Cops love to call the local druggies they round up “poison peddlers.” But a two-bit druggie you’ll never hear of again is nothing compared to the poison peddlers of politics who run campaigns and get elected while trafficking in lies, bigotries and ideological toxins long enough to ruin lives and smear communities before their mendacity catches up to them–before our notoriously comatose electorate flickers back to life long enough to vote them the hell out.
So it was with three of our more noxious poison peddlers in this primary election: Joe Mullins, Jill Woolbright and Janet McDonald. Flagler County hasn’t given up the ghost yet. Nor is it free of the peddlers.
But it’s the exception, not the rule, and it happens only when the electorate gets hoodwinked, the way it got hoodwinked when Mullins and Woolbright were elected. It was less so when McDonald regained her school board seat four years ago because she’d done an excellent job of playing Jekyll to her Hyde in her first term. That all ended when she went mullah on the board, bringing out preachers and prayer bongs before going bonkers for Qanon during the Covid pandemic and doubling down with Woolbright’s Comstockery. I just hope we didn’t trade one hoodwink for another with a couple of new candidates.
This has nothing to do with a liberal plaint against conservatives, because it’s not a liberal-conservative dichotomy at all. We’re in a conservative county. That’s a given, and it’s not about to change. It’s also irrelevant. If Flagler is solidly conservative, it remains sanely, moderately so for now, even for a one-party county with just three Democrats among 33 elected officials on six government boards, plus the five (all-Republican) constitutionals (the clerk of court, the tax collector, the supervisor of elections, the property appraiser and the sheriff).
Look at most of those 32 serving (one seat on the Bunnell commission is vacant). They work hard, debate hard, stick to local everyday issues that matter and leave the cancers of ideology and showoff piety at the door (but for those irritating but inoffensive prayers at the beginning of Bunnell and county meetings). They might as well be their own Rotary: but for the diversity part, they live up to Rotary’s principles.
Of course there are disagreements, the occasional public outrage, even a few dumpster fires from time to time (see under “Flagler Beach”). Of course there are hotheads (Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, and when Michael Martin speaks, seismographs in California know it). But all that remains within the usual bounds of political discourse. That’s local politics. It’s bracing, not alarming. It’s the sequel to Tocqueville’s Democracy in America.
Where things go sideways is when the elected Mullinsify and start pimping their poisons by sucking down the national talking points of the usual propaganda organs and vomiting them back on us as if any of it has the slightest bearing on silted swales and canals in Palm Coast, better roads for the west side or the middling reading grades of Flagler students.
We live in an era when truth, fact, evidence, science have been reduced to opinion. Evidence is whatever the liars and fabricators want it to be. And masses of people believe it. Stupor and stupidity can be a winning constituency, if manipulated with appealing dogmas by shameless demagogues. Trump didn’t set the standard. He just updated an American deformity dating back to William Jennings Bryan, Huey Long, Father Coughlin, George Wallace and Newt Gingrich, among many others. The sewers of social media were soulmates to Trump’s poison. Millions drank. Minions arose. To wit: the witless Mullins, The Woolbright, the McDonalds. They may be gone. The poison peddlers definitely aren’t.
Take Ed Danko, the ostensible Palm Coast city councilman. He’s calmed down from his first year’s impersonation of a caudillo off his meds. He doesn’t seem to have insulted the children of former officials lately or spat out as colossal a slander as he did about the former mayor during a council meeting, for which he never apologized, or, that we know of, made employees uncomfortable at City Hall lately. He even sounds reasonable at times, almost genial.
But he’s still a troll off the council. He was a Mullins apologist to the end (Mullins shoveled money at Danko’s Trump Club), he’s still shilling for Big Lie Trump at every turn, which ought to be an automatic disqualification for office in voters’ eyes since he is lying about the very system that got him in office. And I don’t know what happens after a certain hour, based on the nocturnal emissions he drops in FlaglerLive’s comment section (he’s since been banned: he was not complying with his own boycott, let alone our comment policy), but he appears to be under the influence of a narcotic more powerful than Fox News. Maybe he switched to OAN. Anyway, he’s going to have to do a lot better to convince us that he’s not a poison peddler anymore.
I hesitate to include Christy Chong and Will Furry on the peddlers’ list just yet. But their behavior in the campaign so far is not encouraging. They had their faces stamped on that pack of lies that portrayed themselves as the real thing and Trevor Tucker, along with Sally Hunt and Courtney VandeBunte, as criminals “wanted for hindering parental rights” and pushing critical race theory and “gender indoctrination.” It didn’t work against VandeBunte and Hunt, but it knocked out Tucker.
