again in this town it would be too soon. The bring shame to Palm Coast.
Mike Cocchiola says
Joe Mullins has crossed a line once again and disgraced his office and Flagler County. If what he did is illegal, the county attorney should take appropriate action.
Joe Mullins is done. He has lost the respect of the BOCC and of Flagler County. He has lost his god. And he has even lost his former home state. All he has left is an outsized ego and an undersized brain. He needs to leave.
And then we have the problem of that guy Lutz. Does anyone believe he will treat all citizens equally? Sheriff Staly… you need to remove him!
Local says
We have the US government sending billions of our “releif” money to countries that hate us and you write an article on a peice of paper with an official letterhead? Sheesh…. Thats what is wrong with this country!
Robin says
Deputy Lutz needs to be reprimanded for his untoward remarks. Sheriff Staly are you listening?
Mullins has every right to charter busses to support his beliefs. However using County (implied) stationary is unacceptable. He needs to be voted out.
As we have seen today these were not peaceful protests but anarchic and the blame lays squarely at the feet of the people( and #45) who perpetuate these false and repudiated claims. Shame on them!
Trump/Covid 2020 says
One things for certain. D.C. area Waffle Houses will see record sales the next few days.
Zuffalina says
After the events of today in DC, only a morally, intellectually and physically blind person could fail to see that we need to remove Mullins. And what were the 2 deputies doing there? Correction. one deputy. Hope he was there for security reasons only.
John the Baptist says
First, we Americans should be ashamed of the conduct of those folks that went to Washington, DC in support of the looser Trump. These anals attacked our very own democracy and gave the nation a black eye. I can only pray that the MPD gets to arrest Mullins while he is in DC. Somebody has to make Mullins accountable for his major misdeeds including the comment about beheadings!
Now let’s talk about some of our county commissioners. Sullivan, you are a disgrace as an elected official. You are just an empty shirt and apparently, you lost both your moral compass and integrity. As a retired naval senior officer, you are a joke. I would be outraged that Mullins once again does what he wants to do and to hell with the rest of you. I really have to question if you still have the intestinal fortitude (guts) to stand up, be a man, and put Mullins in his place! Oh, I’m sorry. You took money from him for your campaign. I guess he now owns you!
O’Brien, your no better. You are a weak leader and afraid of your own shadow much less confronting Mullins. He gave you money also, so I guess he owns you as well and gets a pass. How about growing a set? What Mullins did with this letterhead capper is wrong and you know it. How about showing a little force and stop peeing in your pants!
I need to move to another country says
If it is illegal in Florida to do what joe Mullins did, charges should be bought against him.
But obviously Sheriff Staley allows his officers to stand in full uniform, while no doubt on duty, to get away this kind of behavior.
For everyone who who submitted a comment, it doesn’t matter. Mullins believes Flaglerlive is a blog, so he doesn’t read it or pay it any mind.
Mari says
Edith Campins says
So what are the commissioners going to do about this, which is not a “private matter’? How much longer are they going to let Mullins run amok in the county? Ane what is Sheriff Staley going to do about this?
Bob MN says
and to think I homesteaded here
Steve says
So now We truly know where his Allegiance lies. With 45 the competent knew it all along. Today was a disgrace even in terms compared to the last 4 years of incompetence. But alas on the positive side 45 and his syncophants have sealed their fate and IMO took the bait hook line and sinker. Ga. is just the start of the GOP demise. Full blown never to be a majority again until the toxicity of a failed leader is scraped off the scum of the swamp. There own worst enemies imploding on the Power grab Agenda over time a fade to black never to be significant again. Mullins a mere has been in that Theater left to try what he can locally to incite some diatribe of his own importance which is what its really all about. The American People having cut off the snakes head will see brighter days ahead.
