When Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy Frank Gamarra arrived at the Palm Coast Parkway scene at 8 p.m. Thursday, Toni Bater, a 50-year-old Palm Coast resident, was lying on the ground with severe injuries to her legs, arms and head and bruising to her right eye. She was in the parking lot of West Point Plaza, the commercial triangle just east of Bridgehaven Drive. Bater was incoherent, did not know where she was or how she had gotten there, and at one point tried to walk away, though Gamarra judged her injuries to be so severe that “she would suffer further physical injuries and possibly death if she did not receive medical attention,” according to his report.
Gamarra placed Bater in protective custody until he could further investigate the incident, and Bater was subsequently transported to Florida Hospital Flagler.
One witness at the scene told Gamarra that at one point he saw a white man at the wheel of a Chevy van stationed right next to Bater, who was on the ground, but that once the witness approached the van, the man drove away. The witness had the van’s license number. It came back to Bater as the owner.
Bater later began piecing together information for Gamarra. She told him she believed she was with her boyfriend, James D. Forbes Jr., a construction worker. She and Forbes had been drinking at Smiles Bar off Old Kings Road at around 3 p.m. Bater could not remember what time they left the bar. She thought Forbes may have fled to a Palm Coast address on Laramie Drive, where his parents live.
Bater had a large contusion to the left side of her head and an abrasion above her left eye, an abrasion consistent with road rash, or the scraping of the skin against a rough surface, on her left shoulder, swelling and bruising to her right eye, a large contusion to her left arm, near the elbow, and minor abrasions on her hands. Her legs revealed a large contusion and minor laceration to her inner left shin, abrasions to her outer left ankle and more severe abrasions that started on her outer shin and extended above her knee and lacerations to her outer and inner right knee, as well as bruising to her lower right leg.
“All abrasions appeared to have been consistent with abrasions caused by road rash,” the report states. “Bater’s left inner leg also appeared to have markings consistent with tire tracks indicating that she was run over by a vehicle.” Further evaluation of the injuries led to the conclusion that Bater had been dragged by a vehicle for an unknown distance, causing the abrasions and road rash, that as she was letting go of the vehicle she fell to the ground and was run over by the vehicle, according to the police report. “Bater most likely lost consciousness and suffered head trauma causing temporary memory loss,” the report states.
Bater told Gamarra that Forbes had “absolutely no permission to use her vehicle,” especially since his license is not valid.
Sgt. Carl Spath went to the Laramie Drive home, where the Chevy van was located in the driveway. Forbes was there and agreed, after being read his Miranda rights, to speak with Spath without an attorney. He said Bater had driven him to West Point Plaza to pick up his wheelbarrow. They went drinking. They got in an argument. Forbes told the sergeant that the argument involved Bater wanting to take the vehicle and leave Forbes there.
While Bater was in possession of her vehicle, “Forbes forcibly removed the keys from Ms. Bater and stated that he drove off,” the report states. Spath asked Forbes whether he just left Bater there. Forbes replied, according to the report: “Yea, that bitch was gonna leave me there.”
Forbes was arrested and charged with grand theft auto, aggravated domestic battery and driving on a suspended license. He remained at the Flagler County jail Friday morning, on $7,500 bond.
A.S.F. says
I hope Ms. Bater cooperates with the prosecution. This guy does not sound like the type for whom Domestic Violence would be a one-time occurrence (unless he is stopped.)
Gia says
Like in some city’s anybody driving without driver license or insurance should have the vehicle impound by the police. No sympathy. No excuse. We should have the same ordinance in Palm Coast. That would help to eliminate these kind of vermin.
Dudley Do-Right says
Another outstanding citizen of Palm Coast. Just can’t get any better living here!
Anonymous says
I hope the victim makes a full speedy recovery.
AA says
Ah…more alcoholics, more violence. Let’s all go down to are neighborhood watering hole and consume. Support your local bar’s !!!!
Anonymous says
Mia in this case he TOOK the vehicle. So impounding it would only hurt the victim.
BT says
How does impounding a stolen vehicle stop the thief/domestic abuser exactly? So, you want to punish the victim? Nice.
Genie says
Maybe a few more police around some of the local water holes might be a good idea? Might discourage some of these folks before trouble gets started.
Jeremy says
I bet the city will say the Red Light Cameras were used to solve this crime.
flaglerresident says
The sheriff’s office can’t/will not put more cops in the neighborhoods being robbed what makes you think they are going to post officers outside of a bar?
m&m says
It really doesn’t matter because a judge will release him for a couple bucks on a bond. Then he’ll be free to finish the job..
satan.d.worldonfire says
Gia palm coast does have that ordinance. It’ florida state law
anon says
some officer’s take it upon themselves to post outside of bars to catch drunk drivers,
Chris says
why impound the car it was not his it was hers. i think that a bond of 7,500 is not enough and hope she makes a good recovery