AdventHealth’s hospitals in the greater Daytona Beach area, including AdventHealth Palm Coast, are hosting a career expo for job seekers at the Daytona International Speedway Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 7 and 8 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Numerous jobs are available, including signing bonuses of up to $15,000 and relocation expenses of up to $3,000 for certain jobs.
On-site interviews will be available, and job offers will be made on the spot to qualified registered nurses, graduate nurses, licensed practical nurses, respiratory therapists, patient care techs and other personnel. Openings also include clinical and ancillary support roles at skilled nursing facilities, Centra Care facilities and medical groups, among many other jobs.
At AdventHealth Palm Coast alone, openings–currently totaling 116— include numerous postings for registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, monitor techs, lab assistants, nurse managers, pharmacy technicians, certified nurse assistants, dietary aides, specialists, and numerous other jobs. And that’s before the opening next year of AdentHealth’s second hospital in Palm Coast, which is expected to require some 700 jobs filled. (See: “An Inside Look at AdventHealth’s Palm Coast Parkway Construction a Year from $164 Million Hospital’s Opening” and “Leaders Gather to Film Groundbreaking at AdventHealth Palm Coast’s New Hospital, Now a Larger, $145 Million Project.”)
“I highly encourage you to come out to one of our AdventHealth hiring events,” Carrie Pierrelus, the human resources manager at AdventHealth Fish Memorial hospital, says, “and het to hear all that AdventHealth has to offer.”
AdventHealth offers student loan repayment, vacation time and benefits from day one, and a unique whole-person care philosophy. The system explains it’s “culture” in these terms: “We have a friendly, Christian culture that inspires us to care for patients with uncommon compassion and uncompromising excellence. Because we believe that each person is created in the image of God, with an inseparable connection between body, mind and spirit, our focus goes beyond treating illness toward helping people achieve optimal well-being so they can enjoy happy, healthy lives. This same philosophy of care is extended to our team members through personal interactions (team lunches, huddles and prayer) and professional resources (ongoing education, comprehensive benefits and employee wellness program) to help you be your best and provide the best possible care.”
“You will leave here knowing that you’ve made some great connections that will benefit your career,” says Wilky Briette of the AdventHealth Waterman’s human resources department says.
The career expos are part of a series of such job fairs the hospital system is hosting in Florida, other states and Puerto Rico as the job market continues to be extremely tight and the state and national unemployment rates remain at historic lows (it was 3.7 percent in the nation in August).

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