The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office issued the following statement Tuesday evening, ahead of two planned protests in Flagler County Wednesday, in response to the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25. The first protest is planned for 1 p.m. off the Kohl’s parking lot along Belle Terre Parkway, the second is reportedly scheduled for 5 p.m., starting at Wadsworth Park in Flagler Beach, and crossing the bridge to Veterans’ Park. The Flagler Beach protest is less certain, according to a city commissioner. “They said there is a chance it might not be happening but now with Staly inadvertently advertising it, it’s now going to draw a crowd with potentially no organizer, which is potentially a risk,” the commissioner said this evening.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office (FCSO) has been made aware of planned protests in Flagler County following the tragic death of Mr. George Floyd while in the custody of Minneapolis Police. The FCSO will be present to maintain safety at these planned protests and asks that those not involved in the protests avoid the area.
The FCSO is aware of 2 protests on Wednesday, June 3, around 1 p.m. One near Kohl’s in Palm Coast and one near Veteran’s Park in Flagler Beach.
“When a tragic incident like this occurs, it undermines the public’s trust in law enforcement and that is something we’ve worked very hard to build here in Flagler County,” Sheriff Rick Staly said. “We have always and will continue to serve this community with integrity and respect. Policing should not be policing the community but instead it should be policing with the community, which is the model we use in Flagler County.”
The FCSO respects the rights of individuals to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights and will protect the right to peacefully protest. However, the FCSO will not tolerate violence in the community, looting, arson or attacks on law enforcement.
If you are aware of a planned protest in Flagler County, please send the information to [email protected].
Staly had addressed the killing of Floyd directly in a May 29 statement: “The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office is deeply saddened and disturbed by the events that led to the death of Mr. George Floyd in Minneapolis. I have viewed the video and, like you, I am shocked and saddened at what I saw. Based on the information known to date, the conduct of the officers involved are inconsistent with the best practices of today’s professional law enforcement officer. The violence and lawlessness we are seeing across the country are never the right response. While emotions may run high, we need to allow the legal system to ensure truth and accountability. That is the American way. Your Sheriff’s Office is trained to de-escalate situations and has a proven track record of showing great restraint. We communicate effectively and efficiently with the community every day and we take the trust you instill in us to act appropriately very seriously. Incidents like this make policing difficult for all law enforcement officers and is not reflective of the many men and women that serve their communities with honor. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Mr. Floyd.”
Earlier Tuesday, Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland issued the following statement:
I am deeply saddened by the tragic events of the past few days regarding Minnesota’s George Floyd. Everybody deserves to feel safe in this country. Everybody deserves to feel valued and their voices need to be heard. Not one single person should have to encounter the fears that so many people in our nation are facing daily. My heart is with each and every person who feels marginalized or persecuted.
I believe in peaceful protests. It is a fundamental American right to be able to gather and be heard in order to bring about positive, lasting change. It’s devastating to see the hate and hurt that so many people are feeling as it plays out in other communities across the nation.
We must actively come together in our hearts and in our souls to share our loving encouragement with our friends. Speak with a compassionate voice, reach out and say, “What can we do to help you and support you?” As long as I’ve lived here, as long as I’ve known so many of you, I’ve always stood tall with this community as one people. I’ve always been proud that we are one Palm Coast.
Our strength has always been and will always be our unity in trying times. We have more in common than we have differences. Together, I know that each and every one of us has the humanity and understanding to find common ground.
Karen Cox says
Prayers that our police officers stay safe tomorrow and that there be only protests and no violence or destruction.
Susie says
Great idea when multiple police officers have been shot. One in the back of is head last night. Some run over with vehicles. Why would you bring this to our small town???? How will you feel if you lose one or more of your sheriff’s by these “ peaceful” protesters and looters??? Let’s start at Kohl’s. RIP George Floyd. I’m sure this is NOT what you would have wanted.
Not surprised says
91,563 people. That’s the population of our “small town” of Palm Coast. Smh
LetThemEatCake says
I fear the people that fear the peaceful protesters more than I fear them. There is a distinct difference between the rioters/looters at night and the protesters during the day. I fear citizens will have a hair trigger when they see a protest march because it’s too many of a certain type of people clustered in one group. There are plenty people in this town that agree with our racist/misogynist/xenophobic/homophobic/sexist president, who basically said light ’em up so…those are the people I fear, not the people protesting the murder of yet another black person by a group who is paid for by my tax dollars to protect and serve, not murder.
A mom says
The looters are not protesting. I hope the protestors remain safe and the police as well.
jp says
You’ve heard of the first amendment?
