Last Updated: Sunday, 7:09 p.m.
There was so much good will and harmony among candidates and their supporters on this first day of early voting at the public library on Palm Coast Parkway that Sims Jones, a Democratic candidate for City Council, led a prayer with Republicans, including one of his opponents, Theresa Pontieri, before the day’s campaigning began.
Then Joseph Mullins showed up.
Mullins is the embattled county commissioner who’s been shadowed by controversy before his first election four years ago. A little after 10 this morning–the library is one of four early voting sites that opened polling at 10 a.m.–he aggressively approached the Flagler County Republican Club’s tent and demanded to have his campaign literature included there.
Linda Hansen, who was under the tent, volunteering for her husband Greg Hansen’s re-election campaign, told Mullins that since he wasn’t a member of the club, he couldn’t have his campaign literature there. A verbal altercation ensued, with Mullins getting very angry very quickly, according to Linda Hansen and three other witnesses, to the point that Leann Pennington, the Republican facing Mullins in the primary, called the sheriff’s office. She was in the tent a few feet away from the club’s.
“It was pretty ugly. I don’t want to talk about it, but it was pretty ugly,” Greg Hansen said. ““He was just being a jerk. It’s just joe being Joe.” Hansen was twice at the receiving end of Mullins’s anger and demeaning insults in 2020, once during a commission meeting, and again days later at a 9/11 commemoration. Hansen and then-Commissioner Charlie Ericksen, who had also been the subject of Mullins’s abuse, attempted to formally censure him. But Mullins’s allies on the commission, Dave Sullivan and Donald O’Brien, refused.
Linda Hansen had just voted, and had noticed Mullins behind her, somehow “building up an attitude.” As soon as she saw him, “the way he strutted over here,” she sensed something was up and told her daughter Regan Hansen and another volunteer to leave immediately.
Jones was in the tent immediately adjacent to the Republican Club’s, weith nothing obstructing the two. He was between 7 to 9 feet from Hansen.
“Mullins came by acting like a jerk and he tried to tell one of the other Republican tents about putting stuff on their table,” Jones said. (Jones was initially interviewed by phone, and later in person.) “I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He started to look indignant. I’m going to be honest with you, he looked like he was going to hit that woman, and if he was, I was going to jump all over him. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He was just out of control. Like I say, he just came over here, said I can put stuff over here, I spoke with Bob, I can put stuff on the table.” Bob Updegrave chairs the Republican Executive Committee in Flagler. “All the woman said was you’re not a member, you can’t put stuff on the table, and he went ballistic. I don’t know what his problem is. He just went from zero to ten, and it didn’t make any kind of sense, no sense at all.”
Hansen, Jones said, did not respond with the same kind of anger but was firm. “The only thing she said to him was, you can’t do it, and told this young man who I guess works for him, get the camera out of my face.” Jaiden Chavez, a 16-year-old volunteer who was in what some candidates or volunteers referred to as Alan Lowe’s tent next to the Democratic Party’s, had taken video of the incident and kept taking pictures of the Hansens later, Linda Hansen said. (Lowe, who said he did not witness the incident, said it wasn’t his tent but that it was “under the control of conservative headquarters.”)
Asked whether he had a statement about the incident, Mullins said in a text: “Get the video from Jaiden. I don’t know what occurred other than I told them to not attack a 16 year old it’s all on video.” (Asked about the video at the library, Chavez said he would send the video to FlaglerLive, only to later text that he would not do so “at this time.”)
“It was just very very, loud, extreme, raging kind of noise. It was bad,” Pennington said. “I just could hear it enough to know that I should call.” She kept her distance and called the Sheriff’s Office’s non-emergency line. She described the incident as “very long and very bad,” later specifying that it stretched over five minutes. “He said he was going to put it on the radio, was going to get lawyers involved.” (Mullins buys a half-hour commercial on WNZF every Saturday and declaims on various subjects, often using the time to answer or attack his critics.)
The call to the Sheriff’s Office came in at 10:23 a.m. Dispatchers referred to it as “just verbal at this time.” Sheriff’s deputies showed up at the scene and determined that nothing physical took place, nor were any threats made. Mullins, witnesses said, quickly left when word came that police were on their way. Chavez told deputies he would send them the video. A request for the video through the Sheriff’s Office was pending until Sunday, when a sheriff’s spokesperson said the copy “was never sent to us.”
