Flagler County School Board member Janet McDonald has frequently used her time on the school board to spread falsehoods and disinformation about the Covid pandemic. Speaking from her seat at board meetings, she has derided face masks as ineffective or harmful. She has claimed, falsely, that communities with masking have had steeper transmission rates. She has downplayed the extent of covid fatalities. She has falsely called the various immunization options against covid “not a vaccine.” She has used her Twitter feed to the same ends.
Until last week, she had not interfered with another organization’s rules to impose her own beliefs. On Saturday, she did, turning up at a College Board testing site for the SAT at Matanzas High School, standing guard by the registration table, telling students, in contradiction of College Board rules, that they did not have to wear masks, and successfully managing to have most begin their testing without masks on. The incident was first reported by Flagler Rogue, the anonymous Twitter feed that began as a clearinghouse of Covid information in the schools and has since expanded its role to other school-related matters.
The College Board is not backing down from its rule. It is taking the interference seriously and investigating the matter.
“Across all weekend test centers, the College Board is requiring all students and staff to wear a mask or protective face covering during an SAT administration,” the College Board told FlaglerLive in an emailed statement in response to questions. “In a challenging and dynamic environment during Covid-19, the College Board is working very hard to keep all students and staff safe, provide opportunities for testing, and comply with all applicable regulations. We are grateful to all students and staff who cooperate with us to achieve those goals. We are looking into this particular situation and will make a determination in the best interest of the students who took the test.”
So it isn’t yet clear to what extent, if any, the College Board–which typically investigates irregularities at its testing sites–will consider the testing jeopardized, though its focus on students’ best interest suggests it will not penalize students for a school board member’s misconduct.
The College Board’s previous agreements with Flagler schools are explicit and strict on testing protocols, so nothing was out of the ordinary but McDonald’s interference. The agreements spell out that “The SAT will be administered under standard College Board test administration and security protocols as specified in the [Test center Master Form] and Test Center Supervisor training and instructional materials… In accordance with College Board policies, any test irregularity, including mis-administrations or security breaches, will be thoroughly investigated and may result in score cancellations. The Client [in this case, Flagler schools] is responsible for making all necessary arrangements to ensure that the testing environment and the security of all test materials satisfy College Board requirements as specified in the Test Center Supervisor training and instructional materials. The test will be administered by Client-employed personnel, who will not receive additional remuneration by the College Board.”
McDonald never went into testing areas and left once the testing began. College Board officials soon learned of her interference and requested that the test administrators, Corinne Schaefer and Jeremy Schaefer, reimpose the masking rule at a break. District spokesman Jason Wheeler said they did so. The Schaefers are both Flagler County school employees but on Saturday were working in their capacity as College Board testing administrators, as the testing was entirely a College Board operation, not a Flagler school district operation. As such, whether as a school board member or a member of the public, McDonald had no jurisdiction, no authority at the site.
McDonald was “in a place where she did not belong,” Wheeler said on Saturday, when first describing the matter as he understood it–he was out of town–though by Monday he’d tempered the statement. “I don’t know where she was,” he said of where McDonald physically stood, though McDonald herself later acknowledged she stood at the intake point, ostensibly greeting students. “I don’t know if that’s permissible or not, I don’t know the rules of the college board.” But on Saturday, only students and test administrators were authorized to be in the testing areas.
What is clearer, Wheeler said, is that the College Board was using Matanzas High School as a third party, through a Use of Facilities agreement, the same way that churches, athletic groups and other organizations routinely use school facilities for their activities. But as such, once an organization uses a school facility, it’s the organization’s rules that prevail, not the school board’s. The College Board’s masking rule is clearly stated, and makes allowances for medical exemptions. Students were read a script the day before, so they knew what to bring and what to be prepared for, including masking, Wheeler said.