M&M's 'N' Coffee says
“When you watched NFL players kneel before the flag, you complained that it was an offense to your patriotism.
When you were asked to wear masks, you complained that you couldn’t breathe.
When you were told to wear a mask in businesses, you complained it was oppression.
When you were told to stay at home, you complained it was tyranny.
When you saw those stay at home orders enforced, you complained it was fascism.
When you saw people storm a state capitol building with rifles, you celebrated their freedom to exercise the first and second amendments.
When you saw a white man wearing a badge and an American flag kneel on the neck of a black man for seven minutes until he was dead…
You said nothing.
And when you saw thousands take to the streets to protest this overt act of oppression, tyranny, fascism, and stolen breath, again you complain – on behalf of the business owners, and the police, and your patriotism, and your rights.
But not their rights. Never, ever their rights. Not to assemble. Not to define the terms of their own oppression. Not to express their patriotism. Not to breathe. Not to live free.
You are why they protest.”
Cflguy says
Here, here. Well stated
Right says
“When you saw a white man wearing a badge and an American flag kneel on the neck of a black man for seven minutes until he was dead…
You said nothing.”
You should see a hearing specialist without delay because there’s obviously a problem if you couldn’t hear that EVERYONE said something.
In a time when we are all in agreement, no matter race or political afiliation, even the cops are in agreement,… there are those such as yourself who still seem to have the need to divide. Where is your voice for the black men who were killed by rioters and businesses owned by blacks that were destroyed? Don’t be a hypocrite.
Steve says
Edward says
What about coved-19 should we still be worried?
Jp says
Wear a mask and social distamce as much as possible.
Concerned says
People are already in the news indicating they have tested positive after attending protests. There are ways to protest peacefully on social media that exist today which are very powerful and were not available years ago as an avenue of redress.
Willy Boy says
What are the legal requirements for a protest march? Is a permit required?
Sam says
Pleas see: The Constitution of the United States of America. First Amendment covers this right of the people to peacefully gather and/or protest. I think we are still the United States of America…despite the current administration’s many attempts to divide us.
Flatsflyer says
I would like to see the lie detector test expanded to ask questions related to participating in “Warrior” training, membership in “Hate Groups”. Deputies should also tested for steroids use and asked a simple question of why do you shave your head?
stop given these protests so much media attention. Now our city. cant someone do something? this is disturbing,fear to leave my
house now. They are to social distance,why does our mayors,govenors,sheriff,police do anythign about that. Im sick & tired of this BS
Jp says
What an ignorant statement. Peaceful protests are a right in America. Just because you don’t agree with the cause doesn’t give you a right to judge others.
FlaglerBear says
An unknown city commissioner made a ridiculous statement to the effect that the Sheriff “inadvertently advertised” a protest, which could thus lead to a larger and unsupervised crowd showing up. Are you kidding me?! The Sheriff doesn’t need to advertise anything. If people want to protest, it’s their constitutional right to do so, and modern social media ensures they have a network so they know where they need to be…with or without the Sheriffs blessings. So whoever that commissioner is..Get over yourself!
Christopher T Lemke says
So who made that statement? We really need to know for full transparency.
HappyHappyJoyJoy says
The 1st Amendment protects several freedoms in the US including freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government. There is a distinct difference between the peaceful protests during the day and the organized criminal activity at night done by opportunists. It doesn’t matter their political affiliation as I’m sure all political spectrums are covered. Looting and violence is looting and violence. Period. There is zero tolerance for that type of activity and is the antithesis of what is happening during the day. I mean, someone pulled up in a $350,000 Royals Royce in NY last night to loot a store. Come on now. They have video footage that shows one wave moves in and breaks the windows. Another wave moves in and loots. A third wave moves in and completely destroys. These people were running behind actual peaceful demonstrators and hiding. Something else is going on at night and that is an organized, planned, deliberate, and calculated attack that has nothing to do with the murder of George Floyd.
There is a very real risk of COVID spreading. Many protesters are masking but are taking off those masks to yell or when they get too warm. It’s been proven that in all people with COVID, it is present in your throat and mouth, more so than other viruses. That’s why masks are so important, especially for those asymptomatic people. When we talk or laugh or yell spit flies not just inches, but many feet. Wearing a mask protects you from inhaling it and wearing a mask prevents you from spreading it. We will know in about 3-4 weeks or so what the fallout from the protests will be as some people have longer than 14-day incubation periods and each day starts a new cycle of 14. Some states are already seeing upticks from Memorial Day. FL actually has never seen a decline remaining steady daily with around 600-1200 cases each day. People forgot about COVID, which they shouldn’t. In less than 4 months it killed more Americans than the last 2 flu seasons combined. This will never go away and in a few months, it’s flu season. Buckle up–2020 is ready to deliver more pain and suffering.