In a text, Chavez wrote: “Me and Ms Hansen had some confusion on where to put signs. Bob Updegrave resolved it. No other issues.”
Linda Hansen, interviewed in person as she was still under the tent early this afternoon, described the situation in much the same terms. “He and I are oil and water. He has threatened me for four years,” she said. If Mullins reared back aggressively as if to strike, as Jones claims, she said she did not see it. She had turned her back just then, to take her seat. Jones told her about it later.
She confirmed that she told Mullins he could not put his campaign materials under the tent, but that he was aggressive and “a bully” (he never stepped into the tent, remaining on the sidewalk portion where, he said accurately, in words Hansen relayed, “I have the right to stand here”). But Hansen told him to step away if he was going to be ugly about the issue, and to discuss the matter with Updegrave, who would resolve it.
“Everybody on both sides said you handled it beautifully,” Hansen said. “There were lots of witnesses.” Hansen said Mullins had been told by Updegrave that he could have his campaign material under the tent. “He said he’s on his way over and I said that’s fine. We’ll let Bob decide.”
Updegrave, in a phone interview, did his best to downplay the matter. “At this time all is well. Were doing well, and engaging voters properly, courteously,” he said in early afternoon, clearly not interested in discussing the incident. Asked about Mullins’s interaction with Hansen specifically, Updegrave said: “There was an earlier misunderstanding that’s been cleared up, everything is taken care of, everything is running smoothly there.” He added: “I wasn’t there, so I really shouldn’t comment, whatever the issue or issues, things are resolved.” He said the misunderstanding was about the campaign material–which Mullins was allowed to have under the tent.
Updegrave had, in fact, gone to the library location after the incident and spoken with the Hansens. But after hearing their accounts, he told Linda Hansen that Mullins, because of his behavior, had forfeited the right to have his literature under the club’s tent.
And in fact an examination of the tent early this afternoon revealed no signs of Mullins literature or signs.
No signs of Mullins, either. And no signs of discord. To the contrary. Jones, a jovial man by nature who sat under the Democratic tent, and a cap that said “Jesus is my boss,” was laughing with Hansen about the otherwise cordial nature of the day, and the fun they’d all been having.
“We were having a grand old time, we’ve been one happy family, on both sides,” Jones said.
“It’s really kind of fun to sit out here this time, kind of a community spirit,” Hansen said, “which has been missing.” Of Mullins, she said, “It got a little bit out of hand, but he moved, he left. Like Sims said, he went from zero to 95.” It’s not clear if Hansen, who knows her way around sarcasm, was also making an allusion to Mullins’s two recent run-ins with Florida Highway Patrol troopers in separate speeding incidents, when he was threatened with jail in one, and told the troper in the other that “I run the county.” In both speeding incidents he’d been clocked at over 90 mph.
The early voting locations were mostly underwhelmed today. With less than three hours left on the day’s voting clock, barely 600 voters had cast a ballot at the four combined locations, bringing the total turnout so far, with mailed-in ballots, to 11 percent. Mid-term elections generally draw about 28 to 30 percent of registered voters.
Update: Late Saturday night a commenter posted on FlaglerLive’s Facebook page an 80-second video clip from the altercation, though it’s not clear at what point during the altercation the video clip begins. It begins with someone saying “gentlemen, gentlemen,” as if to calm the situation, suggesting that it had been ongoing. Linda Hansen is telling Mullins to “please leave,” and that “Bob [Updegrave] will settle it,” and Mullins is disputing Hansen telling him to move away from a public place. She then steps away from her chair to demand that the filming be stopped. The person filming could have stopped as a courtesy to Hansen, but in that location, being a public space, neither filming nor recording would be in breach of law, or others’ rights, even if they ask not to be filmed. The decontextualized video clip appears below as it appeared in the comment section on Facebook.
On Sunday, the Sheriff’s Office released five bodycam videos from its deputies’ response, but not the full video taken by Chavez. One of the deputies is seen and heard in one of the body cams telling her supervisor: “I watched the whole video, it’s just them bickering back and forth.” (The phone playing the video is out of the bodycam’s angle when the deputy watches the video doesn’t actually show the video.) One of the clips is below.
concerned voter says
Keeping it classy, I see, Joe….Good grief.
