Today’s weather: partly cloudy, high of 84, low of 65. Details here.
Today’s fire danger is Low. Flagler County’s Drought Index is at 341
The weather in Ahmedabad, India: smoky, high of 108, low of 82. Details.
The OED’s Word of the Day: psephocracy, n..
The Live Community Calendar
Today’s jail bookings.
Today’s Briefing: Quick Links
- In Flagler and Palm Coast
- In Court
- In State Government
- Beyond
- In the Press
- Local Road and Interstate Construction
- PR Releases
- Blood Donations Needed
- In Coming Days in Flagler and Palm Coast
- Cultural Coda
Note: all government meetings noticed below are free and open to the public unless otherwise indicated.
Last Chance weekend: Friday, Saturday and Sunday: “Committed,” At City Repertory Theatre: Don’t miss the Florida debut of “Committed,” a musical Featuring 13 original songs penned by Flagler Palm Coast High School graduate Andrew David Sotomayor. Written by Tricia Brouk, “Committed” brings audiences inside the psych ward to find out what happens when life begins to fray at the edges, and how people hold themselves together. “Committed” is a dark and beautiful book musical about eight people working through the pain of their mental illnesses. Pain is pain. We all know it, we all feel it, we all relate to it. Sometimes it’s difficult to talk about. “Committed” is a theatrical experience that brings awareness to mental illness and with compassion and humor, try to get past the suffering. The hope is to use art and entertainment to de-stigmatize mental illness and get people talking about it.An unforgettable show that you won’t want to miss. Tickets are $25. Call the box office at 386/585-9415 or click here for immediate ticketing. Show times: May 8 and 9 at 7:30 p.m., matinee May 10 at 2 p.m.
Friday night: The Flagler Palm Coast High School Prom is tonight at the Daytona Beach Hilton.
Saturday: Teen Poetry Gathering for teens 12 to 18 at the Flagler County Library in Palm Coast, starting at 10 a.m.
Saturday: 5th Annual Mayday Memorial Surf Classic at the Flagler Beach Pier.
Saturday: At the Flagler County Art League, “Figuratively Speaking,” a new art show, opens with a 6 p.m. reception. All works will focus on either clothed or nude figures. The human figure will be celebrated with works of art in painting, drawing, sculpture, and fine craft. The 4th Annual CPSA 117 Colored Pencil Show will be in the studio gallery. (City Marketplace in Palm Coast.)
Saturday: Jam Session at Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreational Area in Flagler Beach: Musicians of all levels are encouraged to bring instruments and a chair to join the circle for a casual acoustic jam session. Or just come to listen to great music! Feel free to bring snacks and non-alcoholic beverages. The Jam is held the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. RSVP is required. Please register at http://tinyurl.com/GRparkevents. Contact Jennifer Giblin at 386-517-2086 or email [email protected] with any questions. Park entrance fee is $5.00 per carload of 2-8 people; one person is $4.00; bicyclist or pedestrian is $2.00.
Saturday and Sunday: Team Florida Elite Lacrosse Summer Showcase, which has established itself as the elite lacrosse college recruiting combine in the South. College coaches from Division I, II, III and Club are present to evaluate and scout potential college lacrosse players from our state. This year the event anticipates a total of 65 college coaches in attendance. At the Indian Trails Sports Complex in Palm Coast. Visit the website.
Saturday: Brian Earl Foster Invitational Championship Bull Riding at the Flagler County Fairgrounds, 150 Sawgrass Rd, Bunnell, Gates open early at 4 p.m. Admission: $15 Adults ~ $8 Children 12 and under.
Saturday: ZZ Top is in concert at the St Augustine Amphitheatre, 1340C A1A South On Anastasia Isle (6 p.m.)
Closure Note: The City of Palm Coast’s Belle Terre Tennis Courts will be closed beginning Tuesday, May 12, for resurfacing. The project is expected to take two to three weeks to complete. See more details in the Coming Days section below.

Asiude from over 50 pre-trial motions before County Judge Melissa Moore Stens starting at 9 a.m. in Courtroom 404, judges have a scaled-down court schedule.
A foreclosure sale for four properties is scheduled at 11 a.m. in the civil department lobby.
Note: Most proceedings below can be followed live on the Florida Channel.
