Jonathan Rockholt, a 38-year-old Palm Coast resident who described himself as a member of the Three Percenters militia, was arrested on three federal charges in connection with the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, where he confronted and attempted to overcome police. He made his first court appearance in a Middle District of Florida courtroom today.
Rockholt, who was armed at the Capitol, was one of five Floridians arrested today in three states for breaching the grounds of the Capitol following a speech by then-President Trump who fueled the attack that followed. Rioters were attempting to halt the House and Senate’s certification of Joe Biden as president, had erected a gallows, and came within 40 feet of then-Vice President Pence, one of their targets.
Three Percenters were among those who disrupted Flagler County School Board meetings last year, and who faced off against local students and faculty demonstrating against the banning of books. Three Percenters and others attempted to drown out the demonstration and directed obscenities and slurs at the students. An attempt by the school board to denounce hate groups failed, because of opposition by Board members Jill Woolbright and Janet McDonald, who claimed the participants in hate groups were not Flagler-based.
Rockholt’s arrest and identification as a Three Percenter suggests otherwise. (The Southern Poverty Law Center categorizes the Three Percenters as “a sub-ideology or common belief that falls within the larger antigovernment militia movement.”)
There have been other documented local connections to the Jan. 6 pro-Trump demonstration–itself premised on the false and discredited claim that the election was fraudulent–but not necessarily the insurrection that followed.
Shortly before the Jan. 6 insurrection, Commissioner Joe Mullins sponsored busloads of participants who took part in the Jan. 6 protest just before the insurrection. It’s never been established whether any of those participants took part in the breach, or whether Rockholt was part of the group bused to Washington, where Mullins joined the group after flying there.
Before the Palm Coast and Flagler participants boarded buses at the county fairgrounds, they received a set of pointers from the Flagler County Sheriff’s Mike Lutz, with an approving Mullins standing by:
Rockholt, along with Benjamin Cole, 38, of Leesburg, John Edward Crowley, 50, of Windermere, and Brian Preller, 33, of Mount Dora, are charged with the felony offense of interfering with a law enforcement officer during a civil disorder. They are also charged with misdemeanor offenses of entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds and disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, as is Tyler Bensch, 20, of Casselberry.
According to a Department of Justice release and court documents, the five men self-identified as members of the “B Squad,” a subgroup of a militia-style, Florida based organization known as the “Guardians of Freedom,” which adheres to the ideology of the “Three Percenters.”
They traveled to Washington, D.C., with others in the “B Squad”–the release does not specify what means of transportation they used–and stayed at a hotel on Jan. 5, 2021. On Jan. 6, the five were among those illegally gathered on the Capitol grounds. Cole wore a tactical vest. Preller wore a tactical vest with a chemical irritant spray attached to the front, as well as large goggles and a green helmet with the word “monster” on the back. He also carried a long black walking stick and wore a shirt that read “waterboarding instructor.”
Rockholt wore a tactical vest and carried what appeared to be a knife in his front right pocket; he also wore a baseball helmet. Bensch wore a tactical vest, as well as a military-style helmet with goggles and a black gas mask. He also carried a chemical irritant in front of the vest.
They were all part of a group that “wore riot gear—including tactical vests and helmets—and possessed expandable metal batons, chemical irritants, knives, and walking sticks,” according to court papers. “Those with walking sticks appeared to intend to use them as impact weapons, as opposed to being mere walking aids. None of the individuals who carried the long wooden poles are known to have a condition that requires the use of a walking stick.”
About Rockholt, court papers specify that on Jan. 6, 2021, he was
pictured wearing the following items while on restricted Capitol grounds:
1. an olive-green quilted jacket, blue jeans, and black gloves;
2. a tactical vest with a patch associated with the “Three Percenters” movement (i.e., “III”);
3. a drab neck gaiter and sunglasses;
4. a grayish baseball helmet with a red, white, and blue skull on the back, yellow Gadsden
flag3 symbols on the sides, what appears to be, the logo for “GoF” (described below) and
a U.S. flag on the front; and
5. what appears to be a knife in his front right pocket.