He also noted that as a College Board operation, this was not just necessarily testing of Flagler schools students only. “You have private school students, sometimes you have home school students, you have students crossing county lines, so we may have had other students from other districts there, we don’t know, so it’s not just a Flagler schools issue,” Wheeler said. In that regard, McDonald was interfering with students over whom she’d have no jurisdiction even as a school board member.
McDonald’s interference with the masking rule was no different than if, for example, she had interfered with a Jewish or Islamic religious service contracted as part of a use of facilities, insisting that the activity entail readings from the New Testament instead of the organizations’ own scriptures. McDonald did not respond to a phone call, but told the Observer that “Masks don’t work,” and that ““All they do is limit oxygen.”
The statement is an outright falsehood that numerous peer-reviewed studies, public health and medical organizations have repeatedly refuted. “Claims that masks reduce oxygen supplies, cause carbon dioxide “intoxication” and weaken the immune system have gained steam, fueled in part by social media,” WebMD’s Amy Norton reported last November. “At the same time, medical authorities — including the World Health Organization and the American Lung Association — have issued statements debunking those myths. But the claims persist.”
Dr. Stephen Bickel, the medical director at the Flagler County Health Department has repeatedly debunked the McDonald masking myth, and at one point did so weekly in his radio appearances on WNZF’s Free For All Fridays. He did so again today in an interview. He said that while there are legitimate points of debate regarding masking–not whether, but how much, they work, under what circumstances they’re best used, whether they pose any kind of risk–“this idea that they have biologically harmful effects is absurd. It has no scientific credibility,” Bickel said. “If that were the case, would you see surgeons routinely wearing them for hours on end? It’s just so farcical, why are we even having discussions?”
McDonald. Bickel said, is taking advantage of people’s dearth of scientific knowledge to peddle falsehoods that may have appeal among certain people. “That’s kind of like a tell in a poker game: if you’re going there, it shows you are so far down the rabbit hole that you’re just making stuff up to go with your beliefs,” Bickel said. McDonald, for example, is conflating carbon dioxyde and oxygen exchanges with masks. There have been “minimal effects” of carbon dioxide levels on mask wearers, but in amounts so negligible that they have had no effect on physiology. As for oxygen, there’s been no showing of any effects. “Honestly it’s like, Janet, why are you doing this? You’re only going to get away with this, with people who don’t know anything about science,” Bickel said, as if addressing the school board member. If she were to speak such ideas to any group of physicians, they “would be rolling on the floor with this stuff. She takes advantage of these people who are scientifically naive.”
The acid test, Bickel said, is whether masks have any effect on people’s ability to function. They do not, he said. “The idea that they’re harmful either from oxygen or carbon dioxide or effects on your skin, I have not seen any credible scientific evidence for that, and it flies in the face of millions of people, including health professionals, wearing them all the time for decades. So if you think this isn’t illogical, do you ever think anything is illogical?”
Dr. Stephen Playe, a physician in Flagler, wrote McDonald and other school board members this morning, addressing the email to McDonald. “The obvious solution would be to offer two testing spaces: one mask optional and one mask mandatory,” he wrote. “In fact the students were led to believe universal masking would be assured at the testing site (in conformity with College Board recommendations), then found that most students were unmasked. It is possible that their performance on the test would be adversely affected by the last minute distraction and the anxiety of being in what is considered by many to be an unsafe, infectious, environment. While I am not a lawyer, I suspect legal liability will be ascribed if adverse events (i.e. unexpectedly low scores among, say, immunocompromised, unvaccinated students) are alleged. Who would be found legally responsible? You, if you were acting as a private citizen? The Flagler County School Board, if you represented them? The College Board, for not following their declared policies? The students who did not wear masks despite being told to by the proctors?”
Playe ended his email with a reference to surgery he had last week. “Masks in the operating room were not optional,” he wrote.
