Last Updated: Friday, 1:41 p.m.
James Tyler Melady, a 37-year-old resident of 100 Navigator Drive in Daytona Beach and former paramedic, was arrested and jailed in Volusia County early today on a charge of raping an unconscious woman in a Flagler County Fire Rescue ambulance during a service call in 2021.
Incomprehensively, it took Flagler County government more than 24 hours since the arrest to issue statements.
Daytona Beach police were investigating a separate sex offense when they discovered two video clips allegedly depicting Melady “exposing and digitally penetrating the vagina of an obviously unconscious/incapacitated female victim within fingers/hand,” his arrest report states.
The video clips show Melady setting up the camera and moving it during the incident–as if to ensure the best angles–and “clearly depicted” his face as well as the fire department uniform he was wearing during an obvious call for service.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office investigated, located the particular call to which Melany had been assigned on Oct. 17, 2021, and noted that it was for an “unresponsive and intoxicated” woman in Flagler Beach who was transported by ambulance to AdventHealth Palm Coast. The woman subsequently recovered and identified herself in stills taken from the video clips. She told investigators that she had no recollection of the incident, as she had blacked out after drinking excessively.
Detectives interviewed Melady, a former Navy corpsman, “who confessed to his crimes and told detectives he retired from Flagler County Fire Rescue earlier this year,” according to a sheriff’s release issued this afternoon. Melady was known as “Jimmy.” The county feted him at the beginning of 2022 in a press release when he and a fellow-paramedic delivered a baby on New Year’s Eve, in Rescue 62.
The rape charge is a a first degree felony punishable by up to 30 years in prison. Melady was also charged with video voyeurism, a third-degree felony. He is being held at the Volusia Branch jail on $150,000 bond on the voyeurism charge and no bond on the rape charge.
A call to Flagler County Fire Rescue Chief Michael Tucker at 4 p.m. Thursday afternoon was not returned. A request for the start date of Melady’s work with the county was not responded to Thursday. It was not until Friday afternoon, shortly after 1 p.m., that the county issued statements from County Administrator Heidi Petito and Tucker, with Melady’s start date: June 2018.
Melady, the statement read, “was put on an unrelated administrative leave on May 8 after failing a drug test for a medication for which he no longer had a prescription. He subsequently resigned and has not worked for Fire Rescue in the past four months.”
“We want to express concern and extend our support to the victim and her family,” Petito was quoted as saying. “The actions described are deeply disturbing and completely contrary to the values of our organization, and the principles we uphold in our service to the community.” The county is reviewing the circumstances of this case to determine if there are measures that can be made strengthen patient safety protocols, the statement read, without suggesting how or what would be done presently, or independently of the case, to ensure against a recurrence.
Customarily, only one paramedic rides with the patient in the ambulance, in addition to the driver, in non-critical cases. In critical cases, two paramedics are usually with the patient.
“This is a horrific allegation that casts a dark shadow on Flagler County Fire Rescue,” Tucker said in the release. “Fire Rescue is devastated by this incident, as our team is truly made up of dedicated professionals.”
“It’s unfathomable to me what this predator did to an unconscious victim while on duty while being entrusted to provide proper emergency medical care but instead sexually assault her,” Sheriff Rick Staly was quoted as saying. “It is likely there are other victims of his disgusting behavior.”
If you believe you may have been a victim of Melady or have information on this case or other victims, call the Flagler County Sheriff’s non-emergency line at 386-313-4911 or email [email protected].
Atwp says
What punishment will he receive? Probably very little to nothing.
BOB says
What a very sick human being. I hope he get life.
Disgusted in Flagler County says
This is one of the more sickening things I’ve seen in local news lately. He’s on camera doing this to an unconscious woman on her way to the hospital?????!!!!!! Jesus Christ, what else has he done and to who???? I hope he FKN fries. How disgusting.
Tired of Perverts says
Now it’s time to get all those perverted school teachers that are preying on young vulnerable girls too! Make this disgusting behavior stop by enforcing rules and tough law enforcement!!