True, he took his win for granted, which was insanely foolish. It’s not 2008 anymore, Trevor. But he was the most authentically conservative member of the school board, and he wouldn’t know critical theory from a monk in Nepal. I doubt Furry and Chong would, either. Yet they rode in on what they should have denounced, making them poison peddlers in my book, so far anyway.
That’s before addressing that bogus platform of theirs cribbed right out of the Moms-for-McCarthyism playbook. They know damn well the CRT-gender-parental-rights mantra is today’s red-baiting, a fabrication to address a non-existent problem, the dog-whistling bigotry of it all aside. But whatever Trump clone they’re using to run their campaigns read his Gingrich memo about how to use certain words when a) demagoguery’s your thing, b) you have nothing to offer beyond cheap slogans and a DeSantis hat, and c) smearing the opposition can win you votes. That’s what this whole fake school crisis is all about. I don’t think Furry and Chong had the capacity to think this through–they’re no Gingriches–but they knew a good ploy when it was fed them, so off went that malicious double-sided flier.
Of course they have all the free speech in the world. But that doesn’t make their speech factual, ethical, moral, or responsible, and if they can’t muster those four qualities heading into a school board seat, where a little bit more is expected of them, they’re just Woolbright redux. Taking part in that lovefest of lawbreaking endorsements at Parkview Church wasn’t exactly a good example for the kids, either. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they’ll see the light, and I don’t mean the messianic kind they’ve been burning our retinas with. If not, the electorate won’t be any kinder to them than it was to the other crusaders.
Tuesday’s election is not a turning point. It’s more like another temporary win for sanity. Flagler is still getting much redder because it’s getting older: there’s a direct connection between the huge proportionate increase in the county’s elderly population over the past 10 years and the increase in Republican registrations, and if this continues Flagler may well be the next Villages and a fertile ground for the very kind of white nationalists, bigots and liars defeated this week. Just not yet. Poison-peddling nut jobs may still win office of course, and do. But for now, it looks like Flagler voters will make sure that they have a short and embarrassing shelf life.
Pierre Tristam is FlaglerLive’s editor. Reach him by email here. a version of this piece aired on WNZF.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Spot on Pierre, Let the scum of Palm Coast die a slow lingering death…. The adults in the city have spoken!
Lester says
Hopefully the voters have sent a clear message to any future candidates looking to ride the coattails of the previous toxic clown show Flagler County has endured. By the way, sorry to go off topic but what happened to the article on the local III%er that was arrested and charged for his actions on January 6th at the Capitol? The article was just posted yesterday and is no longer on the main page. I believe the article raises an important awareness within our community. The presence of Three Percenter movement or related groups in the area pose a risk to the public and residents should be aware.
Paula says
Well said! But, you might be surprised to know there are a lot of older people who have changed from voting Republican to voting Democrat because of Trump and what he has spawned, even though they are still registered as Republicans.
Don’t assume that age = being inflexible and incapable of change.
Hold on Jane is talking, always talking..... says
Poison peddling for sure.
Now that we’re rid of Woolbright, Mc Donald and that fool Mullins, Danko is next. Danko is a wanna be arrogant little Trump.
Danko your next!
Chong, was a huge mistake, I heard her on the radio and in person at an event she will be lost being on the school board, Tucker was loss.
But, we have a more sinister issue yet to come
Jane Gentile-Youd, the most arrogant, mean spirited condescending person I’ve ever met. I don’t see how someone that has health concerns and conditions like with her age able to represent the people.
She is no better a bully than Mullins. If anyone votes for her over Leann Pennington you wasted your vote.
Jane Gentile- Youd is condescending to County staff, rude to the Commission and at times that can be unnerving to listen to. Even when you you not fond of a Commissioner like Mullins you have feel for the guy when she gets through ridding his ass.
Jane you should go away and let the best candidate that has come along in years, Leann Pennington continue the task.
Go away Jane, just go away!
Mark says
Thank you Pierre!!!
Jimbo99 says
The next bunch are on the clock for making the area better, try not to cling to those pictured like Biden does Trump, also choose to make Jan 6th bigger than an entire summer of 2020 & BLM protests, riots & loots. Those gone in this election had their day, the next group will get their time. It will be a tough comparison of Flagler, the new group getting the inflation of the Biden-Harris lies, a recession really. Just as the old group got Trump lies ? There was the 2020 Covid coup as well, Monkeypox isn’t the tool of politics at this point, the reality of inflation is the new tool.