David Schaefer says
Wow I guess that none of us should be surprised.
Donna F says
Absolutely unacceptable. I will NEVER in my life understand how anyone could support him in this election. He is dangerous and apparently even moreso as he must begin to realize that things are not going well for reelection. Can the Sheriff’s Department have a deputy at the polling place to protect ALL candidates and their volunteers, in case he pulls this stunt again?
JonQPublik says
This is better than As The World Turns. I mean, watching this from a distance it’s kinda entertaining watching someone self-implode. Unfortunately, it shouldn’t be, considering the amount of harm his behavior has caused to others. It’s pathetic it’s gone on this long.
Nico Bergraat says
Joe Mullins is an ignorant bully…this has been proven many times over…he needs mental help.
Nobody wants to be affliated with Mullins the soreloser. VOTE LEANN PENNINGTON
Dennis C Rathsam says
Relax folks…..After the ellection we wont have to listen to J. O . JOE.
Cindy Simmons says
Sounds like typical palm coast Flagler Beach politicians fighting like little children as usual. All of them. This is why I am not voting for any of them! None of them deserve to be in charge of anything. A bunch of children! And this article was just hearsay. Just the crybabies’ opinions and finger pointing. I can’t stand it. Would an adult please run for office because we don’t have one! And would an adult please run a real news outlet that wrote about facts instead of a gossip column.
The 1st Day of Early Voting and a Sign Dispute quickly become UGLY! WHY? We’ll must Keep our elections PEACEFUL! We have some IMPORTANT Issues in this Election! Investigate the candidates voting records and statements about Developers Impact Fees, Erosion at Flagler Beach, Changing Zoning, Maintenance of Roads, Swales, Storm Water Canals, etc, etc. VOTE, your property taxes depend on WHO wins the election!
Richard Smith says
Was he driving his red Ferrari with his license tag saying I RUN THIS COUNTY :) :) :)
Andy B says
I was a combat Marine in 1969-70, wounded and disabled, worked for Reagan 1985-89. Raised money for Dan Quayle too. So I qualify as a lifelong Republican.
Flagler County deserves better than Hansen and Mullins. Consider the Bing’s Landing lawsuit [which the county will lose], the crappy building the county purchased for the Police department, the mess on A1A for the boat warehouse [are you kidding?], too many storage businesses in prime business locations. Let’s get some new blood for county commissioners.
For the school board, same argument, no more life long professional slugs. VOTE THEM ALL OUT! Some might even be democrats…..
jeffery c. seib says
In another time, this guy would be laughed at all the way out of office. But in our troubled times some of my neighbors have Mullins signs on their lawns indicating they love all of his antics, demeaning attitude, and outright lies spewing from this guy who couldn’t be elected dogcatcher. What is wrong with us?
The dude says
Color me surprised…
No, not really. It’s not surprising at all.
Asshat gotta asshat I s’pose.
ASF says
The next time Mullins is stopped for a traffic violation, a TOX screening might be in order. And there will be a next time.
Snoopy says
Well folks I guess after the primary for Joe, I will have no one to piss on. Congratulations Leann Pennington.
Joe gotta go.... says
What an embarrassment to the County. He needs to resign.
Mullins is nothing but a bully, his little empire is crashing down on him.
The thug/bullies that work for him too need to go away.
Including that young boy he uses like a mule.
Joe gotta go …..
KMedley says
Going after Linda Hansen is a bridge too far. A man would have called Bob Updegrave and waited for his arrival. A man would not have engaged in such childish behavior. A man would release the video and let the public decide. By the way, why was the video crew ready to go? Are you a man or a puppet? We know Mullins is a puppet and we know who his puppeteer is. He just endorsed him. As for Jaiden Chavez, Chair of the Flagler County Teen Republicans, they deserve better leadership.
Michael Cocchiola says
“Joe being Joe” is the same as a pit viper being a snake. Joe has gotta go!
A.j says
Love to see Repubs fighting and disagreeing with themselves. Just love it makes my day.
Tired of the antics says
Well…considering that Ms. Hansen used to think Joe was the best thing to arrive in Palm Coast….Oh yes, she used to think he was a very good thing for the party and the community. Karma, have to love it.