Keep the Faith
Vote Accordingly
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Mullins has sent threatening letters to many constituents , including me, ON FLAGLER COUNTY LETTER AND SIGNED AS COMMISSIONER DISTRICT 4 – He has sent at least 10 such threats to me -with copies to the County Attorney and his pals Donald Obrien. This is NOTHING NEW from Mullins. The Commission has refused to censor him, His pal Staly refuses to take action even after Joe tells his other pal, attorney Mike Chiumento to ” Keep an eye on this lady” i.e. stalk… Staly does nothing – I am sure Lutz had his total approval.
It is our fault and nobody else’s fault that he is still a commissioner. Until the commission chambers are full of ‘civilized protestors’ nothing will be done. He has bought off everyone in my opinion, including the inept, vicious, useless county attorney ( my opinion).
We need to tell the commissioners, in masse, to censor this evil, sick , incompetent lunatic ( my opinion)
Hope with all my heart that we can protest peacefully ( with masks) at the next commission meeting,
Thank you for your time. God save Flagler county.
Robjr says
He looks like a guy in a red hat breaking windows in the Capital building today.
Kat says
In light of today’s events, can our local officials finally grow a set of balls and jettison this piece of shit? Not a single one of them is worthy of being a county commissioner.
In regards to Deputy Lutz, he should be fired. It is inexcusable for him to be wearing a Flagler County sheriffs uniform while spouting his partisan bullshit.
Captain says
Ray says
We need to mandate that our city put out a “ no conspiricy theories” ruling. Its time to say truth not trump
Disgusted says
when are we getting rid of Mullins? he is a determent to our community.
Skibum says
Another unhinged, irrational conspiracy nut who got himself elected and is showing us all how ignorant and easily manipulated he is! I hope someone starts a recall campaign, but then again, that might spur nutty, irrational conspiracy theorist McDonald to go for another run for elected office. God help us!
Patricia A Brooke says
Mr. Pollinger, you said what I was thinking. Thank you.
Mullins, Lutz, and any other salaried employee in this city who participated in this should lose their jobs.
Charlie Ericksen Jr says
As you are aware, 2 County Commissioners recommended that Mr. Mullins be censured a few months ago… …But when the vote was taken , 3 said NO….All ” buddies” who break the sunshine law on a regular basis , and vote together!! Joe was clearly in Wash, DC yesterday He missed the County Commission meeting @ 9AM
Tony says
Any and all employees of the Sheriff’s Dept. involved with this should be reprimanded and suspended without pay.
Stephanie says
He needs to be fired. We don’t need Nazis in our town. Stop the madness.
for real says
If you or I would have instigated the violence and insurrection that took place yesterday we would have woke up today in an orange jump suit. Mullins was part of yesterday, and took a entire bus load of Flagler people with him. If that would have been REV. Al yesterday, provoking BLM protesters they would have been gunned down with AK’s and AR’s and bodies loaded into freezer trucks in front of the capitol. Mullins and hate needs to stop!
John Stove says
Joe Mullins is a moronic buffoon….how this man is allowed to remain in office is a mystery. What is worse is that his fellow council members have no backbone in getting him to stop with his crap,
Just like other Republicans when asked about a racist or violent comment made by loser in chief Trump, they claim “I didnt see it, I cant comment”, “sounds like a private matter”…..
Lack of clear, immediate leadership by others will continue to allow this to happen (just like what happened in the capitol yesterday). Mullins is not only an embarrassment ,he has no standing in using official stationery to make claims that are not supported by the council.
THIS IS FALSIFICATION OF AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT and just like dumpster fire Trump, Mullins needs to go!
veterans upholding our oath says
What happened in our nations capital yesterday was a national disgrace, carried out by enemy combatants. President Biden’s top priority must be justice and that justice must look back at the last 4 years. Several thousand sedition charges must be filed against these enemy combatants and punishment must be severe. the most severe of those penalties should go to their leadership, financial backers, and sponsers. A big part of seeing that justice is served must be police reform. This deputy’s actions, and the actions of DCpd shows us a small glimpse of what can happen when police are allied with treasonous enemy combatants. This country CANNOT HEAL, until justice is served
FCSO, the ball is in YOUR court first
Trailer Bob says
Mullins is mentally ill and has a small man complex.