The following are images of Rockholt obtained from open-source videos and/or images taken from within the restricted Capitol Grounds:
Cole, Crowley, Preller and Rockholt were in a group that engaged in a confrontation with law enforcement officers in the tunnel area of the Capitol’s Lower West Terrace, the release continues. Bensch remained just outside. While inside the tunnel, Cole, Preller, Crowley and Rockholt confronted and assisted the crowd in confronting the officers that were preventing the tunnel and Capitol from being breached. They added their force, momentum, bodies, and efforts to the other rioters in a “heave-ho” effort that put pressure on the police line. As a direct result of the actions of the rioters in the tunnel at that time, the mob penetrated deeper, pushing the police line back.
According to the case’s statement of facts (see below), each of the five individuals joined the group of rioters who were attempting to force their way past the officers responsible for securing The Tunnel, an entry to the Capitol that provides immediate and unobstructed access to sensitive areas and offices used by Members of Congress.
The following images depict B SQUAD members Cole, Preller, Crowley, and Rockholt preparing to enter and then entering The Tunnel. In the top left image below, Bensch is using a digital device in a manner consistent with taking pictures or recording video of the area, of the crowd, and of The Tunnel.

During the siege of The Tunnel that stretched from 2:41 p.m. for more than two hours, the Statement of Facts states, rioters pushed into The Tunnel and were repelled in a constant back-and-forth of heave-ho efforts by the rioters and resistance by the officers. Some members of Congress were sheltering in place near that entrance. The effort ultimately failed.
Once officers finally were able to repel Cole, Preller, Crowley, Rockholt, and others from the tunnel, Rockholt picked up a clear riot shield with a Capitol Police seal before leaving the area. Bensch, meanwhile, used one of his chemical irritants to spray the face of an individual who was an unknown member of the crowd, even though that person posed no threat to him.
This case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia and the Department of Justice National Security Division’s Counterterrorism Section, and investigated by the FBI’s Washington, Jacksonville, Tampa, Boston, and Albany Field Offices, with assistance from the U.S. Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department.
In the 19 months since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 860 individuals have been arrested in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including over 260 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement. The investigation remains ongoing.
Anyone with tips can call 1-800-CALL-FBI (800-225-5324) or visit tips.fbi.gov.
Jim099 says
I still don’t understand why/how the sheriffs officers got involved in a Republican stop the steal rally. Do they do this for all bus trips leaving Flagler County? Bus trips to the casino’s or maybe to the Florida capital?
Why hasn’t anyone questioned their participation in this event?
Jaii says
He deserves time locked up.
Joe Citizen says
These animals were invited and spurred to action by the official ringleader of the event, President Donald Drumpf. Whom among us does not want justice to prevail by putting him behind bars also? Conspiracy charges alone should do it, together with illegal possession of federally classified papers. Why the wait?
Nephew of Uncle Sam says
Guessing there might be a few nervous individuals in Flagler County now.
Bailey’s Mom says
Justice is served and the investigation continues…Kudos to the Dept of Justice. One down and more to go! After all the convictions, the 3% will soon be 2%.
Love is greater than hate.
Flying bird says
Interesting you best be careful with what you say …..
We are all being monitored by the big Dogs. The next thing you know you will be called by IRS agent with his weapon . Wow
Pissed in PC says
Don’t you know Staley, those officers that advised the group that Mullins financed the busses for, Mullins and the Liberty Coalition (their YouTube has been scrubbed of their J6 videos) are shitting bricks right now.
bob says
and they call themselves patriots ?
Jack Howell says
This is fate! I teach a Homeland Security college course at ERAU and Flagler College. We covered the 3 percenters yesterday. This arrest and trial bring to light that these assholes live amongst us. I hope the federal court provides a sufficient sentence.
Pissed in PC says
Patience please, it’s coming. Staly is a “constitutional sheriff” which is deemed by the SPLC as a danger to society as they believe not to enforce laws they deem unconstitutional. If you notice the Marco Rubio ad running and the cops DeSantis puts behind him for his press conferences all of them are part of that group. Please read up on them because they have aligned themselves with the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/constitutional-sheriffs
Tim Mcauliffe says
You will be fine with the IRS as longa as you file your taxes honestly (Might want to stay away from tax services in Bunell) and pay them.
