Flagler County presented a list of 25 projects to the Florida Department of Transportation for inclusion on its Five-Year Work Program Project Priority List that includes paving, resurfacing, and reconstruction of roadways, as well as traditional bridge replacement among other projects – many of which are in the western reaches of the county.
“Having projects thought-out and ready for the future is critical to bringing in outside funding sources, like state and federal monies, to pay for them,” said County Engineer Faith Alkhatib. “If you don’t have a list prioritized and approved by the Board (of County Commissioners), then you lose out on the opportunity to improve our roadway infrastructure for our community.”
The project priority list is for the fiscal year 2022-23 through fiscal year 2026-27 funding cycle. The Florida Department of Transportation uses the list to determine what new projects are to be added to its five-year work plan. The cost estimate total to complete all 25 projects is $179.19 million.
The first three projects prioritized involve replacing the four bridges on County Road 304 – Canal Structure, Middle Haw Creek, Sweetwater Branch, and Parker Canal – and resurfacing two stretches of the roadway from State Road 11 to U.S. 1, and from County Road 305 to State Road 11. The estimated costs for these three projects combined is $24.57 million.
“The design phase for the four bridges is completed, and the design for the two resurfacing projects on 304 was completed through two separate FDOT SCOP (Small County Outreach Program) agreements,” Alkhatib said.
Flagler County has taken a new approach to prioritizing the roadways in Daytona North to ensure all of those roadways are eventually paved.
“The idea is to complete small sections in phases,” said Assistant County Engineer Richard Gordon. “It would be unmanageable to try to do the entire area as one project. We believe we are close to getting funding for one of two main projects, which has eight phases.”
Those two projects are:
- No. 11 (multi-phase project) – East Daytona North roadway paving, 24.5 miles – consists of paving of existing unpaved roadways and associated stormwater improvements for (Phase 1) Aspen Street, Poinsetta Street, Greenbriar Street, Pear Avenue, Citrus Avenue, Tangelo Avenue, and Shady Lane; (Phase 2) Sugarbush Street, Mistletoe Street, Arbor Avenue, Cranberry Avenue, Dogwood Street, Banana Street, Apple Street, and Clove Avenue; (Phase 3) Sherwood Street, Honeytree Street, BerryBush Street, and Evergreen Avenue; (Phase 4) Hickory Street, Grove Street, Blueberry Street, Fir Street, Fig Street, and Fruitwood Avenue; (Phase 5) Butternut Avenue, Oleander Avenue, Acorn Avenue, Greentree Street, Bamboo Street, Palmetto Street, Briarwood Street, Plum Avenue, and Redwood Street; (Phase 6) Rosewood Street, Hazelnut Street, and Elder Street; (Phase 7) Spruce Street, Mulberry Lane, Pecan Street, and Pine Street; (Phase 8) Peach Street, Candleberry Street, Satinwood Street, Papaya Street, and Willow Lane; design, construction, and construction engineering inspection estimated costs are $33.18 million for all eight phases.
- No. 15 (multi-phase project) – West Daytona North roadway paving, 24.1 miles – consists of paving of existing unpaved roadways and associated stormwater improvements for (Phase 9) Maple Street, Lime Lane, Lime Avenue, Olive Avenue, Palm Avenue, and Beech Boulevard; (Phase 10) Cottonwood Street, Cinnamon Street, Cedar Street, Cherry Lane, Apricot Avenue, Birch Street, Balsa Street, Ash Street, Almond Street, and Alder Avenue; (Phase 11) Lemon Street, Chestnut Avenue, Buckeye Lane, Cypress Avenue, and Elm Avenue; (Phase 12) Orange Street, Oak Street, Mangrove Street, Ironwood Avenue, Logwood Lane, and Mango Avenue; (Phase 13) Nutwood Avenue, Royal Palm Drive, Pineapple Street, and Tangerine Avenue; (Phase 14) Laurel Avenue, Holly Lane, and Guava Lane; (Phase 15) Basswood, Hibiscus Street, Sabal Palm Street, Persimmon Street, and Orange Blossom Street; (Phase 16) Coconut Boulevard, Bayberry Street, Sandalwood Lane, Sassafras Lane, and Fruit Avenue; design, construction, and construction engineering inspection c for all eight phases.
Other prioritized projects in the Daytona North area include:
- No. 12 – consists of design and construction to pave Canal Avenue from Forest Park Street to Coconut Boulevard, including swale and ditch modifications and culvert installation; 2.5 miles; estimated costs are $2.86 million.
- No. 13 – consists of paving and associated stormwater improvements of Forest Park Street and County Road 35 from State Road 100 to the end; 3.2 miles, design and construction costs are $4.28 million.
- No. 17 – consists of the relocation and improvement of an intersection at Canal Avenue and Water Oak Road; the existing intersection forces traffic from Daytona North to travel an additional 1/3 of a mile to access and forces traffic to U-turn in order to access State Road 100, which is a designated evacuation route; Project Development and Environment (PD&E) study, design, and construction are estimated at $8.8 million.
- No. 18 – consists of design and construction to pave Walnut Avenue from Forest Park Street to Water Oak Road, including swale and ditch modifications and culvert installation; 2.75 miles; design funding is currently programmed for July 2023; estimated costs are $2.75 million.
bush hog says
After 31 years of living in this town and previously owning acreage in western Bunnell, I keep telling people west is where the growth is headed. If you can get country property, grab it. If you don’t have to sell it, hold on to it.
Drive out to Pomona Park, Georgetown and the like, if your looking for hills and lakes.
trailer bob says
I like my dirt road, as most people drive slowly on it. Once all the roads are paved out here in the “Mondex” everyone will be going 50MPH. Sure…great idea…NOT! There is a reason I do not live in Palm Coast…and it isn’t for lack of money.