McDonald claimed in response that she was “following up on the guarantee made to students who had requested well in advance of the testing session because of their personal health needs and were assured by administrators that that was possible. You understand the specifics of individual health needs for best performance, especially in ‘high stakes’ situations and extra need for oxygen. ”
Wheeler specified that “any communication between Mrs. McDonald and District Administration surrounded one student with a parental concern, which had previously been addressed with the College Board last spring.”
In her email to Playe, McDonald went on to claim knowledge of mask’s harmful effects before, astoundingly, questioning Playe’s integrity as a physician: “Sadly, I’m sure you are being compromised in your profession now, too,” McDonald wrote. “Doctors are experiencing policy positions from afar that are impacting their ability to treat patients as they evaluate their individual needs in person and real time.”
School Board member Cheryl Massaro’s response to the physician was less speculative. “It seems that every day a new shoe drops presenting even more outrageous challenges for our board,” Massaro wrote. “My greatest fear is what this single minded event is teaching our students, and that is Rules are made to be broken, and not adhered to. How dangerous is that thought to the future of our society?? Unfortunately, I am only one voice of five, and can only hope common sense will prevail.”
Robjr says
As “out to lunch” as this woman appears there are people who are as equally “out to lunch” who will vote to re-elect her.
Eric says
Chinese made cloth masks work so well. That’s why the military issued them to us in Iraq.
But what do I know? I wasn’t trained by the DOD on all things CBRN as a US Army officer. But hey, up is down and down is up now so f me right?
Cloth expert says
Because China makes ALL and any cloth, certainly none from Vietnam, India, Mexico, Bangladesh.. yatta yatta.
Bailey’s Mom says
Janet McDonald needs to retire now, we the people of Flagler shouldn’t have to wait until November 2022 to vote her out. Her insistence to spread these lies is detrimental to our students and adds fuel to ignorance of the 3% that support her.
Here’s a simple test question of pick “which answer is best” to prevent spreading germs:
1. Sneeze uncovered into the air.
2. Sneeze into a Kleenex then discard it.
Come on Janet, do what’s best for Flagler County and RESIGN!
Thomas says
Oh, here we go again she is back in the news spreading her propaganda lies that masks don’t work. She is not a physicians nor is she a professional that cares about children’s well being. She is just someone that constantly wants to be in the news.
When is the school board going to give her the boot? Enough is enough with this trouble making. And so tired of seeing her name in the news.
Vincent T. Lyon says
The Board can’t “give her the boot”. That’s up to the voters of this county
Deb says
Is Janet delusional? Or just emboldened by a Trumpesque love of power-grabbing through the spread of misinformation.
Coyote says
“Is Janet delusional? Or just emboldened by a Trumpesque love of power-grabbing through the spread of misinformation.”
Is this a trick question?
James M. Mejuto says
McDonald is so far out to lunch that she will probably be re-elected. She along with her partner on the School
Board have found a refuge here in Palm Coast, a community run exclusively for and by trump loving Republicans.
It’s very unfortunate Democrats do not turn out for mid-term elections and now we have witnessed the folly of that
Bill C says
Is McDonald lying? I don’t think so. It’s just that she is so close-minded and such a megalomaniac that she cannot hear anything that contradicts her own frozen ideas. I hope, for the good of students, that this latest episode of megalomania will be enough to force her off the school board.
Wow says
I want board members who care about STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT…. And, NOT what’s on their faces – especially by going around looking to create an academic disruption. That’s just sad, wreckless, and irresponsible. She’s hit a new low, but let’s face it, that low standard – every week – keeps getting pushed lower by not just her, but two of our SAD ‘board’ members.
Michael Cocchiola says
Janet McDonald is a threat to teachers and students. She brings disruption to the school board. She is on a mission to degrade public education. She a disgrace to our community.
Janet McDonald must go.
Deborah Coffey says
Yes, and I hope there’s a good challenger to run against her that lives in her district.
Dennis C Rathsam says
For the 1st time…I agree with you!
