A political committee has started moving forward with a proposed constitutional amendment that would allow medical-marijuana patients and patients’ caregivers to grow cannabis at home.
The WISE & Free Florida committee is seeking to get the proposal on the 2024 ballot, according to newly posted information on the state Division of Elections website. To do so, it would need to submit 891,589 valid petition signatures.
A summary of the proposal said it would allow “caregivers and adult qualifying patients 21 years or older to cultivate marijuana for medical use” and that cultivation would be “limited to the cultivator’s home.” The proposal comes as a committee known as Smart & Safe Florida tries to get an amendment on the 2024 ballot to allow recreational use of marijuana.
That committee had submitted 291,999 valid signatures as of early Friday afternoon. Florida voters in 2016 approved an amendment that authorized the use of medical marijuana.
–News Service of Florida
Bill May says
What could possibly go wrong with this idea??
Pogo says
@As usual
The usual suspects rise and bleat about devil weed — while scratching their beer bellies, waking from a moonshine (bought while visiting the “folks” back home in NC) blackout drunk, or looking towards their refrigerator during a commercial break on the Fox News channel.
Ah hell. Don’t get your panties in a bunch. The boys will take care of this. We still gonna be harvesting them people (wink): branding them felons, and making damn sure they don’t sneak up on us and vote.
Laurel says
Where do I sign? :)
Ed says
Baby steps to legal recreational use. Some people believe there are only two kinds of marijuana users, those that admit it and those that don’t. But there is a third kind, those of us that don’t use.
Does anyone think that once recreational use is legal that auto insurance rates are going down? Ask Coloradans.
Does anyone think it just might get more users since it’s legal?
Does anyone believe the street weed will not be sold, or just more expensive to match legal taxable sale and the street dealers’ business will ballon?
To the do gooders who think in 30-40 years marijuana will be better for us then menthol cigarettes, come on man.
Who will we blame in that 30-40 years when reality slaps us in the face? Probably big Pharma or the tobacco industry which ever one monopolizes the explosive expansion.
It only took 100 years to crucify big tobacco and 20 years big Pharma with opioids.
I know, I know that the evil weed has been around for ever, I grew up in the 60s and smoked my share…I made a personal decision not to use any drugs or alcohol. Complete sobriety allows me to see things differently but not necessarily correctly. Enjoy.
Pogo says
@Hey Ed
Some people’s bright future?
Maybe more doing good — would be good?
Remember this?
Ever asked about this?
Crucified? Really? As Easter approaches, seek them not among the dead…
But yeah, don’t smoke when the smoking lamp is out.