HAHAHAHA DANKO didn’t like the idea that he was called out on his numerous fake facebook accounts that he makes up for his minions so that they are able to troll other peoples facebook account, they are all part of the same hateful crew. I read that they even mocked and belittled a very conservative women whose son in law was running for school board on election day in public spewing out their hate on a speaker in front of the election polls, SHAME ON ALL OF THEM, they have the audicity to call themselves God loving Christians as they make all Christians look bad as God himself is looking down upon them saying what the hell is going on down there and this is not what I intended. Thank you moderate Republicians in Flagler and other party affiliations for coming out and not putting up with their hate, as we are much better than that and much better off without them. So take heed all you other carbon copy officials in office your turn to leave will soon come.
Lamo says
Look at the economy, look at the market, look at foreign affairs, you people are really sticking it to Trump , by shoving up everyone’s ass. You morons.
Montecristo says
Jane Gentile-Youd is very condescending if you read her post most of the she challenges anyone that questions her.
She’s rude, mean-spirited and thinks she right all the time.
I don’t want another bully on that dias. I don’t want to listen to a person that doesn’t listen or pretends to like Mullins did.
Jane Gentile-Youd is too old and in poor health to be responsible for our future.
One last thing she treats the County staff horrible. Always demanding for her questions to be answered by them. It’s awful to list to her.
Now, why would I want that type of Commissioner be on that board?
Vote Leann Pennington For level headed positive view points.
Pissed in PC says
Good analysis Pierre! You have many same members of this community that have planned well in advance for this primary day and I won’t disclose how we chatted or where. We don’t do crazy here but we have to constantly keep our guard up.
Danko is in my sights and I’m working on some personal health issues but my goal is to take him on cause we need him gone to after his antics on the board, dog park and Mullins flunkie.
Now let’s work on getting Courtney elected, I’ll be doing my opposition research that Furry is endorsed by another group called 1776 Project but it appears as another Mom’s for Liberty that we rejected in Jill Woolbright (also funded by DeSantis and dark money to push Christian nationalism in schools).
Keep holding them accountable (Danko, Hansen, Sullivan, O’Brien) and we the sane will do the rest. 😉
Hugo says
Thank You!
The ones that won will have to prove their desire for civil service, their interests in fellow residents, not get involved in national politics and adoration for their version of a “strong man” .
Furry still has to run ( in November ?) if he’s spouting garbage like this now, we will do all we can to defeat him. We’ll be watching closely and once they show true colors , vote them out!
Order up: fries, Degree, and milkshake ready! says
Chong is an air head. She has no education experience, yet she is on an education board over seeing education. I personally cannot wait to see the controversy she stirs up – will it be anything like the Passion of the Wolly?? And I personally cannot wait to vote her out, as will all of the other air head retired old people who voted her dumb ass in. She’s a 1 term member for sure considering her background – having nothing to do with actual education besides her esteemed education background in nursing – from the University of Phenix. lol.
Well, Pierre, you really LOST any respect of any Freedom Loving People of Flagler County County. You have been ‘played’(again) by the CCP’s Global Times Campaign to DIVIDE America! You People Voted for Comrade Biden and you have to eat Xi Jinping’s Anti-America BULLSHIT! Hey, this is NO Joke!
The dude says
And that message is a solid “maybe…”
Until candidates like these are not considered viable candidates at all due to their extremism and conspiracy theories, there’s much work to do.
The dude says
Still lots to do.
Q crazies shouldn’t be governing anything.
Also, the last minute scramble by Leann to prove that she has never known or been friendly with any democrats ever isn’t sitting well at all.
Sorry, but this city has more than grouchy old white republicans living here.
The dude says
Ummm… you already said all that.
Bob J says
just scroll down a bit. it’s there.
justbob says
Great piece and the usual mighty fine wordsmithing. But no mention of Pontieri and Lowe…with voters having to pick their poison between a racist lawyer and sovereign citizen handyman?
The ORIGINAL land of no turn signals says
Boy, that was the biggest hate article in Flagler live yet.
Water Lou says
Careful who you vote for……. You just might be Unpleasantly surprised . Hard times ahead,
John Stove says
Get a grip….
Trump and those who support him need to wake up and get out of the cult before the kool aid is passed out…..he will always be remembered as the twice impeached president who stole classified documents and was involved in so many legal lawsuits that he will be studied for years to come.
No president is perfect (Republican or Democrat) but Trump was a S**T stain on this country.
Jim says
Try not writing your opinion when your abusing drugs and/or alcohol. You’re off topic and incoherent. But it’s always good to here from knowledgeable members of the public!!!
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Montecristo the real trash in the county are those like you who are too cowardly and vicious to spout your venom under your real name.
FlaglerLive says
The article briefly, mistakenly did not automatically bump down to the left column when the trial article went up.