Stop condoning this behavior! Stop brushing this under the rug! Prosecute!!
Alex says
What a low life scum bag. Throw the book at him and let big Bubba take care of him in prison.
Donald J Trump says
How could this rubber hole be retired at 37 years of age. If this is true then all the personnel, benefits, retirement activities need a total revamp. Investigation of all public employment needs serious attention.
S. Peters says
So where was his partner when this happened? He managed to do this while his partner was driving the ambulance? WTF?
Concerned taxpayer says
Where’s the Fire Chief, why hasn’t he made a public statement? Who was his partner? Did anyone else in the station know what he did or has done? How many victims? I was told from a friend that lives in PC and works for the department that he failed a drug test and was fired. I was told he was usually at station 62 in Bunnell! My opinion, if you have a daughter or wife. DO NOT LET Flagler county Fire Rescue take them to the hospital. Drive yourself or have family take you. Lawsuits are probably coming
Concernedbeacher says
That’s the Good Ol’ Boy system at work. Nothing will happen, FCFR is a joke. Do not let them transport your loved ones to the hospital, take them yourselves!
FlaPharmTech says
Truly a disturbed crimiMALE, truly a disturbing incidence. Though she thankfully does not remember, the trauma she’s experiencing must be crushing. May she have ALL the support she needs to recover as best she can.
Kendall says
Melady is not a drag queen, right? Not trans? Or gay? Not a migrant? Not Muslim?
Just a good old Florida white boy. Probably raised Christian.
Richard says
Right, because there isn’t a rash of female school teachers abusing their male students
Richard says
Can we apply your same comment to crimes and other races? Would that be appropriate?
Brian Allen Eichinger says
How is the partner supposed to know what is going on in back of the ambulance when they need to pay attention to their driving. And how can you cast blame upon the entire fire rescue department for the actions of one person. Hopefully he will be punished to the full extent of the law. Flagler County has been wonderful and very professional with members of my family. I pray the young women receives the assistance and resources she needs to get through this horrible experience.
Resident says
I’m praying that others come forward. I know at least one has, similar scenario (alcohol) but different EMS crew… The comments of not letting our women and children ride in ambulances will hopefully help the witnesses speak up.
Hopefully protecting our women and children will trump this good old boys network you’re speaking of and the innocent workers can safely come forward to report it. It would be sad to see something so horrific get swept under the rug right in front of our faces.
Go Flagler! says
He resigned prior to being fired for a failed drug test.
The Sour Kraut says
If he ever gets out of jail I have a job waiting for him. I have an operating wood chipper that I would like him to inspect from the inside.
Gop is vile says
Just taking after his role model convicted convict trump.
Dems are vile says
What does politics have to do with this guy? A Democrat hasn’t done anything VILE? Clinton? Biden? Mel Reynolds? Anthony Weiner? Your comment is truly ludicrous. A pervert is a percent. Doesn’t matter what side he votes on. Move back to NY
Concerned taxpayer says
I would expect nothing less than having a Fire Chief that beats his kids up. Chief Mike Tucker was arrested for beating his child. This is the caliber of people Flagler County Fire Rescue hires. Think I’m joking, research it. They hire outcast’s
The citizens do not deserve this
Common sense says
This is beyond sickening. It shows the grave state of our society in our own neighborhoods. We as humans while evolving have completely devolved into animals with no self control or moral compass. How did this man get in such a position. He didn’t recently turn into a predator. He has been for years but now turned to acting on his perverse demented thoughts. We as Americans are responsible for this. We walk around with our phones shoved in our faces. Scrolling and scrolling content that melts your brain. While the America is falling apart around us.
Duane says
It is not enough that this guy violates a helpless women, Sheriff Staley lumps all paramedics in the same category stating non of them can be trusted. Fortunately, the deputies don’t feel the same as the Sheriff and are always willing to work with the fire department personnel. Hey Staley, are you telling us you never had an IA involving impropriety in the Sheriff’s office?
I think you owe the fine personnel in the fire department an apology.