The Central Florida Water Initiative Steering Committee discusses water issues in the region. The steering committee includes members from the St. Johns River Water Management District, the South Florida Water Management District, the Southwest Florida Water Management District and representatives of other agencies. (9:30 a.m., 951 Martin Luther King Blvd., Kissimmee.)
–Compiled by the News Service of Florida
Britain wakes up to a Conservative sweep in the election.
The Labor Department releases unemployment numbers for April. See the story here.
70 years ago today, Harry Truman declared victory in World War II on the European front. Victory on the Pacific front would come three months later.

Cameron and Conservatives Win 5 More Years in Britain: “The Conservatives have secured an overall majority in Parliament, to conclude one of the most hotly contested and unpredictable general elections in years. In the face of final opinion polls which wrongly suggested that Labour and the Conservatives would be neck and neck, the Tories stormed ahead to secure 331 of seats in the House of Commons, while Labour was left reeling after it won only 232. But the Tories’ coalition partners, the Liberal Democrats, did the worst of the main political parties, and were left with 8 seats. Meanwhile, the SNP secured 56 seats, Ukip 1, Greens 1, Plaid 3, and other parties scored 18. […] However, even with an overall majority, governing will not be easy for Mr Cameron. He will need all his MPs to attend the House of Commons for every vote to ensure he cannot be defeated by the combined forces of opposition. He will also be vulnerable to rebellions from his own back benches on issues such as Europe.” From the UK Independent.
Jeb Bush leads GOP pack in New Hampshire: The former Florida governor nabbed 15 percent among likely Republican primary voters, with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio close behind with 12 percent. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker follows with 11 percent, and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul attracted 10 percent. Others in the mix include Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (6 percent); Donald Trump (5 percent); and Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Rick Perry (4 percent each). […] The numbers follow a Quinnipiac University poll of likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers, in which Walker finished first and Bush in seventh place. By a narrow margin, jobs and the economy remain the most pressing issue for all New Hampshirites surveyed in both parties.” From Politico.
SeaWorld Reports Net Loss: “The company declined to give details about attendance in the current quarter, during which SeaWorld has received bad press on everything from a former killer-whale trainer writing a tell-all book to Mattel’s decision to stop manufacturing SeaWorld Barbies. The company said an earlier Easter that helped in the first quarter would hurt in the second one. […] SeaWorld reported a net loss of $43.6 million, or 51 cents per diluted share, for the first quarter. Analysts had expected a loss of 59 cents per share. While some analysts came away from with a positive view of Thursday’s news, the stock closed at $21.09, down 2.1 percent. […] For the first quarter, SeaWorld generated revenue of $214.6 million — 1 percent more than the same quarter last year. Year-over-year attendance spiked 5.6 percent. Spending per person declined 4.2 percent, however, because of promotions and increased visitation from pass holders, who tend to spend less on gifts.” From the Orlando Sentinel.
See Also:
Manby also briefly talked about the expansion SeaWorld announced last year of its three killer-whale tanks. The first, in San Diego, is “still on track” to open in 2018, he said.
Road and Interstate Construction:
Palm Coast: Palm Coast Parkway between Cypress Point Parkway and Florida Park Drive. IMPACTS: Lane shifts and closures will occur and this may cause traffic congestion on this already busy roadway. Most construction work will occur between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. though weather and unforeseen issues may adjust the schedules. This project will be complete by December 2015.”
Matanzas Parkway Bridge at I-95 Matanazas Parkway at the I-95 bridge will close on June 5 at 7 p.m. for the I-95 interchange project and will remain closed until Aug. 9. Detour will be via Old Kings Road. Details here.
Flagler County: County Road 305 is now detour-free.
Volusia: I-4 Widening from SR 44 to east of I-95, Monday and Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Eastbound/Westbound shoulder closing. Sunday through Thursday, Eastbound and Westbound lane closures as needed from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. Motorists should be aware of traffic shifts near Canal St./SR 44.