Pierre Tristam says
Who needs Carlin when we have Ultra? But for the record, Xi and I only swap pictures of our kitties and exchange kitty litter tips (he’s into that blue crystal crap, I prefer the clumpy sand kind). Either way it’s another wonderful day of shit-shoveling in “freedom-loving Flagler.” (You really crack me up Ultra. Blessings undisguised.)
Pissed in PC says
Chong probably won’t last the full term if she’s the only one that’s clueless and pushing her Christian nationalist agenda. Let’s make sure she’s the only one by making sure Furry (1776 Project same as Moms for Liberty) isn’t voted in.
Bill Mann says
Looks like we have 3 too many members of the the ‘Peoples Socialist Party’,.
To call todays Democrat’s the ‘Democrat Party’ is inappropriate, lets call a spade a spade!
Montecristo says
Once again I made my point.
You are too dangerous to be a Commissioner.
I'm just a mo mo says
Ok then let’s have Joe Mullins back?
Old white Republican living in PC as you say.
Robjr says
Woolbright out and Chong in is a wash.
VandeBunte is an educator who should prevail.
On the other hand don’t write off the IQ 45 crowd.
It is not over until it is over.
Cynthia says
I doubt Jane has even the slightest chance of getting enough votes.
Michael Cocchiola says
Hey, Pissed in PC…
Contact me @ [email protected]. I’ll be working to elect Courtney and defeat Joe – I mean Will – Furry.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
to Hold On – The real shame is that you are so shamelessly nasty as well as ignorant and to not realize, or even care, that every single one of my comments and ( unanswered) questions to the commission regarding neglected important issues and UOUR tax money being wasted, are ALL based on the truth and nothing but the truth which I spend many hours of homework .
The saddest and most distressing question I have for myself is ” Why am I spending so much of my time and money trying to improve YOUR quality of life when you are so absolutely ungrateful for my unending efforts on your behalf ( as well ,yes, as my own). By the way, who are you may I ask? One of those perhaps on who our tax money is being squandered upon? What else are you hiding aside from your name I wonder.
And Justice for all says
Good article. “Freedom “ that word is often misused by some. I read somewhere about the possibility of the universe having a limit, but stupidly is still in doubt. How can someone who is a multi-billionaire be so much need that he continually asks regular folks for money? Populist will always have their followers I guess, but dam! I remember when Republicans stood for strong national defense, fiscal responsability and some morals ( no grabbing women by..)
Steve says
Ok ChristoFacist Culture Warrior. Your County will change drastically in the last Years of your Life. Sit back and watch helplessly
James says
I wonder what they would do to a leader like him in the England of old?
But the best punishment for Trump unfortunately is to ignore him… absolutely. I say unfortunate since no one seems capable of doing so.
He should never have been president in my opinion… period. Why? Why didn’t I EVER vote for him? I’ll just say he didn’t seem to have the right temperament for the job and leave it at that… I think history has proved me right, unfortunately.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
to Hold On – The real shame is that you are so shamelessly nasty as well as ignorant and to not realize, or even care, that every single one of my comments and ( unanswered) questions to the commission regarding neglected important issues and UOUR tax money being wasted, are ALL based on the truth and nothing but the truth which I spend many hours of homework .
The saddest and most distressing question I have for myself is ” Why am I spending so much of my time and money trying to improve YOUR quality of life when you are so absolutely ungrateful for my unending efforts on your behalf ( as well ,yes, as my own). By the way, who are you may I ask? One of those perhaps on who our tax money is being squandered upon? What else are you hiding aside from your name I wonder.
James says
Well, on the bright side we can all head on down to the canals with our kayaks now and launch them from whomever’s property we like.. freely unrestricted… and without fear (as long as Pontieri is there with us, that is).
Wait Jane's talking AGAIN! says
You are so vile with your remarks.
You don’t deserve to be a Commissioner. Like you are short fused and claim you want to do this job on behalf of the people. However, you say with your disgusting remarks that I don’t appreciate your efforts.
Well Jane do it because you want to do it. Don’t try to spite me.
You talk a good game like Joe Mullins and you are exactly like him. A bully. I don’t like bullies.
Another thing, I don’t see you coming out to our farms standing in the fields with us and see for yourself the drainage issues. You won’t last five minutes.
For this job you must have stamina something you lack. None of us that have farms want you to represent us.
Montecristo says
So now you resort to call constitutes trash.
You’ll get a lot of votes with this kind of campaign.
I can’t believe you think this is ok to say.
What’s next my religion, my color my ethnicity?
Your the trash talker not the respected leader we want.
Jane go a way!
Pissed in PC says
Mike you know me. We’ve chatted on messenger 😉
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Thank you Paula for your comment.