Concerned Citizen says
There should be a criminal trespass complaint filed by Saint John’s County. Our schools are supposed to be secure sites. Once the criminal trespass issue is resolved then the School board should surely have grounds to take action for disciplinary cause.
Time and time again our elected officials keep doing wrong. And time and time again they get away with it. From Mullins to McDonald it’s the same crew who run around with no accountability.
We as voters can surely show them accountability at the polls next time.
mark101 says
Please remove this cancer from our school board.
Deirdre Rutledge says
Does this woman represent Flagler County Schools? Is she paid to do her job? Since that is the case, can someone else on the school board stand out of testing areas and hand out flyers about Covid vaccinations? Perhaps insist that people that don’t wear them are getting too much air and can’t think straight, because they’re so lightheaded?
If nothing can be done about this woman we need the voice of reason to try to balance this, as long as she gets away with it she’s just going to keep escalating with this behavior. If a kid got sick with Covid during testing, would she be held responsible because they intended to wear a mask but didn’t because of her personal agenda? I don’t even know why I read about the school board issues because it just sickens me, we’re supposed to be there for the kids to make their lives better and keep them safe, not press our own political agenda especially if it directly interferes with those points. If she can face some consequences from the college board she needs to be. If anyone else did this they wouldn’t get away with it and she shouldn’t either.
Timothy Patrick Welch says
Overreach by College Board?
They don’t appear to have authority over medical decisions of third-party people. They don’t even appear qualified to provide such a recommendation to a minor without parental/guardian permission.
If you want to wear a mask, your free to do so…
Vincent T. Lyon says
Do you also think businesses can’t have a “no shoes no shirt no service” policy?
Deborah Coffey says
Maybe you’d like to drive down Palm Coast Parkway at 95 mph. Overreach by government?
Sh says
Why didn’t the school board have 2 separate classrooms, one that wants to wear a mask and the other room for students who were given a choice not to wear a mask.?
Steve says
She just cant help herself the tunnel vision Aganda which is her only focus is to spread what she thinks she knows about C19 and what is best and how to do it no matter how disinformed or functional it is .Wound up pretty tight may be time for the cuckoos nest
Kat says
I agree that what this woman did was nothing other than provoke anxiety and distraction at a time when these kids are trying to be focused, all to satisfy her personal agenda.
Furthermore, it is obvious that she has found a home among the crackpot right wingers in this county. People with any shred of decency and sanity need to vote this canker sore off the board.
JonQPublik says
And that, ladies and gentlemen, (Im pretty sure) is child endangerment.
Edwin says
Thank you Janet McDonald for shining a light on the school board trying to put inappropriate/porn in the school libraries. Thank you Janet McDonald for following the law. It is illegal to force a mask mandate in the state of Florida. Mrs McDonald is following the law while others are trying to force their beliefs and misinformation on others.
FlaglerLive says
The commenter is misinformed. Florida law’s prohibition on mask mandates applies to public spaces, public schools, etc. It has no jurisdiction over private businesses, private operations. SAT testing was a private operation conducted by the College Board. Interference with the College Boards rules was interference with a private business’ operations. If anything, the College Board had the authority to trespass McDonald.
tired of ignorance says
McDonald is a danger to everyone in this county. She isn’t following the law, she is an ignorant, misinformed ideologue. We need to vote her out before she actually hurts someone.
Christopher Goodfellow says
Insufferable. Continue your good work FlaglerLive in pointing out the lunacy in Flagler.
flatsflyer says
This woman is sick and should be removed from the Board. She has been indoctrinated by her husband.
Only Me says
So since the Bd of Ed can’t boot her this is up to people when you vote please research who you are voting for an this one should never be elected again.
Stop voting for someone just because you see their name again and again. It is time this County gets rid of those that continually drag Flagler County down.