Tim Mcauliffe says
I sent a the Youtube clip of Mullins trying to fill the buses tfor the 1/6 treason to Sedition Hunters many months ago. They funneled the clip to the FBI. I’m sure I wasn’t the only sender.
Un American says
Maybe joe, Janet, Alan, and jill can give you a ride outta town before you get convicted
Jim099 says
I think this is a serious issue. Our law enforcement leaders should not be involved with political theater. If anyone who took that bus got in trouble while in Washington, I see the Sheriffs office liable for sending that person there and partially to blame for what they did.
Mike Cocchiola says
The Flagler County
Sheriff ‘s Office leans far right. Pretty sure a liberal group would not have been advised on the tactics of insurrection.
jeffery c. seib says
I wonder how many more of these so-called militia group individuals are in our community, or our sheriffs’ deputies’. When sheriff Staly went to the US Texas border to grandstand for Trump and then we see many other Sheriffs on TV actually campaigning for Rubio I am very concerned about the state of our country. We all can wonder at the reasons no law enforcement responded to the Capital riot for hours while fellow officers were being killed and a gallows was erected for Vice president Pence. There is a line that our communities, our cities, states, and country must define that radicalized speech and behavior must not cross. The media spewing lies, anger, and a take the law into your own hand’s mentality must stop. I hope Staly and the rest of the forces of darkness can find it in there somewhere to help, not hurt.
Concerned Citizen says
The FBI has a pretty long reach. And doesn’t stop.
Joe Mullins I hope you are looking over your shoulder. Because your time is coming.
A.j says
Thank God these nonthinking Trump supporters are being arrested. I guess they thought their white skin and this country’s demonic, hatred of Black People was a reason to do what they did and get away with no consequences. Things have changed just a little bit I’m glad to say. Finally white folk are being arrested for doing wrong. I never thought white men would be arrested for anything, glad I was wrong. Even though they are being arrested they are not spending enough time in prison. Had the Black People did that there would have been a murderous blood bath. As long as white people are arrested or killed because they did wrong I am very happy. When white men are arrested or killed it makes my day.
Deborah Coffey says
You weren’t. And, Joe Mullins may be next.
Norris says
The office of Sheriff is political/party-affiliated, believe it or not. Staly is of the Republican party.
B says
I agree 100%. They had no reason to brief these people unless they obviously agreed with all of it. These police officers are an embarrassment.
Deirdre says
I guess Janet and Jill will have to find other goons to threaten kids at school board meetings until they leave.
The kids and their families have freedom of speech rights too, even if you don’t agree with them. The difference is they are following the law and not threatening anyone with violence, even though they’re the ones losing their civil rights.
White supremacist bullies should not be standing outside of school board meetings threatening them, screaming profanities.
What difference does it make where a group lives when they show up in Flagler County to do their dirty deeds anyway? At least some of them will be in jail where they belong.
Thank God so many people in Flagler County came out to vote and have gotten these people out of office, I had no idea about Staley but find it shocking too. I’ll look into the ‘constitutional sheriff‘ situation but obviously he has power and needs to go, our community deserves better.
Our country deserves better too! If these guys had the chance they would’ve murdered as many members of our government as possible, but apparently that hasn’t dawned on many conservatives. They certainly showed up with the right equipment to do so.
Republican leaders were at risk January 6 too, not just the ‘liberal elite’. Everyone involved needs to be locked up or punished in such a way that nothing like this will ever happen again. That includes Flagler County in general and school board meetings in particular.
Joseph Barand says
Mullins Facebook Page has been scrubbed, he knows he is in trouble. They should pull his Passport while the investigation continues. The good people of Flagler spoke loud and clear, Mullins needs time in a Fed Pen.
GoodPunishHim says
Good. Throw that seditious traitor away for life (they won’t but they should). Piece of garbage. Un-American filth. May he lose all his rights and privileges awarded to Americans. I’d spit on him if I saw him.
IWillHaveWhatYouAreSmoking says
They’re coming to take you away haha hehe to the funny farm….noodle brain.
Pissed in PC says
Mike he’s a member of the “Constitutional Sheriff’s” which SPLC has deemed as dangerous.
