Services for Kevin Walsh: A memorial service for Kevin Walsh, one of the two victims of the vehicle-vs-pedestrian wreck in Palm Coast last week, will be held at Clymer Funeral Home on North Old Kings Road, past Staples, before the Italian American club, Tuesday, Feb. 16, from 6 to 8 p.m.
A Note from Natasha Walsh: Today (Sunday, Feb. 14) at 5 p.m. we will be meeting at the beach 11th North Street to memorialize Kevin. Other services are being planning accordingly but this is something we wanted to do right away and would like to extend the invitation to anyone and everyone that has had the pleasure to know Kevin in one way or another. Thanks to all of the amazing support I have received on behalf of the family, I will be handling the funds in order to cover the expenses of the funeral.
Kevin Walsh, 29, and Jessica Darby, 22, both of Palm Coast, were killed late Thursday night in the construction zone off Forest Grove Drive.
Walsh and Darby were run over by a Mack dump truck that was backing up, unaware that the two victims were behind the vehicle. Paul Beagan, who was at the wheel of the truck and moments before had been trying to help Walsh and Darby, was taken to Florida Hospital Flagler with chest pains.
Darby was reportedly pregnant.
The incident unfolded at 10:30 p.m. after Walsh tried to drive his pick-up truck through the construction zone, according to the Florida Highway Patrol. Walsh’s truck got stuck in the dirt. He contacted friends, among them Darby, to come help. They tried to get the truck unstuck a few times, unsuccessfully.
Beagan, a construction worker in the extension project, was nearby and offered to help, using his dump truck. But the dump truck was also unable to get the pick-up unstuck from the dirt. Beagan then readied to leave the area, backing up his truck. He didn’t realize that Walsh and Darby were behind the dump truck just then. Both were pronounced dead at the scene.
The construction project, started late last year, is realigning and extending Palm Harbor Parkway to connect with Matanzas Woods Parkway where it intersects with Old Kings Road. The extension was scheduled for completion this month.
Aside from the Florida Highway Patrol and the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, the Palm Coast Fire Department and Flagler County Fire Rescue responded, and the Palm Coast Fire Police regulated traffic, closing Forest Grove in the crash zone.
Jim says
So sad, rest in peace Lil kev
Anonymous says
Death is all around us. We definitely don’t know when or how we’re going to leave this life. My condolences to the families of those young accident victims as well as the driver, as he life will ultimately be changed forever. This is an extremely sad story! 😭😭😭
Anonymous says
How very tragic that these two lives were lost. How does a dump truck just back over two people? I am not an expert but they are loud, heavy trucks…How fast was the truck going to back over over two people like that?? My prayers are with the families all of all involved. May the victims of this accident RIP. Prayers for the driver that tried to assist these two young souls, that he is able to heal from what occurred as well.
Barb says
What a horrible accident. I am so sorry for everyone.
Cindy C. says
OMG what a horrible tragedy~ Why would he try to drive thru the construction zone when it clearly stats not to do that….prayers for all the families involved
The Truth says
What a horrible tragedy. I have also read that Ms. Darby was pregnant and the two were engaged. How sad these two lives were taken so soon in such a freak accident. My thoughts and prayers are with their families.
One furious mom says
I don’t know Ms Darby but I pray for her family in this rough time. I did know Kecin he was an amazing guy! Such a nice caring giving fun guy! He beat my ass at cornhole a time or two. My prayers and condolences to his family – parents sister and beautiful niece. No parent should lose a child at any age. Prayers to the driver may he find some peace in the future. It was an accident- tragic to say the least.
Forever Young says
My condolences to both families. It so terrible to loose a child, friend at such young ages. May the creator have them by his side and may they Rest in Peace but always REMEMBERED !!!!
Billy dwyer says
They were not engage I’m Kevin’s cousin
steve miller says
Why were they standing behind the dump truck and didn’t the truck make a sound when it was backing up?
sheila says
That area is horrible and very dark at night. If you have never been there before, It is impossible to know that it is a closed off construction zone until you are right up in there! It is ridiculous to say the least! There should be signs posted well before with arrows showing the detour (the last few times that I went, there weren’t any signs showing the detour).
This is really a shame and my prayers go out to all involved.