Jimbo99 says
As much of the general population not wearing masks anywhere out & about in public. We’ve had Alpha, Beta, Delta & now Omicron. Until anyone breaks out the stats of cases & deaths for each and whatever outbreaks each variant has had as mini-identifiable waves of any given variant. Justifying that a mask or even a vaccine is any more relevant than the masks or vaccines are for the flu in terms of spreading anything. Covid as a 2 year thing is a lot worse & colossal than it would be statistically if it were broken out by variant, by year. For example, how does anyone explain away with science that 2021 deaths with vaccines exceed 2020 deaths without vaccines ? I mean, 2021, 3 vaccines and as much as 80% of the population vaccinated. How smart would a virus have to be to spread to the 20+% of the population that was unvaccinated and end up being just as lethal a virus for a raw head count number ? A theory would be that everyone is a carrier, asymptomatic or milder cases. And if that is the case, there is existing herd immunity with or without a vaccine. If people are able to have immunity systems that fight off the virus naturally, what is the science of masks beyond the immediate filter of an exposure ? We’re back to what any filter would prevent. So if one can get a case of Covid attending school or even going to a restaurant or anywhere else and be asymptomatic or mild case long after taking an SAT test for the day or however long the testing takes these days. Who is really to say that anyone got it sitting for the exams even ? I’ll wager that Fauci can’t even explain that away scientifically ?
JLS says
This was not a Flagler County Schools event; it was a College Board event who had rented a Flagler County Schools facility. So Ms. MacDonald was not there as a member of the Flagler County School Board– but in a personal capacity. Why the College Board monitors allowed a private citizen to stay and did not contact authorities is certainly curious. It doesn’t seem as if Ms. MacDonald’s actions would be protected by the School Boards D&O insurance.
Pissed Off says
My son took his SAT on Saturday. He saw and heard what Mrs. McDonald did at the check-in/reservation area for the SAT. It really upset and confused him. He is in the IB program and is a straight-A student. The bottom line is that I will not accept the SAT scores (High or Low) because of Mcdonald’s interference and adding stress upon the test takers. This school board member is out of control! I think that because the McDonald family loves to sue everybody, it is now time for Janet McDonald to face a lawsuit. Maybe even the Flagler County school board should be sued as well. I am in contact with my attorneys in Philadelphia, PA. to see what my options are!
Michael Hawk says
Hello Mrs. Pissed Off, before I begin I will be in contact with my Lawer Mark Richard’s best lawyer in America. As a straight A student myself, and being apart of a prestigious school program like IB for the past 4 years, I would have to disagree with everything that you are claiming about distractions that occurred during Saturday’s test, as I, myself was there and feel strongly that I performed the best on this past weekends test. When I was testing Saturday, December 4th. I faced ZERO distractions and strongly feel that the testing environment was distraction free and welcoming. College Board should not be able to dictate their own mandates and rules that go against one’s for OUR state and county. It is unfortunate that your child is confused by the testing circumstances Saturday, as they were nothing out of the ordinary comparing to any school-day this year. I refuse to wear a mask while taking an exam that will control my future. Personally, I struggle to perform at my highest potential while wearing a muzzle. The past times taking this exam, I have felt light-headed due to college boards “rule” that mask must be worn. You don’t have to be a medical professional or a scientist to be able to identify the fact that a mask if worn correctly can hinder oxygen intake. If you disagree, go wear one of the masks distributed at the testing site and try to function with it on correctly for 5 hours. Besides the light headed feelings, I can agree 100% with McDonald’s statement that they can affect cognitive function. At this past test, I was not wearing a mask, and I was able to carry on through the test in a timely manner and complete all what was provided. On tests I’ve taken prior to this one, I’ve struggle to complete all the sections in time. I believe there is nothing else to blame but masks to my past poor performances. If your child feels safer with a mask, they should wear it, other students not wearing masks and distractions that possibly happened prior to testing should not be blamed for your child’s poor performance. In the real world, everything doesn’t go your way, if you disagree with McDonald looking out for Flagler County students move to a different county or state that will put no effort or passion into ensuring students are academically successful.