I am 66 years old and I am NOT fooled by the unqualified people running for office, and getting elected, because us reasonable conservatives are still here, and I for one plan to get involved politically in our community in the future to try and turn around this cancer that the Mullins of the party have created.
As a former politician from up north, I am totally shocked at the stupidity of the ultra-right down here in Flagler County.
Too much hate and lack of common sense. You are either ignorant, easily fooled, evil…to behave the way many of our elected politicians do.
My question is “who the hell votes for these people, and why?
Oh, that’s right…we all ready figured that out.
Now we need to get rid of them and save our County.
For the People says
To all the Jane Gentile-Youd bashers: some facts about this great lady you should know before you try to destroy her good name
1) She, more than once, in 20 years has been the only citizen of Flagler County to speak out at budget hearings on behalf of the citizens. Her latest effort to see the fire rescue helicopter return to 24/7 flight service instead of only 8 hours a day. The fire chief told her he needs about $350,000 more and she is fighting for that right now.
2) She has been, and continues all my herself to work with FDOT to make our roads safer, better lit, free from truckers parking overnight and making mud tracks on the I-95 ramps. You must notice all the sticks and no parking signs on many of the Flagler ramps. You have Jane and nobody else to thank for that. She also is responsible for FDOT putting guard rails and reflectors on the dangerous Old Dixie Bridge which had only concrete barriers to the steep drop to I-95 after she moved here in 2002. Upon arriving here she got the attention of FDOT and the commission who got a $200,000 federal grant to beautify the area with palm trees, oaks and shrubs.
3) The dangerous Old Dixie Hotel which was overridden with rats and a dangerous mosquito infested pool before Jane contacted the Health Department. They came out the day after she called and got rid of the rats and had the pool filled in after her 7 years of requests to the county were ignored. She is trying to get the unsafe structure demolished for over a year since the current owners defaulted on their promise to the county to refurbish.
4) Jane was there that day in 2013 to oppose the purchase of the old hospital for the sheriffs headquarters which has cost us over a million dollars in losses, she spoke against any inspection of a building with only flashlights and with no electricity nor running water before the commission voted to buy it. She is always fighting to oppose any waste of our tax dollars.
5) She was there at the county workshops when the noise caused by the flight schools over the airport were causing the residents to lose sleepless nights. She spent hours trying to help the situation. Fortunately the residents fought hard and seem to have the issue under control now
6) She tried to stop the county from borrowing over $5million to pay double the value of the decrepit Plantation Bay Utility in 2013 and then sticking the entire debt on the backs of the residents. Jane was at every hearing trying to keep the rates from going up when nobody else showed up. She is always protesting the approval of more poorly planned homes in the country and handouts to favored developers.
My hand is getting tired from writing all this; I can just image how tired Jane must be after 20 years of working on all these issues and still finding the time, loss of thousands of dollars in lost income, the courage, the determination and fortitude to run even in the face of disgraceful uncalled for criticism.
I can only conclude that there must be some people who are afraid of losing money if Jane gets elected because she knows all about their very probable underhanded dealings. She knows where to go and who to go.
I am voting for Jane based on her record for getting things done, and for her passion to make this county a better place for us all..
Robert Joseph Fortier says
Thank you Paula for your comment.
I am 66 years old and I am NOT fooled by the unqualified people running for office, and getting elected, because us reasonable conservatives are still here, and I for one plan to get involved politically in our community in the future to try and turn around this cancer that the Mullins of the party have created.
As a former politician from up north, I am totally shocked at the stupidity of the ultra-right down here in Flagler County.
Too much hate and lack of common sense. You are either ignorant, easily fooled, evil…to behave the way many of our elected politicians do.
My question is “who the hell votes for these people, and why?
Oh, that’s right…we all ready figured that out.
Now we need to get rid of them and save our County.
Laurel says
Thank you Paula! I’m quite tired of being blamed for everything in the world because of my age, as if I’m at fault for what the oil companies peddled, etc. Some may recall that my generation were the hippies, who easily accepted other colors, genders and thinkers. Not to mention that many of these current white nationalists are not yet even close to retirement. The “Jews will not replace us” tiki boys are not seniors, neither are skin heads.
We also learned chit chatting with personnel at the Supervisor of Elections office that many Republicans turned Independent because of Trump. My husband was one of them. That may be why there is a large number of NPAs here. There is a lot of bigotry towards seniors today, I’m sorry to say.
Nanci Whitley says
I’m always mistified when the right says the left is, or wants, to take away their freedoms.