- Palm Coast Parkway Project Website
- Florida Department of Transportation Road Project List
- County Road 304 Project Map and Description
Flagler Beach Police Offers Safe Place to Close Your Online Transactions in Person: Are you looking for a safer way to close your on-line (Craig’s List, “Facebook’s SwipSwap”, etc.) transactions? If the answer to that questions is yes, we’ve got a brand new program especially for you. The dangers of meeting strangers at a remote location to trade items has ended too many times in senseless violence and this trend continues to occur across the nation. This program is specifically designed to provide a safe place to trade, which in turn will protect all parties involved. In a proactive effort to protect our citizens, the Flagler Beach Police Department is welcoming the public to utilize our Department’s lobby and parking lot to close their online transactions in a safer manner for all involved parties. The Flagler Beach Police Department is centrally located at 204 South Flagler Avenue. In addition to utilizing the Police Department as an “On-Line Transaction Safe Place”, our Police Officers will be available to stand by in order to increase both the buyer’s and seller’s sense of security. Along with our commitment to the safety of all parties involved, the Flagler Beach Police Department is committed to ensuring that on-line transactions conducted in our City are being done so with merchandise that hasn’t been reported as stolen. Police Officers will be available to check any item’s serial number against the State of Florida and National databases (to include NCIC and Leads On-Line) to ensure that transactions don’t include items that have been reported and/or entered into databases as stolen. To schedule an appointment, please contact our Staff at the Police Department between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Feel free to stop by to make your appointment or call us at 386-517-2020. If you have any questions about the aforementioned information, please contact Captain Doughney or any member of the Flagler Beach Police Department.
Team members Fred Greiner (captain), Tom Martens, Peter Roussell and Jim Hogan (coach) correctly answered more questions than any other team competing at the annual Florida Water Resource Conference (FWRC) in Orlando. FWRC is a joint conference of the American Water Works Association, The Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA), and the Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association (FWPCOA). Questions in this competition covered a broad range of operational topics including basic science, chemistry, hydrology, water distribution, public health and sanitation, plant maintenance, safety and process control. The annual contest recognizes and promotes excellence in all aspects of water operations, giving operators the opportunity to showcase their knowledge and talents. The Palm Coast team has won the state championship for nine of the past 11 years. “The Top Ops team is excited to again bring home the win, and we’re looking forward to advancing to the national competition,” said Hogan, Palm Coast Utility Systems Manager of Water Operation. “The team’s dedication and competitive drive to excel in this fast-paced contest, involving all technical aspects of water treatment, ultimately benefits the citizens of Palm Coast by having a better, more-motivated and highly trained operating staff for the City’s water treatment plants.” The City’s state-champion Top Ops Team will compete for the top national honors at the American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE) to be held in Anaheim, Calif., in June. Since 2005, the Water Buoys have won the national competition five times – including in 2014. Also at the conference this week, Utility Department staff accepted the Florida Water Environment Association’s David W. York Water Reuse Award. The 2015 Water Reuse Project of the Year was awarded for the City’s innovative new concentrate Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system. For more information, please contact Jim Hogan, City of Palm Coast Utility Systems Manager of Water Operations, at 386-986-2374.
May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month: Share the Road: In a state where growing numbers of motorcycles and vehicle drivers share the roads, it is important for all motorists to practice safe driving behaviors to prevent motorcycle crashes. With more than 80,000 miles of roads and ideal, year-round riding conditions, Florida is a popular location for motorcyclists. More than a million drivers in Florida have a motorcycle endorsement on their driver licenses and there are over 600,000 motorcycles registered in the state, not including all of the out-of-state motorcycle enthusiasts that come to Florida to ride. With the anticipated increase in motorcycle traffic during the summer months, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles and the Florida Department of Transportation are promoting May as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month in Florida. “Regardless of your mode of transportation, safety comes first,” said Col. David Brierton, director of the Florida Highway Patrol. “Last year, there were nearly 10,000 motorcycle crashes in Florida that resulted in 440 deaths and more than 9,800 injuries. By staying alert and using common sense and courtesy, drivers and riders alike can help to create a safer road environment for everyone.” FDOT Secretary Jim Boxold said, “Florida has great weather and roads for motorcycle enthusiasts. FDOT is committed to making roads safe and usable by all, including motorcyclists. We all need to share the road and look twice for motorcycles.” In 2013, 462 motorcyclists including passengers were killed in traffic crashes, a slight increase from 2012 (457). Those deaths account for 19.2% of the total highway fatalities that year, despite motorcycle registrations representing only 3% of all vehicles in Florida. DHSMV and FDOT are asking motorcyclists to ride smart and motorists to share the road by using these simple tips.