Bill C says
You missed the point- she had no jurisdiction or authority to be there. Whether or not you want to wear a mask is a separate issue. Save yourself the legal fees from “the best lawyer in America”.
Michael Hawk says
Howdy Bill C. Thank you for joining us. As she had no jurisdiction there why did the test proctors follow her instruction? She is not the president and she is not college board so they could have ignored her guidance and had her trespassed like you wished but it didn’t happen. Don’t the test proctors work for college board. So hypothetically they would be pretty familiar with the rules and policy especially because they all were equipped with it Saturday morning. McDonald was at Matanzas fighting for the rights of students. We live in the land of the free, not the Cuckoos nest where a lot of you belong. Whether you agree or disagree it is completely ridiculous that a student doesn’t have a wear a mask monday – friday 8 am to 2:15 pm but when they come to a half empty classroom on a Saturday morning, they must follow the rules of college board and wear a mask as it’s only fair to “confuse” the kids by changing their testing environment to something they aren’t used to anymore.
Also, look up my lawyer if you disagree.
Merry Christmas William
Pissed Off says
I read your comments with interest. Your parents have done a wonderful job of programming you with rote responses. One day, you will be able to think for yourself grasshopper! By the way, if you had to have major surgery, would you rather that the surgical team not wear face masks?
Michael Hawk says
I wouldn’t be wearing a mask as I am not a surgeon. The use of masks in an operating room are to not contaminate open wounds or the nurses and doctors. I remember a time where I could go to school and take a test and not wear a mask and fear that I would contaminate my test, I guess today is a different situation. And thank you for complimenting my parents, you are not the first person to do so. I would also like to pat you on the back young grasshopper for raising your child to be confused as a straight A, IB student.
Merry Christmas Mrs.Pissed off.
Sh says
It’s probably the other way around miss pissed off. Your parents must have programmed you to do these kinds of things. Michael Hawk sounds like a very mature and intelligent student who can defend himself and doesn’t need mommy and daddy.
Sh says
I totally agree with you and it’s a shame you and others have to go through this. While you and others had to suffer before with masks on during your SAT test and worked so hard to do your utmost best, you are now faced with this unforeseen issue.
A.j says
Another white female doing what she want to do, no consequences. Had she been a person of color would the outcome be the same, probably not. Cops and guns is what would probably have happened. I guess other Karen’s will do the same thing.
Dime says
I agree with you, if this women of color you are referring to showed up on a campus and was not affiliated with the school or the school board she would have been shot, as would a white man, or a blue man.
Stop point things at race. The reason racistism is still a topic today is because people push racist agendas that have no significance to the situation.
Sh says
This is not about race. Why are you instigating trouble!
Ted Underhill says
Janet “Karen” McDonald is a bafoon! This broad is a walking talking soup sandwich. Fellow voters it is time to end her reign, surely she is not the best choice to impact our children’s future.
Sherry says
@Pissed Off. . . Love the “Grasshopper” reference. A great retort for a laughable comment from a young person who unfortunately is already indoctrinated.
Michael Hawk says
Thank you for your kind response. It is very comforting to see elders supporting the youth.
Imagine a world where children laughed at statements that adults strongly believed it.
It would be an unfortunate time when this comes.
On the other hand, thank God for freedom of speech, but it seems having an opposing view as a a few community members makes me wrong and not my own opinion. It is unfortunate that I am indoctrinated. But I would like to include my views and opinions are mine and are often very different from my parents, teachers, peers, and anyone who has an influence on me.
You should’ve been gone
Knowing how I made you feel
And I should’ve been gone
After all your words of steel
Oh, I must’ve been a dreamer
And I must’ve been someone else
And we should’ve been over
Oh, Sherrie, our love
Holds on, holds on
Oh, Sherrie, our love
Holds on, holds on
Steve Perry – Oh Sherrie
Merry Christmas Sherry
Hopefully you won’t get coal again this year!