Cindy Simmons: another Mullins crony, what part don’t you believe??? His many run in’s with the law, his well known and documented temper tantrums and stop trolling people on social media, we know who you really are!!!
The Voice Of Reason says
Mullins is symbolic of the current state of the Republican Party with few exceptions. (Bravo Liz Cheney.) They are quite the hypocrites. No respect for law enforcement, the armed forces and especially god. They represent hate, greed and racist beliefs and actions. A smelly dumpster fire.
Joseph Barand says
I’m surprise Mullins has not fled the County and looked for a new victims. He is a know life scumbag who should be in jail along with his criminal buddies DeSantis and Trump. None of these three are worth a Good shit!
Realist says
Mullins must go. He is an embarasment to our county.
JoJo says
Leanne Pennington
is running against him.
Check her out…
Embarrassed says
I’d like to see the entire video. Not just a snippet that benefits one side. Thank you.
Enough of Joe says
Request the video surveillance footage from the library. They have cameras most everywhere.
Ronny says
Good morning to you Marine I was a B52, crew chief on Guam and U-T. If you remember ARC-LIGHT was the B-52 bombing missions If we got to close to you guys on the ground I do sir apologize to you but I am sure we saved your butts more then once Marine welcome home thank you for your service and let’s dump Joe stay safe
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Not to be sarcastic, but THAT is OBVIOUS…
Cindy says
Who said I was a Mullins crony???
KMedley says
Riddle me this. Why did Joeflee? When Linda states she will call the cops, Joe encourages her to do so. So then once called, and you have this video, throughout which Linda clearly does not give her permission to have her conversation recorded, why flee? Why not set the example for the 16 year old and show respect for law enforcement? After all, the young man’s father works for the FCSO. Why not give a statement? How do we know the video hasn’t been edited? All Mullins had to do was walk away and wait for Bob Updegrave. He chose to engage in a harassing manner and the 16 year old was at the ready to record. Something isn’t quite right with this story.
We need to verify this is the complete video and not an edited version designed to fit a narrative.
Request the footage from the library.
Ms Hansen, like the most of us believed the BULLSHIT from the GA Carpetbagger! After he became a Commission, everyone Realized that RINO Mullins was a CORRUPT Puppet of the Developers! SAVE Flagler County, VOTE for Pennington! KEEP TAIWAN FREE!
Peace Thru Strenght!
jim morrison says
mullins is desperate – he needs the commissioner salary as much as heeds the power. once he is voted out of office he will be carpet bagging to another small town somewhere to fleece them. as for sullivan and o’brien you are both guilty by association and enabling this ass wipe
Mark says
This years early Voting and people get a free sad clown show brought to you by a RepubliCon. Vote smart people or this will have extra acts.
Carvalho says
A minor accident in this town and there are four or five deputies there and yet they can’t assign one to each voting location !!!
Linda Hansen says
At tired,
The comments here are exactly why qualified people in the community will not not run for office ever and are intimidated by the almost constant bullying. I am sorry, Flaglerlive, but if you call something like this good for our community, we are in complete disagreement. If others receive enjoyment from this behavior, I am sorry for you, each and everyone who takes joy in tearing apart this community. It’s really very sad. Not much more I can say, or care to. Yesterday, Friends of this gentlemen tried to have another volunteer fired, just for being there and helping to set that tent up. I will be threatened once again just for telling you this. This is not a world I recognize anymore.
I am not afraid to post my name here, unlike yourself. For the record, I supported Nate McLaughlin.
Linda Hansen says
It’s not all there. There were plenty of witnesses. This was not a story yesterday, and it should not be a story today. What does it say about a community who delights and enjoys the misery and embarrassment of others? Not much, I am afraid. Very sorry to disappoint so many.
Linda Hansen says
Dear Antics,
Sorry to disappoint, but I supported Nate McLaughlin. I did my homework prior to that election. But I am betting you did not.
Linda Hansen says
This was not news, this was not a story, not then, not now. How sad is it that people in our community take such perverse joy in things like this and the misfortunes of others. Really. That’s a question each need to think about.
I have never seen such a mean spirit anywhere.