Just what freedoms are you talking about? DeSantis is banning my freedom to read what I
want, banning my freedom to educate my children the way I want, infringing on my freedom to vote….THEN suspending those I chose to vote for, hindering my rights to privacy and my personal health choices, dismissing the 70% vote of Floridians to pass the Felons right to vote act, but adding new rules. And more….
Laurel says
And Justice: You don’t have to be smart to be rich, just willing to screw people over if necessary. Trump’s really good at that, but clearly not too smart. Just really good at marketing, for which he had a lifetime learning curve.
Laurel says
Dude: Yeah, it’s got grouchy young ones too.
Mark says
My family and I are Voting for you Jane. We Vote NO (R) anymore, been screwed over too many times.
Sheila Zinkerman says
Poison Peddlers operate in schools, work places, religious organizations, the home, government, and elsewhere. Often their poison is not identified as dangerous (think Parent’s Rights peddlers.) It takes patience and persistence to clear them out. The lengthy wait time to accomplish this works against them because Poison Peddlers start making mistakes. Currently we are in a GOP Christian Nationalists wait time. However, the author of the opinion piece below not only gave me a reason for hope, he also gave me a few laughs to make the wait time seem shorter.
c says
Definitely incoherent, but not really off-topic. After all, this article is highlighting our rejection of people just like him in government .
Hold this.. says
Hey for the people, she’s a complainer, that wants to hear she’s right all the time.
If you don’t agree she will just call you a name.
People that do go to the meetings are tired of listening to her.
They groan when she approaches the lectern.
Just because she opposes something doesn’t mean she is right.
Good try to make her bulliness look stately.
She needs to stay in retirement where she belongs.
We don’t want you to represent us .
Knowledge says
Even God cannot save her.
God did not know we had Dinosaurs. Why not speak about the great creatures. Where in the book.
131 million year old foot print.
Religion appeases the un EDUCATED.
Those that must be led.
Not within my gates.
Just a book,
Deborah Coffey says
I will take a reasonable conservative any day compared to these MAGA nutbags. Thank you for being willing to get involved. Signed, a sincere Democrat.
Deborah Coffey says
Incoherent is an understatement but, your point is spot on!
Anna says
And yes Rhino Mullins good riddens!
Crazy AZ people says
bob says
do you talk down to everyone Jane ?
Concerned Citizen says
You know what amazes me the most?
The division and hate that WE have allowed these politicians to cause in OUR Community. You all complain when folks get elected. But who’s fault is it when they get elected? If EVERYONE did their own research and background checks instead of relying on lies and promises. Or whatever information the local media wants to provide you’d be better informed voters. I mean this very paper ran numerous articles on Joe Mullins. And he still got votes!! I’m still trying to figure out that one. And the only thing I can come up with is this county is afraid of change. It’s so afraid that it was remotely willing to give Mullins another chance!! Remember the quote about insanity?
What if..
We spent all this negative energy bashing each other here and rallied for change? What if we were more aggressive screening our candidates? Asking hard questions and doing our own fact checking? Research and background checks are a simple thing this day and age. I see many on this forum who demand change. But how many have stepped up with us and called various agencies to try and get official attention on the likes of Mullins? Remember it takes a village.
I hold an elected official 100% accountable at all times. They took an oath when they were sworn in. An oath holds them to higher standards. It is no longer about them. But about US. And we need to hold them to that. When this new group comes in we need to remind them that they are here to represent us. And when they don’t we need to remind them officially. Not just on Flagler Live.
I watched you all get upset about a few Pastors and wanted to run right to the IRS. So remember that fervor when Pennington or Chong don’t do their job. Instead of hating on each other here band together and get petitions and recalls going to shake these folks up.
I have said this many times before. This County needs change. But that change begins with us at the polls. We can and need to do a better job electing candidates to bring in that change. Stop electing what you know and expecting different. It doesn’t work.
Timothy Patrick Welch says
Poison-peddling nut jobs…Really?
Someone steps-up to serve the community, and the community gives them a chance. Yet some use vulgar inuendoes to hastily characterize and generalize.
Support those chosen to lead!
Ron says
Does it really matter what policy party your affiliated with? I am a Republican but I would never vote for Joe Mullins. I use my common sense. It goes the same for any politician. How can you back any politician that destroys evidence? How can you back any politician that prevents an investigation into his sons illegal activities involving Russia and China?
If you support these illegal activities then your corrupt as them!
James says
I happened to look over Jane’s webpage just a few days ago to get an idea of where she stands on the various issues. I must say I had to go over it several times to try to get a picture of what her major accomplishments were… your presentation of them is much clearer and to the point in my opinion.
