Flagler Health+’s plans to build a hospital on a 70-acre parcel west of U.S. 1 and Palm Coast Parkway appear to have died. And the St. Augustine-based company is on the market, with AdventHealth, Halifax Health and Jacksonville-based Baptist Health competing to buy it, according to Palm Coast Mayor David Alfin.
Almost exactly a year ago, Flagler Health, owners of Flagler Hospital there, completed the $2 million purchase of a 70-acre parcel on undeveloped land beyond where Palm Coast Parkway dead-ends at U.S. 1. It wqs an attempt to challenge AdvetHealth’s dominance of the health care market in Palm Coast.
By then, however, AdventHealth Palm Coast had broken ground on its second hospital in town, a 100-bed facility on Palm Coast Parkway. The hospital, a $164 million project at last estimate in March, was scheduled to open next spring. There was little question that AdventHealth had developed the mid-town project as a message to Flagler Health.
Despite its size on a parcel with little elbow room, the second hospital drew no opposition and plenty of support, including from city leaders, all of whom are expected to be at the ceremonial opening of the hospital in spring. But there’s also been interest, especially from county government, in bringing Flagler Health to the county, as with its once-projected medical village in north Palm Coast.
“We desperately another network in town,” Alfin said in an interview today. “So here’s the worst thing that could happen. If Advent buys that hospital, brings in the next hospital, that would just kill me, because that could happen. You’ve got Halifax, Baptist and Advent all competing to buy Flagler Health.”
Flagler Health+ confirmed in August that it was seeking a “partner,” launching speculation about who was lining up to acquire it. The hospital described it as a decision “to explore for the future” and to “expand access to care.”
“Specifically, Flagler Health+ is seeking an organization who will be the right fit for the community,” the hospital said in its announcement. It initiated the search through a consultant and a request for proposal, without specifying who was on the list.
Alfin put it in more categorical terms. “They’re being bought,” he said. “They’re getting bought by either Halifax Baptist, or Advent. In my opinion I really don’t want Advent to be the winner of that. I want to compete. That’s my business background. I really want a competitive network in town. I think that will serve our residents much better than having a blocking maneuver, because if Advent buys, that’s it. That’s all you’ll ever have here.”
Alfin has had no direct or indirect contact with Baptist executives, while “the top guys” at Flagler Health “are gone,” it’s never been made clear why.”Halifax, I have spoken to,” he said. “They’ve expressed an interest and I’ve been at meetings in the past where they have expressed an interest” in the property. On the other hand, he said, “I know that both Halifax and Baptist demand an I-95 frontage. Don’t ask me why.”
That would seem to rule out the U.S. 1 location.
Alfin said he was “very sure” that the Flagler Health plan for a hospital on U.S. 1 and Palm Coast Parkway was dead. Asked to be more specific, he said he was “80 percent sure.” That does not necessarily mean that the site would not eventually see a hospital under another name, though Alfin saw AdventHealth’s move on the Parkway as having successfully blocked Flagler Health+’s expansion.
Alfin stressed that his hopes for more health care competition in town was no judgment on AdventHealth. “Don’t get me wrong, for me Wally is as good as it gets,” the mayor said, referring to Wally de Aquino, the chief operating officer at AdventHealth Palm Coast. “If I can only convince them to build campus housing for their people. I’m trying.”
Of the ongoing wrangling and positioning between health care companies, he added: “This is all happening in spite of us, which kills me because I’m very much a believer that, in city government, you ought to be managing your future. You want to be in the know. And that one, I don’t know.”
Cid says
David S. says
Alfin why don’t you buy it since you are a realtor with all that money.
Karen Svensson says
I am praying that Halifax or Baptist gets the win as the community DOES need other options for care and not a big corporation to monopolize the market.
Me says
That is a real disappointment. Where did the Mayor get his information from? Or did he price them out of town like he did to the Golden Lion Restaurant.
BaptistPlease says
I hope it’s Baptist. I’ll never go to another AdventHealth place ever again. Ever.
erp says
Far better for us to be in charge of ourselves than allow our hard-earned money to be confiscated, distributed to lefty politicians and then be doled out to the ever increasing trade unions and the public sector before finally begrudgingly tossed in our general direction.
Deborah Coffey says
I’m sorry to hear that. We definitely don’t need any more Advent Health.
Jimbo99 says
“‘Alfin has had no direct or indirect contact with Baptist executives, while “the top guys” at Flagler Health “are gone,” it’s never been made clear why.”Halifax, I have spoken to,” he said. “They’ve expressed an interest and I’ve been at meetings in the past where they have expressed an interest” in the property. On the other hand, he said, “I know that both Halifax and Baptist demand an I-95 frontage. Don’t ask me why.'”