Tips for motorcyclists:
Make yourself more visible to motorists: Wear bright colors.
Always wear safety gear.
Train regularly.
Stay out of blind spots, especially around large trucks. The smaller the vehicle, the more difficult it is for truck drivers to see it.
Obey the speed limit. Twenty percent of speed-related motorcycle crashes (46) in 2014 resulted in a fatality.
Always drive sober.
Inspect your motorcycle before each ride to ensure your safety by having it in good working order.
Reducing the number of motorcycle-involved crashes goes beyond training and prevention on the part of the motorcyclist. Motorcycles are vehicles with the same rights and privileges as any motor vehicle on the roadway.
Tips for drivers:
Always allow a motorcyclist the full lane width; never try to share a lane.
Check for motorcycles by looking in your mirrors and blind spots before entering or leaving a lane of traffic and at intersections. Remain extra vigilant when entering or crossing intersections. In 2014, 15 percent (66) fatal motorcycle-involved crashes occurred within an intersection.
Do not tailgate. Allow more following distance when following a motorcycle, so the motorcyclist has enough time to maneuver or stop in an emergency.
Eyes on the road, hands on the wheel, and mind on driving – don’t drive distracted.
Always drive sober.
Palm Coast’s Belle Terre Tennis Courts to close for 2-3 weeks for resurfacing: The City of Palm Coast’s Belle Terre Tennis Courts will be closed beginning Tuesday, May 12, for resurfacing. The project is expected to take two to three weeks to complete. The court surface will be repaired, repainted and restriped. The restriping will include dual lines, meaning that the courts will have the regular tennis lines and then “shadow” lines for pickleball (on the outer courts) and U10 tennis (on the center court.) During this closure and through November 2015, the Palm Coast Tennis Center, 1290 Belle Terre Pkwy., will offer reduced rates for players. Prices shown are per person:
· Monday – $5 from 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
· Tuesday – 2 for Tuesday $2 from 4-8 p.m.
· Wednesday – $4 from 4-6 p.m. and $2.50 from 6-8 p.m.
· Thursday – $4 from 4-8 p.m.
· Friday, Saturday and Sunday – $5 from 8-11 a.m. and $2.50 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Additionally, other public hard-surface courts are available at:
· Seminole Woods Neighborhood Park (1 court – lighted), 350 Sesame Blvd., Palm Coast
· Old Dixie Park (1 court), 1250 S. Dixie Hwy., Bunnell
· Wadsworth Park (3 courts), 2200 Moody Blvd., Flagler Beach
The City’s pickleball program is suspended at this time and will resume at Belle Terre Park once the resurfacing project is completed. Once pickleball resumes, it will be held on Wednesdays from 6-8 p.m. and on Fridays from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. For additional questions, please call Palm Coast Parks & Recreation at 386-986-2323.
Stewart-Marchman-Act Behavioral Healthcare will run a free Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) certification course for Flagler County residents on Friday, May 15, from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Flagler County Government Services Building. The course will be instructed by Sini Summerlin, MHFA instructor, who will teach a five-step action plan to offer initial help to people with signs and symptoms of a mental illness, or who are in crisis, and learn to connect them with the appropriate professional, peer, social or self help care. “You are more likely to come in contact with a person who is experiencing a mental illness than a person suffering from a heart attack,” stated Summerlin. “This is an essential course to take for anyone that works with young adults,” added Summerlin. Anyone that resides or works in Flagler County can take the 8-hour Youth Mental Health First Aid course, but it is ideally designed for adults who work with young people, ages 12-18 — teachers, coaches, leaders of faith communities, social workers, and other caring citizens Seating is limited and registration is required. The Flagler County Government Services Building is located at 1769 E. Moody Blvd. in Bunnell and the class will be held in Building 2, 3rd Floor, Room 3. To register, follow this link.
For more information or to participate in a Mental Health First Aid training in Flagler County, visit www.mentalhealthfirstaid-florida.com or email Sini Summerlin, MHFA contact at [email protected].