What concerns me most is over development here in Flagler. I notice she’s from Miami where she worked on a zoning board, was a council member and was/is a real estate broker… she also notes that her “outspoken efforts are well known, both in Miami-Dade and here in Flagler County for standing up against runaway development and my refusal ( both as a Realtor and private citizen) to participate in land deals I do not think will be beneficial to the community.”
So with her extensive background with regards to the development issue, can she cite varifible instances in her time in Miami in which she voted for and against certain development projects and why? And also what ultimately became of those development projects… for example, were they approved or disapproved by the council?
The DemonKKKrats are the REAL Poison Peddlers in Flagler County! Join America First Patriots to KEEP Flagler County a Great Place to Live and Raise your Family! God, Family, and Country!
Alphonse Abonte says
If you do not vote Republican this November you have to receive mental health help. These Democrats are destroying this country!
bob says
your statement looks like lip stick on a pig and a repeat, repeat, repeat statement
Alphonse Abonte says
Welcome to the new America created by the Democrats.
Where liars are rewarded, the truthful jailed, taxpayers forced to pay off student loans, criminals released without bail, schools that produce students who can’t read, speak, and write, Where cops are the public enemies, and criminals are erects statues to him, where the increase in prices is not inflation, where fleeing from a military conflict is a victory, where the son of a president is corrupt, but he is a good person.
Where a president says that everything is wonderful.
And So much for the myth that the LEFT is the party of “Toleration”.
Conservatives want FREEDOM & to DEBATE issues.
Progressives want UNIFORM OBEDIENCE & CANCELLATION of those who fail to comply with their beliefs.
Algernon says
Sheila – that’s a marvelous link you posted. Thank you. It’s worth a read!
The right wing won’t like it, the libs will love it, and those of us in the middle will find food for thought…
Tamara Megee says
I was going to look into your platform and learn more about you but your very own comments on this thread show me that you are unprofessional to say the least.
I’m looking for MODERATE candidates with common sense that will stop the feuding and reunite Flagler.
That doesn’t seem to be you. That’s a shame.
Tamara Megee says
If all of that is true then it’s a shame that her inability to civilly engage with constituents will keep her from getting elected.
Joe mullins personally attacked me for asking genuine concerned questions during the pandemic. He called me a racist because I advocated for immigrants. He threatened to have my lips super glued shut.
I’m not alone by any means and those of us that felt his scorn worked hard to make sure he was removed.
The last thing I would ever do is vote another egotistical control freak like Mullins was in.
I’m interested in democracy- and snubbing constituents doesn’t sit well with me.
Tamara Megee says
Our work isn’t over! Chong is Jill 2.0 only without the qualifications that Jill has.
Furry is even worse. He’s completely unqualified and only in this for the politics of Christian nationalism. Period.
The fact that he’s willing to use the church pulpit to campaign says it all. I’m a Christian and I’m offended by that.
I’ve been going to the school board meetings since the pandemic where I met Courtney VandeBunte. She’s AMAZINGLY qualified, passionate about education (it’s her career), and she listens to everyone’s concerns in a professional and sincere way.
She’s been slandered by the governors PAC and the info on that flyer was outright lies.
If you actually care about education and not political idiocy, then vote for COURTNEY VANDEBUNTE.
Wallingford says
The next poison pusher we must make sure never gets in the PC City Council is Alan Lowe. With his partner Danko he would do nothing but disrupt the orderly process of government. When he last ran with Danko as his Campaign Manager his approach was nothing but lies and misinformation. Nothing will change this time.
FitzS says
Relax, woman. If you’re going to put yourself out there in public, you’re going to have to learn how to control your emotions.
Pierre Tristam says
Inuendoes? Where do you see inuendoes? I don’t think I could be more explicit. Public service–like being a member of the clergy, of the armed forces or of the Institute for Advanced Study–is not an inherent virtue. It’s a power you either exercise responsibly or not. These individuals either abused their power or, for those waiting in the wings, showed, so far, a contempt for public service if not law.
Been There says
You have that upside down.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Yes FitzS you are correct. I care so much about what is right and am so gutted by those who don’t realize that I put my own income producing profession on hold to try to make our county a better place to live, but I need to button my lip and realize that I need to let the insults roll off my shoulders. YesI am being told by many to not be so sensitive and to just ( try to) ignore this hatred and just move on with a smile and keep doing what my heart tells me is needed. Onward ho is how I will go.. Thanks for the sound advice.
Been There says
Steve Bannon was caught on tape talking about his efforts to help position Trump for his big election-fraud lie. Aiming to hurt Joe Biden’s chances and at least narrow the election results, Bannon ensured that sexually explicit material from Hunter Biden’s laptop was widely publicized. For that, he enlisted help from his patron, exiled Chinese mogul Guo Wengui. Bannon also expressed approval of lies by Guo and his associates about what that material actually showed, referring to their false accusations that Hunter Biden committed salacious crimes as “editorial creativity.”
