The following incident and arrest information was compiled using official documents, reports and affidavits obtained from government and law enforcement agencies. This feature is not inclusive. It is a sampling of reported incidents in the Flagler County area. Note: The U.S. legal system provides the presumption of innocence to those charged with a crime until guilt is proven in a court of law.
The previous crime report is available here.
Palm Coast Code Enforcement Officer Cites Being an Ex-Cop to Get Out of DUI Charge, But Fails
The evening of March 3, Stephen Tilley, 50, a resident of Foxhall Lane in Palm Coast and a code enforcement officer with the city of Palm Coast, was driving on I-275 in Pinellas County when a Temple Terrace police officer saw him drifting in and out of lanes ssveral times. When the officer stopped Tilley, he detected that Tilley may have been driving drunk, and called in the Florida Highway Patrol. One of the troopers at the scene noticed a 1.75-litre bottle of Jim Beam whiskey in the grass, near the passenger side of the vehicle.
Before the sobriety exercise began, Tilley asked the trooper: “Is all that really necessary? Can’t we handle that some other way? I’m a retired cop.” But Tilley cooperated with the exercises, faltering repeatedly. After failing the one-leg stand, the trooper asked him if he wanted to make another try. “No, I realize we have a problem here,” Tilley told him. Tilley, who was traveling with a legally concealed gun, was placed under arrest and taken to the Pinellas County jail (the gun was seized). At the jail, Tilley was read his Miranda rights but declined to take a breathalizer test, saying he didn’t want to do so without talking to his lawyer. And again, Tilley asked the trooper: Was all this necessary? Did you really have to do this? I am a retired cop and I’ve never been charged with anything. I don’t think you had to do this to me.” Several moments later, the report states, Tilley said: “I’m screwed.”
Asked about Tilley’s status at the city, Wendy Cullen, the city’s director of human resources, wrote in an email: “Mr. Tilley has been placed on Administrative Leave pending the resolution of his legal challenges. Currently, he is unable to operate a City vehicle, as required by his position description.”
Unresolved Assault and Gun-Pointing at the Country Store in Bunnell
An assault was reported on March 15 at the Country Store at 2188 Elder Street in Bunnell. “I arrived and spoke with Joshua Meyers, Diana Reid, and Owen Hutinchson,” the reporting deputy wrote. “Joshua said all three of them were in the parking lot of the Country Store around 20:00 hours. Joshua saw a black male at the store that he knows only as ‘Manny.’ Manny was with a white female. He did not know this white female. Joshua invited Manny to his house tonight for a get together. Joshua said the female made some comments that offended him and he called her a ‘stuck up bitch’ and then he left the area with Owen and Diana.
They returned to 2188 Elder Street. Joshua stated that approximately an hour later a white Ford Taurus stopped in front of 2188 Elder Street. Owen and Joshua went outside to see who was in the car. Owen stated it was the black male ‘Manny’ and a white male driver that he didn’t know. The white male confronted Owen and Joshua about the comments made to the female at the Country Store. The white male identified himself as the female’s boyfriend. Diana then came out of the house to see what was going on. Owen said this is when the white male got out of the car and pointed a small silver revolver at Owen, Joshua, and Diana. The white male said he would be back with more people to take care of them. Several units checked the area and were unable to locate the vehicle. Owen, Joshua, and Diana all completed swornstatements. Joshua believed that the earlier altercation at the Country Store may have been recorded on the store’s surveillance tape. Deputy Ruddell went to the store and viewed the tape, but did not see the victims or possible suspects on the tape. None of the parties involved could provide any further information on the vehicle or possible suspects.”
An Unfriendly Smoke Break
On March 15 in the evening, Karie Burge, 21, was working at McDonald’s on Old King’s Road when she went outside the store to smoke a cigarette. She told police that Richard Jeffries Jr., 20, a co-worker, began to “get in my face,” arguing with Burge about her reporting to management that Jeffries was a lazy worker. Burge told police that she began to push Jeffries away to create some space when he allegedly punched her in the left side of her face with a closed right fist. A deputy observed a slight redness to the side of Burge’s left cheek area. She filed a battery charge. One witness told deputies that Burge pulled on Jeffries’ chain as he and Burge were walking into the store, at which point Jeffries “mushed her in the face.” Jeffries told deputies that he was speaking with Burge when her cigarette brushed against his arm, slightly burning him. He said that as he began walking towards the store Burge put her foot in front of the door and grabbed onto the front of his shirt and chain. Jeffries told police he used an open hand and pushed Kane away from him. The case was submitted to the State Attorney’s office for review.
Assaulting an Elderly Man
A Fake Mexican Driver’s License
Shangri-La Vandalism
Calloway McCaster of Weshampton Drive in Palm Coast reported his Cadillac vandalized with spray paint on Feb. 29. Deputies subsequently responded to the Shangri-La apartment complex on Palm Coast Parkway regarding a disturbance between Calloway and his “on-again, off-again girlfriend,” Charlaya Moore, 19, who denied having had anything to do with the incident. Calloway himself admitted to police that he’d made up part of his witness statement about the incident.
Other Burglaries and Larcenies and Other Matters
- Golf course marker flags stolen from the Cypress Knoll Golf Course on March 14 or 15.