The other commissioners are not able, or willing…to put Mullins in his place.
Like someone else replied here, we need to get rid of some of the standing commissioners and vote in contemporary, sane, educated people who will support the people of this County and do their job with integrity.
Commissioners, start doing the job you were elected to do and stop acting like weak fools and puppets.
You have been bought and sold and really should be ashamed of your inability to do the people’s work independent of bribery and pressure from a lunatic fool. I am sick of being embarrassed by your incompetence.
Percy's mother says
You cannot “FIRE” a duly elected commissioner. He is not a county employee. He was ELECTED, not hired.
What Else Is New says
Don’t expect the Flagler County BOCC to act on antics created by Mullins. They have no spine when it relates to this anarchist or much else. Because we have uninformed Repubs who continue to vote for these clowns, nothing will change.
deb says
Agree, we have been down this road before with Mullins and the Commissioners are pure cowards. They are all nothing more than a paycheck collectors ( over $50k a year). The voters elected these commissioners and you got what you got as they are not going anywhere until the next election if the voters have the guts to vote them out.
Been There says
Maybe the commission will now vote to censure Mullins. Moreover, he should be exposed to the authorities (by which I mean a Federal agency and not FDLE) for his seditious behavior. Sullivan won’t contradict Mullins because he stands to be exposed as a sympathizer and enabler. O’Brien can initiate the censure because Mullins has now outlived his usefulness and has put the rest of the commission (and other leaders) in a precarious position.
The head of the hydra in Washington has been removed and it is now time to remove the tiny little local oligarch wannabe and his counterparts in this county and other local government. This fraudulent cry baby and his violent colloquial laden commentaries have no value in this community other than rallying disenfranchised addicts, ex-addicts, and uneducated to do his dangerous bidding, including harassment of other elected officials and county staff members.
Been There says
The FCSO isn’t going to do anything. The Sheriff is getting a new building that is going to cost the county tax payers DEARLY because the COMMISSION voted to APPROVE it. Explain how the old Bunnell Courthouse that was so riddled with mold it was crawling down the walls and the floors were spongy was able to be rehabilitated so that a school that houses children can now safely occupy it BUT the old Sheriff’s ops building couldn’t be rehabilitated to remove what amounted to a few tiles worth of mold to house a bunch of big strong deputies and adult staff? The sheriff is in the political game to gain. He didn’t want that building because it was Manfre’s house. Now you, me and EVERYONE is going to pay for this as well.
There is only one person on that Commission with any conscience.
Concerned citizen says
Flagler live….Please look into the 3 videos on YouTube, under the name Flagler Liberty Coalition…you will find some interesting stuff!
These “patriots” were fully prepared to fight in DC, complete w body armour, knives, and mace. Mullins is in one of these videos.
Ronnie says
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Ronald Reagan
Only Me says
When is enough is enough with Mullin? The County Commissions are not living up to their positions for Flagler County and putting a stop to his out of control behavior? What are you Commissioners waiting for? All taxpaying citizens have written in this paper to remove him from his position but you cowards are allowing his out of control behavior. The more you allow him to do these things you are just as guilty as he is.
Trumpinator says
Get your votes in early before the liberals STEAL them !!!!!
onewhoseesclearly says
It is a tragedy to see the end of the “American Experiment” that endured for 200 years. We have now ushered in socialism and Americans will never enjoy the rights and freedom that they preserved for so long. We all will suffer under what is to come.