Outsider says
This is awful. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of these young people.
Kenneth walsh says
Cuz-my best friend. I love you and you will be missed
Nathaly D says
This is sad. My teacher is his sister. In a way, all tragedies are connected to us somehow.
Donna Lee says
My heart goes out to the families and loved ones of this tragic accident. This is a freak accident that occurred and unfortunately resulted in two people being killed. It’s a very sad situation that can’t even be explained, But I can’t even begin to imagine how horrible the man who offered the help must feel. He could have just stayed going to where he was on his way but because of his kind heart to help someone he will now have to live with that nightmare for ever. It’s sad that a good intention to help someone can turn out being a wrong decision. I’m praying for him and the families
Very Sad Person says
I was Just Talking To Her The Other Day So Sad
Shark says
Don’t these trucks have beepers to alert anyone behind them ?????????????????
Shark says
I thought these large trucks had a beeper to alert anyone behind them !
Donna c says
So sad.
Anonymous says
Very sad, and avoidable. If they hadn’t been where they weren’t supposed to be, they’d still be with us today.
Howard Duley says
Oh my God, what a tragic thing to have happen. With all the murderers and evil people in the word you would think if there really is a God he could do a lot better than this.
Groot says
A tragedy. No doubt unavoidable. So sorry to hear the news. Two, no three lives lost. Thank you for reporting this.
Colleen Brown says
I still don’t understand I’m still in shock! I love you and miss you dearly!!
Anthony loves and misses u buddy!!
And to Jessica & her unborn baby I don’t know you but my heart aches just as bad for you and ur family! !!
RIP all of you!!!
Cassie says
So very sad. I was trying to figure it out and I am definitely not a C.S.I., but perhaps they were behind the vehicle “unhooking” a rope or chain of some sort that was used in the attempt to pull out the truck?? I can’t imagine why a young pregnant girl would be anywhere near something as strenuous and dangerous as towing in the dark.Just goes to show how big her heart was,trying to help her friend Kevin. Was her boyfriend injured at all as he is not mentioned in story? The whole community wants answers, sadly unexpected deaths never make sense & will not bring them back. I had the pleasure of knowing Jess from Thrillz as well as her job with my son. What an incredible beautiful, fun amazing young lady. Being a Mom myself, I cant imagine burying a cild, my deepest condolences to her parents. We will miss you alot Jess & peace to both families. My heart breaks for you all.
Layla says
Did the truck have a beeper, and if so, why didn’t they move? There is more to this story, I believe. Unbelievable tragedy for all involved. Prayers for the families.
Groot says
I agree Layla. How did this happen and why? Simple and innocent questions, how did this happen and why?
yankee says
there are huge construction/road closed signs in both directions. if you find them difficult to spot, perhaps you should turn in your license. Not only that but to even access the closed section one would have to squeeze a vehicle between the sings on the palm harbor side or go around them on the forest grove end.
This is a tragic accident, but signage on the road is not in any way to blame.
observer says
Is that a 24 hr site? Seems weird that a dumptruck driver was around that late….
Anonymous says
Wow what a shame and how strange??
Brian Riehle says
According to a report from another local news outlet, the Construction Company who runs the site and owns the dump truck claimed that the they had no employees on site at the time of the accident, and that the person named as the dump truck driver was not their employee.
Brian Riehle says
Weird indeed….according to what was reported in another local news outlet, the Construction company who owns the dump truck and is in charge of the project claimed that the person driving the truck was not their employee and they had no employees on site at the time of the accident.
Brian Riehle
Stephanie Laduca says
Paul is a great guy..and obviously didn’t mean to hurt anybody..hes a retired veteran and has been through hell himself..he has a heart of gold..and would do anything to help anybody..its a tragic situation on both ends honestly..
Abbey Cooke says
There will be having a memorial service for Kevin Walsh at Clymer Funeral Home on North Old Kings Rd (past Staples before the Italian American club) tomorrow from 6pm-8pm.
Ron Reut says
Such a tragedy for Jessica Darby and Kevin Walsh on that sad day. What a terrible thing to happen to these two young people in our community. This is a tragedy for all involved and for Jessica and her unborn Son Ethan Bowden George OMG terrible.
My heart goes out for Jessica, Ethan, Kevin and Families.