Reader Interactions


  1. DaleL says

    It is possible that Imane Khelif has either Swyer syndrome or a similar condition. She may indeed have an XY genotype, but with a defective SRY gene on the Y chromosome. There are other genes on the Y chromosome which can also cause this condition. When these genes are defective, the normal sex determination regions of the Y chromosome are not activated. When activated, the fetus develops as a male. When not activated, the fetus develops as a female because that is the default gender.

    Thus it can be true that Imane Khelif is both a female and has an XY genotype. This “controversy” is most likely based on ignorance of biology in general and genetics in particular.

    I am puzzled though as to why this is even a controversy in the USA. The Olympics are not being held here. The boxing contestants in question are not American. This seems to be a creation of right wing politics to stoke a sense of gender outrage against the “woke” left.

    • Ray W. says

      Hello Dale L. Thank you.

      I looked up Swyer Syndrome. Some babies born with XY chromosomes grow to adulthood with fully developed female organs and non-developed male organs. Though even more rare, some people are born with XXY chromosomes. I don’t claim any answers. All I know is that if we let politicians decide the issue, we might deserve the level of legislative and social dysfunction and confusion we get.

    • Laurel says

      DaleL: It may be possible, but that is just a comment that ads to the controversy, and not proven. As I am certain you know, women who become athletes often lose their periods, and bulk up. That has nothing to do with being male, or having an issue with their chromosomes.

      The reason it is controversy here in the U.S. is because Trump jumped on it, of course, stating he won’t allow men to compete as women in sports. The far right do not want to accept that women can do anything worthwhile other than produce offspring. When women prove them wrong, they MUST be male. While watching Jordan Chiles prepare for an event, I noticed she had false eyelashes. I thought “why in the world would she do that? Wouldn’t it get in the way of her vision, or at the very least, be distracting?” It would distract me! That’s how bigoted some people are, that it would cause women to over *feminize* their look to avoid questioning, even a petite, curvy, young lady.

      I remember I worked at a club, Boca Lago (I don’t mind saying), in Boca Raton, where the men were paid more than women for the same job. My male counterpart bartender would show me his checks as a stab. He also would *accidentally* bump into me, or hit me while working, even though bartenders are really good at dodging each other while busy…but I digress. I know I was a better bartender than he was, and thought the pay difference unfair. I went to the manager and stated that I wanted the same pay, and a fair schedule. He asked me if I was a lesbian! I’m not, but WTF does that have to do with it? I couldn’t just be female and good at what I did. I had to be, somehow male, or somehow close to it in his sad, little mind. It was an awful place to work, in my opinion, but there you go.

      These bigotries are examples of what I call “The willfully stupid.”

    • Sherry says

      Thanks so much Dale L. Unfortunately, it appears that the rise of close minded extreme “right winged” politics and the fascism of fear and hate is spreading around the world.

  2. JimboXYZ says

    boxing is a man-made competition, if one wants to compete in that, gender identity at the chromosome level, as humiliating as it may be, has to be done. When there are “Y” chromosomes that are generally acknowledged as what truly delineates male & female, thus men & women’s divisions, those born with non-existent or even underdeveloped body appendages external to he basis of DNA is rather irrelevant. Then when there are drugs that enhance performance that are borderline a sex change level of testosterone,m I wouldn’t blame the governing bodies of these sports to require extensive testing. Currently there aren’t enough freaks of nature to have a separate division for Men, Women & Genetic Freaks division at the DNA testing & determination level. Perhaps as this evolution develops further, there may be that. If the Algerian has a Y chromosome, would the Algerian box against more obvious DNA men ? And how fair would that be ? The meme of Mike Tyson identifying as Michelle Tyson is another grossly distorted concept of a man identifying as a woman that would be tantamount to domestic violence in a sanctioned sport such as boxing. Sometimes one has to be the bigger person for being that athlete to voluntarily refrain from competing. This is a contact sport, not swimming in a pool lane. And what is justified with the Algerian boxer is that there were women that outpointed & defeated the Algerian boxer. Still doesn’t diminish the fact that the Algerian hits considerably harder than her true female opponent. It just means the female boxer was skilled enough to avoid getting punched by a “Y” chromosome freak of nature. I don’t doubt that some dudes might get into the ring and get beaten by whatever it is they classify the Algerian boxer as.

    This is full contact sports, it’s not modelling. Google Amelia Maltepe or any other Trans Models. Just sayin’.

      • Jim says

        Nancy N. – JimboXYZ constantly writes gibberish in these comments. He usually hasn’t useful to say and consistently exposes a true lack of knowledge on almost every subject he pontificates.
        I whole-heartedly agree with your comment! Unfortunately, you’ll see JimboXYZ routinely spouting useless and pointless comments. We all just have to accept that JimboXYZ has little else to do in his life….

    • Laurel says

      “… “Y” chromosome freak of nature”

      Okay, you cannot fix the willfully…

      Excuse me while I go get an aspirin.

  3. Tom says

    Wait a minute man or women, who cares apparently by the picture she has been boxing since 1923… She is either in really great shape for her age or a time traveler. I think this should be investigate first….

    On the real note… Think about how frustrating it is for her. She is female but obviously has traits of a male, probably worked hard to get where she is and now has to continue to prove herself. Remember there are two sides of the page in a story.

  4. Sherry says

    @jimbo. . . just when I thought you couldn’t get any more obnoxious and asinine, you’ve outdone yourself.

  5. Flamingo Gary says

    Just stop all of this division. Have one set of Olympics and professional sports for that matter where everyone can participate regardless of gender. End this controversy by letting anyone regardless of gender join the NFL, NBA, MBL or whatever sport they choose. Thats the best solution.

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