Pissed in PC says
You weren’t. I sent all the Liberty Coalition videos and they’ve since been scrubbed from YouTube.
Cynical because there's a reason to be says
Staly is pretty blatant in his right wing views. This is why, even though Manfre wasn’t perfect by any means, he was the better choice. Staly is a puffed up blowhard and thinks he’s so cute calling the jail the green roofed inn. It’s time for another oh so clever nickname, Staly.
The Voice Of Reason says
Lock him up!!! Throw away the key. To support him now, you need your head examined.
Justice matters says
I have them all downloaded if anyone needs them.
Wokest says
Jack, since you teach a Homeland Security course perhaps you can explain a couple things. According to Britannica, “United States Department of Homeland Security, executive division of the U.S. federal government responsible for safeguarding the country against terrorist attacks and ensuring preparedness for natural disasters and other emergencies. In the wake of the September 11 attacks in 2001, Pres. George W. Bush created the Office of Homeland Security, to coordinate counterterrorism efforts by federal, state, and local agencies.”
Fast forward roughly twenty years after the inception of the DHS and what I see in the video shared in this article shows two local Homeland Security representatives perpetuating sensationalized fear mongering onto a crowd of people (most who probably thought the election was stolen) about to board buses to our nation’s Capitol. Some in the video were literally wearing camouflage to a “peaceful rally” (if that’s not a red flag). Sgt. Mike Lutz is from the Homeland Security section of the Sheriff’s office. With him, Kris Peterson the director of the Homeland Security Section of the Sheriff’s Office. In the video Lutz said;
“Stay in groups, you will be a target.”
“Some of these anarchists will attack when you are by yourself.”
“They are gonna go after ya.”
“They will sucker punch you, they will kick you, they will do a lot of things.”
“The director (gesturing toward Peterson) brought up a good point. As a weapon they’re using fire.”
“They’re gonna try and rip flags and signs and stuff like that.”
“Be polite to law enforcement. I agree this is not the group we have to preach that to.”
“Be respectful to politicians because when you start sayin’ somethin’, you’re gonna be on CNN.”
“Show them that you’re there for a purpose and not like anarchy like some of the other ones are.”
“If you are attacked, call law enforcement.”
Peterson said;
“We look at different intelligence screens. A lot of different groups show up. They’re not necessarily who you think they are.”
“They may be an average Joe trying to infiltrate your group”
In this example I see a clear “us vs them” political bias within Law Enforcement that couldn’t be farther from the truth as we found out later when that ironic train wreck came to a predictable and preventable head on Jan 6th.
My question for you Jack is, considering the DHS had access to all that intelligence leading up Jan 6th, why on earth were those two representatives of Homeland Security giving what appears to be a send off littered with the same fear tactics and untruths as seen on Fox, OAN, etc. If the DHS was created to further protect all American Citizens due in part from a 9/11 intelligence failure, what were those two thinking and how many more exist within the Homeland Security that are just like them? You say it’s “fate” to see Three Percenters finally held accountable (I completely agree), but where was the DHS leading up to Jan 6th?
In my humble opinion I feel the existing agencies after 9/11 should’ve learned from mistakes and further strengthened through training. Bush on the other hand thought it was a good idea to create yet another agency. He was just full of great ideas right? As a result of this grandiose vision, what I see now is DHS fusion centers everywhere across the country spying on ordinary citizens in communities just like ours. For what? For who? My fears have now been confirmed the eyes behind those cameras are just as susceptible to rhetoric and blindness as the average Alex Jones inspired Q-Anon believer. Considering todays political bias and known Law Enforcement infiltration by radicals, the temptation of misusing a sea of cameras and License Plate Readers seems like too much of a risk to the public. The DHS was supposed to have their eyes out for Osama and Co., not riling up and sending off a couple of busloads of potential threats to the nations capital who were already clearly suffering from the delusion the election was stolen.
Sam says
Is this guy the Palm Coast Lowe’s employee I spotted wearing a III% hat the other day while working?