NoReligionNecessary says
Prayer has zero business any where near politics. The authors and signers of the constitution were VERY clear about that. Don’t write revisionist history to shove your religion down other’s throats. Keep it away from politics.
The dude says
This concerns boorish behavior towards a constituent by the Chairman of the Flagler County Commission.
Why is it “not a story”?
Are you implying that the voters should either not be allowed to know about such incidents, or not be allowed to decide for themselves whether this type of behavior properly represents them?
Cindy Simmons says
Agree with you Ms. Hansen.
TrumpIsATraitor says
Noreligion should go back and read the United States Constitution. Our country was founded by people who sought and believed in religious freedom. The founders simply sought not to be governed by religion. There is nothing wrong with prayer. More people should probably pray more often.
Laurel says
So, as a NPA, I want to ask you all, when are you going to get tired of all this Republican drama? From Trump down to Mullins, it’s drama, drama, drama. No leadership, no one to look up to, no one to make you feel peaceful and safe in this country, just drama, bashing, bullying and name calling. It’s like the party is run by a batch of badly behaved 10 year olds. Republicans are crying victims, they are threatening good people for just doing their jobs. They are undermining our law enforcement and justice systems. They have their absurd conspiracy theories. They have no real plans, just whine and threaten and bash. Enough! I’m so sick of it! Vote for Democrats simply to be able to breath again. We need to take our country back again all right, from the Qrazy far right. I’m so tired of looking foolish in the world.
Roy Longo says
Everyone who thinks Pennington is a lock over Mullins is delusional. We all need to work hard to get the voters to the polls to vote for Pennington. There are many Mullins fans that will definitely vote for him. Do not forget that.
Mary Fusco says
There is absolutely nothing wrong with prayer. I pray in my home and in my place of worship. The issue is what prayers should be prayed in public – mine or yours? Everyone has a right to have a prayer of their religion prayed at every public meeting if we are splitting hairs. Too many low lives hiding behind religion these days.
Jimbo99 says
That video, that’s it ? Thanks for the “80 Seconds of Karen” moment. No wonder FCSO didn’t do anything about it. That moment when you realize that the woman got out of her chair, left the safer confines of a tent to shoo away Joe Mullins from a public sidewalk. I think we’re seeing the worst of Joe Mullins behavior in the moment out of what was captured on video, and it’s just weak, imagine if Mullins was a black male “R” candidate ? And “Karen” was threatening with calling the police, getting lawyers involved with a lawsuit.
YankeeExPat says
You are absolutely correct Roy, the F section where I live is totally canvassed with Mullins signs.
Palm Coasters don’t have much of a reputation for learning from the mistakes of the past, but instead tend to ignore or deny them.
Roy Longo: and the Mullins people are just as mean, vicious, hateful people as he is, just look at their social media sites, people who go to church on Sunday and are sinners for the rest of the week. I really don’t know why Linda Hansen is saying that this is not a story when it certainlly teaches us more about the appalling character of Mullins, we can clearly read according to Sim Jones how scary his behavior is, the question here is why do some individuals continue to protect this insanity maybe it is also time for those to be voted out too.
Wallingford says
Joe should just resign from the Primary Campaign, so he is no longer an embarrassment.
The dude says
Oh boy…
Mullins now says he was just protecting the kid from Mrs. Hansen…
We got us a drama here, a little “he said”, “she said” action.
Who to believe? Who to believe?
They’re both republicans, so that means they embrace lies and lying as part of their party platform… so I guess the question is who’s lying the least here?
Aren’t you all the least bit embarrassed?
These are the people you choose to represent you.
Coming from Marjorie Taylor Green’s district to here, and thinking “these people are way more batshit crazy than my last reps” is not ok.
Get OUT the VOTE for Pennington! The Developers are Telling their employees(and their families) to VOTE for their Puppet, RINO Mullins, or they will lose their income! Developers do NOT want Common Sense Impact Fees like Volusia and John’s Impact Fees! STOP the Zoning Changes! Force 40Ft Wide lots to became 80Ft(needed for Common Sense Fire Protection)! Vote for Common Sense Leadership-VOTE for Pennington to SAVE Flagler County! Peace Thru Strength—KEEP TAIWAN FREE! America First!