CTS says
To tame the Trump mob, all you need to do is turn off the grease fat fryers at Mcdonalds.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
I agree with Patricia. How dare any county employee participate in any issue that has nothing to do with Flagler County. The Sheriff needs to go , together with Mullins because he allows this illegal participation in partisan politics using our tax money. These officers are paid with our tax money – but Sheriff has no money for MASKS not even for those in his green roof inn, He is as deplorable as Mullins,
Only Me says
The Flagler County Commissioners are a disgrace to Flagler County. All the complaints about Mullin still nothing gets done to remove him from office as the taxpayers of the county have been asking for, for several months.
Then I just read Mullin gave O’Brien money so that explains why things will not change in the County. It’s the routine old boys club and none of you should be county commissioners.
Jeff Sica says
More clueless drivel. There is a viable difference between Authoritarian State Socialism, which is what most people think of, and Democratic Socialism…which we already have in various forms. Or don’t you like your Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security…
Justin Case says
You prefer Bernie & AOC and the new socialist movement? Good luck with that.
EVA says
That is nonsense, what we are fighting is FASCISM in all its ugliness. It has creeped right into our own local government and it is past time to crush it. You are using a buzz word you were conditioned to parrot to make fascism normal. But don’t worry, there are more of us to save you along with ourselves, I have faith in our America.
Do you understand what fascism is? That would be the tragedy for America.
Well... says
He sounds as stable as Trump.
Justin Case says
[The commenter is being misleading. The investigations into the 2016 election were related to concerns over Russian meddling, which was proven and led to indictments. There has been no evidence of similar widespread fraud or improprieties in this election. Do not use this site to spread disinformation–FL]
Short memory? In 2016 Dems demanded investigations into the election because they didn’t like the result. Why was that acceptable, but the President “demanding” investigations is not ok?
Justin Case says
Nothing you said is of any help, or use. What kind of losers were dems in ’16 when they demanded investigations that lasted 4 years? Don’t forget, what happened at the Capitol was horrible, and should be condemned, but it started out as a “mostly peaceful protest.” Not all involved were/are criminals or thugs.
Really fcso says
Sure wish you would consider running again…. morale has become media morale …the fact that a uniformed deputy can stand before a group of people and his personal political opinion and what was clearly an assumption is tasteless … and this is the same group that she sheriff sends out to do community presentations in the community …. they had no business being at this departure event …. and if they did he only had a duty to out the correct and safest info out ….instead he labeled would be protesters and stereotyped them and the city of DC as if he knew first hand …… you can tell by the comments he made he thought it was funny and he was making the crowd laugh but it was not funny and it was unprofessional …. and should be addressed not only to the community but to his rank and file …..
John the Baptist says
Just learned that Mullins did not take the bus to Washington, DC. He chartered an aircraft. I’m so sorry that he did not get arrested by the MPD yesterday. Joe Mullins’s use of county letterhead needs to investigated for Sunshine Law violation.
Billy C says
You obviously don’t know what socialism is. You are talking Trump-speak and right now, that ain’t good. The rights and freedoms you speak of were for some people and not for all so to my eyes the American Experiment continues.
Billy C says
It is always whataboutisms with you Trumpers. Demanding investigation into Russian meddling was appropriate, just as Trump’s inquiries regarding this election were appropriate. But his concerns have been proven wrong. Counts and recounts, court cases all the way to the door of the Supreme Court. Stop the madness. There is no investigation to be had. Its over. Lets move on.
ExPalmCoaster says
This same exact behavior is why I left Flagler County just 2 weeks ago. I only go on FlaglerLive because I love Pierre and his no BS reporting! God help you all in that Pro-Trump county!!
Harry says
Flagler county commissioners…….. DO YOU JOB!
Get rid of this maniac now!
Holden Q Funninger says
Will somebody PLEASE give them back their GI Joe dolls?!?!?! And Mullin’s t-shirt is missing one very important line: PRO-MORON!