I heard the recording myself.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Yes James – I can send you details of what I accomplished in Miami-Dade. One big project I won ( with others) was to stop a private hotel/multi-family apartment from being built on county owned land 1992 . Second one was ( with a group of great people I organized and convincing the county attorney to file a successful appeal in the 3rd DCA after the lower court ordered the storage shed special exception be allowed. In fact one of the realtors involved in that sale threatened me and told me he would get back at me because he lost a $100,000 commission! – He apologized the next day. As far back as 1982 I also stopped a HUD rehab project from going through on a 10 year old building that met none of the HUD criteria and brought to their attention that the ‘winners’ of this original bid weren’t even incorporated! Tge then Federal Director of HUD in Washington DC. A John Martin sent me a thank you letter. ( Yes I dig before I speak). Just call me for the proof in writing. Also supported what I felt was good for our community. I can also show you the original Proclamation naming April 2, 2002 Jane Gentile-Youd Day for 26 years of Civic Service to Miami Dade County. I got it all saved.
Ted Underhill says
Speaking of peddling poison…..when can we expect all the losers to remove their poisonous propaganda from the roadways and green spaces around our fair county?
Anna says
Tim Mcauliffe says
Actually when Biden became President, he kept 2 Federal prosecuters on. One was Durham lookining into the “Oranges of the Russia investigation”. The second was the prosecuter looking int Hunter Biden’s case. WWTD.
James says
“… this very paper ran numerous articles on Joe Mullins. And he still got votes!! I’m still trying to figure out that one. …”
Money. Dude the “special interest” groups have their voting block here in Flagler as well… just an opinion.
“… Instead of hating on each other here band together and get petitions and recalls going to shake these folks up. …”
This reminds me… does anyone out there know if those two petitions got enough signatures to go on the ballot this fall? The ones for PC charter revision and council pay increases. Surely we should’ve heard something either way by now. Right? ;-)
bob says
just more pig lipstick … “1982 … I stopped HUD rehab project” — “I won … (a) stop of a private hotel / multi family apartment” — “I got it all saved.” >>>> sure sounds like a narcissist exaggerating one’s own achievements and pretending to be superior to others while looking down on them as inferior.
Nope, we just voted out at least 3 with the same personality disorder, and I’m hoping we don’t just put more lipstick on another.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
I was asked a question by James and answered his question. I am sorry you are not happy with the answer . There is nothing superior about getting a job done nor is a personality disorder involved. Nobody is inferior unless they choose to be. We are all equal ; some of us work very hard to get positive things done for our fellow citizens. You obviously , without malice, misinterpret my desire for a better world to live in.
Art says
If she was Muslim and bowing to Mecca would you have the guts to make fun of her religion or the 72 virgins awaiting her friend
Pierre Tristam says
There is zero difference between a Christian and a Muslim fundamentalist. The religion is not the issue. The fundamentalism is. Its peddling in public schools is.
Pissed in PC says
I don’t care what religion it is, it’s called separation of church and state period!
Art says
Looked like she was in her church not school, all they need to do is teach true history good or bad, math the fundamentals.
Seems to me I remember when you didn’t want your own kids reading certain thing in the library at FPC.
So everyone has an opinion let’s all just stick to teaching leave social discussions to the parents.
James says
Thanks for your reply and the info Jane… and no, you don’t need to send anything to me as proof, I believe you.
I think I might have even voted for you a few years back, I’m pretty sure I didn’t vote for Mullins. But there’s been so much that has happened here in the past few years I honestly can’t remember.
Thanks again.
ActionsLouderThanWords says
Personal hateful comments are not civil or necessary. Jane has done a lot for the community and is a avid watchdog always looking deeper and for the real agenda. We know where she came from, her track record of accomplishments and that she is not a community activist for her own personal profit or celebrity. Question the agenda for Pennington. Where did she come from? What has she done? Has anyone done their homework or are just trying to project on this non-entity. If you were hiring an employee, you would want references from prior employers, samples of their work, professionalism and capacity for the position? I would not vote for someone based on a gut feeling. I certainly would not endorse someone who slings around their lies and money. We got rid of Joe, why would we rebound with a complete stranger? Jane be assertive but who wants to send the home room mother out to fight developers and others who may not have our best interests as a community at heart? Commissioner is not a position where if you bring brownies, everyone will be your friend. I will vote for experience and determination over (?) anyday.
Jan says
Tamara, Well said and Totally Agree!
Churches that use the pulpit for political campaigning should not be taxed exempt.