Mark says
Our Country was not founded on “religious freedom”, that is such a small part of our founding. If you could travel back in time to the 1700’s you would see a much different practice of religions than you do now or how you were brought up, many of the religions names and identifiers have been lost to time or brought into other religions. Many families did not own a bible let alone ever see one other than what a “preacher” might have had in Church. Most religious communities were within 50 miles or less of the coast. Many communities more into the interior didn’t practice religion as we know it, they were lucky to have a traveling preacher come through once a year or so and usually treated him fairly and gave him room and board until he moved on down the circuit. Every one is free to practice their own religious beliefs in a manner they see fit yet no one should be able to force their religion on others in the name of our Country.
Duncan says
I agree with Cindy. Law Abiding Citizen you need to chill.
I’m not one to defend Mullins, he is a ignorant,liying, bully IMO, and has no business being on the commission. However, it sounds like Linda Hanson, who is not running for office, somewhat instigated the confrontation. Neither should be proud of their behavior.
It’s time to elect some qualified, respectable adults.
Linda Hansen says
Well, Dude, one of us has about 10 witnesses who were seated right there in about 3 tents. I am more than happy to take this one all the way to the Sheriffs office, along with these witnesses, if you wish.
Speaking for myself, the only embarrassment I am feeling here is for those like yourself writing some of these comments.
Pissed in PC says
Mullins fled because if he had been seen on camera drawing back on Linda that would have been considered a threat of bodily injury. Honestly I’m surprised no man that witnessed it didn’t knock his d**k in the dirt! And why wasn’t Greg there protecting his wife? Honestly citizens of Flagler County y’all can do better than both of these clowns. Both are getting their pockets padded from developers and voting against the wishes of their constituents.
KMedley says
Linda Hansen:
I have read your comments regarding the incident which took place on the first day of early voting. While I understand and appreciate that which you are trying to convey, I respectfully disagree.
Yes, you and I, and many more, did our homework and voted for a true servant leader, Nate McLaughlin. It’s not as if there wasn’t any information at the ready about Joe Mullins, the Munchkin from Georgia. Article after article, filled with information from public records and links to the same foretold the many, many issues of a person, who, in my opinion has never been held to account from a very early age and that sense of entitlement now triggers the maniacal behavior written about in headlines across the county and beyond.
Yesterday, a social media supporter of Mullins instructed me to watch the video, despite the fact I had watched it several times, and then asked what would cause you to react in the manner in which this poster viewed as aggressive. My answer was simple, “history”. There is a distinct difference between aggressive and assertive. Being aggressive focuses on one’s personal goals and interests. Being assertive demonstrates confidence. I know Mullins. He is all about Mullins First. You say this is not a story. Had it been any other candidate, I would agree with you. Any other candidate, once told that Bob Updegrave would address the issue as to who could and could not display campaign materials, would have walked away, probably called Bob, and then waited for his arrival. For that matter. Mullins could have pitched his own tent. He didn’t and history tells us why.
Mullins and his minions were at the ready to record your reaction. In my opinion, I believe it was a set up. It was meant to challenge some obscure rule found in the annals of the Republican National Committee. It is not by coincidence Mullins mentions that organization. He and his minion knew a non-assertive volunteer would have folded like a lawn chair and allowed his material, hence, no video to post. Many in this community, including members of the media, have been folding like lawn chairs since he first came to Flagler and announced his intentions to run. Had the media done its job in 2018 and accurately reported about Mullins’ extensive history, perhaps we wouldn’t be reading the many reactions seen today. No one is taking joy with this story or with others. From a personal perspective, I am happy to see the media finally doing its job! Well, with the exception of the Palm Coast Observer and its publisher. I fear that is a lost cause. But, I digress.