Bethechange says
Deidre and Jack, my thoughts exactly. And to think that Woolbright has the audacity to espouse Saving our Children, when it was her rhetoric that drew violent criminals into such close proximity to them at FCSB meetings. Zero humor in that kind of irony. On another note, I actually drove by a Trump sign today at a residence that couldn’t have measured more than 4 x 12 inches; at least they are diminishing in size, as is the logic of their arguments. Daily.
protonbeam says
Agreed. That liberty coalition was comprised of evil people. Several videos of them training and coaching people on the tactics of indirection were posted hosted by Mark something or other. They can scrub them, but those were sent to the FBI I heard
ChirpChirp says
You seem like a calm rational dude. Not all of us white folks are bad. I treat crazies of all colors the same. Access the situation at act accordingly. For you? I would run away from in a heartbeat. Love and light prevail hate and darkness in my life. It’s how you live,man. Don’t worry about the bad people,focus on good people you know!!
Protonbeam says
According to the “daily dot” In a related video obtained by the Daily Dot, FLC member Mark Phillips, who organized the trip along with Mullins, tells protestors to bring helmets, body armor, mace, pepper spray, and knives and notes that some members of the group will be in “fight mode.”—-
Some one else is going to jail soon me thinks …
Leila says
Seems to me that many of the “puffed up blowhards” are posting right here. Mullins has finally been voted out of office. Is this a competition to take his place?
How many here were Facebook friends with him?
joe says
“I wonder how many more of these so-called militia group individuals are in our community, or our sheriffs’ deputies.”
Read Malcolm Nance’s latest book “They Want To Kill Americans” and you’ll find out. It’s a chilling exploration of how deeply this so-called “patriot” movement has burrowed into our country.
They are dangerous and deeply un-American, despite the phony “patriot” label they apply to themselves.
Samuel says
Wonder if Mullin had him on his bus he had go to Washington on January 6th? Bet ya sooner or later the will come out.
Jim says
I agree 100% with this. The sheriff’s department should not be “advising” partisans about how to react to attacks from opposition groups. From the tone of the “advice” given, these cops are clearly pro-right wing and I find that scary. It’s amazing that they think “the other guys” are going to do all the bad stuff. How many people in this group breached the Capitol that day? Did the sheriff’s office spend any effort following up to see if they same group they helped prepare might have broken laws while in DC? Or did that not matter to this department. I’ve been a fan of Staley but this is very troubling. This should not be allowed in a department tasked with serving the entire community, not just the far-right.
Staley should provide an explanation for why this was done. Do they do this for all groups leaving Flagler County to protest? I’ll bet they don’t. I wonder how they’d react if a liberal group requested such a briefing!
Vince says
So true
Vote Blue says
I was thinking the same about my vote for Manfre. Far from perfect, but far from a right-winger like Staley. In fact, Manfre is a Democrat.
Proud american says
This had nothing to do with race the election was a shambles this was all about the election. Your comment is why there is still racism. Idc what color you are white,black purple,green. Break the law pay the price. But the more I hear only blacks get arrested makes me mad
Jim099 says
I have been a republican for over 40 years. There is a difference between the then and now republican’s. I don’t lie, cheat or steal like so may of them today.
Everyone has a right to believe what they want. I believe in facts. For them to basically sponsor a trip to the big lie and to try and stop the political process is not something our sheriffs department should be doing or backing.
Been There says
You all voted Mullins out. Vote Staly out at the next election for Sheriff. Easy.
Laurel says
A.j.: ” When white men are arrested or killed it makes my day.” How are you any different from the people in this article?
Laurel says
So, does 3% mean they use 3% of their brains? It sure seems so. Trump has repeatedly talked down to his constituents so that they can relate. The “liberal elite” must mean smarts. What else can “elite” stand for, wealthy? I used to live one mile from Mar-a-Lago, and I’m somewhat blown away that Trump’s followers don’t see this as “coastal elite” which they so dislike. We used to fish and swim around the acreage of his home, in Palm Beach, one that has a tunnel under A1A leading to two beach houses with two pools right on the ocean. Palm Beach International airport, off Southern Blvd. would fly and land planes right over Mar-a-Lago, until Trump moved in. Then, the planes were re-routed directly over many smaller homes, day in and day out. Palm Beach County tax payers had to pay for his comings and goings. Yet, somehow, the poor working guys in a beat up trucks somehow thinks Trump cares about him. Wow!
