Two Florida Congressmen known for their military service are stumping for the Republican nominee for Vice President.
Both U.S. Reps. Brian Mast and Mike Waltz are telling Pennsylvanians the differences between JD Vance and Tim Walz.
“I was a Green Beret that served as a commander of a National Guard unit. And guess what, when the nation called and we were told to go, I went,” Waltz said. “As the commander of a unit, I didn’t leave my marine Berets leaderless, like somebody else we may know.”
Waltz said Walz’s “stolen valor” was something that “every veteran here in the room knows what it is and the veterans community is not going to let him get away with it.” That’s a reference to claims the Minnesota Governor made alluding to him fighting in war over the years, which didn’t happen.
Waltz also suggested the Democratic ticket would leave Americans vulnerable to hostile foreign actors.
“If our enemies aren’t afraid of its leadership, if they don’t respect our leaders, which is what we’re seeing right now. It’s all going to fall apart and that’s why we see the world on fire right now. Do you think Xi (Jinping), (Vladimir) Putin, Kim Jong Un are going to be afraid of Kamala Harris and walls and what we’ve seen?”
Mast, a former Staff Sergeant who lost his legs in Afghanistan, continued the theme, saying only Trump and Vance were trying to make the country “worthy of the sacrifice” of Gold Star families, as they are “fighting like hell to make this country worth your sacrifice in war.”
“There are only two people in this race who are fighting to make America worth your service and your sacrifice. And that’s JD and Donald Trump,” Mast said.
“Are you going to have people who live it, who fight it every single day to make this place worth what you all have given up, what your friends in combat have given up, what your friends who gave their lives gave up, what those family members who do not have them gave up, what friends you march alongside in Veterans’ Day parades gave up. They are fighting for that,” Mast said.
–A.G. Gancarski, Florida Politics
nbr says
The article states , that Waltz would not leave his “Marine” Bret’s leaderless
Last time I checked, this is what is real
the Army Special Forces
This was reversed on 25 September 1961 by Department of the Army Message 578636, which designated the green beret as the exclusive headdress of the Army Special Forces. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy authorized them for use exclusively by the U.S. Special Forces.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › U…
United States Army Special Forces – Wikipedia
Who has stolen Valor
just saying says
Wikipedia isn’t a very good resource to cite. I’ve known people who write their own wikipedia pages about themselves. I really hope it isn’t acceptable as a source in universities. Anyone can write, contribute, etc to this online format. Maybe delve deeper into those cited resources on the Wikipedia page you are referencing– at least that may shed some better light on objective vs subjective.
Helen says
How did military go for the Trump?
Backslapping Commission says
We would not vote for Waltz for dog catcher! He can’t be trusted , does not answer
his emails from his constituents, another big time croney for developers always
looking for photo ops on Fox to talk his BS about his concern for Chinese AI,
he is another waste of a politicial seat another career politician. He needs to go!
Justbob says
Obviously sharing the same couch.
What Else Is New says
Waltz is a poor representative as was his predecessor DeSantis. If you have written to Waltz concerning important issues, you receive vague replies always blaming Hillary, Joe, Barak, Jimmy, et al. Poor guy is so misinformed he is unable to conduct his duties with intelligence.
Laurel says
Capt. Bonespurs and the combat correspondant?
Four years in an office job v. twenty-four years with promotions?
Walz stayed in the military four years beyond retirement, and left before his peers were called to action. So if Vance, or whatever his name is, is so much a better veteran than Walz, why didn’t he, at least, enlist for four more years? He still would have served 16 years less than Walz.
Who the hell do they think they are fooling? Why must they lie? Because they think we’re dumb.
Jim says
Glad Waltz was able to get out among voters in PA. He sure can’t be bothered meeting with citizens from his own district….
Kat says
Another reason I am voting for James Stockton. We need to get his name out there, he’s running to displace Walz and does not have a big war chest. Look him up, he’s a good man, not putting in to the race by big money and special interests.