History tells us Mullins believes he is above it all. He can do that which he pleases and not be held accountable. “I run the county”, Masters tickets, inhabitable Clara Grace apartments, and much more. Linda, you know me. I sign petitions for all candidates, regardless of party affiliation, seeking to qualify by the petition method. I respect the work a candidate and its team do in order to acquire the number of petitions needed. Mullins was the first and ONLY candidate wherein I vowed to never sign a petition for him. Why? In March of 2018, well in advance of any primary, I had already read multiple stories about Mullins’ inappropriate behavior towards women. In my opinion, the release of private, intimate photos in an effort to cause physical and mental harm while ruining one’s reputation, aka #RevengePorn, is an act that cannot be justified and/or explained. Likewise, when a candidate loses a campaign and bemoans ‘all the personal stuff’ that came to light; and, then proceeds to randomly contact a 25 year old bartender in Vegas and send message after message requesting a certain type of picture of her while professing to be a faithful Christian with conservative values; then, yes, I will take a stand. I did and throughout 2018 Mullins and his minions came after me. They crossed a bridge to far when they extended their aggression toward my family. That same inappropriate behavior in on full display today. The actions of Mullins and his minions against you, in my opinion, were designed to provoke you, and given history, I suspect that’s why you sent the volunteers with you away and why he tried to have other volunteers fired. Imagine the audacity and self-righteousness of anyone seeking to fire volunteers. Does he run the Flagler Republican Club, too?
It is no secret he and your husband, who is also seeking reelection, do not exactly have a kum ba yah relationship. Your husband, to his credit, tried to hold him accountable. Unfortunately the other puppets on the county commission failed to speak for the people of Flagler County. Any over reaction from you not only benefits Mullins, it benefits your husband’s opponents. In my opinion, the goal of Mullins and his minions was to capture your reaction and air it on the radio so Mullins could proclaim he and his minions are victims of an aggressive woman seeking to exclude his ability to campaign under the Republican tent. Proof? Look no further than the 80 second video posted Saturday night. We both know it is not the full video and sadly, I fear the full video will not be released. Nonetheless, the selectively edited video is attempting to portray you as a woman who charged a 16 year old and that same teen, Chair of the Flagler County Teen Republicans, feared so much for his safety, he stood his ground, continued to record and never once called the cops himself, despite the fact his father works for the Flagler County Sheriff’s office. Yet, Mullins saved him and praise from a grateful father fills social media pages. It took two witnesses to call the cops. Mullins himself instructed you to call the cops, yet, once called, he fled. So much for respect for law enforcement.
The actions of Mullins and his minions mattered in 2018; yet, all the signs and promise of money enchanted many in this community and look what Flagler County got. Honestly, I believe Flagler voters had to see the true Mullins come to light in order to realize he will NEVER put Flagler First. Saturday’s Early Voting incident, along with all of the headlines, which have apparently escaped perusal by Mullins’ puppet master, ARE stories that must be covered and presented to the voters so they can make an informed decision. The latest attempt by the Observer to redefine bankruptcy and insolvency makes my point. That which took paragraphs to defend can be simply stated as a Form 6 is meant to inform voters while court filings in a divorce case are meant to conceal financial information from an ex-wife in order to lower child support payments. The Flagler County Republican Club and the Republican Executive Committee are not blameless. They, too, saw the promise of money filling their coffers and willingly turned a blind eye. The same leadership which steered the organizations into the rocks remains the same.
Stories, as simple as they may appear, matter. They combine to tell us who a person is. There are those who will NEVER see Mullins and his minions as they really are, until they become the target of their aggression. As the OJays aptly sang people will do a host of things, “For that lean, mean, mean green Almighty dollar, money”, and Flagler County is paying for it. History matters.
Jonathan says
Lock Him Up and throw the key away.
Dee Cocchiola says
Well Linda it looks like you got tossed under the bus by Bob Updegrad. Feel good about the republican party standing up for women. What hold does Mullins have on the republicans?
Duncan, I have more respect for your comment about Mullins behavior BUT according to Cindy she defined the rest of the candidates as not being worthwhile therefore she is not voting for anyone when there are candidates that are worthwhile there is no need to belittle the others, especially when one is a fan of his on his social media page. If one likes him that’s their right but don’t talk out of 2 sides of their mouth.
Stacy says
She probably doesn’t want people to watch her behave like a Karen. She gets up out of her chair and rushes up to him in what I would call a confrontational manner. And while I cannot stand Ferrari Joe, she absolutely could have handled that situation in a far more dignified manner. But then again, she’s a Republican and that’s how they roll. Jerry Springer style.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Once again, Flagler Live gives us the type of high-quality reportage you won’t get in even the big-city newspapers. We would be in the dark about a lot of things if it were not for this publication. I, for one, am grateful.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
The proverbial turd in the punchbowl. Mullins can put a damper on any event.