Advent has that frontage from I-95 southbound near FL-100. Logistically Halifax & Baptist want their hospital to be as close to the exit ramps. Where else would they put a facility ? Commerce in Flagler County & Palm Coast has always been centered around the immediate clusters of each Parkway to capitalize on the traffic of cluttering I-95 travel. We have a mayor that is a real estate guy that doesn’t understand location, location of real estate. Between the residential growth elsewhere there is land to be utilized, yet who wants to live in a residential across the street from a hospital.
End of the day here, the Build Back Better recessionary & inflationary economy of the Biden is a day late & a millions of dollars short. The failure starts in the White House & trickles down to state, county & city level.
Robert Cuff says
Advent taking over Flagler Hospital and effectively blocking any other health care system from entering Flagler County is not good for competition and the community. I know many Flagler County residents who prefer the existing Flagler Hospital to Adventist Palm Coast and having that facility continue to provide a choice to our residents, even if that choice is aligned with Baptist or Halifax, strikes me as the best option. Flagler County is already too close to being a one horse town, healthcare wise, and having our choices reduced to Advent (Palm Coast), Advent (Ormond Beach) or Advent (St Augustine) is not something I’d welcome.
Not faces says
Alfin put it in more categorical terms. “They’re being bought,” he said. “They’re getting bought by either Halifax Baptist, or Advent.
I hope Alfin has more than Halifax expressing an interest. Many expressed an interested (over 50), and it’s been narrowed down to more than 3. The finals have not been released and unless Alfin has more than conjecture and speculation, this article spreads unnecessary rumors and fear. Flagler execs have worked hard to keep it from coming out until they choose to announce it.
JustBeNice says
Will there be any pediatric services in the ED or a pediatric wing? Flagler county parents have to take their children to Flagler in St. Augustine or AdventHealth in Daytona. Ridiculous.
The dude says
There’s a Biden under every rock for you. Even in a state, county, and city almost COMPLETELY run by republicans.
Are you saying these Florida republicans so weak and ineffectual that they’re constantly steamrolled by President Biden and DC so easily?
I think you are .
Do you blame President Biden when you get a hangnail too?
Claire Levesque says
I agree they can’t staff the hospital on route one, the emergency room is a disaster. Hours to get in to see a very over worked Doctor.
We need a better health system in the Palm Coast area. We are losing primary health care Doctors right and left. Been trying to schedule a spinal tap test but have not had a call back yet.
Me says
Charles says
If PC Residence don’t want something you can be sure Alfin will do it. He gave himself a raise before he even served one year as Mayor, that alone should tell you what he is about.
can'tfoolme says
Yes, Baptist please!
Jonathan says
Ask the Alfin what his plans are about all the traffic in the City of PC with all the construction building developments of homes now. PC is no longer a town it is a city now and the traffic situation has gotten worse and the City Officials aren’t doing anything to help it. No street lights at night, lines in the roads have all faded and when are they going to paint them so people can see at night while driving. Alfin what are you doing about those issues? The media’s grass in a lot of places aren’t being cut in a timely manner. Ever since he took office you can see PC going down.
Dennis C Rathsam says
I waited if pain from 10am til 630 when they got me a gurny, and put me in a hallway. They almost killed me, they were treating me for 2 days. I kept asking what I had???? When they released me the following day. Again I asked what was wrong with me? Thier dr told me they didnt know, after giving me every test in the book NO RESULTS, they said to follow up with my personal Dr…. He explained what was going on, & then he told me never to go there again….Take the ride to St Augustine…. 5 years ago, my father went in for minor operation, he was helathy as a horse.3 days later he was gone. They beat him up so bad, trying to get his heart beat right, his left eye poped out of his head. The worst part was the intensive care dr spoke 1l2ass english, & we couldnt understand her. My dogs get better treatment at the vet, than you get at Advent. Ask the locals who have been here awhile, in Plam Coast…Nobody has nothing good to say about them!
karlee says
yes, You nailed it ! The country is a crap fest right now …not to mention the mess at the border !!
Mark says
This project is not done until ALL the papers are signed, the Mayor doesn’t know. The Mayor recently was all in on the westward expansion of the “City” and with that expansion you will need services including a hospital of which the Flagler Health property is still a good choice. Hopefully anyone besides Advent buys it and builds a hospital the correct way with expansion possibilities, unlike this 10 pounds of horse manure in a 5 pound sack being built by Advent that should have never been okayed.
Michelle says
I agree 100% with you regarding AdventHealth. I travel to Daytona or Jacksonville for care. The place shouldn’t pretend to provide healthcare. Baptist or Halifax would be a welcome change which hopefully would bring quality care to our area.
Michelle says
When would Advent have a monopoly on healthcare in Volusia/Flagler? What would be the legal definition? There no choice, especially in an emergency.