David S. says
After all the BS Mullins and these pro-trump people we are considering moving away from Flagler Co also. I hope you people are proud of yourselves especially after what happend at the Capital the other day…..
capt says
Fed Up says
Whose money paid for that aircraft? Follow the money, folks. May lead to the answers to every decision made by this Commission, the actions of County Attorney, our City Commissioners, the Police too? Just asking… Been watching this rip off going on for too many years. When will Flagler citizens vote for qualified people instead of the BIGGEST campaign sign?
Justin Case says
Not misleading, and not spreading disinformation. Dems demanded an investigation because they couldn’t believe that Trump won without outside interference. Trump believed that there was outside interference when he lost. To truly stop spreading disinformation perhaps FL’s oped writers should report all facts, and not just their personal beliefs, and political leanings. I have not seen (perhaps I missed it?) one report on this site regarding the President’s nominations for Nobel peace prizes. Why? Only negative, anti-Trump articles.
Steve says
Its anyone other than GOP. IE SEE RECENT ELECTIONS. What cave have you been living in.
Steve says
I said in the past numerous times a good Sheriff but disliked his Political leanings and here you have it again right out in the open. It’s why he didn’t get my Vote.SMH
rc says
Unfortunately these people commenting don’t know what socialism means, but they will find out in the next 4 years.
Steve says
DITTO and on here for the same TRUTH
Fed up in Flagler says
I’m getting a little tired of saying this, but according to Florida law, ONLY the Governor can removed an elected official. Stop bashing those who have no legal authority to get rid of this man. How many of you voted for him?
Two Commissioners DID try to censure him and were shot down by Mullins, O’Brien and Sullivan. WHERE WERE ANY OF YOU THEN?
Address your complaints and comments to Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida State Ethics Commission.
Trump/Covid2020 says
I disagree. They would show up armed and claiming it’s a liberal conspiracy to deny them of their constitutional rights. McDonalds would be another globalist conglomerate in the deep state conspiracy to take away their guns and freedoms and we’ll end up like Venezuela, China and Cuba. Freedom fries Forever! Murica git-r-dun!
Jarrett C. says
I am forwarding these videos to the Feds. I am sure they will be interested in seeing if any of these faces match the trespassers, rioters and invaders in the Capital building.
ExPalmCoaster says
Good Luck to you David! Sad part is, they all ARE proud of themselves. Mullins, especially, gets off of hearing that the people of Flagler County are leaving the county due to his behavior, which fuels him even more. The mentality is, “if you don’t like it then leave”. I certainly did leave after 15 years, but on my own accord as I was absolutely sick of how things are done in Flagler. I’ve personally met Mullins, and most of these Flagler County political fools and they all disgust me, including Sheriff Staly!
Mary says
I agree. Please also you Trumpists don’t spend that socialist money that was deposited in your account
MAGA Not says
Maybe rather than talking about Voter Fraud, our elected Commissioners should talk a little about about Homestead Fraud. A Condo in the Palms and a single family house in Bunnell , both carrying Home Stead Exemptions, demands some explaining, FS 196.131 (2) . It was fixed last spring without any fan fare, fines or jail time. Have any of our Commissioners received a Degree from the Trump University School of Real Estate? Could our County Property Appraiser explain this to the public?
GetReal says
Or maybe you have no idea what socialism is as you’ve been living in a socialist country your whole life.
Carl Lewis says
I like your thinking, “Fed Up”, and followed up on what you and “capt” posted. It seems that Flagler County is not a charter county and thus our best recourse would be the Florida State Ethics Commission, as you suggest.
According to Florida Statute 112.324, anyone can send in a complaint to the Ethics Commission, if I’m reading it correctly.
However, I was thinking it would carry far more weight if a complaint is accompanied by a petition signed by a lot of Flagler County residents.
So, instead of us just sitting around complaining, how about we do something about Joe Mullins? Let’s start a petition and once we have a good number of signatures, let’s send it to the Ethics Commission. Does anyone reading this know how to go about starting a petition?
Post your thoughts!
Country says
Can we take the traders to town square and TAR&FEATHER THEM? I hope GOD we can!!!!!!!