The Florida Agricultural Museum will be co-hosting an orienteering event on Saturday, May 16, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the museum facility, 7900 Old Kings Road North in Palm Coast. The event is being produced by the Florida Orienteering Club. There is a $2 per person registration fee. In addition there is a map fee of $4 for club members and $6 for non-members. Orienteering is the sport of navigating a series of designated locations on an outdoor course with a map and compass. The event is suitable for all ages. No experience is necessary and instructors will be on site for assistance. Closed toe shoes, sunscreen, insect repellent and water are recommended for all participants. The museum recently opened a permanent orienteering course at its facility. It is available when the museum is open to the public. There is $5 charge per user. The event will take place rain or shine. For more information, please visit floridaagmuseum.org or floridaorienteering.org or by contacting (386) 446-7630 or [email protected].
Food Truck Tuesdays on Tuesday, May 19: Enjoy gourmet food and family fun – all for a great cause – from 5-8 p.m. at Central Park in Town Center, 975 Central Ave., Palm Coast. This month, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office will provide demonstrations by its K-9 Unit, Command Unit and Mounted Posse. Entertainment will be hosted by Flagler Sheriff’s PAL, including a DJ, music, face-painting, and fun games with prizes for kids. The Food Truck event will feature about a dozen food trucks – mobile kitchens, canteens and catering trucks that offer up gourmet foods including appetizers, main dishes, side dishes and desserts. Many menus are kid-friendly. The food trucks signed up for May include:
· Caketeer – gourmet cupcakes
· Kona Dog – Hawaiian Style Hot Dog, pulled pork, fries, coconut shrimp
· Monsta Lobsta – crab rolls, spicy lobster rolls, lobster bisque
· London Fishy & Chippy – corn fritters, fish tacos, butter beer (non-alcoholic)
· It’s All Greek to Me – gyros (chicken, pork), Italian sausage
· Flaming Pizza – pizza, calzones, wraps
· Magic4urPlate – salmon, grouper, crab and shaved beef
· El Cubanito Subs – Cuban sandwiches, onion rings, steak sandwiches, pastrami subs, mahi, mohi
· Corl Concessions – cotton candy, snow-cones, hot chocolate, coffee
· Mama’s Foods – chicken quesadillas, fried shrimp, chicken tenders
· Chi Phi – chili cheese fries, roast pork sandwiches, hot dogs, salad, cheese curds
· Bruster’s Real Ice Cream/Nathan’s – ice cream and shaved ice
· Barnwood BBQ – Angus beef brisket, ribs, mac & cheese, pulled pork, fried fruit pies
Proceeds from the May 19 Food Truck Tuesday will go to Flagler Sheriff’s PAL. Food Truck Tuesdays is held every other month, on the third Tuesday of the month. Food Truck Tuesdays is presented by the City of Palm Coast Parks & Recreation Department. For more information, call 386-986-2323 or visit www.palmcoastgov.com/foodtruck.
Blood donations are urgently needed. Patients in our local hospitals are in need of blood transfusions, and the need for blood does not take a holiday. That’s why OneBlood is asking people to donate immediately.
Big Red Bus schedule in Flagler-Palm Coast:
Friday May 8th 8:00AM – 2:15PM Matanzas High School, 3535 Old Kings Road, Palm Coast
Wednesday May 13th 11:30AM -4:30PM Department of Health Flagler, 301 Dr. Carter BLvd, Bunnell
Thursday May 14th 9:00AM – 2:00PM Florida Hospital Flagler, 60 Memorial Med Parkway, Palm Coast
Friday May 15th 1:00PM – 6:00PM Epic Theatre, 1185 Central Ave, Palm Coast
Saturday May 16th 9:00AM – 2:00PM Bunnell Festival, 200 East Moody Blvd, Bunnell
Monday May 18th 11:00AM – 4:00PM City of Palm Coast, 160 Cypress Point Parkway, Palm Coast
Wednesday May 20th 12:00PM – 5:00PM US Post Office, 2 Pine Cone Drive, Palm Coast
Friday May 22nd 1:00PM – 6:00PM Epic Theatre, 1185 Central Ave, Palm Coast
Sunday May 24th McDonalds Restaurant, 5190 East Highway 100, Palm Coast
Monday May 25th Bealls Outlet, 9 Old Kings road, Palm Coast
Friday May 29th Zaxby’s, 180 Cypress Edge Drive, Palm Coast
Saturday May 30th Walmart Supercenter, 174 Cypress Point Parkway, Palm Coast
Sunday May 31st Lowe’s, 315 Cypress Edge Drive, Palm Coast
Cultural Coda:
A Short History of the Venice Biennale:

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