- Irby Construction Company vehicle’s passenger window was smashed out when parked on PotatoVille Road in Bunnell on March 14 or 15, and a Motorola radios valued at $1,000 stolen.
- Electrical wiring from a garage at 19 Prattwood Lane stolen on march 14. Damage and repair costs valued at $1,600.
- Wallet and $180 in cash stolen from a vehicle at 4619 Canal Ave. in Bunnell on March 13.
- Beach cruiser bicycle stolen at 10 Riverside Lane in Palm Coast sometime between March 12 and 13.
- Outdoors barbecue grill reported stolen on March 12 at 7 Rollins Dunes Drive in Palm Coast.
- Burglary reported at 130 Sea Trail in Palm Coast on march 12.
- Bicycle reported stolen on March 7 at 30 Roxbury Lane in Palm Coast.
- Washer, dryer and deep freezer stolen off of a front porch at 4426 Evergreen Ave. in Bunnell sometime between March 5 and March 9.
- Storage shed at Zetrouer Jewelers at 7 Old Kings Road in Palm Coast reported burglarized sometime between March 7 and 8.
- Bicycle reported stolen at Indian Trails Middle School on March 7.
- Leon Hildreth, 27, arrested for masturbating behind Starbucks Coffee shop at 216 NE Palm Coast Parkway on March 7.
- Tyneka Addison, 20, 34 Roxton Lane, arrested on a domestic battery charge on March 5.
- Thomas Cadcio, 64, of 9 New Leatherwood Drive in Palm Coast, arrested for domestic battery on Feb. 28.
- New Mitsubishi belonging to a custodian damaged at Matanzas High School, in a possible act of vandalism, on Feb. 28.
- Laptop and Xbox stolen from home at 31 Ryding Lane in Palm Coast. Theft reported on Feb. 28.
- Raul C. Reyes, 35, of 10 Belvedere Lane, arrested on a domestic battery charge following an argument with his girlfriend. Reyes was arrested on march 1.
- Jacqueline Paige Hess, 23, address unknown, arrested for shoplifting a necklace, face powder, mascara and other make-up at Walmart late the afternoon of March 1.
- A 2000 Blue Oldsmobile Alero reported stolen at 25 Pinelynn Drive in Palm Coast on Feb. 29.
DUI Arrests
- Shaun M. Lawrence, 26, of 4600 Belle Terre Parkway, on March 12.
- Daniel P. Taylor, 24, of 24 Fernwood Lane in Palm Coast, on March 10.
- Angelique D. Delage, 40, of 37 Fountain gate Lane in Palm Coast, on March 10.
- Corinne B. Dolan, 30, of 270 Beachway Drive in Palm Coast, on Feb. 25.
- Shameer Hanif, 36, of 35 Ridley Lane in Palm Coast, on Feb. 25.
Karma Police says
Funny how Karma gets you jerk. Tilley, you have harassed me time and time again for BS code violations. I hope you get harassed!!!
The Truth says
He may be a great guy, but someone who puts others lives in danger with clear disregard for everyone’s safety deserves to be arrested. Everyone makes mistakes, but their are consequences for your actions.
Ty zims says
He was a terrible code enforcement officer. always went after lawns and small things, never the rotting house or missing garge doors. and then wrote me up for having trash cans in front of my house on a trash day after complaing about my neighbors house . it is so Karma….
palmcoaster says
Palm Coast Code Enforcement does a pretty good job and my appreciation goes to them, specially to Barbara Grossman. Nothing and no one is perfect. Mr.Tilley did his work and not an easy one to do. We never know how anyone can react to his visit, pretty risky. He was not during his work schedule, I hope, when caught DUI. He needs AA and or substance abuse treatment. Hope he is properly reprimanded and given another chance, as we don’t need one more unemployed in Palm Coast.
GOP says
Remember, he’s under that protective umbrella called the union.
The Truth says
Except that there is no union for Code Enforcement for the City of Palm Coast.
flagler beach native says
John Boy says
Probably doesn’t really need the job if he is a retired LEO. More than likely he has a pension, insurance, etc. Hopefully someone who need and would appreciate the opportunity to work for the City will replace him. He made his bed, he should have known better.
palm coast is home says
FYI: No union for code enforcement
Ken says
Mr.Tilley was an terrible C.E.O. He harassed me several times about my lawn and I did my lawn one a week in the growing season and my neighbor lawn looked like crap. Severla times when I spoke to him, you could smell the ranking of alcohol on him. I should have called it in, but I knew one day it would catch up with him and I didn’t want to be at fault for him unemployment. I am sure that his co-worker knew he was taking a liquid lunch. Get someone that will appreciate the job.
steve says
Tilley was always Barbara Grossman’s pet. In her office daily sucking up and ratting people out. Tilley never had respect for anyone and only cared about himself. I’m surprised he didn’t tell the officer about being the member of the “Masons”.
Does anyone remember Flagler Online? Tilley used to be on there regularly as “Scottsman” and a few other names and he regularly beat up on people. I remember when his wife got fired from Lowes or Home Depot and he was bashing them and trying to get people to boycott the store. What goes around comes around Steve.