Legislation that would require public-school students to have a moment of silence at the start of each school day is ready to be considered on the House and Senate floors. The Senate Rules Committee on Monday signed off on a bill (SB 946) that would direct principals and teachers to give students up to two minutes each day to reflect on anything they want.
The full House on Tuesday is scheduled to consider a similar bill (HB 737), sponsored by Rep. Kimberly Daniels, D-Jacksonville. Senate sponsor Dennis Baxley, R-Ocala, told the Rules Committee on Monday that a moment of silence could help set a “different tone” for the day.
“Even a moment can change your perspective on a lot of things,” Baxley said. Sen. Rob Bradley, R-Fleming Island, said he thinks the bill could be one of the most important proposals of the legislative session and pointing to students’ freedom of expression. Under the House and Senate bills, teachers would not be allowed to tell students what to reflect on. But the bills would require teachers to “encourage” parents to make suggestions to their children as to the best use of their time. State law currently gives school districts the option to set aside time for students to silently pray or meditate at the start of the school day or once a week. But it is not a requirement.
Opponents of the bills have argued that requiring a moment of silence is likely to entangle public schools with religion and ensnare school districts in costly lawsuits. Also, they said it could lead to non-religious students being singled out. Sen. Gary Farmer, D-Fort Lauderdale, said the proposal would be an “end run on the prohibition against mixing church and state.”
–News Service of Florida
Merrill S Shapiro says
The problem lies in how often these “Moments of Silence” morph into prayers that divide rather than unite us!
erobot says
Start school days off with the Pledge of Allegiance – remove “under God” added by President Eisenhower and let everyone pray or not pray as they wish outside of the public schools.
Rich says
Start school days off with the Pledge of Allegiance – DO NOT REMOVE “UNDER GOD” added by President Eisenhower and let everyone pray of not pray as they wish outside of the public schools. That makes better sense does it not?
Lorianne Lucienne says
Why would that make sense? Are church and state not meant to be separated in the constitution, why would we add in an “under God” when the freedom to not believe is enshrined in that document?
SaltyMermaid says
Thank you – not all of us are Christian. I’m a teacher and I skip that part when I say the pledge.
Mondexian Mama says
How about a moment of education?
Mike Cocchiola says
The mandated moment of silence is an affront to our constitution and our country. We all know what conservative Republicans and Evangelicals intend. The moment of silence is a foot in the door to eventually get their version of a state-sponsored religion into our public schools. Conservative Republicans seek votes and power. Evangelicals seek “dominion” over America. Is this what we voted for? Is this America’s future?
Pogo says
@Mike Cocchiola – very well said.
First, Mike said, “…Conservative Republicans seek votes and power. Evangelicals seek “dominion” over America…”
You’re exactly correct. Literally:
Je$u$ $ell$ – The End is near
trump’s strapped zombies in 14 eye boots marry fascists in high towers and wait for the Boogaloo
Follow the flashing warning lights to the money
If all that isn’t making Jesus weep – nothing will.
Then Mike asked, “…Is this what we voted for?…”
Not me, or you, but a lot of people did. Scapegoats, something for nothing, e.g., a wall someone else pays for, pie in the sky, magical thinking served in an easily swallowed slogan are as old as sin. There is no new thing under the sun…
Mike, I wonder if God will accept excuses, like e.g., lame lies about audits that never end – that are never documented in any way whatever – and, sniveling dishonest whining, like e.g., nobody knew…
“…Is this America’s future?”
Looks like it. Add dying alone in front of exhausted strangers. maga – tired of winning yet?
Justin Case says
Hey Mike, did you read the article? Sponsored by Kimberly Daniels, democrat from J’ville. You seem quick to bash conservative Republicans. Where’s the “tolerance and love” dems like to preach?