Take off your blinders folks, this guy is in it for himself, at your expense. All his “conservative values” are a smoke screen to get you to think he is on your side.
James says
“… The DHS was supposed to have their eyes out for Osama and Co., …”
Mission accomplished. It appears the threat from “Osama and Co.” has been diminished significantly.
So in light of the rest of your comment above, one must question why do we still have the DHS? Are there other long existing agencies that could perform this task in your opinion?
FB Native says
Let me get this straight.
On duty Flagler Deputies host a “pep rally” for folks who were traveling to the Capitol on 1/6, some of which were likely participants of the capitol breach, and none of these deputies are being investigated for conspiracy or sedition?
At the freaking least, there should be absolutely zero partisan involvement for on-duty police officers. Do what you like off-duty, but while on the time and dime of taxpayers, you should be subject to the utmost scrutiny.
Nephew of Uncle Sam says
Yes, still trying to find out why the Sheriffs didn’t ask the armed people at the School Board meeting to take their weapons off property since they were clearly there to intimidate. Any other group weapons would have been drawn on them and arrests made for trespassing.
Chuck says
Flagler County sure attracts the lowest of lowest.
Nephew of Uncle Sam says
All of us on here are real Patriots that care for OUR country. Those that would go against the United States of America should be held accountable including Politicians and rogue Law enforcement.
Whathehck? says
Staly and his staff are too busy investigating Barbosa’s crimes in Costa Rica, they don’t have time to look at local terrorists.
Jane E K says
Glad to see you’ve been arrested. Hope the charges stick. You are NOT a patriot! You are a violent coward posing as a patriot. When you’re released please go to some other country because you and your ilk are not wanted in the USA. Goodbye and good riddance you cowardly thing!!
Bill D says
Damn conservatives , don’t they see how better of as a country we are now!
jeffery c. seib says
thanks for the info Joe
V Francine says
It troubles me that our sheriff s’ department was involved with the Jan 6 Bus trip from Flagler. Really surprised at officer Lutz It seems he was warning this group about ANTIFA in DC.
I no longer trust my neighbors. There were three buses from Flagler.
Wokest says
I’m no expert. To clarify my opinion though, what I meant was why didn’t they just strengthen the existing federal law enforcement agencies we already had through training (prior to DHS) and call it a day.
Hugo says
You’re joking, right? . Thanks made my day .
James says
I think the story goes… all the information was out there, the dots were connected, the memos written… but nobody listened. Was it intentional? Or just poor interdepartmental coordination… with tragic results? That’s the stuff of conspiracy theorists.
What is certain is that it was felt that the creation of a new agency was justified to deal with the threat. One which we now must live with (and pay for) for the foreseeable future. One which, as you seem to indicate, could be susceptible to “mission creep.” And haven’t they all at some time or another?
It sucks, but that’s the monster we’ve created, that’s the world we live in now. It’s probable that this agency will never just “go away.” It was easy the get rid of Osama and Co., but not the ideas that fueled his world view… and likewise our own.
Just my opinion.
Wokest says
“It sucks, but that’s the monster we’ve created, that’s the world we live in now”
It doesn’t have to be that way. Vote for candidates that oppose this “monster” and are willing to put forth legislation that restores our basic human rights. Vote for Sheriff’s that want to serve citizens by enforcing the law not consolidating power and surveilling them.
“and likewise our own”
My views toward the restoration of our basic human right to privacy and hope that one day Law Enforcement will put more effort toward weeding out any radicalized individuals within their ranks and less effort surveiling the general public, will not change. Nor should a “world view” such as this be considered radical in nature and warrant something the equivalent of a rogue “no touch torture” psyop operation under the guise of an investigation within our “homeland.” But hey, “that’s the stuff of conspiracy theorists.” Right James?
Shocked again says
This is terrifying! We have previously heard the Sheriff state that he would not enforce certain local laws that he believed to be unconstitutional. It does sound like he may be of this ilk. What is this world coming to?
James says
Starts at the top in my opinion. That’s why folks should be very careful who they vote for… particularly presidents.
Wokest says
Shocker huh?