Reinhold Schlieper says
I wonder to what degree I can believe the sheriff’s statement when the jail contains three times the number of African Americans than it should by virtue of the mere 10 percent of African Americans in the county as a whole? Are we also over-policing some communities? Or are we committed to the more questionable conclusion that they’re the worse people by virtue of pigmentation?
Christopher T Lemke says
So now we should only do arrests on a quota basis with respect to the percentage of race/ethnicity population in Flagler County? Crimes are crimes, regardless of skin color. I think that you may be going down the “racist” rabbit hole.
STAN says
Lance Carroll says
Instances of extremism on each end that validates each opposing party. No solution in between.
Dennis says
several local stores closed during the planned protest. Protecting their interests. Don’t blame them.
M&M's 'N' Coffee says says
“The FCSO respects the rights of individuals to peacefully exercise their First Amendment rights and will protect the right to peacefully protest.”
“If you are aware of a planned protest in Flagler County, please send the information to [email protected].”
How about something like, “We respect your rights and if you need us or see something illegal please call us. We are here to serve.” Instead, the message is part of the issue. Send us “information to tips” if you are “aware of a planned protest.” Why such an ongoing desire to monitor law abiding citizens? The erosion of “Freedom” has been a slippery slope for too long. Now, in comes the presence, the flexing, the militarized gear, the helicopter with a surveillance turret, the facial recognition, the stingray, the data collection from all the pole mounted video and license plate readers, the Ring camera LE portal access as “protesters” come and go from there homes. Need I say more? Please, thank you for your service but if we need you we’ll call you.
Christopher T Lemke says
Just for transparency’s sake, what is the name of the commissioner who made the comment about Staley’s advertising the event?
Jim says
Getting old- We had a criminal with drugs in his system who died from being man handled by a police officer. It does not matter what color the criminal was or the color of the Police officer. The officer will have his date in court and I hope he gets a fair trial and not hung by a noose because of his color. Racism happens when people are always talking about race.We are all Americans, that is all that counts. I do not like Trump as a person but if the Democrates and the media tries to turn everything into a race problem. I will hold my nose and vote for Trump
Sam says
Manhandled? He was intentionally killed. You will never get it because you are also clearly ok with the killing. How about the white supremacists who hunted down Ahmaud Arbery like a dog? A white guy would’ve sailed past those two rednecks and Floyd, had he been white, would not have had his trachea compressed by a cop while two others stood watching.
Attitudes like yours is what is getting old.
Symbiotic by Nature says
If an ALIEN Invasion from outer space was to happen here in America. And their color was GRAY. Would we now have people who are black or white show racism against the aliens because their gray ? YEP, cause WE as a species are RACIST by design. Hell, even Dogs hate Cats ….its in their NATURE !!!!!!
Seanpeckham says
Wake up people cops have shot more whites then blacks in the past 50 yrs wake up and get education
Sherry says
M&Ms in Coffee. . . truly excellent posts! Those with any kind of self awareness would stop and think about your questions. Unfortunately, those who would benefit most from such honest self analysis are mindless “cult” members who are the least likely to bother.
The protests are about much more than the horrific MURDER of George Floyd. Many, many, many years of SYSTEMIC racism and discrimination has created UNEQUAL Justice! UNEQUAL Employment Opportunity! and UNEQUAL Education! in our country. . . based on “SKIN COLOR” alone! We who are the privileged “white” citizens need to demand the end to such oppression, NOW!
DJ says
Amen, whites need to stop the killings. Twice as many unarmed whites were killed than blacks in 2019 and I am tired of it. Good point, that we are being victimized by 100%. Thanks for pointing out this point !
Sherry says
Great comment Flatsflyer. . . much better vetting of our police officers need to be conducted. Including reviews of their social media posts.
Actually, the same for judges, and for those seeking political office.
Sherry says
To the FOX/trump “CULT” idiots spouting off about more “white” people being killed than “black” people. Do you not realize that African Americans only make up between 12 and 13% of our entire population??? Way to go twisting and manipulating the numbers! Lord “impeached” trump would be just so proud!
Saying that. . . Policing Reforms, across the board, need to be implemented NOW! The police need to be held accountable for their abuses regarding ANY person!!!